COVID reporting grinds to a halt as surge continues

| 29/10/2021 | 233 Comments
Cayman News Service
Senior Forensic Scientist Christian Taylor operates a machine used in PCR testing

(CNS): The rapid community spread of COVID-19 showed no signs of letting up Thursday, despite an estimated 2,000 people in isolation. The General Post Office in George Town, the prison, the port and the Water Authority, as well as several more schools, have all been impacted by positive cases over the last two days. Indoor bars are being badly affected and several were closed Thursday, and the virus is now hitting banks, stores and numerous other commercial entities. But by 8:30pm no official figures had been released on how many people are now COVID positive. The rapid flow testing policy for schools had also failed to materialize and GIS has said there will be no press briefing Friday.

People were queuing around the block for drive-thru testing at the Doctors Hospital yesterday, and although rapid tests have been on sale in pharmacies and supermarkets this week, every location has reportedly now sold out, as an anxious community facing a sudden rise in cases, despite the high vaccination rate, seeks an efficient way of finding out their COVID-19 status.

The virus is a communicable disease and even in the absence of a policy surrounding the use of these tests, people who are testing positive are reporting their positive home kit results, adding to the stress on Public Health and the confusion and unsustainability surrounding self-isolation and quarantine. It is also causing problems for workers who find out that they are positive but their employers still demand that they come to work until they have an official positive test from Public Health.

Meanwhile, the Flu Clinic located at the Cayman Islands Hospital is expanding its opening hours until 11pm at night on weekdays to reduce congestion at Accident and Emergency, which is currently under renovation, and deal with the increased number of people attending because of COVID-19. The clinic hours are now Monday to Friday 8am-11pm. The dedicated Flu Clinic helps to isolate those with flu-like symptoms that may have COVID from the general patient population and potentially reduce opportunities for transmission.

Medical Officer of Health Dr Samuel Williams-Rodriguez said strict prevention measures such as social distancing and wearing of masks were in place and he urged people to call the Flu Hotline before going to the clinic to reduce the risk of exposure to COVID-19.

“Although influenza activity last year was minimal largely due to COVID-19 prevention measures such as mask wearing, predictions on what this year’s flu season will look like have varied,” he said. “This dedicated facility will allow us to better manage patient flow and an increase in cases due to COVID 19.”

The Public Health Department is awaiting their annual supply of flu vaccine but hopes to begin the flu shot campaign next month.

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Comments (233)

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  1. “HSA Struggles” with most everything says:

    Seems it’s not the only thing HSA is struggling with. How long does it take to receive your invitation email after you sign up in person for the HSA portal, weeks months even?But I guess they so backlogged with reporting test results they can get to this so people can travel without hassle.

    • Anonymous says:

      What is an “invitation email”? You go to the website, click patient portal, sign up. A temporary pass or code is sent automatically either to your phone or email ( at your choice). Change password and you are set!

    • Anonymous says:

      Signing up for the app was one of the easiest and fastest things I’ve done with CIG in a long time. I was very impressed with the process and how quickly my records were loaded.

      Maybe try again.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Interesting how quiet PACT is all of a sudden. Before they couldn’t wait to flap their lips but now…nothing

    • Anonymous says:

      of.course they won’t release it cdc will list us at level 4

    • Anonymous says:

      If the international press catches wind of Cayman trying to suppress the publication of it’s Covid numbers, it will be a PR disaster. Level 4 – “Do Not Travel” here we come. What will CITA and the cabal say then?

      • Anonymous says:

        So what is everybody waiting for? Does anyone have any contacts with the international media??? Maybe they can get some information because PACT is damn sure not got to let anybody in the community have any information.

  3. Anonymous says:

    From a patriot posting in another context –

    “I just received this in a email from the Chamber of Commerce in regard to their Ready2Open campaign:
    “As we continue to shift from “suppression mode” to coexisting with COVID-19, we’re reminding you to make the pledge that you’re Ready2Reopen.”

