24 positive cases of COVID emerge this weekend

| 06/09/2021 | 215 Comments

(CNS): Twenty-three travellers and one person quarantining with a traveller tested positive for COVID-19 in this weekend’s test results. Despite the obvious concern this will now fuel in the community, given that government is still planning to open the borders to fully vaccinated travellers in five weeks, officials said the Cayman Islands quarantine protocols have demonstrated to be very effective in keeping people safe.

Among the 24 people who tested positive were eleven family groups and three single-member households. Nine of the individuals were vaccinated and 15 were unvaccinated, officials revealed.

Officials gave no indication as to where these positive people had travelled from or about whether those who were vaccinated had been isolating on trust. There are now 35 active cases of the virus among people in quarantine and isolation, 14 of whom are showing symptoms, though no one has been hospitalised.

Well aware of the impact these results are likely to have, Premier Wayne Panton said we had to expect an increased given the situation outside the country.

“Based on everything we see happening internationally, we know there will be an increased risk of COVID-19 transmission in the community,” he said. ”The high number of positive test results today reinforces why it is so important that we get the vaccine and encourage our loved ones to do the same. While it is still possible to contract COVID-19 if you are vaccinated, the vaccine is our best defence against severe illness and death.”

Health Minister Sabrina Turner also recognised that the results are likely to cause major concern in the community.

“We understand that everyone is very apprehensive, and will remain guided by the overall health and safety of our people,” she said. “This is also an excellent reminder of the need to follow COVID-19 prevention protocols, including frequent handwashing and wearing masks around the vulnerable as added protection.”

Meanwhile, the national vaccination programme remained stalled with no movement over the weekend on the numbers of those receiving their first shot. Just 73% of the population has had at least one dose and 70% is now fully vaccinated.

See the vaccine schedule on the HSA website here.

For more information on vaccines contact the HSA Communications team at

See here for more information on securely verifiable vaccination records.

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Comments (215)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    How many ill? How many hospitalized?

    CNS: Third paragraph reads, “There are now 35 active cases of the virus among people in quarantine and isolation, 14 of whom are showing symptoms, though no one has been hospitalised.”

    • Anonymous says:

      As has been correctly pointed out, no one is in hospital. Less than half the new cases are showing symptoms (it’s much lower than that in previous data releases) and we have no idea what these symptoms are.

      That’s what CIG is burning $10m a month cash to avoid. The reality that some people might catch it, most people won’t notice if they do and a tiny, tiny minority of people who are already old and infirm or unhealthy will develop problems if they catch it. Just like they would have done with pneumonia, severe case of influenza, Zika, dengue or all manor of other potential threats to health that have come before that we’ve not closed the border for.

      690 known cases and counting in Cayman. 2 deaths, both of which were very ill people to begin with. God knows how many more people have had it and didn’t know and didn’t have a test so aren’t in the stats.

  2. Anonymous says:

    If we keep the 5-day (really 6.5 to 7 days), no point reopening the Ritz, Marriott, Westin, Hampton (former Comfort Suites). No tourist is going to want to spend almost a week locked indoors in a small hotel room, and pay $2 to $3K for a week of watching TV and surfing the internet. Not exactly a vacation — its effectively a week of jail.

    Maybe a larger condo room perhaps or a house and we will get a trickle that want to spend several weeks here. But hotel visitors typically average a one-week stay.

    But a trickle at best. US airlines are not going to schedule flights here in October with quarantine for vaxxed (American Airlines has explicitly said that).

    • Anonymous says:

      Cayman will never re-open fully due to just 2 obvious reasons:
      1. Commercial airline travel transmits Covid
      2. You have to fly to get to Cayman

      Hence quarantine at all levels, future social distancing & restriction measures and lockdowns here will become the norm’. Vaccination will not change this situation.

      • Anonymous says:

        So why did other Caribbean islands manage to open over 12 months ago….long before a vaccine?

        • Anonymous says:

          Look at how shitty they are doing.

          • CSF says:

            They have a fraction of the vaccination rate that Cayman has. Plus the population of those islands is creating antibodies through infection (not that I am advocating that as a public health strategy).

