Archive for October 15th, 2021

Vaccine mandate for work permit holders in effect
(CNS): Immigration and border control legislation passed in Parliament last week has been brought into force, which means that being vaccinated against COVID-19 is now one of the conditions for new and renewal applications for work permits as well as a number of residency applications. A vaccine verification certificate will now have to be added […]

Campaign begins to help ‘old timers’ stay safe online
(CNS): As more and more services, including those delivered by government, move online, a new awareness campaign is being launched to help the older generation stay safe online and avoid becoming a target of scammers. Given that the elderly are often deliberately targeted by cyber criminals, this year’s theme for Older Persons Month (October) is […]

Opening date to be revealed next week
(CNS): Premier Wayne Panton has said that government will be ready to set a specific opening date for when guests will be allowed into the Cayman Islands without having to quarantine next week. Despite calling a press briefing for what was billed as a number of announcements, the government has not yet set a proposed […]