National COVID vaccination rate reaches 70%

| 30/08/2021 | 46 Comments

(CNS): The vaccination level across the Cayman Islands finally reached 70% of the population on Monday, as 49,494 people have now had both shots of the COVID-19 vaccine. The number of people having had at least one shot has risen to 51,514, or 72% of an estimated population of just over 71,000 people.

Government has been targeting a vaccination rate for the country of 80%, but at a recent press briefing Premier Wayne Panton made it clear that government wants to see an even higher level, as he pleaded with everyone who can get vaccinated to get the shots. Government is still intending to lift restrictions on who can visits Cayman next week and open to commercial air traffic, though the quarantine measures will remain in place until October.

The goal of reaching at last 80% has been pushed back to 14 October, when government has said it still plans to lift the quarantine requirement for travellers who are fully vaccinated with digitally verifiable shots.

There were no new cases of the virus among the test results from those coming to the end of their quarantine time, but there are still ten active cases of the virus among the 864 people who are isolating, with five people showing symptoms.

The HSA vaccination schedule for September is available here but there will be additional mobile clinics over the next few weeks, some of which will be at MPs’ constituency offices in the evenings, in an effort to get the vaccine rate up as high as possible before the quarantine restrictions are lifted.

The health ministry is also planning a vaccination bus that will be visiting the districts this month starting in West Bay. A schedule for this vaccine roadshow has yet to be announced.

See the vaccine schedule on the HSA website here.

For more information on vaccines contact the HSA Communications team at

See here for more information on securely verifiable vaccination records.

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Comments (46)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Did anyone notice that in January 2022, they plan to have no PCR test’s for any arrivals? Hope it stays stuck at 70%!!!! Stupid a$$ Government.

    • Anonymous says:

      Stupid indeed. To hear a growing number of people now wishing that we still had Alden in charge says much about where we are with this pact. While I was no big fan of Alden I too feel that at least the man had the boldness to stand up to the pressure and made firm decisions to protect the people of these islands. I am fairly certain that with the global uptick of the virus he would not be advocating opening our borders at this time.

  2. Dorcas Nelson says:

    As of April 2021, the ESO found the population to be 66,206. 80% of 66,206 is 52,965. So then only 1,450 jabs are needed to reach 80%. The are those who feel their medical condition exempts them from the jab. This should only be determined by their doctor. Thinking they are exempt is not legitimate. Only determined by a doctor is a legitimate exemption.

    • Anonymous says:

      But what if I forget to tell my doctor about my 48 years of personal experiences and medical history in the 15 minute allocated consultation time that they only have time for?

      • Anonymous says:

        WebMd was only founded in 1996, meaning your medical background is only 25 years experience at most.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Generally not a fan of JuJu but her contribution to last week’s press briefing was compelling and very well delivered. Hopefully it motivated a few to get vaccinated.

    Very well done Juliana.

    • Anonymous says:

      She should have been vaccinated in January at the first opportunity. That’s what a true responsible leader would have done.

      • Anonymous says:

        Truthfully, we should have all waited. Now the border is reopening, most of us got our shots March/April and the protection we are getting from the vaccine is waning. I wish I had waited as I expected the borders to open up sooner than this…

  4. Anon says:

    CIG need to set a date for when they will start using the remaining vaccines that expire at the end of October for boosters, so the sensible among us are as protected as possible, rather than waiting for the uneducated selfish amongst us who refuse to get jabbed.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Slow decline in vaccine-hesitant people in the USA as the reality of Delta breaks through the anti-vax noise
    We have a chance to make good choices before learning the hard way. Delta will likely get out and start infecting then community here even if the borders stay closed. Get protected ASAP, and yes, boosters for those who are vulnerable.

  6. Anonymous says:

    In today’s news:

    💉 Vaccine effectiveness against hospitalization falls over time for oldest patients.

    👮🏽‍♂️Lee County Sheriff’s Office corrections deputy dies of COVID-19

  7. Anonymous says:

    Unfortunately by the time we reach the arbitrary figure of 80% the efficacy of the vaccine will have worn off. Just read the research coming out of Israel one of the earliest adopters with very high vaccination rates. And before you start yelling anti-vaxer save your keystrokes. I’ve been fully vaccinated since April.