          • Anonymous says:

            Think you should look.
            Turks has been open for over 1 year.
            Even Cayman operations have moved there!

    • Anonymous says:

      A trickle is fine. It will provide most money for least risk. It will provide employment for unemployed locals without having to import hoarded of minimum wage expatriates.

  3. Donnie says:

    Why is it that we are still not willing to share with the public information as to whether these positive tests are by visitors or returning residents, where they arrived from and when did they test positive? No one needs to know the names but information such as that provided by Bermuda would give the public a clearer picture, viz:

    “Seven of the new cases are classified as imported.

    One was a visitor who arrived on the JetBlue flight from Boston on August 2 and tested positive on their arrival test.

    One was a resident who arrived on American Airlines from Charlotte on August 2 and tested positive on arrival.

    Three were residents aboard the Delta Air Lines flight from New York on July 26 and tested positive on day eight.

    One resident arrived on British Airways from London on August 3 and tested positive on arrival and another resident arrived via Delta Air Lines from Atlanta on July 31 and tested positive on day four.”

    This is information that our decisionmakers should have access to and take into consideration. If the public also has access to it too, they can better understand the decisions taken.

    • Anonymous says:

      @ DONNIE.. I been saying the same thing from day 1! All this information should be made public and for that matter any place that the persons are in mandatory quarantine should be clearly marked with signs to alert others! I don’t understand why this is not a requirement when the government facilities are heavily security guarded! What is the BIG SECRET if someone clearly must have just arrived! These things are just the responsible thing and information for the public!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Singapore has a higher vaccination rate than we do. They decided to try the ‘live with Covid’ approach in June. Now they have discovered that is likely to be the path to illness and death.

    “(CNN)Singapore has warned it may need to reimpose Covid-19 restrictions if a new outbreak of the highly infectious Delta variant is not contained, putting at risk the city’s shift towards living with the virus.
    The number of new Covid-19 infections in Singapore doubled in the past week, according to the country’s Ministry of Health, rising to more than 1,200 cases for the week ending September 5.

    “We know from the experience of other countries that when cases rise so sharply there will be many more ICU cases and many more people succumbing to the virus,” he said.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Case study,
    24 are infected with the virus.
    Note the results
    Is the virus deadly?
    We can help ourselves also and get healthy. Health first , then wealth.
    We are a special group of people who need to work.

    • Anonymous says:

      I too would like the work I had before Covid, but that’s not the world I live in. I’ve had to take the work that is available, and if things don’t change, in a couple of years, I might be close to the earnings I had before Covid.

      The world has changed, my friend. We have to change with it.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Vaccines dont work that well. Just take a look at israel.

    Also what’s the plan when we have an outbreak? The government should let us know whether were going back into lockdown or not. If so I’d prefer to keep the quarantine.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Proof that pestilence will soon come once the restrictions are eased. Delta will devastate this beautiful country, all in the name of money for the vacay crowd

  8. Anonymous says:

    Our borders are closed

    Unvaccinated persons (without medical reasons) should not be allowed on public transport including planes, licensed buses and taxis, etc.

    Hell, even to little countries such as France are requiring vaccine passports in these cases, plus in other public spaces such as restaurants, cafes, bars, etc.

    Why can’t little Territories such as Cayman do the same. Time to update our protocols so that we can get on with our lives.

    Choice is Choice.

  9. Anonymous says:

    So far all these positives over 700 are all ok.except those two with severe morbid conditions.if people r not getting sick being positive is no issue similar to flu.in flu a few become sick with pneumonia due to age and other factors. I think we need to get out of Covid panic and live with covid precautions along with vaccinated tourists without making too much fuss of verifiable word. Et us remember if we want to go to Miami to shop you dont want to be quarantined for five days in Miami so same applies to them to come for vacation. If we dictate to others we need to accept to be dictated by others. Let us be practical.

