COVID-19 traveller cases spike over weekend

| 15/06/2021 | 58 Comments

(CNS): Public health officials have confirmed that six travellers tested positive for COVID-19 from 701 tests carried out over the weekend but they have not given any indication as to why there may have been a sudden spike in cases. No details have been released about the positive cases, such as where the travellers had arrived from, whether they were at the beginning or end of the quarantine period, if they had been vaccinated or not, or which of the new variants of the virus they have. There are now 16 active cases among the 895 people in isolation and only one person is said to be suffering coronavirus symptoms.

Cayman has now recorded 599 cases of the virus since it began testing in March 2020.

Meanwhile, the vaccination programme is set to resume this week to those seeking a second dose only. They will be administered on Thursday, Friday and Saturday at ORIA. First doses will resume next week as per the schedule here.

To date 46,928 people, or around 72% of the estimated population, have had at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine and 61% have had both doses. Supplies were depleted over one week ago but additional vaccines are expected to arrive in Cayman tomorrow evening on the British Airways flight.

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Comments (58)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Only a matter of time before more positive cases start turning up. You just watch.
    Sick people in the hospital, lack of or poor use of PPE in the hospital, lack of proper PPE N95 for medical personnel, no negative pressure rooms in the hospital, ……this shit is just circulating through the air vents at GTH.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Get busy living, too many UFOs have been noticed lately.

  3. Anonymous says:

    9:20 agree100% However, Wayno is giving in to pressure! Quiet as a mouse until the opposition shamed him in their press briefing yesterday. Now he is grabbing the opposition’s bait, hook line and sinker! An increase of positives from travelers was announced, and bearing in mind that we cannot immediately detect variants, he announced today that quarantine time has been drastically cut to 5 days for vaccinated travelers, without any PCR test on arrival? Really? He needs to stop throwing shade at the opposition and behave like the leader he was elected to be! So disappointing.

    • Anonymous says:

      Get yourself vaccinated

    • REAL Representation says:

      No mention of false positives – a key issue with the PCR regime.
      No mention of positive result confirmation.
      No mention of an early treatment protocol for those with symptoms.
      No mention of prophylactic care for vaccinated and unvaccinated.
      No recognition of the mis-use and misapplication of PCR.
      No update on published audit of expenses of this regime.
      More than one year later…really?
      What else is the nation not being told by either side of the floor??

      • Anonymous says:

        Well said. Thank you! CIG remains near-sighted. “The blind leading the blind”

        The UK is not the authority on COVID, they don’t really know what they are doing.

      • Anonymous says:


        The world, Cayman including, forgot what words Prophylactics and Prevention mean. All focus is on pharmaceuticals.

        Those of us who succesfully take Prophylactics and Prevention measures, on a personal/family level, are called quacks and all kind of insults.

      • Anonymous says:

        Excellent comment!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Please start giving these statistics. Home county Airport transits /traveled and quarantine dates

  5. Frustrated Cayman Airways Passenger says:

    I would like to know how many of the positive cases were held up in Miami while waiting to board Cayman Airways. I am trying to book a flight home and it is impossible to book a flight that will arrive in Miami with enough time to catch the outgoing 2pm CA flight to Cayman. If CA would reschedule slightly, they could avoid the need for incoming travellers overnighting in Miami, and contribute to reducing COVID in the Cayman Islands, instead f increasing it!! Just saying.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yeah, the morning/afternoon flights are very difficult to make the same day unless you’re coming from another American city with direct flights to Miami.

      I don’t work in the industry, but wouldn’t it make more sense to have Cayman Airways departing Miami at like 9pm? I guess that would require immigration and airport staff to be working until about midnight though.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yep. Plus anyone flying to Miami would be getting there around 7, too late to catch their connecting flights out of MIA.

    • Anonymous says:


    • Anonymous says:

      CAL is going to reschedule its flight to match every conceivable incoming flight into Miami? It’s not all about you you know. Plus you would then have the choice of either delaying the inbound flight – so people would bitch about meeting connecting flights out of MIA – or have the aircraft and the crew just sitting there for hours on the tarmac at significant cost.

      • Anonymous says:

        Most commercial passengers flights try to arrive during the day, so leaving later than usual would work perfectly. Normally it would be unacceptable to arrive here in Cayman at like midnight for your vacation… but it’s not like you’ll be missing anything exciting by sleeping in the next day, since you’ll be in quarantine anyway.

