Free ICT course for women meets growing demand

| 11/05/2021 | 12 Comments
Cayman News Service
Gender Affair Unit’s Senior Policy Analyst (Gender, Diversity and Equality), Karlene Bramwell, gives a cheque to for the Women.Code programme to Code.Cayman co-founder Brian Tang

(CNS): The Gender Affairs Unit (GAU) has cut a cheque for CI$2,500 to fund another Women.Code (Cayman) programme, which will be its fifth free course for all women on Grand Cayman to learn about computer science and software development. The donation to the non-profit ICT training provider, Code Cayman, will be used to finance a six-week course, starting on Tuesday, 25 May. The weekly 90-minute classes will be held at its TechLab in Grand Pavilion. Because of the programme’s growing popularity, organisers are now expanding its capacity by 10 to accommodate 25 participants.

Brian Tang of the Cartan Group and Code Cayman co-founder said this flagship programme continues to be the most popular and “embodies our goal to provide equal and accessible opportunities to learn about computer science and software development”.

GAU Senior Policy Analyst (Gender, Diversity and Equality) Karlene Bramwell said the unit was pleased to provide the sponsorship. “These programmes aim to reduce the gender gap in ICT, while simultaneously enabling participants to obtain skills which can contribute to their individual economic empowerment,” she said.

Code Cayman’s 2021 goal is to provide laptops for use in the Technology Centre for course participants who are unable to provide their own. It is also now teaching code to school-aged children on Cayman Brac, and recently announced the setting up of its first Excel-Code.(Cayman) and Python.Code Cayman programmes. By attracting financing from the GAU, private sector and international entities, the non-profit is able to provide zero-cost coding and other tech-related opportunities to many under-represented segments across the islands.

Registration for the course is on a first-come-first-served basis

Learn more about the tech training provider and register for the course here.

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Category: Business, Education, ICT, Local News

Comments (12)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Why is it free to just women? If I put on a free course for men I’d get shot.

  2. Anonymous says:

    “Is it not a problem that the woman have a smaller brain than a man? The government scientist Dr. Yamuka has proved it is size of squirrel.”

  3. Anonymous says:

    Women.Code (Cayman)
    Code Cayman
    GAU Senior Policy Analyst (Gender, Diversity and Equality)
    Cartan Group and Code Cayman
    Technology Centre

    what have i just read?…al i know is i got a bad headache….

  4. Anonymous says:

    They should be offering FREE training classes in Microsoft Applications, Quick Books and Social Media Marketing to as many persons as sign up.

    • Anonymous says:

      Maybe people should take responsibility for their own training and schooling. There are thousands of free classes and tutorials online that people can take. No PC at home? Then use the library – it’s free.

    • Anonymous says:

      Why ‘should’ anyone offer anything free?? These specific classes are FREE to the public. There are plenty of ways online to train if it’s quickbooks or marketing you want to learn, and other scholarships for college courses offered by other non-profits and government.

    • Anonymous says:

      Try YouTube

  5. Anonymous says:

    This is discrimination against males.

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