  10. Anonymous says:

    come oct 14 cayman has 3 options:
    1. keep border closed and try and maintain covid-free bubble.
    2. re-open but have mask wearing, social distancing and likly rolling lockdowns including school closures.
    3. re-open with no restrictions and see if we can accept/manage some people getting sick and the some very sick people dying from covid.
    #3 won’t happen because cig has not got the backbone to face covid and the consequences (even though we have one of the highest vaccinations in the world)
    #2 won’t happen because people will rightly not accept lockdown due to failure of cig vaccine plan.
    #1 is the likely/easiest option for this spineless administration….welcome to prison island for the next 9 months.

  11. Anonymous says:

    so in six weeks these stories become stories about ever increasing community transmission?
    do pact have a plan?
    the people of cayman will accept a return to lockdowns.

  12. Anonymous says:

    COVID-19 will be back in our communities. GET THE DAMN VACCINE!!! We can’t stay locked down forever!

    • Anonymous says:

      the argument against the unvaxxed is getting old now.

      the science is there: both vaxxed and unvaxxed can transmit the virus and both can get sick (ie Israel).

      if Cayman goes to 100% vaxxed (very unrealistic) there will still be community transmission…

  13. Anonymous says:

    Two days to go to the Surge Cayman Wow!Prepare for the loss of life and Hospitals to be overwhelm!

  14. Anonymous says:


  15. Anonymous says:

    The outside world is a raging forest fire and yet we seem determined to open our borders so that the our forest can burn. Our kids cannot yet be vaccinated. This reopening plan is not conceivable.

  16. Anonymous says:

    We have two alternatives. Either choose to remain in bubble and most of us will be safe or open up with covid precautions and develop systems to manage as covid is not going away from world soon and as long as it is there it will come here and explode.
    Better to manage it in stepwise fashion and live with it.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Although covid numbers r high internationally especially uk and usa the hospitalisations and deaths didnt increase proportionately due to vaccination and previous unrecognised infection. So better to be vaccinated.

  18. Anonymous says:

    and yet we still have the holy rollers, the Trumpsters, the Patriots, the weatherman and the wanna be politician, together with the two so called Christian women and make believe doctor from West Bay telling people not to get vaccinated. damn fools!

    As soon as we open many of these same people will be dropping like flies. Horse de-worming medicine is not going to help and when they shove that ventilator down your throat, you can call it a day.

    Caymanians have been spoilt living in this bubble. Many of you have not experienced covid at its worst. It’s real and it kills. I have just come back from Miami after being in the hospital for about two weeks. The nurses told me that they were literally overwhelmed and it was worse than last year and the majority of the people dying were those that refused to get vaccinated.

  19. Anonymous says:

    So fast forward a month or two after opening and we get 24 positive results. What is the plan?

  20. Anonymous says:

    Are these people vaccinated or unvaccinated?

    I wish we could get the break downs like we used to..Why can’t the HSA just post those when they make these announcements.

  21. Anonymous says:

    Canada has been open to vaccinated US residents for almost a month.
    They are running at 0.19% positive rate of fully vaccinated BUT have 72 hour pre testing.

    They are opening to every country tomorrow as long as they are fully vaccinated.

    Seems strange we could have got so many in a weekend….maybe pre testing should be added.

  22. Anonymous says:

    Covid cases rising in quarantine, now imagine when quarantine is over how this will rapidly spread, overload the hospitals and lockdowns again.

  23. Anonymous says:

    It makes zero sense to open the boarders without a quarantine next month. I would argue that most people on island don’t care about bringing tourists back and would be happy with a few more flights while allowing unvaccinated kids to quarantine for 5 days with their vaccinated parents. Maybe we should start there?

    • Anonymous says:

      Im OK with your plan (retain quarantine) IF more flights are added. This would likely have to be CAL (if they can get US permission) as the US carriers wont fly here with quarantine.

      Would be nice if in addition to adding more CAL flights to MIA, CAL can add one a week to JFK.

  24. Anonymous says:

    This is very disturbing. I am not in favor of quarantine on trust and think removing the need for the GPS tracking bracelets is a bad idea. But move forward to the upcoming stages of our opening and infected people will be leaving straight from the airport into Fosters, bars and restaurants, and standing next to us in the queues.
    There are many vulnerable people in our community, through age, obesity, diabetes and other health conditions. Until now we have sacrificed so much to protect them and to enjoy a safe and normal life here while the rest of the world went to hell.
    I urge the government not to open up our community to this disease. Our healthcare services have no experience in dealing with covid, and we just don’t have enough beds, ventilators, doctors, oxygen etc for taking care of our own people, let alone all the infected travellers who may arrive and become sick here.
    Let’s only allow in those with verifiable vaccinations, and keep the 10 days monitored quarantine. It’s the safest way.

