Gov’t finally signs dump deal with Dart

| 26/03/2021 | 159 Comments
Location of ReGen, artist’s rendition

(CNS): Less than three weeks before Caymanians go to the polls and four years after Dart was picked as the preferred bidder, a last minute deal has been signed between the islands’ largest developer and the government over the dump. At a press briefing Friday, the outgoing premier, Alden McLaughlin; Dwayne Seymour, the minster responsible for rubbish; other officials and Dart executives appeared for the signing of a 25-year contract which will see Dart begin the long-awaited work on the 8.5 megawatt waste-to-energy facility and remediation of Mount Trashmore.

As the scrap metal area of the landfill was still smouldering from a major fire yesterday, Chief Fire Officer Paul Walker opened the briefing with an update on that situation. He said that fire crews were still tackling deep-seated pockets of fire and would remain on scene until it was properly extinguished.

Outlining the details of the first full-blown public-private-partnership the Cayman Islands Government has ever entered into, Peter Ranger from the Major Projects Office, who will be overseeing the CI$205 million project that will be financed by Dart in the first instance, said that government will pay an average of CI$163 per ton of waste processed.

This is effectively just the beginning of a complex and major endeavour and it will take over three years before the WTE is up and running. In the meantime, work is expected to begin on many other elements. The terms of reference for an environmental impact assessment will be released for public consultation, the premier said as he welcomed the signing after years of trying to get this project off the ground.

For more details check back to CNS next week.

Visit the new website launched for the project.

See the full press briefing on CIGTV below:

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Category: Environmental Health, Health

Comments (159)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    @CNS – Is there an overall site plan available showing the exact or proposed placement of the incinerator and recycling facilities? Are they on existing dump site or adjacent? On which side? I am sure it is hidden from view of the Camana Bay community – so that would put more to the south of the dump – but then that puts it in an already quite developed area – or right on the existing bypass… Or is it next to the sewer plant, adjacent to the new bypass – and inhibiting the possibility of expansion of the sewer plant… Given this is a project with public impact, I think we should be shown more detailed plans – or is this one of those cases where government will make all the deals and decisions and force it down our throat, approving all the planning permissions without proper consultation? I assume this classifies as Heavy Industrial land usage – and that is also very limited – unless there are rezoning plans afoot.
    I am all for the concept, but I also believe in openness and this government hasn’t always been forthcoming in this area…
    We deserve to know.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Jon Jon desperately trying to cling to his seat. Vote him and his rubbish out!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Without DART this island would be Haiti

    • Anonymous says:


      In fact, Dart and his kind has instead fashioned Cayman into Haiti’s likeness with the vast amount of improvised labour that has been imported to help guarantee their plunder of, and profiteering from, our once pristine natural environment.

    • Anonymous says:

      I note the comment that without Dart we would be Haiti, and while acknowledging the positive contributions, it’s time for the Government to take control of the future development of this island in the interest of our people. Stop following someone’s vision! Be leaders! Allow us to shape our destiny and retain some semblance of our identity. No national vision and we are perishing.

  4. Cay Z says:

    Aye Cayman Gurl your carelessness with the truth speaks volumes as to exactly who you are? The the trouble with ignorance as it goes along it picks up confidence! Let me educate you dear the only reason we are having to go through that very degrading to Caymanian process is because some who are supposed or should be representing our people have simply given away or sold and prostituted our rights and we simply no longer have any record of that or the amount thus the verification process. “Your Archaic laws” one of those are we ?? You disrespectful little $#!T wha happen? the displacement and marginalization of Caymanians not going fast enough for you dear ?? Soon Come! careful careful dear as the Governor may very well have to use his little Regiment one of these good ole days to quell what you are advocating. Saw one of those type of events during the Hurricane Ivan catastrophe where the foreign rabble almost got control . It was neither pretty nor safe for those just like You trust me !

  5. Anonymous says:

    Dwayne the minister responsible for RUBBISH. LMAO!!!

  6. Catcha Fire says:

    If Dart is A Caymanian as some like to claim and shove in our face. Why doesn’t he run for elected office? Aaaaah Cayman it’s really sad that under this same ppm government Caymanians now have to get affidavits for themselves and their children to define whether they are Caymanians or not it’s in fact a national disgrace. Yet our election law clearly defines who is electability It is so sad that our immigration laws has been manipulated so much by others that it is no longer valid in defining exactly who we are . On 14 th April 2021 Cayman please please VOTE this F#@$&% sellout no use government out of and from power For good !

