Archive for August 18th, 2021

CUC has major set back, power out island wide

CUC has major set back, power out island wide

| 18/08/2021 | 38 Comments

(CNS) UPDATED 7:30PM: CUC reported a major set-back to its restoration efforts Wednesday evening, when the power went out island-wide around 6pm. Power had been restored to various locations earlier in the afternoon but officials said that during the restoration effort a fault emerged which created grid instability resulting in loss of power to the […]

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All clear given as clean-up rolls on

All clear given as clean-up rolls on

| 18/08/2021 | 62 Comments

(CNS) UPDATED 7pm: The ‘All Clear’ from Hurricane Grace has now been given. The National Emergency Operations Centre formally issued an all clear for Grand Cayman, with effect from 6pm Wednesday evening. Nevertheless the Cayman Islands is still experiencing bands of strong winds and torrential rain. Acting Deputy Governor Gloria McField-Nixon said 80 percent of […]

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People urged to stay off the roads

People urged to stay off the roads

| 18/08/2021 | 44 Comments

(CNS): As Hurricane Grace began to move away from the Cayman Islands area Wednesday morning, government officials urged people to stay off the roads and at home until the all clear is given. With power outages all over Grand Cayman, downed power lines, trees and debris strewn across the roads and continuing heavy rains and […]

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