        It costs literally about $100 per day to park a 737 at MIA. I’m guessing Cayman Airways is still paying minimum guaranteed hours like most airliners, and I would be surprised if an extra few hours sitting in a parking spot would push them over into billable hours.

  6. Pastor Alfredo says:

    Transparency, right? That’s what the “T” stands for?

    So let’s see some of the data. Where are they coming from? Have they been vaccinated? What symptoms are they “suffering” from? Runny nose? Headache? A bit of a cough? Do me a favour.

    Two statistics we can figure out ourselves. There are 16 active cases from 895 people currently in quarantine (1.8% of the total). Of the 16 who are positive, only one (6%) is “suffering” any kind of symptoms. We don’t know if that’s a headache or full blown viral infection because we’re never told. I’m willing to bet it’s the former. So one person out of 895 “suffering” symptoms of the virus which has kept the border closed for a year and a half. That’s 0.1% of the sample of the population who have been exposed to the great unknown silent killer across the briny. No doubt they can take a couple of aspirins and feel better in the morning. The other 94% will continue to shrug their shoulders and wonder what all the fuss is about.

    I’m willing to take that risk. Anyone who isn’t, go get a jab.

    Open the border.

    Pastor Alfredo

  7. Say it like it is. says:

    Our #1 priority surely is to see if any arrivals have the Indian variant- when will we get this information from the new testing equipment?.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Cayman Airways staff are not qualified forgery experts or health practitioners and should not have been put in the conflicted position of acting as lone air carrier, medical scrutiniser, and quarantine plan evaluator. This would never happen anywhere other than in the Cayman Islands.

    • Anonymous says:

      Maybe it’s changed since I arrived a few months ago, but pretty sure most of it is handled by Travel Cayman?

  9. Anonymous says:

    Well, there hasn’t been any BA flights so that should narrow the guessing…

    Wait til she lands today..

  10. Anonymous says:

    I’m not sure what this information is meant to accomplish…
    What would it hurt to know where the passenger originated? What’s the big deal?
    Probably afraid of all the pitchforks that would come out against the person or the country they came in from…

  11. Anonymous says:

    Funny how this happens every time someone mentions border reopening.

  12. Anonymous says:

    You can wait forever, covid will still be out there. Get vaccinated and stop the hand wringing.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Hardly a spike. It was a long weekend. How many hospitalized in the last six months Wayne? Open the damn borders.

  14. Anonymous says:


  15. Anonymous says:

    Exactly why we cannot do away with quarantine completely. What a mess Cayman would be in…

  16. Anonymous says:

    Possible false positive?

    To the best of my reccollection we’ve never had one here.

    They do in other places.

    • Anonymous says:

      We definitely had false positives.
      • Remember the primary school child that was “positive” yet not one other person in the home or school was positive!
      • Also had a friend told she was weakly positive and then two weeks later when tested overseas was told she had never been infected.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Why don’t we got those statistics? If fully vaccinated people (coming more than 2 weeks after their 2nd shot) are all negative after 10 days then where is the risk to opening the border to vaccinated people & shortening their quarantine?
    If the tests show something different than let us know. Please!!

    • Anonymous says:

      be helpful if they could split the results between vaxxed and unvaxxed.

      • Anonymous says:

        Per Dr Lee yesterday we have had 5 vaccinated travellers test positive. CDC has break through percentages at1:10000. We are way way above that given the small volumes we have coming in. Someone needs to look very closely at a) the authenticity of the vaccination certificates for everyone testing positive, and if they are sound then b) whether we are producing false positives and c) the type of vaccine these people had. Something isn’t right.

  18. Anonymous says:

    Quarantine works!!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      Sure does. It’s killed two people.

    • Anonymous says:

      It does not currently work for your economy. I say this as someone who has no financial stake in the situation (if anything, my rent will go up when we reopen).

      Your government is doing a good job attracting people who aren’t just tourists, but we currently aren’t enough. Even if my business does extremely well in the next year, I won’t be able to afford to hire more than half a dozen Caymanians.

      Maybe in 2040 the tourism industry won’t be as “needed”. Unfortunately we are not there yet, tourism provides a significant amount of needed employment at the moment.

  19. Anonymous says:

    Because they have had the ‘vaccine’

  20. Cayman Sanction says:

    Yet some calling for the grand reopening Exactly how many of these people are fully vaccinated that’s what we the people need to Know ?

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