    • Cayman Gurl says:

      He can’t run for elected office because your archaic laws require that only Caymanians born in Cayman or who have at least one Caymanian parent can run for such office. Caymanians who need affidavits to prove they are Caymanians didn’t do their paperwork when they should have and so now have to declare certain things.

      • Anonymous says:

        And many brag they are dual citizens because they were born there but they are committing a felony if they don’t file with the IRS every year.

      • BAMF Patriot says:

        I don’t need to declare a ras. The only people who are bound to prove they’re Caymanian are the ones which come by boat and plane.

    • Anonymous says:

      Why ITF would Dart run for election?…lol

      • Anonymous says:

        He doesn’t need to. He owns them.

      • Anonymous says:

        Very true. It makes no sense to run. You have the money you need to buy a government that will do what you want. Why go the trouble of having to attend meetings. let your puppets do that.

      • Anonymous says:

        Anon 840am is merely using an analogy to get his point across ! Some people are so Dumb really sad?

    • Anonymous says:

      8:40 I think you are SEARCHING for more reasons to HATE DART

    • Anonymous says:

      This Acknowledgement thing is what pisses me off as a born and bred Caymanian, and it is the mean reason why I will be voting against Progressives.

    • Anonymous says:

      Eligibility for elections need to be fixed by FCO.

  7. Anonymous says:

    someone help me out here, but is this how the country of the Cayman islands Govt works, – ‘f%#k the foreign office and any adherence to process or due diligence, let’s get what we want anyway by chalking up another pound of flesh to our # 1 vulture opportunist, I mean investor’ 🤷🏻‍♀️

  8. Anonymous says:

    MODGA! Make Our Dump Great Again!

  9. Anonymous says:

    I don’t get the complaining ?? Out of all the things he could do the dump is a big step. I for one am grateful. Hopefully if stay over tourism comes back my guest won’t complain about driving past a dump and smelling waste as soon as they arrive. We are numb to it but it makes us look 3rd

    • Anonymous says:

      At any cost? Let’s ask what have the Unity administration given away this time in open untracked concessions? Where is the published detail of this public agreement? Why does our very well-paid government expect a skeleton-staffed DART to possess all this intellectual talent to achieve wondrous things? With a globe of potential candidates, we should ask why can’t our government cut out the middleman and just hire the expertise that DART will be surely be trying to lure here to fill their own performance void? We are addicted to this mirage of competence being sold under the banner of DART. We get to pay twice.

  10. Anonymous says:

    So how much is CUC going to pay for the electricity generated from the incinerator? Have they actually agreed to take the extra juice? How much are they going to charge us for it? Asking for a friend.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Now that Dart owns Brac Power and Light, the end of young Caymanians ever owning anything in these islands is very near.

    I feel sicken to my stomach that one person, granted Caymanianian Status by CABINET (i.e. Mckeeva Budh) has such a huge hold on these islands that he makes CIG look like a beginner investor.

    Shame on McKeeva and all the politicians who has sold us all out.

    Let’s hope that the ‘HaveNots’ wake their lazy passive asses up before we find ourselves loving in DART LAND ruled by a dictator at best.

    • Anonymous says:

      Well you keep voting for them. Reap what you sow and all that. You’ve had chances to bin Big Mac and nobody wanted to take him on.

    • Anonymous says:

      Ppm haters must be crying now and the posters who used to log on just to say fix the dump must be in agony.

      Thank you PPM. First the new airport. Mental health facility John gray hospital now this.

      And we believe we can do better. Now that is rubbish.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Excellent observation, thanks you! Similar to an observation made in this forum regarding the safe disposal of medical wastes after the proposed hospital projects were announced.

    Now will any “powers” pay attention, or even read these? Hmmm?

  13. Anonymous says:

    So when the dust settles, Dart will control waste disposal in this island. At a strike he can cut off garbage disposal. Just wait – he will buy cuc and Cayman Water next. The man may be(currently) benevolent, but he controls our economy. And people worry about his control of the CPA ! The man is a tactician. And for if those that say he is a benevolent dictator and better than our elected government- ask the Argentinian’s or the Greeks how benevolent he is when you stand between him and a dollar. Absolute control of Cayman is the agenda.

