Bryan plans to ‘transform’ public transport

| 11/05/2021 | 135 Comments
  • Cayman News Service
  • Cayman News Service

(CNS): Kenneth Bryan, the new minister of tourism and transport, has committed to making the necessary legislative changes to transform public transport in the Cayman Islands. Following a visit last week to the Public Transport Unit office on Eastern Avenue, accompanied by Chief Officer Stran Bodden, who has retained his post in the ministry, Bryan held a meet and greet for staff members on Friday, where he said that his vision was to have a first world, first class Ministry of Transport, fully supported and resourced, that is effectively able to resolve Cayman’s transport and traffic issues.

The legacy issues relating to public transport are well known, and getting people out of their cars and into buses will not be easy without a full scale transformation. But in addition to the carrots of better quality, comfortable, safe buses that run more frequently and on time, the government is likely to need to use sticks against single car use to make any dramatic change. While a lack of parking and massive traffic jams are already pretty punishing for commuters, so far it has not been enough to drive people from the comfort of their own cars. Nevertheless, Bryan made a commitment to try.

“It is my goal to transform our approach to public transportation and I am committed to making the necessary amendments to regulations and legislation that will empower the Ministry of Transport to operate more effectively, with respect to traffic and public transportation in general,” Bryan said at the get together with civil servants and board members under his portfolio, held at Pedro St. James Castle.

Department of Tourism staff members based in the US, UK and Canada who are on Island to attend marketing meetings were also in attendance.

Bryan said he is a “young and energetic new minister” who wants to get a deeper understanding about the roles each member of the team plays so that he could be a better leader and a better tourism minister for the Caymanian people. He said he was also keen build a productive working relationship with his team, encourage open dialogue and the sharing of ideas.

Bryan said the priorities for tourism included putting plans in place to safely reopen the borders.

“We know that we can’t keep the country locked up forever, and therefore we have to start giving serious thought to stimulating the economy and getting people back to work,” Bryan said. “That’s why the Ministry of Tourism is doing all that we can to support the vaccination programme to get 80% of our population vaccinated. That is the most effective way to ensure our people are protected going forward.”

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Comments (135)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Simple, mandate all students ride school busses. Eliminate round-abouts and install lights. If you need to discuss if round-abouts work then you need to turn in your license now.

  2. Anonymous says:

    There shouldn’t be any construction vehicles on the road from 7-8:30am and 4:30-6pm

  3. Anonymous says:

    The requirement for taxi meters was enacted into law in 2003. It’s still awaiting the enabling regulations to be implemented. Last I heard the PTB and other pertinent CIG agencies were squabbling over how to award a contract for providing and maintaining the meters. I know a number of companies applied and were short-listed.

    I guess none of the Ministry or PTB officials or their buddies had the know-how to form their own company to supply & maintain meters – yet. Hmm, maybe the new Minister may see a business opportunity. Watch this space! Corruption? What is that?

    Morons and crooks in charge!!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Try the Bermuda model, like I proposed to the Public Transport Board about 10 years ago. Recommendations, contacts, terminus photos, schedules (bus & ferry) all included!

    Oh I forgot, Stran Bodden laughed at me!

  5. Anonymous says:

    Chat this-how I Can’t get the free shuttle to pick us up from the airport where they giving the Covid shots.

  6. Anonymous says:

    I’ve been suggesting for a decade we use ferries from Rum Point > Kaibo > Harbour House > Red Bay on to GT and Camana Bay to relieve gridlock and commute times from the East on most days, perhaps up and down SMB too? But if you want to get folk using them for the daily commute you can’t be charging the earth so nobody uses it.

  7. Julie says:

    The only way a public bus system would work is if they had a way to go faster than the existing traffic. Who wants to sit in bumper to bumper traffic on a bus when you could be in your own car?
    I think the key to the traffic issue is to stagger working hours 7-4, 8-5, 9-6, 10-7.
    And maybe focus on a better busing system for students, whose parents need to drop them at school all at the same time.
    More roads are never going to solve the traffic issues if everyone is having to be at work at the same time.

