Anti-bullying policy to become part of education law

| 27/10/2021 | 6 Comments
Cayman News Service

(CNS): Government is planning to amend the Education Law to include the National Anti-bullying Policy and develop relevant regulations. In a message marking Anti-bullying Month, Education Minister Juliana O’Connor-Connolly said the policy, which was approved by the Education Council last November, has formed the bases for individualized policies in all government schools and around 70% of those in the private sector. It sets out schools’ responsibilities to counter bullying, establish consistent expectations and promote an understanding of all bullying-related issues.

“The Ministry of Education stands resolute against bullying of any kind. As such, we are committed to ensuring that our schools develop a welcoming, supportive and inclusive learning environment that promotes the well-being of all students and staff,” O’Connor-Connolly said, adding that the government was committed to delivering the supporting legislation.

The policy is designed to show that bullying will not be tolerated. This year’s theme was ‘Choose Kindness’ and comes at a time when online bullying is on the increase, not least as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The act of bullying can negatively impact children or young people’s physical, emotional, social or psychological health, the effects of which are oftentimes carried over into adulthood. Following the emergence of the COVID-19 virus in 2020, students’ internet use has significantly increased,” the minister noted.

“While internet use can be quite beneficial, it also broadens the risk of exposure to cyber-bullying. The growing risk of exposure to cyber-bullying coupled with students’ increasing vulnerability to feelings of depression and anxiety as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, not only requires intervention by trained mental health professionals but necessitates acts of kindness from others with whom they interact,” she added.

The minister concluded, “As Anti-bullying Month 2021 draws to a close, I applaud all those involved in promoting this all-important initiative and urge others to reject bullying and instead choose kindness and compassion in all their interactions.”

See the Anti-bullying Policy in the CNS Library.

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Category: Education, Local News

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  1. Anonymous says:

    This entire community encourages bullying. Our children can’t change until the adults will.

  2. Anonymous says:

    And in the meantime the educational systems sucks

  3. Anonymous says:

    They need to include the teachers in this… they are some of the worst. Especially the ones who say “I didn’t see it so it didn’t happen” the teacher that said that to me is still teaching and damaging children.

  4. Anonymous says:

    What about legislation that addresses the CI Government and ultra vires Supervisory Authorites, who purport to act in an AML regime capacity (completely ultra vires), that seems to be attempting bullying (or unlawfully, irrationally, disproportionately and unconstitutionally) Caymanian attorneys (sole practitioners and small law firms) in favor of non-Caymanian attorneys (large law firms)?

    Shame on you AG and Alden. Are you going to allow this to continue PACT? PPM is going down in history as the biggest bully to its own Caymanian people.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Education law? Like the one that stipulates the number of days children should be in school each year?

  6. Anonymous says:

    From the Education Minister that bullies artists and loving gay families, spends hours of LA time proclaiming them hell-bound, and harasses them all the way to the Privy Council.

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