    Vaxing, vax mandates, masking, social distancing, sanitising, limiting large groups, quarantines, etc, are all means of suppression of Covid.
    Any group who suggests shifting a focus from suppression of Covid to just relaxing and casually living with (and dying of) Covid are a den of fools.
    The Chamber has manifest themselves as having a focus on just one thing and it ain’t the health and well-being of the local population. The Ready2Open campaign offers abundant bits of evidence that “business first” is their driving philosophy.”

  4. Anonymous says:

    Will we get a late Friday evening news dump?

  5. Anonymous says:

    Only time I take my mask off in the office is when I am on my smoke break, so I know I am safe.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Why even bother with the reporting? Just creates fear and panic and disrupts our lives.

    • Anonymous says:

      If you don’t want to know then ignore the reporting. Some of us like to be guided by facts.

    • Anonymous says:

      same thing about crime or news of an approaching hurricane.

      These just cause fear and panic and disrupt our lives, so why bother reporting on those either.

    • Anonymous says:

      So it would be better that we all live in ignorance? People should know what is going on so they can make informed decisions on where they go and what they do. This information shouldn’t be hidden from us like we are little children.

    • Anonymous says:

      How absurd. Stick your head in the sand

  7. Anonymous says:

    Testing must now immediately be limited to those exhibiting genuine symptoms of concern. Anything else is irrational fear and hysteria.

  8. Anonymous says:

    It’s not that confusing.

    3 weeks ago, Hazel Brown explained in a video how Contact Tracing should be working…whether you have been contacted by HSA or not.

    If you know you spent 15 minutes or more within 6 feet proximity of a positive case, you are a primary contact and should be isolating until you get a negative PCR test. You should not be at work or out mixing and mingling at Foster’s:

    • Anonymous says:

      Many businesses have given different directives to there staff. They will not change unless there is a specific law forcing them to change. It can’t be a situation where you just ask them to do the right things.

    • Anonymous says:

      But nowhere in this video does it say that you can leave quarantine if you test negative. So are you expected to remain in quarantine for 10 or 14 days even if you test negative?

      I’ve been told different things by different people so I do think there is confusion about this.

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s time to change that otherwise the entire country will be on lockdown expecting the government to deliver groceries.

    • Anonymous says:

      lol good luck

  9. Anonymous says:

    You will not be panicking, if you are being guided, regardless of what is transpiring around you.

  10. Anonymous says:

    The Cayman Islands should now be thinking of subsistence living.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Does anyone have a work-around so that the public can be informed as to how bad things really are? All around the world we have seen brave individuals who have silently opposed lawless regimes by informing the public of the facts.

    There are dozens if not hundreds who know what the numbers are.

    Can someone who loves their country please start getting the numbers out anonymously?

    • Anonymous says:

      Have it on pretty good authority that there were 26 additional cases on the Brac and 3 more on LC yesterday.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Singapore now with higher vaccination rate than Cayman, more ICU beds, more hospitals and more healthcare workers:

    • Anonymous says:

      But yet they are opening to some countries for free movement and no isolation.
      Forgot that part deliberately right?

      • Anonymous says:

        But with a vaccine mandate and strict enforcement and severe penalties of multiple public health mandates. Read the facts before you post

    • watcher says:

      Yes. Sadly, their hospitalisation and death rates have just peaked. 19% of deaths are fully vaccinated. (scroll down for graphs)

      If it matters to anyone, Singapore uses the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines.

      • Anonymous says:

        Where do you see this 19% figure? Looking at the graph called “Deceased (based on time of death) per 100k population (7-day moving average)” which I guess is the one you are referring to, it shows that the fully vaccinated are approximately 9 times less dying than the not vaccinated. Add to this that 85% of population is vaccinated and it’s clear : the vaccine works, period.

      • Anonymous says:

        I looked at the graphs. 7-day moving average deceased rate for fully vaccinated 0.08, for non-fully vaccinated it is 0.93. Hence 7.9% = 0.08 / (0.08 + 0.93) are fully vaccinated.
        But also from same page, 84% are fully vaccinated. If the vaccine were ineffective you would expect 84% of deaths to be from vaccinated people instead of 7.9%. Hence vaccination means you are 10x (which is 1000%) less likely to die (= 84% / 7.9%).