  8. Anonymous says:

    As long as us Caymanians can own as many cars and trucks as we like and drive whenever we like, you all can do whatever you want to the foreigners – make them ride donkeys for all I care, but you tree huggers aren’t going to make me change the way I live. I will vote against any fool politician who tries to infringe on my Caymanian rights.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Just to give you something to compare to, here is Mozambique, the second poorest country in the world. They have already come up with a solution and have an app designed to match riders with empty seats. Let that sink in for a second.

    The second poorest country in the world has made more progress than the Cayman Islands.

  10. Chris Evans says:

    First step should be immediate approval for Uber and Lyft to be set up here. If you’ve ever used them in the USA, UK etc. you will know it would transform Cayman’s taxi situation and have the added bonus of getting hundreds of people out from behind the wheel after drinking at night. Existing taxi drivers would reap the benefit of an enormous increase in customers day and night.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Get some proper buses, bus stops, timetable and then make it free….it will still be cheaper than building new roads!

  12. Anonymous says:

    Traffic? What’s that?

    – every motorcyclist

    • Anonymous says:

      Motorcyclist here. I’m fully aware of traffic. It’s that thing that appears in my rear view mirrors.

      I’ll take the occasional soaking and near death experience, so as to not waste an hour or two of my life every weekday.

      Stay safe my two wheeled brothers and sisters!

      • Anonymous says:

        I leave an extra pair of clothes, stick of deodorant and a towel at the office in case it rains.

        By taking my motorcycle, I save an hour each way, 2 times a day, 5 times a week.

        This is the equivalent of avoiding sitting in traffic for 23 whole days of my life every year. Let that sink in.

    • Anonymous says:

      organs, what are those? -says every donorcyclist00

      • Anonymous says:

        I’ll take my chances on two wheels still. Everyone’s gotta die sooner or later.

        A life spent in a car in traffic is already a life wasted.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Bridge from Savannah to Camana.

  14. Anonymous says:

    So we can all just sit in traffic on a bus? lol, reduce car imports. Stop proving drivers’ licenses to anyone arriving on the island but force them to use bikes or scooters. And make a driver’s license lotto. Where when someone arrives they put their name in a system and when someone passes away their license goes to the next in line. Also make it transferable- where if someone wants to renounce their driving rights they can sell their rights to a bidder. This keeps drivers to a set amount and we can develop around that amount not just ” build more roads for more cars. then ppl will take the bus, then taxi drivers will actually have work- anyway I just had a joint

    • Anonymous says:

      Absolutely brilliant idea – I would add making scooters, and electric bikes options for née arrivals instead of cars. Also add the option of if you want a drivers license you have to pay a ridiculous amount of money and it has to be fully electric cars. I always say how much I would enjoy riding a scooter in cayman it’s just so dangerous

    • Anonymous says:

      2:04 I think I love you.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Maybe in 3 years, 11 months and 15 days we’ll see some scurrying around and activity here.

  16. Anonymous says:

    My great idea is a campaign to encourage the use of those funny sticks on the side of your steering wheel. You know, it’s the one that alerts your intentions to your fellow drivers as to what your plan is at upcoming intersections, roundabouts and even driveways!!

    It needs to be made into a large media campaign. This would go a LONG WAY to helping the traffic jams, but only when used CORRECTLY.

    And feel free to include the use of a 4-way stop and the roundabout.

    See here: “A roundabout is NOT a 4-way stop!!!”
    Which is funny coz y’all don’t even now how to use a 4-way stop… A 4-way stop is NOT a roundabout! (Top Tip – if the person across from you at the intersection is turning left, you can also turn left or even go straight across! Crazy, eh!

    • Anonymous says:

      do you know the effort it takes to lift your arm to hit that stick?????????

    • Anonymous says:

      I’ve been saying this for years! INDICATE!

    • Anonymous says:

      I’m not a traffic expert, but it seems as though our roundabouts simply cannot handle the amount of traffic we have.

      First of all on the issue of roundabouts, we probably have too many, too close together. Many times I see traffic wrapped around one right to the other one, (ALT going to butterfield for example).