    • Anonymous says:

      6:41 DART is a CAYMANIAN!

    • Anonymous says:

      Those countries had defaulted in their bonds (issued to raise capital to prop up government spending). In other words they defaulted on their loans. As you know, if you default on your mortgage then your hone is ceased. Dart bought up the bonds (people were happy to get cents back in their dollars invested) & he then had enough holdings to fight the governments to pay up on their bonds (loans). Nothing illegal or immoral in that. They were not paid face value (100%) but more than they paid for the bonds. That’s called risky investing – that in those instances gave him good returns.

      • Anonymous says:

        Where exactly does the money come from when you force a Government to repay the debt in full (or close to it)? The original holders of the debt lost the money and took the risk, they then sold it for pennies, or about what the Governments in those countries could afford to pay back. However if you buy it for pennies and push to get the dollar back from the Governments, then the people of those countries pay, and suffer.

      • Anonymous says:

        And conveniently the politicians who spent their countries into oblivion and their useful idiots point their fingers at Dart.

      • Anonymous says:

        Perfect description of a ‘vulture capitalist’

        thank you

        now see if you can find the extremes he went to in order to make good ‘on his investment’ and see if that fits immoral, – if it doesn’t try extortion

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes, the Dart conglomerate will run circles around OfReg when buying out and taking control of our vital utilities. With the solid waste management it is even worse as it is not clear which entity will manage, and under which legislation, the contract after the facility is built and being operated for the 25 years.

  14. Brylcreem Boys says:

    Cayman politicians are like the Deacon character in that terrible movie who just needs to keep the crew paddling:

    “I don’t have a goddamn clue. Don’t worry, they’ll row for a month before they figure out I’m fakin’ it!”

  15. Anonymous says:

    No wonder Cayman is going nowhere fast- our leaders are like students who do nothing all year and then panic-study right before the exams. These useless lazy MLAs only do any work in the 2 months before an election! The dump, the roading, the GT renewal, the new high school. They’ve had years and years and years. They’ve been farting around posing as leaders and enjoying the high life without any actual work.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Caymanians do not make money off dart. Concessions?
    Understand Dart did not steal or take any land away from Caymanians.

    The politicians will sell out Cayman in the benefit of progress.

    Why do we need dart to fix the dump?
    CIG says has lots of money, but now not enough money to fix the dump?

    Why can’t my government just do it’s duties rather than sell off my country with no regards to it’s people.
    They fail their job so they hire someone else to do it for them.

    Dart has more than a hand full of deals in the works that have no planning approval.

    People wake up, you can’t take back the land from dart today and you surely won’t be able to in 30 years.

    We make dart wealthy but Cayman still poor, laundering billions every day.

    • Anonymous says:

      We should seek to change the “constitution” to require that elections be held every 12 months.

      These announcements make my heads spin!

    • Anonymous says:

      DART will make CAYMAN GREAT again!

      • G Oliver says:

        Your right 10:38pm Great For him and his entourage and Joey Hew and family and Island paving Ltd and those that are building mansions on Spotts Beach !

        • Anonymous says:

          8:47 CAMANA BAY is the ONLY WELL BUILT, Clean, Decent
          Respectable Place, where Family can freely assemble,
          even with your Cat or Dog, with no Signs, or Restrictions!
          Please say the SECOND PLACE.

    • Anonymous says:

      The one time cost to properly line and remediate the GT landfill was, at one point, priced at $10mln. Whereas our PPM-led Unity team routinely farts away $3mln chunks of public money on pre-Christmas NiCE work programs. Just wait until the detail of this deal is published and value of the concessions known.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Will you look at that?… Right before the elections! Does that strike you as a coincidence?

  18. ANONYMOUS says:

    “ dwayne seymour – the minister responsible for rubbish “ especially when he opens his mouth and incomprehensible sounds emerge………

  19. Anonymous says:

    Minister for rubbish……..That ain’t no Freudian slip. Superb ladies. Absolutely superb 😆😆😆

  20. Anonymous says:

    So many haters, this is fantastic news. The government is damned if they do damned if they don’t. If they make a deal with Dart, they get called out for selling Cayman’s future, if they don’t make a deal with Dart they aren’t taking the Dump seriously…what do you want?

    Without the PPM we would be sitting on a blacklist (which we will soon be on again) and the proven backbone of our economy, Financial Services, would be in the toilet.

