10 more kids get COVID but babies leave hospital
(CNS): Both of the infants who were admitted to hospital with COVID-19 last week have been discharged and are doing well, but another ten children and four adults tested positive for the coronavirus over the weekend as well as nine travellers who were due to leave isolation, Chief Medical Officer Dr John Lee has said. While the women in her 70s who tested positive for the virus in early September is still in hospital, no one else has been admitted.
Dr Lee has also revealed that a number of rapid test kits are arriving on today’s British Airways flight, which will help the country better manage the current local outbreak after the extended school half-term. Speaking at the Healthcare Conference at the weekend, Dr Lee said the aim was “to flood the country” with these tests so that everyone can use them regularly.
On Saturday the CMO conducted a rapid test on himself, which was negative, to demonstrate how easy the tests are to use and how quickly users can get a result. He noted that people will be required by law to report positive cases as the virus is already a notifiable disease. The public will be asked to call the flu hotline if they have a positive home test to arrange a PCR test to confirm the result and for isolation instructions.
Government is expected roll out the regulations regarding the management of the home-testing regime this week and more information about access to the tests is expected shortly.
See Dr Lee administer the lateral flow test on himself below:
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Category: Health, Medical Health
Waiting for the person to post a Bermuda comment… whoever you are can you give it a rest? This is not Bermuda. And you are so annoying,
Probably more annoying to be one of their 92 dead.
I’m sure they have no idea
Can you imagine if Dr Lee would have gotten a false positive on live video?
Not testing me or my family, we will not be subjected to unwarranted house arrest.
What’s wrong with you?
Have a little consideration for the people around you and stop being such a selfish tw@t.
Um…hate to tell you but Feb 2021 amendments to Public Health Act, Section 23 allows them to now do this…legally.
Do you understand that injuring or killing another person through your actions is wrong?
You will happily be infected with covid and carry on going to work, to school, to church, the supermarket and to hell with any vulnerable person who gets ill and dies as a result?
Just so you don’t have to stay at home for a few days when you have covid? You should be ashamed of yourself.
Get vaccinated then.
Now people can stop overreacting to infants briefly in hospital overnight (similar to what happens every year with the flu).
And more kids acquiring natural immunity and doing fine.
Only a few parents getting infected, a product of the vaccine.
No one is getting serious disease, including those returning travelers that everyone seems to forget.
How exactly are parents getting infected as a product of the vaccine??? I am not sure about this latest batch of positives, but according to the dashboard, the 21 positive community cases on Oct 8 were ALL unvaccinated. Can we please stop with the lies and bull honky?
Geez… the poster said ‘ Only a few parents getting infected, a product of the vaccine.’ meaning the vaccine is reducing infections not causing them. You are remarkable.
2:44, Relax.
I’m quite certain that 1:55 meant that the fact that only very few parents were getting infected (as opposed to very many) was the successful result of the vaccine campaign.
You’re both on the same page. Chill.
I think what op is trying to say is – thanks to the vaccine, only a few ppl are getting infected.