      I would recommend putting lights on the roundabouts if we aren’t going to put in traffic lights, (like in south sound).
      The traffic needs to be controlled somehow, (not by choppers and police presence like we did before).
      Many megacities have lights on their roundabouts.

      As an aside, it’s not hard to drive here, we only have two roads. It seems as though it’s too difficult for most people here. Indicators help in roundabouts because people can anticipate where you’re going and it lets traffic flow freely and safer.

      I question other things:
      Do we have an incentive for completing driving school? Do insurance companies regularly cover those learning to drive, (so they can be taught at home by their parents?)
      And still, I see the worst offenders to be those driving massive gravel dump trucks.
      I was almost t-boned by one that was speeding last month and slammed on his brakes because he wasn’t paying attention…almost every gravel truck I see is going too fast. Why are you guys in such a hurry? All it takes is one mistake – there are no second chances with a massive truck like that.

      • GCM345 says:

        @ 12/05/2021 at 3:37 pm – roundabouts work, Cayman drivers just don’t know how to use them. No indication where they’re going, in the wrong lane most of the time and the worst of all drivers don’t care that they’re blocking the entrances and exits for other drivers! DO NOT BLOCK EXITS AND ENTRANCES ON A ROUNDABOUT!! Clear?!

        • Anonymous says:

          @GCM345 The previous comment @3:37 is correct. Roundabouts work in low to moderate traffic and not ideal for high volume. You can indicate how much you want. In most developed countries traffic lights are added to roundabouts to great effect. Australia and The Republic of Ireland are examples where this has worked.

          • Anonymous says:

            Exactly. We are way behind.

          • Anonymous says:

            9:02pm – WRONG both of you.
            Roundabouts work when you KNOW HOW TO USE THEM. Ever seen the roundabout in Paris around the Arc de Triomphe?? Huge volume. Equal to the size of the roundabout because they KNOW HOW TO USE THEM. (check YouTube if you’re not sure)

            And the indicator, that little stick on the side of your steering column, is meant to show your intentions. USE IT for EVERY turn.

            • Anonymous says:

              Actually, the roundabout at the Arc de Triomphe does regulate their traffic – they just use traffic cops at each of the 12 entrances instead of traffic lights.

              It’s important to control traffic to avoid congestion.

    • Anonymous says:

      I’ve seriously given up on the human race.

      If the sign says INDICATE YOUR TURN or similar, guess what, it’s not for shits and giggles. It will improve traffic flow.

      End of LP HWY. Many cars don’t signal when coming onto the highway. Cars are waiting to give way. Every car that doesn’t indicate probably costs a couple of seconds. Multiply that by rush hour traffic and that adds up, combined with the accordion effect of cars having to brake behind the cars at the roundabout.

      I guess the stupid traffic is what the stupid drivers deserve. I feel for the good drivers, trapped in a sea of dangerously stupid incompetence.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Step 1: Get GPS locators on all the buses, no choice! This will enable people to see all the buses on the app and stop bus drivers from not driving their routes on time.

    Step 2: Put speed governors on all the busses. These guys drive like madmen and there is no reason for a public bus to have to ever go over the speed limit.

    Step 3: Get started on all your other grand ideas that will likely never see the light of day.

    • SSM345 says:

      Step 1.5. Make bus stops the only place they can pick up / let off passengers.. on a timed schedule. It runs like clock work all around the world in major cities with millions of people using the bus everyday but in a small village called Cayman…..

      • Anonymous says:

        More relevant it works in Bermuda, with proper buses not minivans.

      • Anonymous says:

        Those other countries have much better bus services and road infrastructure.

        But please think of the impact your ideas might have on some of the villagers, for instance people who are older or who might have disabilities. Some people catching bus have to walk a mile or two to get to the main road. It’s not so bad heading out empty handed but coming home with groceries it’s a blessing for us older folks to be able to pay a dollar more for them to drop us at home. I am so grateful for this service, without it I couldn’t carry my shopping all that way in the heat of the day.

