Archive for September 11th, 2021

COVID vaccine take-up surges as local cases emerge

COVID vaccine take-up surges as local cases emerge

| 11/09/2021 | 141 Comments

(CNS): Hundreds of people went looking for their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine over the last two days following the revelation that Cayman’s protective bubble had burst and the coronavirus had been detected in the community in a family with no travel history. At least 500 people were vaccinated at the West Bay Clinic […]

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Man wounded in West Bay shooting

Man wounded in West Bay shooting

| 11/09/2021 | 8 Comments

(CNS) Police are investigating a shooting that happened late last night in West Bay, after a month long reprieve in local gun violence. According to a short press release from the RCIPS, a 23-year-old man from the district was shot in the pelvis on Friday around 11pm. Police were called to the scene on Reverend […]

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