  13. Anonymous says:

    Dear PACT,

    Please release the current Covid numbers on each island so that we will know how to proceed with our lives with a degree of clarity.

    As it is now we are left to assume the worst, both with respect to Covid, and in relation to each of you.

    • Anonymous says:

      How does it change your life how many cases there are? If you’re vaccinated and taking normal precautions why worry?

      • Anonymous says:

        If there are 0 new cases I may behave one way and if there are 500 I will probably behave a different way.

      • Anonymous says:

        Because everyone might want to be more cautious if there were 200 cases yesterday than they would have if there were 25.

        It is risk reward. If 1,000 caught it this week maybe I want to hide for 2 weeks even though I’m vaxed. If it is a couple hundred maybe I’m more relaxed.

      • Anonymous says:

        Because it is good to be informed about what is happening around you as opposed to being an ostrich with your head in the sand.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Only in Cayman would a Freedom of Information Law sit side by side with a government policy of refusing to provide information that is unfavorable to them.

    This is something that the opposition actually should be complaining about. But then again…..

    • Anonymous says:

      In fairness, it was the incredibly selfish and dishonest travellers that broke their quarantine a month or two ago to play dominos, that set in motion this, our first wave. This is not going to be another ripple, and no administration can go back in time and reign in the virus that was set loose. If your household isn’t already on a first wave readiness footing, then suggest you get there fast.

    • Anonymous says:

      But PACT/UDP promised they would be different..!
      I guess that’s when they were running as PACT before they became UDP.

  15. Anonymous says:

    It appears that the cabal is playing this game well.

    First instruct PACT to let Covid in before 21 November.

    Then instruct PACT to let Covid spread as fast as possible by doing nothing to limit the spread.

    Then instruct PACT to use the excuse of the terrible Covid numbers to announce a flood of new work permits to meet the needs of the cabal in order to get “our economy” going again.

    Wait and see.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Things must be really, really, really bad! The Compass is not reporting on the government’s decision not to inform the public of just how bad our Covid numbers are!

    • Anonymous says:

      TBH, it would be difficult for them to know with any certainty right now. Contact tracing is almost voluntary at this stage, with an alarming rate of non-compliance among the over-confident. Welcome to the first wave.

      • Anonymous says:

        They have been reporting the numbers that they have for weeks. No reason to stop now, unless of course they simply are trying to hide a terrible situation. We all know that everything that has been reported in the past 2 weeks is an underestimate.

  17. Anonymous says:

    We need information and statistics on the number of people infected who have been fully vaccinated.

    • Anonymous says:

      The more important thing is for the unvaccinated to get vaccinated, both vaccinated and unvaccinated can catch it, one stands a far better chance of not dying/developing a serious illness.

    • Anonymous says:

      We don’t need to know how many cases…only need to know how many are in hospital as we are one of the highest vaccinated population which nearly 95% vaccinated people will not go to the hospital. So let vaccine every single person on Islands!

    • Anonymous says:


    • Anonymous says:

      Actually, we don’t really need that do we. There’s an entire planet of stats already.

      From BBC today:

      From a Delta positive contact, 2 in 5 unvaccinated 40% will become positive, and 1 in 4 fully-vaccinated 25% Both categories deliver the same viral load to their subsequent contacts whether symptomatic or not. The vaccinated hopefully fair better, requiring fewer hospitalisations and faster recovery, but they are not invincible.

      Plan accordingly.

    • Anonymous says:

      and hopefully verifiable and reliable.. they have been ‘working’ on those numbers for the last 2 days..

  18. Pew Pill says:

    We have solved the perceived problem of opening our borders without quarantine. By then almost everyone here will have tested positive, so it won’t matter.

  19. Anonymous says:

    There is no need for constant reporting on how many positives and where they work. People had umpteen chances to protect themselves with vaccines. If they didn’t, that’s their gamble.