    What then CIG? Booster shots? Lockdowns? Borders remain closed? You might want to give this some thought beforehand.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Singapore is the only country thus far to reach 80% and just look at their data and the number of infections of the vaccinated. After 6-8 months the vaccinated are basically unvaccinated????????

    • Anonymous says:

      You left out the most important fact. There are a high number of COVID cases of vaccinated people on Singapore BUT they are not falling ill. The vaccines are working. I have not read anywhere that this vaccine will prevent contracting COVID but there is only a very tiny percentage of those having been vaccinated being hospitalized with COVID.

  9. Anonymous says:

    How high is our confidence that CIG has reliable data on the population? Surely the Caymanians abroad for school, illness, or other necessities should factor in this fully-vaccinated tally? Cayman will need to introduce a QR-based vaccine confirmation code for citizens requiring these abroad, and not a bad idea for domestic service access once the doors open. Are we ready?

  10. Anonymous says:

    Original goal met! Too bad the goal posts were moved to 80% AND the population estimate was grossly inflated.

  11. Anonymous says:

    At least 10% of the population is ineligible for the jab either due to being under 12 years old or due to the fact they can’t receive the jab for other reasons. That’s 80% in my eyes. Looking forward to opening up.

  12. Anonymous says:

    It is essential to have 100 percent of health care workers vaccinated except for medical reason as it wouldnt be many such

  13. Anonymous says:

    HSA is not answering emails from people who have lost their vaccination card and require the second dose.

  14. Anonymous says:

    9th of september soon come…the day of national failure regarding the 80?% vaccine impossible target. what then no-plan-pact???

  15. Anonymous says:

    That’s not what the ESO says the population is though.

  16. Anonymous says:

    When will Government require HSA staff to be vaccinated? There is no excuse for them to demand it of work permit holders but not require it of front line medical staff!

    • Anonymous says:

      They were heroes last year when they kept working unvaccinated. Now you want them fired. How fickle you are

      • Anonymous says:

        They were never heroes. Heroes do more than just the job for which they are compensated.

        • Over ungrateful sods says:

          10:38 and they do more than that every time. Bet your sour ass will be grateful for them when you get Covid and need their treatment though.

          • Anonymous says:

            Unless I get a breakthrough infection from one of them because despite choosing not to be vaccinated they keep exposing others to unnecessary risk in a healthcare setting.

            • Anonymous says:

              How so? You can infect others vaccinated or not. Everyone is talking about hospital capacity but the CDC website shows hospitalisations drastically decreased. SHows the vaccine works to reduce the need for hospital treatment but transmission is still rampant and we will continue to see mutations. It’s time for big pharma to admit this vaccine is not working how they expected it to.

        • Anonymous says:

          You do need help with your soul

      • Anonymous says:

        We didn’t have vaccines available then

    • Anonymous says:

      Do as I say, not as I do, is ultimately going to lead to a challenge that these untouchable civil servants will be unable to sweep under the carpet. The tail is wagging the dog. They are there to serve society, not the other way round. Leadership comes from example, not bullying tactics.

  17. Anonymous says:


  18. Anonymous says:

    No 2nd pension fund withdrawal = no vaccine shot

    • Anonymous says:

      Seriously! You have a medical choice to make that has nothing to do with pensions. You are being offered a free vaccine that works in preventing death from COVID. There are numerous testimonies from people on their death beds who regret one thing – not getting vaccinated. Good luck to you.

    • Anon says:

      What have pensions got to do with vaccine? Bizarre comment

  19. Booster time says:

    Time to start the booster shots asap ahead of reopening.

    • Anon says:

      this is actually more important than holding out for the 6-7k of unvaccinated people who have had ample opportunity to get vaccinated and continue to decline it. Our most vulnerable population were vaccinated at the very beginning of the vax campaign and the Pfizer manufacturer has specified an 8 month mark booster shot is necessary to maintain immunity. Lets offer the vaccine, and the protection it offers, to the people most vulnerable to negative outcomes from the virus. Assuming the booster also takes two weeks to be fully effective – boosters need to be offered to the 60+ population by the end of September latest.

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