  25. Anonymous says:

    We should wait and see, if anyone will get seriously ill, instead of urging people to be vaccinated.

  26. Anonymous says:

    We should wait and see, if anyone who’ll get seriously ill, instead of urging people to be vaccinated.

  27. Sheriff says:

    We won’t open fully on 10/14 because

    A) we won’t reach 80% vaccination rate
    B) CIG won’t change the unattainable 80% rate
    C) we won’t reach 80% vaccination rate

    So everyone should just calm down. Geez at some point we have to reopen and Covid WILL be in the community. We will likely have to wear masks and social distance. It’s hard to believe this is such a big issue for some people.

    It’s also hard to believe there are so many people on here that really want this place to stay closed until Covid is gone from the rest of the world. And it’s not going to be gone from the rest of the world anytime soon.

  28. Anonymous says:

    The government should be charging for COVID testing. In the US it is $300+ and in the UK GBP150+. Why is the Cayman government subsidizing peoples holidays? Makes no sense. It would have paid for all the can’t get a job tourist worker stipends

    • Anonymous says:

      Family members in Michigan, Illinois and Ohio have not paid for multiple tests – all were free. This spanned from Last summer to this spring.

    • Anonymous says:

      No. Because then there will be fake tests and what all. NO.

    • Anonymous says:

      Rubbish. The test I used to fly back from Spain last week cost £28. European clinics are charging about the same.

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s not $300 in the US …I was there in June … got my PCR Test FREE at Dolphin Malll from Miami Dade Health got my PCR results in less than 24hours.

      Tts $80 to 120 at private clinics results in an hour

      $150 at the Airport …

      Get your facts straight

  29. Anonymous says:

    Suggested Plan:

    October 14. Keep the quarantine.
    5 days (it’s really six anyway) for anyone with proof of vaccination (forget the “verifiable” nonsense). In Canada and the US they were fine with my Cayman card. Very few people, if any, will fake a vaccination card if they still have to quarantine. And they will still be tested on day 6 anyway. This is better than just letting them in or a blanket discriminatory ban on most Americans and Canadians.
    Increase Cayman Airways flights to Miami to daily so people can come and go more easily. Let other airlines come back with a limited schedule if they want. Let anyone who wants to come here come here. Take 50 of the stipend people and give them jobs at travel time so they can handle the increased load they are barely coping as it is. Make it a condition for the rest of the stipend people to register with WORC to continue getting it after Jan 1. At least then we will know how many people really need the funds and how many are double dipping. People showing a sincere effort to get a job can continue to receive assistance.

    Wait until things calm down before getting rid of quarantine. It may be a while but if we are getting 24 people on a couple of flights we will have thousands of cases within a month of opening. Anyome who thinks that doesn’t mean going back to no eating in restaurants, bars closed, home schooling and possible lock downs and letter days again is kidding themselves. We may have tourists but they won’t be able to leave their hotel rooms. And the rest of us, including local businesses, will suffer.

    • Anonymous says:

      Completely agree. I doubt that visitors really want to come here and have to wear masks (which we’ll have to do if we open up without quarantine). People want to come here and enjoy our mostly mask-free living. THAT’s a vacation. Right now, THAT is paradise.

  30. Anonymous says:

    What is the problem with opening once the emergency use approval has ended and the makers of the vaccines are liable? There will be an upsurge in vaccine use then.

    CNS: The FDA gave full approval to the Pfizer vaccine last month. Read the full FDA press release here.

    Also read this – the whole thing: The false claim that the fully-approved Pfizer vaccine lacks liability protection

    Key points:

    1) Malone, a physician who bills himself as having played a key role in creation of mRNA vaccines, is a prominent skeptic of the coronavirus vaccines that have been crafted using the technology. Shortly after the Food and Drug Administration fully authorized the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, he appeared on a program hosted by Stephen K. Bannon, a one-time adviser to former president Donald Trump, and claimed that the full authorization was a bait-and-switch game played by the FDA.