    We have to learn to deal with it like everywhere else…..test if sick and only quarantine positive cases.

    It’s so dumb trying to chase down contacts and then bog down the lab with extra testing.

  20. Anonymous says:

    PACT has officially adopted what is known as the mushroom communications policy that has long been used by autocratic regimes –

    “Keeps the public in the dark, feed them manure, and tell them it is good for them”

  21. Anonymous says:


    We are all going to catch Covid at some point. I truly feel for the people that cannot get the vaccine. I pray that you all come through this unscathed. BUT, this virus is not going to magically disappear one day until the entire planet reaches herd immunity.

    So… to avoid having to wait 5-10 years, we need to move on with life in an ordinary manner. Once again, do you part and get vaccinated!

    Tired of the foolishness and toilet paper panic.

    • Anonymous says:

      Getting vaccinated, wearing a mask, social distancing and hand hygiene are not the only things we should be thinking of.

      My family have decided that we are not going to go to high risk situations and that includes restaurants, bars, gyms, the cinema, bowling or other family’s birthday parties.

      It is simply too risky with Covid out of control. None of us can afford to get sick or end up with long Covid. We are going to stay home to stay safe. We will read to our children and play with them to keep them entertained.

      If each of us avoids high risk situations all of us will be safer.

    • Anonymous says:

      10:16 am, what about we can catch the virus time and time, and time again, would you be saying its here so catch it again , again, again, again ………….

    • Anonymous says:

      You can cancel your visit to the salon, or Cotton Club, work from home, keep 6 ft, wear a mask, wash hands. ER doctors all around the world manage to stay safe, even knee-deep in Covid wards for 2 years. It is possible to not ask for it.

      • watcher says:

        … and others in that same situation, around the world, contract Covid and die.

        Be smart. Stay safe. The world has changed.

  22. Anonymous says:

    So much unnecessary panic. Of course there are lots of cases but we don;t need daily updates and we certainly don’t need ridiculous 3 hour press conferences every Friday. Vaccinate, sanitise, isolate if positive or have symptoms, wear a mask, social distancer. Not difficult.

    • Anonymous says:

      YES, ignorance truly is BLISS!

    • Anonymous says:

      Im wondering if the panic is coming more from people concerned about having to quarantine than people being worried about getting covid. Also there seems to be a lot of confusion around it.

    • Anonymous says:

      You may not need daily updates but many of us want to know what is going on, how many cases we have, who is vaccinated and isn’t etc.

    • Anonymous says:

      Not panicking, but, like all countries, in a period of rampant spread where extra precautions are necessary, should have numbers reported daily.

      Bermuda, Israel, Singapore (highly vaxxed countries) various waves (Bermuda had three) have lasted on average 5 weeks. We are in our rapid upslope, which should last about 20 days before descending, if these other places are any indication.

  23. Anonymous says:

    Just an actual question because maybe someone here knows and I can’t find it out. If you are a contact of a positive case but test negative, do you still have to isolate for 14 days? Because if that is the case, it seems people might spend weeks and weeks in and out of quarantine.

  24. Anonymous says:

    PACT is determined to destroy the existing domestic economy in an attempt to appease the demands from their masters within the tourism sector. What we will be left with is nothing. Maybe it is time for some pre-signed resignation letters dated November 21, 2021.

    • Anonymous says:

      We need Premier Alden and Honorable Seymour back ASAP as they know how to handle the Covid!

    • Anonymous says:

      The masters aren’t within the toursism sector. They are within the Civil Service. Stay closed and Civil Service pay will need to be cut.

      • Anonymous says:

        The masters are Re-Open Cayman. They are running the show. Remember Civil Servants don’t have a voice.
        Civil Servants have to do whatever they are told whether they agree with it or not.

        I’m sure that Re-Open Cayman are happy now with community spread. Now, they have an excuse to bring in more expats. I doubt too many Caymanians are willing to work in the Tourism sector under these circumstances too so win-win for re-open Cayman.

