Man shot during home invasion

| 27/06/2021 | 42 Comments
Cayman News Service

(CNS): A West Bay man is in hospital recovering from a gunshot wound after being shot in the chest during a home invasion at an apartment on Adonis Drive in the Mount Pleasant area of West Bay at around 3:45am Saturday morning. The victim was understood to have awoken to find the men in his home, one of whom had a firearm. It is not clear what, if anything, was taken during what the police have described as an aggravated burglary in which the victim was shot while struggling with the robbers.

The man was reportedly assisted by a neighbour after the home-invaders fled the scene, He was taken to hospital in a private car, where he is still being treated.

The incident, which is one of several firearms-related crimes over the last month, is currently under investigation. Anyone with information is asked to contact West Bay CID at 649-3999 or any other police station.

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Category: Crime, Police

Comments (42)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Not trying to bash Jamaicans, but if you look at the stats for crime that occurred before the status grants giveaway by the UDP and after, you will clearly see there has been a very significant increase in crime. Not propaganda, facts!!!!!

  2. Anonymous says:

    The amount of racism against a particular nationality in here is so high it’s blinding to the actual assailants of this crime, Caymanians. Lol some of y’all need to stop living in the dirt and realise some of your fellow caymanians aren’t the saints you imagine them to be.

  3. Anonymous says:

    This incident involved Caymanians – NOT Jamaicans. The victim often has his house broken into because of his line of “work”.

  4. Anonymous says:

    While I see what the police have done over the year’s to improve their own protection I am not seeing what has been done to provide adequate protection for the average law abiding citizen. The citizens of this country are as much (if not more) on the receiving end of the increase in violent crime but very little is being done to ensure that law abiding citizens can protect themselves. Where were the police when this victim needed them?

    • Anonymous says:

      The person involved, the ‘victim’, was not an average law abiding citizen.

    • Anonymous says:

      What suggestion(s) do you have? What are the Police supposed to do to protect you outside of what they’re already doing?

      I’m all ears…

    • Anonymous says:

      Are we 100% certain the victim was a law abiding citizen?

      Maybe will will break from tradition and someone will actually provide information to the RICPS in relation to this case…

  5. Anonymous says:

    Legitimate work permit holders are not committing the crimes. It got to be people, who are here and not working and have no other means to provide for themselves and families. The census should give the information needed. For locals social assessment is needed, they need work or to be help to get in an apprentice program. If foreigners are not working, why are they here.
    For those calling the place a ‘shit hole’ are you working for DT, you are an echo and has no opinion of your own.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Why everything bad happen here is Jamaican why it can’t be some one else with so many different nation here just hope we are not judging the one people

  7. Anonymous says:

    A certain nationality has turned this once paradise into a shithole especially West Bay and certain parts of Georgetown. PACT please stop granting them permits and send home the criminals when they are caught. PPM and UDP let them run rampant it is time to get serious and keep them out by any means necessary.

  8. Anonymous says:

    How can this happen when guns are illegal in Cayman? I guess we need another “Buy Back” program to get the criminals to give up their guns which clearly is very effective.

    • Anonymous says:

      Guns are not illegal in Cayman, possessing one unlawfully is. While I agree obtaining a licensed fireman is a tedious process here it is not impossible.

    • Anonymous says:

      Don’t be silly. Are you saying that in countries where people have easy access to guns that there is no gun crime? Is that what you are trying to say? Name one country on the earth that doesn’t have crime. I’ll wait. Now show me which country has reduced violent/gun crime by making it easier to own guns .

      When cayman is compared to other countries with similar population geographical size and density, how do our crime stats stack up? I feel safer in cayman than any other country that I have travelled to. Our crime rate is so low that incidents like this are considered newsworthy in 2021. The only thing you will accomplish by making firearms easier to own, is forcing criminals to escalate. Better off focusing on the driving forces behind the criminal acts and managing them instead of adding fuel to a fire.

  9. Anonymous says:

    We will always have crime, but it has been shown to decrease when education improves and employment increases. I am glad the victim is recovering.

  10. Anonymous says:

    WB is a shit hole area!! BRACKA

    • Big Bobo In West Bay says:

      West Bay people regularly elect the finest politician the Cayman Islands has ever known.

      Lots of smart people der.

      • Kman says:

        GT has been electing Alden for over 20 years and what’s he done for the people in Central, Rock Hole, Dog City and Swamp Jack nothing and made life far worse for many. Juju in office for SI since 96 what has she done to improve quality of life for our, not much. Mac’s a Bayer like me but I don’t vote for him nor his party so because we’re both from WB doesn’t make us the same people. Common sense isn’t so common anymore and if you live in a glass house don’t throw stones.

    • Kman says:

      So you’re happy that our people in WB, GT, EE are being murdered? Just comes to show that Brackers can be so damm ignorant, go crawl back in your hole on the Bluff.

  11. Crime out of control says:

    This is scary. Praying that victim has a speedy recovery? Thank you to the good neighbour. Crime is out of control especially burglaries and gun crimes.

    • D. Truth says:

      Has it ever been “under control” ? Why not??? All that is necessary is the death penalty for using an unlicensed weapon.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Criminals will always be able to have access to guns, too bad the average person can’t own one to protect themselves, family and home without fear of arrest.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yeah that works so well in the US.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yeah, so I don’t want to get shot through the wall when my neighbour misses his shot.

      You’d think this would deter robbers.. but in reality it usually just encourages them to shoot you first before risking getting shot at themselves.

      • Anonymous says:

        That’s your choice, but I think most people would rather have the ability to make that decision themselves.

        I’d rather be safe than sorry.

  13. Beaumont Zodecloun says:

    Criminals continue to have their way with us, who have no legal means of protecting ourselves. Our ancestors would abhor this situation.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Let good homeowners have legal firearm and this problem will be a thing of the past.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Time to let ordinary citizens protect them selves and start issuing gun licenses.

  16. Anonymous says:


    • Anonymous says:

      Why don’t you just tell them to “go home”. It’s such an effective tool for the island! If you know who the perpetrators are, turn them in! Are you getting a sense of how ignorant and racist your post is?

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