    2) (When contacted by WaPo) Malone quickly conceded his statement on the Bannon show was wrong. “When one is doing rapid analysis on the fly, one does not always get everything right,” he told The Fact Checker. “On this particular legal liability issue I did not hunt down the details myself, and relied on comments from a third party lawyer which were not fully correct.” He said the statements we received from Pfizer and HHS “are consistent with my current understanding.”

  31. People First says:

    The high number of positive test results today reinforces why it is so important that we get the vaccine and encourage our loved ones to do the same. Mr. premier what about the vulnerable that cannot be vaccinated like the elderly, the sick and the children? Are you prepared to infect and potentially cause the death of hundreds?

    Also please look at the stats on vaccinated people that are still dying. Can you really open the borders in good conscience?

    • Anonymous says:

      Agreed – it would be unconscionable for government to drop quarantine and testing in October as they currently plan to do.

  32. Anonymous says:

    Cayman should wait to reopen at least an additional year, if not longer. Vaccinated individuals carry the Delta variant and it will quickly spread throughout the 20% of the unvaccinated Cayman population with expected results of increased ICU and general medical bed hospitalizations and the inevitable deaths. False negative culture results of incoming vaccinated tourists will obviously fuel the spread…. testing is not 100% accurate. 10-14 day quarantine with tracking and exit testing of all incoming people is the best way to insure the 20% will not get infected. 20% of the Cayman population has the right to hold the island economically hostage for the unforeseen future. Tourism dollars do provide an economic bonus, but are surely not a medical necessity.

    • Anonymous says:

      Your comment sounds very entitled … I have not been able to see my mother or the rest of my family in 18 months … we cannot stay locked down for another year!

      Not all of our families are 10 minutes away … and don’t bother to say go back where I come from … My PR Fee is more than you sound like you make per year not to mention I spend more than 50% of my high six figure salary in the community.

      It is untenable for the borders to remain closed for 12 more months

      • Anonymous says:

        They are not closed! You can go visit your family, you just have to go through 5 days of quarantine coming back.

  33. Anonymous says:

    How convenient. Just in time for the scheduled goal post movement.

    • Anonymous says:

      Well the rules of the game have changed, so of course the goal posts should be moved.

    • Anonymous says:

      Right – the government secretly recruited Covid infected people to board flights to Cayman in order to justify doing the sensible thing and maintaining quarantine.

      Delta is spreading like wildfire in the places these flights come from. That is why we had 24 at one time. That is why we need to keep quarantine and testing.

  34. Anonymous says:

    “we had to expect an increased given the situation outside the country.” Yeah lets open in the new year where these other outside situations might get their act together.

  35. Anonymous says:

    The government press release states; “Underscoring the effectiveness that the Cayman Islands quarantine protocols have demonstrated to date, health officials noted that the 24 persons included 11 family groups and three single member households.”

    So there we have it – the current quarantine protocol is effective so that must be why the government is planning to end it on 14 October.


  36. Anonymous says:

    Quarantine works. Keep it!

  37. Anonymous says:

    Good thing that there has never ever been any corruption in Cayman.
    If there had been I would be tempted to wonder who got paid what by whom in order to put forward this idea of dropping quarantine and allowing our people to get infected and some of them to die. Dropping quarantine is either based on utter stupidity or corruption because the government’s own statistics show that it is not based on necessity.

  38. Anonymous says:

    Guess we be lock dwn for Xmas Thanks Gov Gov

  39. Anonymous says:

    Kingston flight came in.

    • Anonymous says:

      Full of unvaccinated civil servants and their dependents, and some bus and taxi drivers. Maybe even a #worldclass auxiliary constable or two. You simply could not make this shit up.

    • Anonymous says:

      There have been Kingston flights since last year … there have been flights from Kingston, Miami and the UK which arrived last week.

      Also, not because a flight arrived from Kingston means it carried Jamaicans only, Jamaica still is a gateway to Cayman as not everyone can enter through the US or the UK.

