West Bay man killed in motorbike crash

| 25/09/2021 | 43 Comments
Cayman News Service
Jessus Burowise Ebanks (from social media)

(CNS) UPDATED: The 33-year-old customs officer who was killed on Friday evening has been identified by police as Jessus Burowise Ebanks from West Bay. The former member of the national football team was killed when his white motorcycle and a grey minivan collided on Reverend Blackman Road, West Bay, shortly before 6pm. Ebanks was rushed to the hospital but was pronounced dead on arrival by the attending doctor.

No one else was hurt in the crash, which is under investigation by the RCIPS, and no details of how the collision may have happened have been released.

Customs and Border Control closed its office at the port cargo distribution service centre on Saturday as a result of the “sudden and tragic loss” of the officer.

The RCIPS offered condolences Monday, and CIFA released a statement saying its members were deeply saddened by the tragic death of the past national team player which was “a sad loss for the football family. He will be missed by all of us, May his soul Rest In Peace. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends during this time.”

Anyone with information is asked to call the Traffic and Roads Policing Unit at 649-6254 during regular business hours or the George Town Police Station at 949-4222. Anonymous tips can be provided to the RCIPS Confidential Tip Line at 949-7777 or the website.

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Comments (43)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    You held that trophy with such love and passion. Thats exactly how you wore that National Team jersey and any jersey for the local clubs for that fact.

    I miss you today like I did on the of your passing.


  2. Say it like it is. says:

    This is a sad event, I am not suggesting Mr Ebanks was speeding, but we have so many inspiring young men riding these high powered bikes capable of doing well over 100mph and they simply cannot resist winding them up every now and again. We are fortunate their have not been more fatalities.

    • Anonymous says:

      I understand what youā€™re saying 7:27 but letā€™s not isolate the discussion to bikes. Thereā€™s plenty of cars driven by a younger demographic which can easily do the same.

  3. Anonymous says:

    The weekend just passed was absolutely ridiculous for road accidents. Car wrapped around a tree near Cost u More, car in the roundabout near Camana Bay, car in a single wall smash near Coutts/Dukes and a car ended up in a garden in Savannah. Most hi-viz wearing workers speeding with brains the size of peanuts.

    • Anonymous says:

      All speeding related nd CIG not protecting the people they serve.

      We need a RCIPS traffic department three times the sizes it is now.

      We need stricter testing and education for being able to drive in Cayman.

      CIG is responsible for every death on the roads.

      • Anonymous says:

        We actually just need speed cameras, an automated ticketing system, and fewer police.

      • Anonymous says:

        This would reduce all crime, not just traffic violations.

      • Anonymous says:

        Glad someone else said. I was shocked recently when someone told me how easily she got her driver’s licence. As for the traffic police, they’re as useless as a shattered mirror and I see them constantly breaking traffic laws.

    • Chris Johnson says:

      And three bikers overtaking on the by pass yesterday about noon on their way to West Bay. Estimated speed 80/100. When will it stop?

      • Anonymous says:

        check out east end 6-9am on Sunday.

        Itā€™s like a moto go race out by breakers / east end / queens highway

      • Anonymous says:

        Yes 80 to 100km/hr. Stop with the hysterics.

        • Anonymous says:

          I think you guys are diverting to a ā€˜bikes & usā€™ mentality where as itā€™s a common collective road users problem disregarding the unlicensed wheelie brigade which is a disgraceful representation from all angles. Chris Iā€™ve seen a lot more than 3 cars weaving & racing through traffic at any given time of day, theyā€™re equally culpable. The truth is motorcycles will likely flash up on your radar more simply because of the acoustics they create at higher speeds next to a vehicle doing the same velocity. No, Iā€™m not justifying speeding but letā€™s keep it in perspective and non discriminatory by looking across the board instead of just pointing convenient fingers.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Yet we cower in fear from covid. More people have died this year, in traffic accidents than covid. 3 so far.

    • Anonymous says:

      Such a dumb comparison. If we hadn’t had the travel restrictions we have had, our deaths from Covid would certainly be far higher. The US has 35,000 road deaths a year and have 700,000 covid deaths, 20 times as many. BVI 50 dead, Bermuda 40 dead, Bahamas 500 dead. You’re using the very success of our reaction to covid to criticise our reaction to covid. Trump levels of stupid rhetoric!

      • Anonymous says:

        You are sadly dead on on this one. It is a shame we do not take the necessary hard measures to stop the speeding in line with the hard action we took to be successful in protecting against Covid deaths. It will take : First the political will and
        second the police resources. I don’t think at this point in time we have either.

        • Anonymous says:

          Amen!! So weā€™ll put. They can lock down and control a nation. But canā€™t control the dangerous driving that is literally killing people.

        • Anonymous says:

          Completely disagree. Zealous enforcement of mindless compliance with an arbitrary number is no substitute for proper driver training and licensing, nor will it stop the guys doing 100+. Nicking every muppet who wraps their crappy old Honda round an electricity pole for dangerous driving would target the people driving like idiots directly.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Driving on this island is deadly

  6. Anon says:

    Really sad to hear this. So tragic. Condolences to your family. Your smile will be forever missed.

  7. round and round in circles we go says:

    And this madness will continue until there is proper enforcement and driving standards improve.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Incredibly sad that these kind of tragedies continue month after month, year after year. So unnecessary on 76 square miles where most speed limits are 30-40 mph. I hope that we, as a community, will do much more to improve driving standards and safety on our roads. My thoughts and prayers are with the young man’s family and friends at this awful time.