    • Anonymous says:

      Better than a speed governor, put the Governor on the bus, and all MLAs. Lead by example.

    • Anonymous says:

      Speed governors on all heavy trucks should be the law!

  18. Anonymous says:

    Just suppose we have the main routes with a first world bus system. We also need to get people from their communities to the main routes. Walking to the bus stop on the main route is out of the question, with our weather. Cycling also. Its unlikely that car parks will be built and maintained, secured and carry insurance for fender benders and theft while in the car park. Who is going to drive from their house, and park a mile away from home, next to the bus route ? Seems like a problem that has no solution.

    • Anonymous says:

      Cayman – where having to walk or bike a mile is viewed as a ridiculous hardship, and people would rather sit stuck in traffic in their cars. Quite apart from he fact that the vast majority of the population live well within half a mile of a major road. Perhaps we should offer raffle tickets to people who take the bus – seems to work for some of our population.

      • Anonymous says:

        The vast majority of young and healthy could walk or cycle a mile, but for others that would not be an option due too health, age or disability for instance. Do they not matter to you?

        The vast majority of GT/WB might live within 1/2 mile and they have an excellent bus service. Not so elsewhere. Try catching buses North Side and EE.

    • Anonymous says:

      I would, provided the buses were real buses with proper drivers on schedule. Park and ride parking lots exist all of the world and work well.

  19. Anonymous says:

    It’s really not difficult this. Cities with millions of people have managed it.

    Scrap the terrible, third world, tin cans we have masquerading as public transport. They’re driven badly, not to schedule, they’re not roadworthy in many cases, and often don’t complete their route.

    Bring in bus lanes, with real enforcement to stop abuse of the system.

    Bring in actual cycle/scooter lanes. They need protection from idiots in cars and trucks.

    Reduce import duty on scooters and motorbikes.

    Bring in buses from the UK. Wheelchair accessible. Wifi. Low emission. Have these service the major arterial routes. If you want to keep on the crappy little buses, have them run satellite routes.

    Install bus stops with shelter from the sun and rain.

    Have an app that shows where the buses are and how long it’ll take to be at a stop.

    Introduce a credit card style system, or link to an app, to go cashless.

    Train the drivers. Properly train them. Have dashcams. Poor driving = loss of job.

    Or, just carry on as you were.

    • Anonymous says:

      My friend

      You have written far too much sense

      Reference to THIRD WORLD and UK also helps kill your argument DOA

      Next time, remove those references and you will have a chance with those who don’t want to listen

      Sorry, ces’t la vie or whatever the bloody spelling!

    • Anonymous says:

      all agreed….but the current bus service is not as bad as you think. but an app should be mandatory to let you know where buses are.

      • Anonymous says:

        You get robbed on buses here.

      • Anonymous says:

        It’s terrible. I’ve ridden on buses for years, in many places. These are crap boxes.

        Unsafe. Driven badly. Irregular ‘schedules’.

        Nah, they suck. They may work if you’re doing a short journey and you live on a main road, and aren’t too fussy about arriving safely.

    • Anonymous says:

      “Bring in actual cycle/scooter lanes.”

      Yes! I’ve been seeing more people taking advantage of the centre lane with their motorcycles to skip the gridlock in town, but wish they had an actual lane.

      I’ve seen them do this past police in traffic too, and can’t find anywhere in the law making filtering illegal.. one less car in front of me so I don’t care really. Good for them.

  20. Anonymous says:

    Bryan held a meet and greet for staff members on Friday, where he said that his vision was to have a first world, first class Ministry of Transport, fully supported and resourced, that is effectively able to resolve Cayman’s transport and traffic issues.

    Has anyone been able to spot any differences between the PACT and the PPM other than a few letters of the alphabet?

    Let’s gather everyone for drinks and nibbles, spew some platitudes, and do nothing for four years. At the end of the four-year term, having lived the good life of travel and recreation on the government credit card, you campaign on the need for another four years to clean up the mess that the previous government left because the opposition in Parliament prevented you from passing the legislation that would have fixed it in the first four years.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes well give them a chance first, as you’re a bit premature right now, however accurate with regards to the past you may be.

