Nine travellers test positive for COVID-19

| 19/05/2021 | 49 Comments
A Brac resident receives the COVID-19 vaccine

(CNS): Nine travellers tested positive for COVID-19 over the holiday weekend, illustrating the risk still posed to Cayman’s community-free pandemic status until more people are fully vaccinated. There are no details about where the travellers came from, which variants they were infected with or whether they had been vaccinated, since public health does not routinely release such information. There are now 24 active cases of the virus among the 845 people in isolation and quarantine, none of whom are suffering symptoms of the virus. Meanwhile, the number of adults vaccinated has now passed 40,000.

As of Tuesday, 40,486 people, or 62% of the estimated population, have had at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine after 694 people were vaccinated since the last update on Friday, and 53% have completed the two-dose course. Public Health thanked the public for continuing to come forward to take up the vaccine before the 9 June deadline.

See the vaccine schedule on the HSA website here.

For more information on vaccines contact the HSA Communications team at

See here for more information on securely verifiable vaccination records.

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Category: Health, Medical Health

Comments (49)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    This would be a great number if we were in Germany.

  2. Anonymous says:

    CDC is now pushing that VACCINATED persons are not tested nor Covid positives reported UNLESS they are hospitalized or die. They needed to do damage control on breakthrough cases after thousands in US who were fully vaxxed still got Covid. So do not think we will get proper stats anywhere soon.

    • Anonymous says:

      6:12 Don’t speak so much sense…there are way too many ignorant people who will not understand.

    • Anonymous says:

      This is because vaccinated people can still carry the virus itself. What people miss is the fact there is a difference between the virus (SARS-CoV-2) and the disease it causes (Covid-19). Fully vaccinated people will definitely still test positive via PCR which only looks for the virus. This isn’t unexpected, nor should be as concerning as a positive test from an unvaccinated person.

      The PCR test does not directly diagnose you with Covid-19. It merely detects the virus is present in the upper respiratory tract where the sample is taken. Generally, vaccinated people have extremely low viral loads since they are only catching the virus in the environment. This will mean, even if positive, that they will not be infectious.

      The vaccinated person will also be very unlikely (5% chance) to develop Covid-19. So they will remain completely asymptomatic 95% of the time. PCR tests were good at the beginning of the pandemic, but now with people having antibodies from either previous infection or vaccination, it is not as effective as it once was.

      PCR tests should be dumped in favor of antibody tests. This would show if a person has antibodies and has resistance to the virus. Since vaccinated cannot currently be reliably tracked, the antibody test will be better to make decisions from.

    • Anonymous says:

      J&J vaccine not the one that we are getting.

  3. Anonymous says:

    People taking up the vaccine at such a low levels in this size population is usually representative of a very small % left available or want to take it. Statistics across the world bear this out. Once you take out people with medical conditions and % of people who won’t bother, the percentage of adults vaccinated in real world terms is probably around 75% -80% of the current population of Cayman.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Perhaps there should be more of a disincentive for those arriving that haven’t taken their unvaccinated 72 hr outbound preflight more seriously? Or are these faked outbound PCR tests? It just doesn’t add up that there could be so many…still.

    • Vaccinated says:

      I was on the flight on 15th from MIA to GCM and I don’t understand either how this can be possible? I went for 2 PCR tests in case I did not get them in time so one for back up and good job I did one PCR test did not come back until too late. KX still asked for my PCR test and they and I was unaware until I got to GCM that as I was vaccinated then I did need the PCR. So tell me how its possible there were 9 travelers with COVID on the flight? The PCR is 99 % accurate so something is amiss here I hope its not fake tests or something.

    • Anonymous says:

      Agree that there is no way that many should be “positive” after a negative 72 hours prior. I’m getting these all come from one location and they’re using fake PCR results.

  5. Anonymous says:

    I just hope insurance premiums don’t go up after the unvaccinated ones make claims in case they should require covid related treatment. I assume a lot of them don’t take vaccine without valid reason. That would not be fair to the ones who took the vaccine, would it? Correct me if I am wrong.

    • Anonymous says:

      Really….and what about all the claims from treating severe side effects after taking the vaccine? Those arent affecting the rest of us? So far, already have friends who have claimed for an appendectomy, stomach surgery after inflammation, hypoxia and calling ambulance due to paralysis…..all within 3 days of vaccine. Oh yeah…all coincidences.

      • Anonymous says:

        6:08 They are not ready to talk about those my friend. These people just want to throw stones while in glass houses. I know of several people who have had SEVERE reactions to the vaccine but health officials are trying to keep it hush hush. Its pathetic.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes you are wrong. Premiums go up regardless. I paid premiums for 20 years for home insurance along with millions of others, but after Ivan premiums went up anyway. One really has to wonder what they did with all that premium money that accumulated for all the years of no claims. Insurance is a legal scam.

  6. Anonymous says:

    CNS, I would love you to be able to keep pushing for the real data on how many of the positives are folk who have been fully vaccinated (if any). Also IF there are any Vax folk positive, is there any correlation to them getting to a negative result quicker than the non VAX folk.
    Please push for this info as this is the data we really need to help the world understand more. Data is the key for all.

    • Anonymous says:


    • Anonymous says:

      5:36 We would all love to know but no doubt Dr.Lee would say that information is privy and not warrented. *rolls eyes*
      We should know how many are vaccinated, where they are coming from etc.

