Pedestrian critical after hit-and-run in GT

| 01/09/2021 | 42 Comments
Location where pedestrian was knocked down

(CNS) UPDATED: A woman is in hospital in critical condition after she was knocked down Tuesday evening by a car that left the scene. Police said the collision happened around 8pm yesterday on Shedden Road as she was crossing the road near the Edward Street intersection. She was struck by a red SUV vehicle which was originally described as green until police viewed the CCTV footage. The vehicle was travelling west and after hitting the women turned onto Edward Street and left the scene.

The emergency services took the injured woman to the Cayman Islands Hospital, where she is being treated for serious injuries. Police said the woman remains in critical but stable condition. The matter is under investigation by the Traffic and Roads Policing Unit.

It is not clear if the woman was hit when using a pedestrian crossing but shortly after the polcie released details of the hit and run, the National Roads Authority issued a release of their own reminding drivers to exercise particular caution around all pedestrian crossings, especially near schools where children are crossing the road. People using pedestrian crossings have the right of way against oncoming traffic, and any driver who fails to give way will be in breach of the Traffic Act.

The law also requires that vehicles must always be parked more than 45 feet from either side of a pedestrian crossing.

Anyone who may have seen the incident or has any information on the vehicle involved is asked to contact the TRPU at 649-6254.

Anonymous tips can be provided directly to the RCIPS Confidential Tip Line at 949-7777, or the website.

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Category: Crime, Police

Comments (42)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Those downtown pedestrian crossings are poorly marked and unlit. NRA/CIG are just as much to blame.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Apparently RCIP have CCTV and it was a ā€œreddishā€ SUV. A reddish SUV? Seriously? Release some stills and I bet weā€™d have the make, model and year in 5 minutes! Hell someone might even recognise the car.

  3. Anonymous says:


  4. Anonymous says:

    Why not release the CCTV instead of just a description (unless you found the person)? I dont get it.

    • Anonymous says:

      That is our wise RCIPS. Those expensive CCTVs that taxpayers paid so much for. Why do they have to always ask for the publicā€™s assistance? Use them!

  5. Anonymous says:

    “Caribbean Driver” … is it that all SUVs are driven by Caribbean nationals?

    “Caribbean pedestrian” … is it that all pedestrians are Caribbean nationals?

    This Xenophobic rhetoric is what has destroyed and continues to destroy these three islands!

    • Anonymous says:

      Yeah, the large truth factor in this may be uncomfortable but a lot of people live their lives totally out of control down here in the Caribbean.

    • Anonymous says:

      That. And too many Caribbean imports overwhelming Cayman with their culture, having already destroyed their homelands.

  6. Anonymous says:

    I’m not sure it really matters whether the victim was using a cross walk or not. Drivers need to slow down and be mindful of where they’re driving.

    Appealing to anyone who knows anything about this awful accident to do the right thing, however hard, and report the driver.

    Wishing the victim a full recovery.

  7. Fair Comment says:

    The Caribbean covers a large number of countries, seems like you have some specific information on the origin of the driver. Instead of displaying your obvious bias against people from the region, I would advise that you wait on the evidence. These incidents occur in every country and region all over the world. We are talking about individual human behaviour not biased stereotypes. Regrets to the victim, justice will be served.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Sadly, a consequence of opening the floodgates to Caribbean drivers and their 80 cars into Cayman. You can’t even tell who is who because they change cars like they change clothes. Hit-and-run accidents were the exception, not the rule being established today on our roads.

    I can speak for the majority and say Cayman was never this cold and heartless.

    Fatal accidents used to occur once every few months. Now, we have seem to have one every week!! Somebody need to fix this before God forbid this hits home for somebody else.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Surely finding a green SUV on the road any time +-10 minutes of the incident is easy on CCTV? No?

  10. Anonymous says:

    Caribbean pedestrians do not use cross walks. Either too lazy to walk another 50 feet to it or don’t understand them.

    Same goes for the hit and run driver, probably driving aggressively.

    It noticeable when a Caribbean drive pulls into traffic they start racing to get to the front of the line instead of being defensive, safe and patient. Like Foster’s on a Saturday night.

    • Anonymous says:

      “Caribbean Pedestrians”….. I’ve seen white americans and/or foreigners not use the crosswalk….so for you to target “caribbean pedestrians” is incorrect and disgusting.