      Irresponsible comments like this promote Xenophobia which helps to cause divisiveness in these Islands.

    • Anonymous says:

      Even for the UK, anyone coming in from Jamaica has to quarantine for 11 days if unvaccinated!

  40. Anonymous says:

    One third of those testing positive were vaccinated people. If this was October 15th they would not have been stopped but instead would be spreading disease and death in our community rather than continuing quarantine for another few days. Dropping quarantine would be the stupidest thing any government has done in 100 years. But then look at our government and consider that this is what they are proposing.

  41. Anonymous says:

    Wayne said, “”The high number of positive test results today reinforces why it is so important that we get the vaccine and encourage our loved ones to do the same.”

    What Wayne should have said if he understood what was going on was, “The high number of positive test results obtained from both vaccinated and unvaccinated travelers who are currently required to quarantine and then be tested, clearly shows that dropping quarantine and allowing infected travelers to spread death and illness in Cayman was one of Kenny’e scare tactics. Of course we are going to keep quarantine as the science shows that it keeps our people safe.”

  42. Anonymous says:

    Maybe this is just one of Kenny’s scare tactics.

  43. Anonymous says:

    So what government is proposing for fall 2021 is open the schools for 6 weeks, then let Covid in to spread rapidly and then shut down the schools and go back into lockdown. I am so disappointed with the stupidity of this government.

  44. Anonymous says:

    News flash for our Health Minister – hand washing did not keep these infected travelers from spreading Covid into our community. Quarantine and testing did. So why exactly is government so keen to drop quarantine and infect everyone in Cayman including our children who cannot be vaccinated?????

    • Anonymous says:

      yep…health minister said words that she thought sounded smart.
      in reality it showed how out of her depth she is.

  45. Anonymous says:

    Well those statistics prove beyond any doubt that dropping quarantine in October while Delta rages all around us is a recipe for disaster. I have to question whether government is listening to the money people or the science.

  46. Anonymous says:

    There is no plan to reopen.
    Community transmission will happen in the next 3 weeks.

  47. Anonymous says:

    24 positives with 9 of those being vaccinated and all of 24 kept out of the community and identified because of quarantine and testing. It is an outrage that the government is planning to welcome the virus and the sickness and death it will bring.

  48. Anonymous says:

    If these people had simply been released into the community without quarantine as government is proposing to do in October, we would have hundreds infected within 2 weeks and thousands in a month. Quarantine keeps us safe and must be maintained for both vaccinated and unvaccinated people.

    • Anonymous says:

      Who and how many would end up in hospital….that is the only question to be asked.

      • CSF says:

        Exactly. Wasn’t the whole idea behind the vaccine roll-out to allow the island to reopen and to limit the impact of the virus once it arrived? The virus is now endemic in the rest of the world. Unless Cayman intends to stay closed indefinitely, the virus is going to enter and go through the population at some stage.

        I accept there is an argument to hold off to see if a vaccine for the 5-12 age group becomes available before the end of the year – CNN said this morning that Pfizer are still hoping to provide their data to the FDA by the end of September and apply for an EUA – but given the vaccine statistics for the 12-15s how many of the 5-12s in Cayman are actually going to be vaccinated? And then do we hold off from reopening until the vaccine for the U5s is available? I just don’t believe this is feasible.

        What concerns me more at this stage is the lack of communication from CIG regarding their plan for masks/social distancing especially within schools. The schools in the UK/US have had 18 months to develop their protocols. We in Cayman don’t seem to have any.

        Lastly, I think everyone needs to chill out about the border opening. A few will be able to do it, but most North American visitors will be put off from coming as long as there is no flexibility in the QR code vaccine proof, and they have to do a 12 day quarantine.

      • Anonymous says:

        Who? The unvaccinated.

    • Anonymous says:

      If the vaccinated where simply pre tested OR tested on arrival and insulation until they get results there would be nothing to worry about.

      Open Up I say just like the rest of the world.

      • Anonymous says:

        Clearly you do not understand that the incubation period of the virus is 14 days. Testing on arrival and release 12 hours later when results are available would be an excellent way to bring Covid into our community.