  7. Anonymous says:

    The reality is we need a “how to manage COVID-19 in our community plan” as it will come back. We can’t stay closed forever so people with vaccines will be able to live freely – and if they get COVID (which they might) it will not be as dangerous as if they were not vaccinated. People without vaccines can choose to stay home, to go out in the community with masks and taking precautions or to go out in the community with no concerns and risk contracting COVID. People just need to understand COVID will be in our community, but being vaccinated will help us manage it. I hope that on 10 June, when everyone who wants to be vaccinated has has their first shot, that Govt will announce it’s opening plan.

    • Anonymous says:

      “People just need to understand…”
      don’t assume you’re smarter than everyone with your suggestions

    • Anonymous says:

      How to manage covid? Get vaccinated and wear a mask when in congested areas. That is the only answer.

  8. Anonymous says:

    These people probably were NOT vaccinated or NOT fully vaccinated. No need to worry.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Why is it that the official government website that we were told would have authoritative information is now rarely updated. Is this a new anti-transparency policy?

  10. Anonymous says:

    Nothing to worry about if we:

    a/ Tell folks they need a shot to travel here


    b/Take the shot ourselves

    • Anonymous says:

      You can still get Covid dumbass

      • Anonymous says:

        6:49 don’t bother, so many of these fools think that once they get the shot they are exempt from getting Covid. Jokes on them, there have been so many cases where people have tested positive for Covid after taking the vaccine. It’s pointless.

        CNS: Across the globe more than 1.5 billion (yes billion with a “b”) doses have so far been administered. Because no vaccine is said to be 100% effective some infections are to be expected, though for those few who are vaccinated and still get covid, the chances of them getting seriously ill or dying is drastically reduced. As well as individual benefits, the vaccination also dramatically reduces community spread, thus enabling countries to reach herd immunity and stopping the virus from mutating. Long covid is still not understood but it turns out that some people who had no symptoms can suffer later. See: Many ‘Long Covid’ Patients Had No Symptoms From Their Initial Infection. Get vaccinated.

        • Anonymous says:

          New information is coming out every day.

          Here is one perspective:

          Please remember there are people whose bodies cannot process the ingredients in the vaccine.

          There are people who are more scared to take the vaccine than getting COVID.

          There are still many unknowns.

          CNS: Firstly, those people are still being advised to take the vaccine so that they can get whatever protection they can, since they are already more vulnerable to covid. Secondly, this is exactly why everyone else should get vaccinated – to protect those people who cannot get the full benefits of the vaccine. I don’t think you read the article you linked.

          • Guido Marsupio says:

            Exactly right, CNS! Everyone in our community should get vaccinated to prevent the less fortunate among us with pre-existing conditions from being exposed to active carriers of COVID. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

          • Anonymous says:

            Thank you, CNS! You supported my 2 points exactly.

            (and, yes, I did read the article linked and found it to be great information – especially as someone who has a suppressed immune system. Learning something new every day!)

          • Anonymous says:

            11:13 Exactly but people who are bias, like CNS members, cannot wrap their heads around the fact that some people can NOT take the vaccine. I am one of those people, and I have NOT been encouraged by health professionals to take it. In fact I have been told not to take it because of adverse reactions I have had previously with vaccines that have been around for decades. It is too much of a risk.

            CNS: You are entirely wrong. We know that a tiny minority of the population cannot take the vaccine for medical reasons (on advice from their personal doctor, not some bozo on YouTube). We are also aware of emerging data that the vaccine may not be as effective for people with depressed immune systems (who are still generally being advised to take the vaccine). This is why it is important for everyone else to take the vaccine. If you cannot take it, you should be encouraging those who can to do so, especially everyone around you. You will be in greater danger if the community does not reach herd immunity.

      • Anonymous says:

        Unlikely. Very unlikely.

      • Anonymous says:

        Okay, smarty-pants

      • Anonymous says:

        Is that a new strain?

  11. Anonymous says:

    Where is the transparency this new government promised in relation to Covid risk?

    The Public Health reporting system is becoming far less transparent as time goes on. They now seem to prefer the mushroom factory approach to the the public – keep them in the dark and feed them bull excrement.

    The public ought to be informed of where the travelers testing positive had arrived from and in particular whether they had been vaccinated locally and which variants they are infected with – assuming Public Health is capable of this basic assessment.

    • Anonymous says:

      Agreed – in Bermuda they publish which flights infected people arriving were on. Why are we being kept in the dark on this matter of public concern?

    • Anonymous says:

      Thank you! And can they please tell us what the current PCR test cycle threshold is? Is the sample being amplified 25 times or 45 times? It makes a HUUUGE difference in the “results”.
      Remember the “weak positive” from Red Bay Primary? What a joke.

    • Anonymous says:

      What has the new Government got to do with anything, when did we ever have transparency in covid reporting or anything else? Our problem is we have never held politicians accountable, we need to start, so that no government disrespects the people as the previous government did.

  12. Anonymous says:

    If they would state whether or not these positives were vaccinated you would probably convince the not vaccinated to see a clearer picture.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Exactly why quarantine measures are still needed. If even one of these positives got out into the community again…lockdown here we come. Smh

  14. Anonymous says:

    No carnival, no vaccine.

  15. Anonymous says:

    They do not know our true population size because a census has not been conducted in years, so that number is BS.

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