    The biggest concern facing this country in the next few years is maintaining our Financial Services industry full stop. Without it this island goes back 30 years. When picking your government you need to ask yourself do these guys actually have the ability to get us off the EU Blacklist…

    Alden and Roy are the only ones capable of this…the other guys talk a good game about Caymanians first, but there will be nothing coming in to pay for it.

    Please don’t be short sighted.

    • Anonymous says:

      You ask what I want? I’ll tell you what I want….. I want honest representation!!!

      • Anonymous says:

        I agree, but then you need to elect it in… Can’t change the bought-off electorate? Then don’t complain. XXX

        I sadly laugh/cry when complaints come in about the ineptitude of CIG, and we/they elect the same idiots. Who is more stupid, the electorate, or the officials… Yup, the electorate.

    • Anonymous says:

      How can you possibly say our leadership is capable!! Capable of what?
      I could name several things they’ve done, but they certainly aren’t desirable.

    • Anonymous says:

      So according to you we are on a blacklist and only the PPM can get it off us, but we are also not on a blacklist because of the PPM? Which is it.

      PS appreciate facts may not be your strongest suite, so just do you understand we were on an EU blacklist because your wonderful ppm government didn’t meet deadlines for complying with rules they had over a years advance notice of, managed to get off it by then complying, only to fall into a FAft grey list because – we had not complied with warnings we had over a year before.

      • Anonymous says:

        Remember my comment in 2 years. When this country has to creatively decide how to implement an effective tax structure to meet the needs of global regulators I would like to get your thoughts.

        Arden will be sitting at Paperman’s talking about the good old days and you will all be broke.

        • Anonymous says:

          No need to be creative here old buddy.

          This new effective tax structure will be an annual “developed property tax” on all values exceeding CI$1 million, assessed by CIG’s Lands Department and it’s approved private sector (ex employees) providers.

          You read it here!

          • Anonymous says:


            If the person paying the tax is not able to prove ownership then control over the property reverts to the Crown until such that ownership and proof of funds can be established.

  21. Anonymous says:

    Before 👏, do some reading. May be you’ll start packing instead of rejoicing.

    Report: Waste Incineration: A Dirty Secret in How States Define Renewable Energy

    Legal challenge over UK’s exclusion of incinerators from emissions target.

    Health Effects due to Emissions from Energy from Waste Plant in London

    5 reasons why Europe’s garbage burning is a big problem

  22. Anonymous says:

    Show us the deal that was made with our money!

  23. Anonymous says:

    I see that no one has bothered to even read 6:33 comment. The consequences of building WtE plant in Cayman in the total absence of Legislation regulating waste incineration is grave. In fact, it is mind boggling to think that building and operating a technologically complex industrial plant is not preceded by Laws and Regulations.

    Garbage in, garbage out: Incinerating trash is not an effective way to protect the climate or reduce waste.
    “Although municipal solid waste combustion is regulated under the Clean Air Act, host communities are concerned about potential health impacts”.

    🛑 Cayman doesn’t have Clean Air Act
    🛑 Cayman doesn’t have regulations and standards listed in 6:33 comment
    🛑 Even If Dart Co will built and run WtE plant, Cayman doesn’t have expertise to monitor and inspect its operations and enforce (non-existing) Laws.
    🛑 Cayman doesn’t have equipment and highly experienced professionals to control emissions from combustion facilities. There’s no National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants.
    🛑 WTE plant must not be built near densely populated residential areas, affecting a large number of people

    The health impacts of waste-to-energy emissions: a systematic review of the literature

    • Anonymous says:

      Excellent observation, thanks you! Similar to an observation made in this forum regarding the safe disposal of medical wastes after the proposed hospital projects were announced.

      Now will any “powers” pay attention, or even read these? Hmmm?

    • Anonymous says:

      But lots of wte plants are built in cities. What is your alternative solution?

  24. Anonymous says:

    The opposition candidates and their trolls using platforms like this to chastise the PPM… that’s par for the course. They aren’t perfect but the majority of Cayman’s ‘learned’ population can see and understand that our country has been far better off under their leadership. If nothing else we had a good 8yrs of strong policy and fiscal prudence. What the future brings no one knows and the few misfires of the PPM have taken a toll on their aura… fingers crossed that we get at ‘least’ the same strong vision and willingness to tackle the tough subjects, with the next lot incoming in April. Be blessed Cayman and forever grateful; hold on to paradise as long as you can!

