Island-wide clean-up planned for World Cleanup Day

| 30/08/2021 | 6 Comments

(CNS): Plastic Free Cayman is coordinating an island-wide clean-up next month to mark World Cleanup Day and to address the build-up of plastic around our shoreline after the two recent tropical storms. The event will take place on Saturday 18 September at eight different locations and the organisation is encouraging people to join in the event.

“It has become increasingly clear just how important our beaches are to Cayman’s economy, our tourism industry and our cultural heritage,” said Claire Huges of PFC, as she urged people to join other volunteers and help restore our shores to their natural beauty.

Several community groups have already signed up to take part across all three islands to create Cayman’s largest beach clean effort to date. They include CayOcean, Protect Our Future, The Mangrove Rangers, Stoak’d Cayman, Lucky Slice, ALT, and Island Supply.

Volunteers can register on the World Cleanup Day website or simply sign in upon their arrival to the clean-up. 

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  1. Anonymous says:

    How many are receiving a stipend? Maybe they could do the cleanup and let the working people who are paying them have a day of rest?

  2. Anonymous says:

    Start in Parliament

  3. Mr. Clean says:

    Does the cleanup include crooks, criminals on the lamb, land pirates, and speeding/drunk drivers. If so I’m in and got my cow cod at the ready.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Let me make a suggestion here. Every single MP should be out in their respective constituency doing this clean-up too. They cannot say they have earned their raises yet.

  5. Anonymous says:

    please throw it all away in the landfill (aka Mt. Trashmore) once done.


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