    • Anonymous says:

      I’m a bit sceptic of PACT, but lets at least give them a few more month’s into their tenure before jumping to conclusions. Christ.

  21. Anonymous says:

    Not really a hard job. You could literally do anything for transportation and it will be a 100% improvement.

    • Anonymous says:

      really?…joey hew found it very hard.
      the man who banned uber and then built more roads to create bigger traffic issues.

      • Anonymous says:

        the quality of the roads here are terrible. i don’t get how a road that is just paved can be uneven. is no one in charge or they just say go pave it doesn’t matter how its done. don’t get me started on the drains

        • Anonymous says:

          Always wondered why they do road paving during the day/evening with traffic on the bypass.
          Must be a reason but I can’t figure it out.
          Should be done overnight.

      • Anonymous says:

        Joey Hew found it very hard. Ponder just those few words for a start is all you need.

  22. Anonymous says:

    Agree with 5″52 if you all not happy with cayman rules and traffic then stay in your country and stop critize cayman

    • JTB says:

      Ignorant, intolerant and illiterate, all in one post.

      Well done!

    • Anonymous says:

      What if you’re Caymanian and not happy with ‘cayman rules and traffic’?

      • Anonymous says:

        Only counts if you are a 10th generational Caymanian. Paper, ghost, status holders aren’t Caymanians. No other Caymanian is a ‘real’ Caymanian. Your views are irrelevant. You are nothing but effin driftwood.

  23. Cayman pensioner says:

    Mininster Bryan I hope pensioners will be able to get another $100 unto their penson pay coming Jan 2022. You did a great job by uplifting the pension pay for us. I recently contacted the Pension Board and they have no knowledge of a further pension upliftment.

  24. Anonymous says:

    Make taxis have meters!

  25. Anonymous says:

    pass the popcorn…this should be good.
    free solution bobo….sell goab and relocate cig to frank sound.problem solved.

  26. Anonymous says:

    “But in addition to the carrots of better quality, comfortable, safe buses that run more frequently and on time”

    What’s the plan Kenneth? Is Government going to purchase a fleet of buses and take on hundreds of more Civil Servants as bus drivers? Then hire more mechanics to maintain the buses?

    • Anonymous says:

      Simple ‘terms of certification’ would work. Set out the terms of a good bus system – have to have a tracker on your bus tied to the app and stick with the published route timing; bus must meet following safety, quality, appearance and comfort requirements – and if you don’t meet them your bus doesn’t get a public bus licence.

      None of the operators are running a charity (I assume) so they and Govt. can work out what a fair route rate is to keep nicer buses (as that’s apparently a need) on the route with the new GPS/app equipment.

      Then the Govt. can identify additional routes that would be a community service to have but are not economical for the operator and subsidize those routes as needed. (Or subsidize categories of persons, e.g., people in college.) To promote use.

      Upgrading the public bus service on offer is really simple. If the Govt. is willing to stand up for why the bus service is needed and needs to be better. SO far the Public Transport Dept./Min. have spectacularly failed to do so.

  27. Anonymous says:

    Build proper, safe, north/south and east/west bicycle and scooter lanes/corridors that are partitioned from lunatic drivers. Kids shouldn’t need to be driven to school, and we don’t need SUVs to grab two bags of groceries. A lot of our traffic is due to unnecessary indulgence.

    • Anonymous says:

      A suv isn’t the issue.

      • Anonymous says:

        The method of transport is most definitely part of the issue. Do we really need 6L gas engines pulling 4 tonnes of steel to collect groceries along streets that are mostly 25mph limit, in a territory where it rarely rains? Most of the time, the answer to the question is a resounding no. Safe bike lanes, with ebike (and you can even have an expensive European one to show off) and we can cut out hundreds of unnecessary vehicles. You don’t even need to pedal anymore.

    • Anonymous says:

      You forget about our weather. Fine to get kids to cycle to & from when weather is mild and consistent. But here, are you going to force your kid to cycle when its 90 degrees, or when it is bucketing down ? No, I didn’t think so.