    • Anonymous says:

      7:13 am, there is a good reason why people “chastise” the PPM . The main reason is because they have shown in many ways that they truly deserve it. This is not just a shot at you for trolling for them. It is my honest opinion of their arrogance and dishonesty.

  25. Anonymous says:

    Final,y, the stupid thing is Biden town people thinking they are getting a dump. It’s an underground waste facility and will create jobs. Very good

    • Anonymous says:

      Uneducated and hateful. Typical for someone with the us and them mentality.

    • Jotnar says:

      Underground waste facility! ROFLOL. It’s 90 feet above ground right now numb nuts, and pending the WTE staring up they are building a matching mound right next to the current one. Are your comprehension skills really that limited – they set it out in plain language on the press briefing – they even had pictures for those that struggle with words. I guess stupidity of this dimension is how our politicians get elected.

  26. Anonymous says:

    PPM running scared!

    I have never heard of some so many things being done so close to election in sol long.

    Island Paving must be rotten rich off of paving the roads. DART will get some more concessions for the Dump. Maybe the removal of some more beach accesses.

    Every tourism worker will get $2k per month IF the PPM is re-elected..

    Doesn’t anyone see a pattern here?

  27. Anonymous says:

    Don’t let Alden fool you or even try to school you.

    • Anonymous says:

      What a jerk he is, trying to keep this island a float financially.

      Let’s see what happens to our Economy if he doesn’t get back in…Everyone will be happy for a year as ex-pats get bashed and money flows to those who don’t want to work for it.

      Then the Budget deficit will hit, FS firms will leave and Caymanians will have their beloved beach back that they never use anyways.

  28. Anonymous says:

    Talk about desperation, even Mose and Julie were opening the the new wing of Faith hospital today..

    PPM I think it is too little too late. Rushing to sign this up with DART one day after the Dump fire speaks volumes of this PPM Government. They were so embarrassed yesterday that they had to run to DART last night to rush this through.

    I am sitting here wondering what concessions and back door deals they did last night and this morning to pull this off in just 24 hours.

    We can’t keep doing this Cayman. Why is it that these useless politicians keep these things in their back pockets in order to guarantee votes at the last minute when they see that they are losing the support of the majority of people.

    Cayman, it’s time. Clean these power hungry politicians out and let’s get a fresh, clean and more honest start. no more concessions, and no more vote buying..

    • Anonymous says:

      You sir/madam are a patriot.

      I wish we had more people in office just like you.

    • Anonymous says:

      Well I’m guessing both PAD applications in West Bay South just got guaranteed for one….

    • Anonymous says:

      I am wondering what concessions and back door deals they made last night and this morning to pull this off in just 24 hours!!! You now this is just a sell-out by our leadership! Shame, shame!

    • Anonymous says:

      Julie getting worried about Elvis in CBE.

      that what she get for going round blackguarding him like she has been doing.

      She was afraid to debate Elvis because she knew he would call her out. He did an excellent job without notes and had real answers and solutions.

  29. Anonymous says:

    “Dwayne Seymour, the minster responsible for rubbish.”

    OMG, I love your sense of humour CNS!

  30. Anonymous says:

    Why not include in the announcement what caused the 4 year delay? How was the issue(s) resolved?

    • Anonymous says:

      What are they supposed to do? Everyone is on their case about any partnership with Dart.

    • Anonymous says:

      It was called the, “You Gotta Do It Cheaper Than That” disagreement. Now it’s, the”Whatever You Want, Mister Dart” agreement. Politicians are a strange lot, aren’t they?

    • Anonymous says:

      9:55 – Resolution is something called “election time”!

      • Anonymous says:

        And elect a similar bunch of numptys or greedy self- centered Lodgemen?

        It’s systemic! Nothing but a UK-led corruption investigation resulting in jail time for corrupt players in our political arena (public and private) will serve to even begin to change the system!!

    • Anonymous says:

      9:55 pm you should watch the press briefing because your so-called “delay” was explained very well.

  31. Anonymous says:

    All well and good so long as the full agreement and all ancillary details/agreements are made public with absolutely no redactions. Otherwise I call BS.