      • Anonymous says:

        I suspect this clever poster is seeing the other side of the mirror here, where comments on this site and the xenophobic CMR generalises Jamaicans as thieves, Philippinos as bad drivers and British as smug c**ts out for themselves.

        One more generalisation to add to CaymanKind

        • Anonymous says:

          Long, polarising but intended to be constructive and fair to all sides:

          I agree that xenophobia is not right and is not fair.

          However, are we supposed to just ignore growing evidence of more and more individuals with the same destructive behavioural patterns that support these stereotypes? Especially if others (including other nationalities) are subject to the negative consequences like this near fatal event?

          Why should we make exceptions for any person (regardless of nationality) that basically spits in our faces and constantly refuses to abide by local values or customs? If you go to Rome, do as the Romans do. If not, why are you here to make yourself unhappy?

          If you prefer to stay at home, it is always your responsibility to make it comfortable for you to live there, not anyone else’s.

          Any foreigner to your home must learn to respect that and comprehend that their needs will always be secondary to the complete fulfillment of needs of the local people, period.

          Terrorising others abroad with your personal grievances from problems at home, not of their doing, is just as deplorable, narcissistic and self-centered as the xenophobic comments.

          How many times must we put our hands on the hot stove before we understand we are getting burned and we all will get cooked? Why must we inflict that pain on others if fair genuine compromise is a better solution?

    • Anon says:

      Wtf is a ā€œCaribbean pedestrianā€? Iā€™m a white Caymanian from one of the first families here (in fact I usually have to convince people Iā€™m actually Caymanian) and I always use the crosswalk, drive carefully, etc.

      Presumably you will read this and think ā€œI meant black pedestriansā€ – which is frankly sick.

      Please go back to whatever racist place you left. We donā€™t need people like you here.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Police non existent..speeders y drunkcs have taken over…why?

  12. Anonymous says:

    Typical Caribbean driver. No respect given. None expected. Run away from responsibility for your whole of life but you won’t escape from your Karma. Pain and hardship are in your future.

    • Marilyn says:

      Caribbean drivers…no respect. My family member was killed 2 weeks ago by a hit and run white American driver. Thankfully she was caught and will be charged.

  13. Anonymous says:

    I thought we had CCTV Camaras in the center of town?

  14. Anonymous says:

    don’t worry our cctv system will sort this out…..ooopps…oh yeah..they broke and don;t work in the dark….zzzzzzzzzz

    • Anonymous says:

      Police have a copy of CCTV as it is a red car not green as victim said. She may be colour blind.

  15. Anonymous says:

    With our multi million dollar third world CCTV that dosent work RCIPS should have no problem finding the car

    • Loco says:

      Following the racist loco logic, I have come to the conclusion that these are Caribbean Cameras, CCTV, Policemen all third world misfits, and you are God

  16. Anonymous says:

    Just imagine how easy this would be to solve if we had invested millions in CCTV and machine-readable license plates, and had robust and effective law enforcers.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Someone knows who did this.

    Someone knows the green suv.

    Do the right thing and report this disgusting animal!

    • Anonymous says:

      Lol…but it’s a red SUV now, isn’t it? Or maybe brown, or possibly silver? Certainly no license plates… #colorblindness #ineptitude

  18. Anonymous says:

    More risk of hit and run here than Covid!

    • Anonymous says:

      Open the borders and ban vehicles. Especially all these ludicrous e-bikes and scooters. What legislatioon covers those?

      • C says:

        Safer and greener than all those unnecessary SUVs. I commend the folks on the e scooters and I hope that more people get their own.

        • Sigh says:

          Yeah, really smart: unregulated e-scooters being driven recklessly on sidewalks, etc. – including by minors more interested in pulling stunts to impress their friends than safety.

          As if people illegally riding bicycles 2 or 3 abreast (often with 1 or 2 illegally on the sidewalk) isnā€™t bad enough.

      • Anonymous says:

        More importantly, what insurance?

      • Anonymous says:

        The only thing ludicrous is your statement. If more people used e-scooters and e-bikes think of how much less traffic there would be.

  19. Anonymous says:


  20. Anonymous says:

    Hit-and-run is cowardly and heartless! Suppose you’d killed that lady, you spineless bastard! Turn yourself in or rot in hell!

    Someone knows who…do the right thing!!

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