      I’ve done a lot of Cayman cycling in my time. Cycling is an occasional activity because of our weather conditions, not a regular one, and – sorry to say – therefore dedicated cycle lanes deserve minimal investment.

  28. Anonymous says:

    80% of the population vaccinated!!!!!!! Its official, we will never open back up.

  29. Anonymous says:

    I hope that doesn’t mean put more flashy rims and blackout tint on those mini buses🙄

  30. BeaumontZodecloun says:

    Protected bike lanes. If it can be safely accomplished in some of the largest and busiest cities in the world, it could certainly be done here. Money and vision.

    • Anonymous says:

      It won’t stop those idiot truck drivers honking their horns at you to get out of their way while they blast past at ridiculous speeds. They drive extremely dangerously with no regard for bicycles, pedestrians or anyone else in their way.

      • BeaumontZodecloun says:

        Hence the term ‘protected’ bike lanes, wherein the bikers aren’t competing for the same space as the vehicles. There are a variety of innovative barriers between bike and traffic that have been employed around the world.

        As it is now, it is extremely rare for me to ride my bike. As you said, entirely too dangerous.

        • Anonymous says:

          I have been hit three times in the last ten years, two of them resulted in being carted off to hospital with broken ribs and road rash. The drivers are charged with minimal violations and a small fine. They should take Holland’s model and fine very heavily for accidents resulting in cyclist injury and damage when it is the drivers fault.

          I have to ride everyday for errands, I can’t afford to run a car on my pension and each day I wonder if it will be my last with a near miss being common place.

        • Anonymous says:

          Entirely agree. I stopped riding 5 years ago and bought a car having been hit by a passing truck and other assorted morons with no idea of how to drive.

      • Anonymous says:

        I live half a mile from the main road yet can hear clearly from inside the house as they honk their train horns at each other, use loud air brakes and race up and down all day every day. Can no longer enjoy sitting in yard for all the noise. For real, them trucks need regulations.

    • Anonymous says:

      It can’t be done here. In Amsterdam they have different mentality, for starters .

      • Anonymous says:

        It can’t be done here with mindsets dwelling in 1975. Mexico City went from chaotic traffic and suffocating automotive pollution to not having those problems, in the span of a couple years. Measurable health improvements as a society as well. Their bike lanes are partitioned with car-repelling asphalt-bolted bollards and humps that cost about USD$10,000 per mile on Alibaba. On an island 10×20 miles, what are we talking about? Peppercorns. Of course, there are hundreds of other urban examples, including London. We need to update the NRA vision and direction department that stubbornly languishes in the past, even when they have been paid to include bike lanes in their deployments since 2015. We are the ones getting short-changed, and Cayman’s many cyclist groups should be angrier about that.

      • Anonymous says:

        That mentality was changed throughout a grassroots effort of concerned citizens. This article is a good summary:

        We can, and need, to address public transport with such seriousness and like the Dutch keep putting our MPs feet to the fire. Too many unnecessary accidents and deaths!

    • Truth says:

      “It could certainly be done here.” Because we have money and vision. And a huge pile of continually burning trash. Too funny. And explains a lot.

      • BeaumontZodecloun says:

        Another “can’t do” person speaks. When you argue for a limitation, sure enough, it’s yours.

        We need to be ‘can do’ people. Maybe even get up off our asses and participate in emerging programs. Absolutely nothing was ever accomplished by finding problems with new ideas.

  31. Clean House in the Ministry of Transport says:

    You want to transform transportation in Cayman Minister?

    The first step: Fire the Chief Officer, the Director of the PTU and then remove and replace all current members of the Public Transport Board

    The slate needs to be wiped clean from top to bottom, every single one of them has failed completely and totally in their jobs: a) they should have been proactive with their efforts not years late and reactive and b) they still have yet to come up with a viable solution for the issue, they have yet to even pitch what the possible alternatives are for the people to give their input on.

