DEH staff promote their ‘dirty’ work

| 24/09/2021 | 17 Comments

(CNS): The Department of Environmental Health (DEH) has produced a series of videos about the work their teams do, especially regarding recycling, to raise awareness about their efforts to manage the islands’ rubbish. The videos also mark World Environmental Health Day on Sunday, which is celebrated to shed light on the important work of environmental health teams around the world.

DEH staff members are featured in four videos under the global challenge #IAmEnvironmentalHealth to show who takes care of local waste and how. The team explains in these short films why environmental health matters and how they contribute to a better future.

DEH Director Richard Simms said it was an opportunity to show the faces of some of those who make the work possible while sharing with the world the diversity of skills, professions, expertise and activities integrated in the department. 

“The services we provide impact the lives of all residents in the Cayman Islands,” Simms said. “Our work protects and enhances the health and quality of life of our residents and visitors by ensuring food hygiene and safety, protecting the quality of our air and water, managing our waste, promotes recycling and so much more. In many other ways, we work to make our communities better today and tomorrow,” he said.

The series of videos are available on the DEH Facebook page.

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Category: Health, Medical Health

Comments (17)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Hmmm? Do any of the posters lodging complaints about DEH’s garbage collection service pay for the service? Asking for a friend?

    Personally, I’ve never experienced those complaints in my area. Occasionally (like this week), garbage collection is 1 day late but I’ve never experienced any of the other problems listed. Not bad for a free service!!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Thank you DEH for all you do, despite the fact that you can’t please everyone and there will always be disgruntled people.

    The public needs to be reminded that these guys are working from 2:00am while the majority of us are asleep. It takes time to put every d@mn can back in the same spot it was taken from, they don’t have time for that as they have thousands of cans to empty. Maybe some of you ungrateful and disgusting ppl should try doing that job for a day or two then report back to us.

    • Anonymous says:

      I used work along with garbage truck and drive these trucks, overseas and we do much better job than Caymanians and Jamaicans. We always return trash bin back in place and put lids on and any mess we make, always sweep up. Reason they throw trash bins across road as they are in a rush just like speeding on cayman roads

    • Anonymous says:

      And you needed to be reminded that in other countries with towns far larger than us, bins can be placed back in their respective spots. I mean honestly you are saying the extra two seconds to place rather than throw is justified?

      • Anonymous says:

        Yes far much bigger than we are but ask yourself how many people are doing that job in each town compared to our entire staff number doing the same job!!!!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Thank you DEH for all that you do. If only your customers would do they part Cayman would be the cleanest country in the world. We are world class just not no1

    Thank you Mr Simms for your leadership.

  4. Anonymous says:

    The mess they leave on the road side, the damage to bins and breaking and not replacing lids…..outstanding!!

  5. Anonymous says:

    There is no doubt that this work is under appreciated as many know after Hurricanes or when there is a strike. It does appear though, that the sooner they finish their round they can go home and hence why bins are not returned but usually hurled to land somewhere in the vicinity of its placement.

    • Anonymous says:

      My bins are always in place with lids on. Perhaps if you took the time to ensure your crap is placed in there in a manner that makes it easier for them to collect, they too will in turn respect you. Try it, you may just be surprised!

      • Anonymous says:

        Quite surprising that you are quite willing to attack me and not assume that perhaps your garbage collectors have a different attitude. For the record my ‘crap’ as you so eloquently put it, is placed in the proper containers and in their own enclosure less than six inches from the roadside, so please don’t become so full of yourself with your judgemental infantile retort.

  6. Anonymous says:

    They claim this but cant put the trash can back where they found it…

  7. Say it like it is. says:

    How about a video on how they waste the taxpayer’s money?.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Anonymous @ 2:40 pm is your life really that boring ? or you just like to complain ?

  9. Anonymous says:

    Back slapping capital of the world.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Two days late on collection in George Town this week. #worldclass

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