      • Anonymous says:

        And who are you? Someone who lives here? Someone who wants to travel here? Someone with family living in Cayman? Someone with kids in school enjoying mask-free normality?
        The fact is that we all did a great job (maybe too good of a job) eliminating the virus from our community. Most people aren’t ready to give up all the freedoms and safety we have now just to make some money from tourism.
        Yes, we would all like to travel so hopefully the government finds a way to add more flights while keeping some quarantine requirements for now. 3 days maybe?

    • Anon says:

      Get the jab

    • Anonymous says:

      So do we stay shut forever? 50-60 people per day are getting vaccinated. Everyone has made their decision about their own bodies which I respect. The most vulnerable have been protected from severe disease. Is your real desire to turn back the clock and isolate Cayman from the world? Thats okay too, but realize that eventually the economic prosperity will roll back too.

    • Anonymous says:

      I agree, I have been and still am massively pro opening the border and getting on with life whilst learning to live with Covid, but the quarantine is working and should remain for now. As a vaccinated person if i can travel to London freely after September 9 I am more than happy to stay home for 5 days when I get back.

    • Anonymous says:

      People need to get vaccinated instead of making stupid excuses and the vaccine will keep people to getting sicks in the 100’s as you indicate.

    • Anonymous says:

      Who are the 9 muppets that disliked this comment?

    • Anonymous says:

      What do we do 8 years from now when nothing has changed?

      • Anonymous says:

        Enjoy our wealthy society with uncrowded beaches, a pristine environment and world leading infrastructure. Liberated from the scourge of mass market tourism and accompanying social and economic degradation.

    • Anonymous says:

      Due to the tone of the notice, I would not be surprised if they know Covid is already spreading in the community but are withholding the information for now…

    • Anonymous says:

      Relax. COVID is not going away. Ever. Whether we partially open next month, in two months or next year, COVID will get into the community.

      We’ve now had close to 700 confirmed cases to date but only a handful of hospitalizations, and the majority of the hospitalizations were in pre-vaccine days.

      We have one of the highest vaccination rates in the world. Learn to live with this and move on. An absolute zero case COVID policy at all costs is not sustainable.

      What are we actually waiting for? The UK hasn’t even approved the vaccine for HEALTHY 12 to 17-year-olds yet. And approval of a lower children’s dose for under 12s is at earliest a 2022 event. Regulators want to be sure that the rare serious side effects from the vaccine don’t exceed the rare serious side effects of COVID-19 for young children.

  49. Anonymous says:

    Hmmm. So they produce negatives to come. Can we be sure they are doing the tests properly here given the lab reputation at the moment.

    • Anonymous says:

      7.39. What are you talking about? The lab’s here have a good reputation.,

    • Anonymous says:

      The test they take to come here is 72 hours prior to arrival. People can contract the virus in the 3 days leading up to their flights. You can be certain zero ppl are quarantining for those 72 hours.

    • Anonymous says:

      Think about it, you are required to do a PCR test 72 hours prior to arrival, you could be negative at testing time and then you go about your normal life activities and come in contact with someone that is positive.

    • Anonymous says:

      They’re not faking it. Some of these people are coming from Florida. There are 20,000 cases a day there. And probably 5x more than that asymptomatic people who can still transmit. These people are getting it after their test or during
      from the guy next to them at AAA Best Terminal F Covid Test Center (now with results in 15 mins or its free!),at Dadeland mall, at airport Chili’s(too) or standing in line to board the plane.

    • Anonymous says:

      7:39 something is definitely up! Either people are testing at unreliable labs for pre-travel test or HSA is overamplifying tests still and getting false “positives”. There is no way that many should be testing positive between pre-test and arrival test.

  50. Elvis says:

    No vaccinated people = disaster for cayman people

    • Bring out your dead says:

      Disaster anyway if a new variant comes along that our vaccine doesn’t induce antibodies for. Delta is probably here, Mu is on the way and whatever follows next might supplant them all.

    • Anonymous says:

      Vaccinated people have to quarantine anyway, even once we open up, so what’s the problem?

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