Airport downgrade puts La Ceiba route in jeopardy

| 14/10/2021 | 14 Comments
CAL Saab aircraft

(CNS): Cayman Airways will be taking passengers to La Ceiba, Honduras, on its Saab 340B+ aircraft today after a sudden and unexpected downgrade to the Goloson International Airport in La Ceiba means the airline cannot land its Boeing 737-8 jets there. CAL said in a release that the airport had issued an official Notification To Airman (NOTAM) about the downgrade of its operational capabilities to Category 6 with immediate and permanent effect.

“The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) defines the requirements for Aerodrome Rescue and Fire Fighting Service in several categories,” explained Captain Dave Scott, CAL VP of Flight Operations. “Cayman Airways’ jet operations require Category 7 or higher, which means that we cannot currently fly our B737-8 into La Ceiba.”

He noted that Roatan airport is not option as the airport there was also recently downgraded to Category 6 until 7 December.

Paul Tibbetts, Executive VP of Finance and Commercial Affairs, said that La Ceiba flight, KX882, which was scheduled to leave this morning at 10am, will “now be operated across multiple flights” using the Saab and it may take until tomorrow to get all passengers back and forth.

“Affected passengers are being notified and rebooked accordingly, and are being advised that this change in aircraft may impact baggage and cargo,” Tibbetts added.

CAL is now reviewing the options for the ongoing operations of its Grand Cayman-La Ceiba route and will inform customers as soon as possible what it intends to do. After today’s flight the next scheduled trip to Honduras had been next Thursday, 21 October.

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Comments (14)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Max puts people jeopardy

  2. Anonymous says:

    To many baby momma’s over there to dump route.

    • Anonymous says:

      Panama has become a significant regional and international air and sea transport hub.

      The baby mommas and daddehs can still connect via Panama.

      But that all makes far too much sense….

  3. Anonymous says:

    Max-8 eight-balled again!

  4. Anonymous says:

    a further blow to cal…one of their more profitable routes.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Drop the route then, simple. Add more flights to the States.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Whenever you think that the government in Cayman is bad remember many other places the government is worst.

  7. Anonymous says:

    My wife and I own a house in the Los Maestros part of La Ceiba near the waterfront.
    Right now, it is a better place to be than criminal Cayman.
    Get out while you still have a flight. Saab or even a boat.

  8. Anonymous says:

    This is a gift. Let’s now re-route to Panama, CDMX, LA, Phoenix, Dallas, Calgary/Toronto/Montreal somewhere that makes more sense. We finally have a government that can discard previous passion-based criteria, and apply real quantitative airlift route planning to CAL – if they want to. They can also quit some of these leased MAX-8 if they’re not flying and earning their keep.

    • Anonymous says:

      Your suggestions makes far too much good business sense.

      CAL route planning appears to be based on emotions and votes!

  9. Airmiles Eric says:

    What a shame, another “long range” route lost, but never mind they still have Cayman Brac.

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