    Any persons who have been there for any significant length of time also need to be replaced because they have failed to design and implement a system that really works for Cayman and they have failed to provide any solutions or come up with any significant plan to address the issues that are now everyday occurrences

    If you keep these same persons in place nothing will fundamentally change over the next four years and you will likely face the electorate at the next election with the problem having progressed to a worse state than you found it in

    You need to work with the Infrastructure Minister and fundamentally and significantly alter the way we travel in these islands regardless of the cost and with the people first, not private entities, businesses or pressure groups

    Transportation in these islands is not just piss poor, unreliable and not cost effective, it is horrendous and the people responsible need to be shown the door, no ifs, ands, or buts

    • Buildnewroadsandsolvetrafficproblems. says:

      There would be no traffic problems if we got rid of the National Conservation Council and the Department of Environment. The Government has created two monsters that object to every road or any other development that is proposed and demand ‘Environmental impact assessment studies’ for every road we build. All this does is waste money on nonsense and create stumbling blocks to hold up roadworks. These two entities have successfully blocked the continuation of the East / West arterial road that is currently held up at Hirst Road awaiting EIA’s to continue. It does not matter what the EIA’s say, the continuation of this road to east End must go on no matter what the studies say. If these two entities had existed when we started building roads we would still be riding donkeys.

    • Anonymous says:

      will never happen in the civil service….no such thing as accountability for decades of failure.

  32. Anonymous says:

    One solution to the traffic problem – don’t encourage people to come live here. Grand Cayman is too small to have so many people here.

    • Anonymous says:

      wrong. our problem is cig never decenralised to eastern districts when they had the chance.
      same nonsense is being followed regarding court expansdion in george town……

      • Anonymous says:

        Forcing George Towners to drive to East End to go to court is never going to be part of any solution.

      • Anonymous says:

        The whole island goes to the same place to work each day. Having gov offices and facilities in each district could eliminate half of the traffic problems.

  33. John says:

    This is the same minister of tourism who has only just received their first vaccine jab.

    Do as I say not as I do.

    As for transport. It’s easy. one needs a flyover at the ALT roundabout and another at Hurleys.
    That will relieve 90% of the traffic.

    • Anonymous says:

      Or Traffic Lights.

    • Anonymous says:

      DO you honestly believe the third world drivers we import are going to manage to navigate a roundabout BELOW a flyover? Whilst normal for most people I can only imagine the bus drivers pulling up on the flyover to let people just over the railing or walk down the slip road.

    • Anonymous says:

      flyover to where??? to the next huge tailback.
      think outside the gt box…..

    • Anonymous says:

      Define for the ignorant what a fly over is

  34. Anonymous says:

    Hopefully, they’ll finally approve the Uber-style service that the two young Caymanians have been trying to get permission to operate. If people had access to this it would cut down on drunk driving at night and cut down on other traffic in the day.

    When I travel, I love using Uber because you know ahead of time the cost and it is VERY reliable even allowing you to see how close your driver is.

  35. Anonymous says:

    Bryan, you can start by educating all Public Bus drivers on the rules of the road!! And maybe mix up the nationality too.

    • Anonymous says:

      Make them driverless. Much better, safer and reliable. Let Cayman lead the world. The technology already exists.

      • Anonymous says:

        It would also create a fantastic new industry, and reduce our reliance on imported minimum wage labour. The vehicles would almost certainly be electric, making them quiet and environmentally friendly. The jobs available to the operators of the system would be much higher level, providing meaningful work and opportunity. Pivot Forward Cayman.

    • Anonymous says:

      And tell them that they don’t just get to pull out in front of persons driving they have to wait for clearance

    • Anonymous says:

      There are no public buses. Dilapidated mini buses driven by maniacs. In real world Public transport buses inspected daily by a transport maintenance department, drivers are certified to transport public.

    • Anonymous says:

      Mr Bryan would you look at taking care of real the Caymanians at these tourist attractions. These paper caymanian are taking over ; being prompted because 5heir Jam boss likes them!!!!

  36. anon says:

    Will the Ministers forego their official cars and travel to the Admin building in a school bus?

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