  9. Anonymous says:

    So sad. So sorry for the family’s loss.

  10. Anonymous says:

    My condolences to his family, friends and colleagues.

    A life taken from this earth so sudden and unexpected should be a reminder that there is a new saying “here today and gone today.”

    Let’s not forget how precious our lives are and how important it is to live our authentic self. None of us knows when it will be our time.

    Tell those most important and close in our lives today that they are loved, respected and cared for. Never leave doing so for tomorrow. “Tomorrow is never guaranteed to any of us.”

  11. Anonymous says:

    Obviously not knowing the cause of this very unfortunate crash but it seems the standard of driving becomes more dismal weekly. I ride a bike and understand car drivers can have a mental/visual block when pulling out into traffic ā€˜not seeing an oncoming motorcycle, I get and accept that. What I donā€™t accept and have seen with a recent staggering frequency is car drivers pulling out into traffic with extremely limited time/space when they have seen an oncoming car/motorcycle knowing full well what they are doing as if that is now an acceptable driving manoeuvre to get into traffic forcing the oncoming vehicles to brake heavily or have to take evasive action, – itā€™s incredible dangerous and with some near misses witnessed. Please drivers donā€™t be idiots, it might be another life put in jeopardy next time.

    sincere thoughts & prayers to all close to those who survived the crash and of course the victims themselves šŸ˜”

    • Anonymous says:

      Hear hear. Now happening with increasing regularity. Particularly from the plazas on WB Road. And when you toot your displeasure, all you get is a toot back. Totally oblivious to the potential accident they are causing. The standard of driving here is some of the worst in the world.

    • Anonymous says:

      I so identify with this comment. I had a motorist, overtake me so that they could make a left turn. They did not have enough time between overtaking me and making the left turn but did it anyway. In order to avoid running into the back of the vehicle I had to slam on my breaks which caused the front wheel to dip and sent me flipping over the bike. Meanwhile the driver was obviously shaken by the incident stayed in the vehicle in the car park for about 20 minutes before eventually leaving without even saying a single word to me. BTW that person considers themselves to be an upstanding member of the Cayman community.

  12. Anonymous says:

    RIP Jess you will be missed brother man

  13. Anonymous says:

    I am sorry for this tragic loss of a young man on our roads. I am in no way suggesting anything about fault for this accident, but our roads have gone mad.

    Yesterday was one of the closest calls i have had to an accident at a roundabout here as i was signalling to turn down old crewe road and a car coming at speed was coming from Hurleys. Had I not noticed and continued enjoying the right of way I would have been t-boned, a drastic move resulting in a return down to Downtown reach saved me. I could not even see the driver of the grey Honda Fit when i pulled beside to clearly express my displeasure as the windows were blacked out.

    Moments ago on the Linford Pierson by-pass, for the second time this week I was passed by a motorcycle (large man in a white t-shirt on a Black high powered sport bike) easily going in excess of 50 mph over the posted speed limit. This time on the center line as I was traveling alongside a car as we passed the speed sign.

    I was happy to see the new stealth police car ticket two cars in less than 10 minutes last weekend in the same area, the risk of being caught may cause people to obey the traffic laws.

    Again, condolences to this young man’s family.

    • Anonymous says:

      Motorcycle (large man in a white t-shirt on a Black high powered sport bike)

      This lunatic was on Batabano Rd at 2.30pm with a other brain dead lunatic on a similar bike. Methinks a high speed crash and some road rash might fix him.

    • Anonymous says:

      RCIPS should be hiring people like us to assist. All we need is radar guns, cameras and email capability. Many honest and responsible people would take pleasure in taking some time out of their schedule to assist. juts it on the road side and send in the information after captured; no contact with the public needed.

      • Anonymous says:

        I would be willing to contribute to a fund which gave rewards to citizens who turned in video which resulted in a prosecution for vehicular infractions.

        • Anonymous says:

          Omg, thankfully I seriously doubt the police would want anything to do with a bunch of sanctimonious clowns with radar guns sending them videos. How are you going to prove your radar guns are correctly calibrated, or prove who was driving or do you want powers to stop motorists too? šŸ˜†

          • Anonymous says:

            Years ago I was stopped by a cop with radar gun on the bypass – when I asked him if his gun was calibrated he replied ‘well thats what I will say in court…”. Clown.

  14. Anonymous says:

    A very sad loss. May his soul rest in peace.

  15. Anonymous says:

    So sad

  16. Beaumont Zodecloun says:

    Much, much too young. Rest in Peace, Sir. I don’t know if I know you. Facebook rumblings indicate that I probably don’t. You were taken too soon, through little fault of your own.

  17. Lana Farrington says:

    Deepest condolences to his family. May his soul rest in peace.

    • Michael Day says:

      Which demented little shit could dislike this post.

      Condolences to the family. Very sad.

      • Anonymous says:

        Just asshole trolls. Their time will come, just like the rest of us.

      • Anonymous says:

        So many demons walking this earth. I swear there really are people who are pure evil. RIP Jessus. I pray for comfort and peace for your family.

  18. Sunrise says:

    My condolences to the entire family, as we see another one of our inspiring young men, having to be put to rest. May the good lord, touch his family in this sorrowful times and give them the strength to bear it.

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