    • Anonymous says:

      Boring!! The PPM would be doing exactly the same.
      We have been isolated for 18 months in our little bubble and it is simply not sustainable. This isn’t just about tourism but many areas where people are feeling the effects of being isolated. Please stop with the PACT bashing. It’s really getting boring. Alden is to blame, in part for setting the expectation that it is government’s job to save everyone. It’s not and never has been.
      There was always going to be an increase in cases when community transmission started. The question is, is there anyone seriously ill with it yet? Thankfully the answer is no, in part because the widespread take up of the vaccine.

  25. Anonymous says:

    The numbers are not important, they are only creating hysteria.
    Stop the testing and let people carry on with their daily lives.
    The virus is not what, we have been told.
    People dies from flu also.

    • Anonymous says:

      A cabal spokesperson provides a new version of Covid denial.

    • Anonymous says:

      Covid denier.

    • Anonymous says:

      WOW…just WOW!

    • Anonymous says:

      Agree about the first bit – but the virus is what we’ve been told – except that we now have a good chance of minimizing the effects if we catch it, by being vaccinated.

      Armed with that, and the masks etc. we now need to get on with it.

      • Anonymous says:

        But you have to remember, people here don’t want to wear masks. They want borders open, but they don’t want to wear masks, don’t want to social distance, but want to continue with how we were before the cases have multiplied.

    • Anonymous says:

      Clearly from how you write, I am confident in what you have to SAID.

  26. Anonymous says:

    We’re as ready as we’ll ever be, that’s the whole point, we have to get on with it. It’s here and it’s not going away, you can’t bury your head in the sand forever.

  27. Anonymous says:

    I don’t think they want to release the numbers because it will cause an even bigger panic. I fully expect several hundred positives. This place is now crawling with COVID.

  28. Anonymous says:

    So who thinks that if we continue to close entire classrooms, and quarantine negative children and negative parents, that the people of means that have been keeping the economy running for the last 18 months wont take the kids out of school and go spend the winter in a better climate.

  29. Anonymous says:

    Stating the obvious here.. but this can’t continue.
    The current ‘isolate any and all’ in close proximity is absurd and unsustainable people have already simply begun to ignore the protocols and will simply not report contacts or feeling poorly, at the risk of being isolated for 2 weeks and up.
    A significant part of the population lives paycheck to paycheck and cohabitate with co-workers, family etc.
    Not to mention the logistics and paperwork nightmare this is causing at all level of the business sector and healthcare.
    CIG has done well to get us to 80% vaccine rate… now its time to crack on!

    • Anonymous says:

      I have to agree with you. Only people who test positive should have to quarantine. I would rather just discretely tell my friends to get tested rather than have them subject to a legally required ten day quarantine even though they are negative.

    • Anonymous says:

      Don’t think so. If you check around, only third world countries and truly delusional let COVID positives walk around feely in town. Currently, Bolsonaro is being referred to ICC for “Crimes Against Humanity” for that policy in Brazil. Trump, Boris J, Trudeau will all get their turn too. There will be an entire generation of lawyers filing policy-linked class action lawsuits for the next decade on this.

      • Anonymous says:

        Thats not what the poster said – people who are contacts of those that are positive, but have not yet tested positive.

  30. Anonymous says:

    Sabrina mentioned Wednesday in her video message that people would be updated “as needed.” Is this why we aren’t being told the official numbers from yesterday? Surely PACT isn’t trying to become even less transparent.

    A government briefing to explain what the plan is now that we have so many cases would be nice.

    • Anonymous says:

      ‘what the plan is’ There is no plan. Don’t hold your breath waiting for the next briefing under the current circumstances.

  31. Anonymous says:

    Trying to keep us in the dark is not helping either the people’s perception of PACT or our peace of mind. At least we can do some things to protect ourselves despite government. I don’t just mean being vaccinated, wearing a mask, social distancing and hand hygiene.

