96% of adults over 50 have had at least one shot

| 22/09/2021 | 144 Comments
Vaccines administered by HSA staff (file photo)

(CNS): The most recent breakdown of the demographics of people who have been vaccinated, with at least one shot of a COVID-19 vaccine shows that 93% of residents in Cayman over the age of 40 have now rolled up their sleeves, with even higher rates in the 50-59 and over 60 age groups (96% and 97% respectively). The latest details from Chief Medical Officer Dr John Lee on testing and vaccination reveal four positive cases of the virus over the last 24 hours in travellers but there are no reports of any new cases in the community.

The emergence of COVID-19 in the community this month has fuelled a spike in vaccinations. As of Wednesday morning, 54,796 people, or 77% of an estimated population of 71,106, have had at least one dose and 50,901, or 72%, have had two shots. Two people have also now had a third short as the booster programme gets underway for the most vulnerable.

“We know there is a lot of interest from the public about receiving a booster dose,” said Dr Lee. “However, this programme is not yet open to the public in general. The HSA will make an announcement in due course.”

As well as extremely high vaccination rates among adults, with even 81% of young people aged 18-29 having now received at least one shot, almost three quarters of eligible children aged 12-17 have also at least started their vaccination course.

Vaccination rate by age group:

See the vaccine schedule on the HSA website here.

For more information on vaccines contact the HSA Communications team at

See here for more information on securely verifiable vaccination records.

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Category: Health, Medical Health

Comments (144)

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  1. Anon says:

    Children, thankfully, are at a very low risk for serious Covid-19 Delta disease. So really we are forcing children to be more responsible than their irresponsible parents who are unvaccinated. Not to mention the parents who feed their children garbage. So many many people come in our store with obese children, whilst giving them Cheetos, and candies. Why isn’t this illegal? Obesity is a major co-morbidity factor. Not just for Covid but for diabetes, and cancer as well. I think many more of these kids will die from diabetes than Covid.

  2. Anonymous says:

    The 12-17 population in the vaccination stat above would most fall in the bracket that makes up the lowest percentage of the population. Therefore how does the overall vaccination rate make sense if we are above 80 and almost 100% vaccinated in the other age group??

  3. Anonymous says:

    These numbers would mean something if they represented people who had taken 2 shots..

    Remember the anti-vaxxers who took the first shot to get a chance to win prizes and a free whopper. I doubt we will hear from them again.

  4. Anonymity says:

    If you don’t like the government, you can always replace them.

  5. Anonymous says:

    With almost everyone having had AT LEAST one vaccine, it is embarrassing that people are still afraid of us re-opening borders. We should be open to vaccinated travelers….with regular flights and no quarantine.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Canada requires zero days of quarantine for fully vaccinated travellers. Hopefully Caymans will shift toward removing mandatory quarantine once the community including children 12 and over has high enough vaccination rates.

    • Anonymous says:

      I just travelled to Canada but the only reason I could get in despite being vaccinated was because I was taking my daughter to university. She is Canadian and I’m not. I was questioned by immigration and had to show proof that she was my daughter. I was told that entrance to Canada is only for Canadian citizens or for persons travelling with a Canadian citizen for discretionary purposes, as I was doing. As the immigration officer told me, “Canada is not open to tourists.”

    • Anonymous says:

      @4:48 those travellers have to be Canadian citizens or a relative of a Canadian citizen travelling for discretionary purposes.

      • Anonymous says:

        My understanding is Canada is open to Americans for discretionary as of 7 September, but ironically, America is still not open to Canadians for discretionary travel.

  7. Anon says:

    Be careful when you exclaim that the whole world has opened up and we are so behind with the times. Some examples below.

    Covid-19 Travel requirement to enter Canada
    Who can comes to Canada – Canadian citizens and fully vaccinated foreign nationals for discretionary travel

    Covid – 19 Travel requirements to enter Australia
    Who can come to Australia – Australia’s borders are closed. The only people who can travel to Australia are: Australian Citizens, permanent residents, immediate family members and travelers who have been in New Zealand for at least 14 days before the date of departure. People arriving to Australia may be quarantined for 14 days and might have to comply with other state and territory travel restrictions.

    Covid -19 Travel requirements to enter Japan

    Entry to Japan on a short term basis, as such for business, tourism or to visit family continues to be denied other than in exceptional circumstances. Quarantine times – https://www.mofa.go.jp/ca/fna/page4e_001053.html#section3

    Covid-19 Travel requirements to enter Iceland
    Who can travel to Iceland – Icelandic citizens, permanent residents, anyone intending to work or study for more than 7 days, people seeking asylum in Iceland or those who are family or relatives of people in above category. https://island.is/en/p/entry

    • Anonymous says:

      Im not sure if you read all of these correctly. Both Canada and Iceland are open to vaccinated travellers.

    • Anonymous says:

      Not sure you meant to include the Canadian example – unless you misunderstood what discretionary travel meant. Nice selective examples there, omitting most of the words major economies.

    • Anonymous says:

      Out of date, Europeans have been going on holiday to Iceland for months now.

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