    My family have decided that we are not going to go to high risk situations and that includes restaurants, bars, gyms, the cinema, bowling or other family’s birthday parties.
    It is simply too risky with Covid out of control. None of us can afford to get sick or end up with long Covid. We are going to stay home to stay safe. We will read to our children and play with them to keep them entertained.

    If each of us avoids high risk situations all of us will be safer.

  32. Anonymous says:

    The rapid flow testing policy for schools had also failed to materialize and GIS has said there will be no press briefing Friday.

    You don’t get more Transparent than that. Maybe the PACT members are all making a music video this time.

  33. Corruption is endemic says:

    So every other country in the world is able to communicate the numbers at least every two days. Cayman not so much.

    So either they don’t want to communicate – scary

    or they aren’t able to compile the numbers – even scarier.

    There is a serious lack of leadership and accountability.

    When all is said and done, there needs to be a house cleaning in the Civil Service from top to bottom.

    I know this won’t happen but it should.

    Franz and a bunch of others probably should go. At the very least they should be embarrassed enough to publicly apologize and offer to work hard in the future.

    If we can’t even test and communicate what people are meant to do, how will they cope if more than a handful of people get sick.

    • Anonymous says:

      Everything that I am hearing is that the civil service is accurately and quickly compiling and providing the Covid numbers to the politicians. It is the politicians and those in the cabal who give them orders who don’t want the numbers released because the numbers show that serious action needs to be taken now.

  34. Anonymous says:

    60k population with 3# number hospitals
    99% of over 60’s fully vaxxed or now with booster.
    very little to worry about.
    hysteria needs to stop.

    • Anonymous says:

      very little to worry about.

      Person with a God syndrome has entered the chat.

    • Anonymous says:

      This is a new version of Covid denial.

      Sorry to burst your bubble. Covid is real. So is long Covid. As government continues to do nothing when it should be slowing the spread of the virus, some will get very sick and some will die.

  35. Anonymous says:

    The testing is causing the panic; live with covid as we do with the flu.

    • Anonymous says:

      Ah, the US Republican solution – don’t test and you wont have any cases. Brilliant!

      • Anonymous says:

        Test and create panic and hysteria. What good is the testing doing?
        Do we test for the flu?

      • Anonymous says:

        No Republican supporter, but there is some method in that madness.

        • Anonymous says:

          If you don’t report, people think there’s no problem and refuse to wear masks and social distance, making the problem even worse. Hysteria is the only thing that will get some people to respond to a real and present danger. It is true that most of the vaccinated people will not have a big issue with this, but some will and some will die. It will be worse for the unvaccinated and some children could suffer as well. Just because it’s inevitable that we would have a COVID wave, doesn’t mean we should all be inviting COVID to spread through the community like a wild fire – which is exactly what we’re doing right now. That strategy hasn’t worked well elsewhere, including in places with far superior medical infrastructure and personnel that we have. If nurses and doctors start getting sick, we’re in big, big trouble.

  36. Anonymous says:

    Truth and transparency are the first fatalities in the PACT response to Covid.

  37. Anonymous says:

    Maybe we need to call in the Regiment…

    In other countries when systems have been overwhelmed they have used military resources to help.

  38. Anonymous says:

    There is a very useful comparison tool that lets us see how well we are doing with this outbreak and PACT’s refusal to implement any measures that would slow the outbreak, but might decrease the cabal’s profits.

    Based on the 126 new active cases reported on Wednesday, we have a ‘new active case rate’ of 177 per 100,000 which gives us a dubious honour.

    According to the source below which I found on the Harvard University website, Serbia has the highest rate of new Covid locations among sovereign countries at the moment with a rate of approximatly 100 per 100,000. So we have the worst Covid rate on the planet. If we look at just the Brac the rate of Covid as something like 850 per 100,000 and if we look at Little Cayman alone it is something like 2000 per 100,000. I have to say – well done PACT.

    • Anonymous says:

      So clearly the people of Cayman are not taking self responsibility as much as other countries. It’s not the governments fault is it

      • Anonymous says:

        Countries that have intelligent leadership that is interested in the welfare of their people long ago put in place protocols to limit Covid spread. Unfortunately we do not fall within that category.

        • Anonymous says:

          And the people here who are either positive or related to someone who is positive out and about in the community? Has anyone on this rock ever heard of personal responsibility? Or is it just easier to blame ‘infected travellers’ and reducing quarantine than the real reason – selfish people.

      • Anonymous says:

        Umm, a government that refuses to vaccinate its frontline workers? A government that has organized and continues to hold a house to house physical census during a pandemic? A government that permits offices to function with their full staff compliment with no masks? A government that refuses to require teachers to be vaccinated?

        OK. Not their fault or responsibility.

        Who do you propose is responsible?

        Be careful how you answer because you will almost inevitably be accusing them of manslaughter (it’s just that we haven’t found the bodies yet, but we will).

    • Anonymous says:

      and yet- there are no reports that anyone who is double vaccinated or under the age of 85 is seriously ill. In that context the number of Covid infections is no more cause for concern than the number of common cold or norovirus infections. Why aren’t we reporting them too? Everyone needs to grown a spine. Time for business as usual – keep calm and carry on.

      • Anonymous says:

        Pay attention. 19% of deaths are amongst the fully vaccinated. There is a lag between infection and serious illness. Check back in a month. This is going to get ugly, in part because not enough people are yet taking it seriously.

  39. Dassler says:

    The unvaccinated can fend for themselves. The obese have had 18 months to sort themselves out. The rest of us should not be punished to help those that refuse to look after themselves. Quit the hysteria.

    • Anonymous says:

      To hell with the sick and downtrodden, it’s all Hunger Games now.

    • Anonymous says:

      No, this is not the way at all.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yup, I feel for those that have underlying medical conditions and can’t get vaccinated but for those that have opted not to because of a youtube video or whatever, they should be rounded up and dumped somewhere up High Rock and left to fend for themselves while the rest of us who aren’t selfish go about our usual lives.

  40. Anonymous says:

    8:45 on Friday morning and PACT still refusing to publish yesterday’s covid numbers. It may be that the marl road is correct and the new numbers are very bad.

  41. Anonymous says:

    If strict social distancing measures are in place, why am I in an office sharing the same air with 100 unmasked others? Do these people actually believe the crap they are telling us?

  42. Anonymous says:

    Hey can we please just leave all the bars open, surely no covid cases are coming from the staff or patrons!

  43. GoJoeB says:

    Proof that it really does spread faster in those who don’t follow rules. Do you still think the unvaccinated are the big problem? It just can’t be the culture here can it. You sowed it, now comes the time to reap what you have grown because Karma has come to Cayman.

  44. Anonymous says:

    If an employer demands that a worker suspected of having Covid comes to work then they are an asshole. They have also committed an offense under the Public Health Act. Section 26. They are carrying on business in a manner likely to spread the infectious disease.

    The worker also commits an offense if they have tested positive and nevertheless go to work.

    Of course, with the exception of Skylar (and her boyfriend) no one ever effectively enforces any law around here. So the virus will be encouraged to spread, and some will die. And the law enforcement authorities will say it is terribly sad and demand increased vacation leave and compensation.

    Prove me wrong!

  45. Anonymous says:

    This is a result of dropping the quarantine period to five days for vaccinated travelers. Even vaccinated people can transmit the virus so the decision to decrease the days was not a wise one. However, because the border reopening date is already set, we may as well just let people live their lives and stop all this locking up and isolating.

  46. Anonymous says:

    “For goodness sake don’t release the Covid numbers or the public will see we are clueless” – PACT transparency

  47. Anonymous says:

    PACT – ah duh what do we do?
    Hmnn, might be a good time to lockdown the country for a couple weeks.
    Common Sense missing in Cabinet

  48. Anonymous says:

    PACT has the numbers. The numbers show abject failure and thus will not be released to the public.

  49. Anonymous says:

    This is what the PACT version of ‘ready’ looks like.

  50. Anonymous says:

    “Were ready to open the borders”. Yeah, right!

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