    • Anonymous says:

      In the real world the technical details are commercially sensitive and will always be redacted. Why should it be any different in little old cayman?

  32. Anonymous says:

    What a pile of garbage!

  33. Anonymous says:

    We should have elections every six months.

  34. Anonymous says:

    Why didn’t this happen years ago?

  35. Anonymous says:

    we will still be talking about this agreement in 4 years time.
    the record of do-nothing-ppm speaks for itself.
    reminds me of mac’s never ending mou’s….

  36. Anonymous says:

    If they can do it at Freshkills at one time the worlds largest landfill, they can do it anywhere.

  37. Anonymous says:

    Boy they work fast though. From a fire on Thursday morning they managed to draw up a whole contract, create a brand and a website, put together a public presentation all by 230 on Friday. Impressive.

  38. Anonymous says:

    “The minister responsible for rubbish” L M A O!!!!!

  39. Anonymous says:

    Such projects start with implementing Clean Air Act followed by Guidelines and Standards for Waste Management.

    For comparison, in the US, National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants, New Source Performance Standards and Waste Incineration Rules followed Clean Air Act.

    Waste Management Industry Stationary Sources Regulations
    were established, such as:
    •Commercial and Industrial Solid Waste Incineration
    •Hazardous Waste Combustors
    •Hospital/Medical/Infectious Waste Incinerators
    •Municipal Solid Waste Landfills
    •Standards of Performance for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills
    •Large Municipal Waste Combustors
    •Small Municipal Waste Combustors
    •Off-Site Waste and Recovery Operations
    •Oil-Water Separators and Organic Water Separators
    •Standards of Performance for Sewage Treatment Plants NSPS
    •Sewage Sludge Incinerators
    •Publicly Owned Treatment Works
    •Other Solid Waste Incinerators
    •Site Remediation

    Cayman has no such laws and regulations. No WtE plant can be built and run without it. That includes Hazardous Waste Compliance Monitoring.

    Sell your properties and run as fast as you can.

    • Anonymous says:

      …and all underwater by 2060

    • Anonymous says:

      Two more hospitals with medical waste incinerators coming online and ZERO updated regulations to oversee them.

      Last time Ask Auntie checked in September 2018, DEH admitted to have NO equipment or info of how and what to test to control medical waste emissiond.

      Volatile gases likely and silently killing us. All this while promoting Medical Tourism.

    • Anonymous says:

      About half of that doesn’t remotely apply to WTE.

  40. Anonymous says:

    “Dwayne Seymour, the minster responsible for rubbish”.


    • Anonymous says:

      Don’t forget Capt. Chuckie, the Assistant Minister of Rubbish and assistant to Dwayne The Brian

      • Anonymous says:

        Bobo, Capt Chuckie was a professional boatsman, rod reel maker…philantrophist and pro caymanian marine BOSS. You mean Capt Eugene or someone else surely…?

  41. Anonymous says:

    Once our great for nothing politicians wait to the last hour to do things that should have been done from the get go at the beginning of their new term.

    Vote buying at the very least to make an attempt to secure another term.

    Watless group of MPs that honestly need to be voted out now.

    The new comers can’t do no worst and thus without a doubt deserve at least a chance Cayman!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s done, Move on to your next complaint.

    • Anonymous says:

      The Minister For Total Rubbish came through just in time but Bobo isn’t getting my vote.

    • Anonymous says:

      I think the real story here is that Dart needed to have this and other contracts signed prior to the new government.

      Too many loose ends / unknowns and duty concessions on the table to allow this decision to move to another term/new gov – especially since it is quite likely that the PPM and UDP puppets do not see another term, and the new guard, seeing how many concessions there really are on the table for all of his other projects, decide to rebid the wast management facility and remove darts future concessions entirely.

  42. Anonymous says:

    Only took 1200 fires to get there. Well done!

    • Anonymous says:

      Those fires are so terrible…they cause so much property damage, I mean that is valuable garbage that is burning.

  43. The Good the Bad and the Ugly says:

    This is good news but needs to be tempered with details of what new concessions CIG gave Dart. Had we committed, responsible and knowledgeable heads in CIG the money that was nearly squandered on the Port might have been used for this project. It will be interesting to see actually how many jobs go to Caymanians and how many overseas consultants are counted as local jobs in their job creation figures.

    • Anonymous says:

      Who the frick cares – the dump is going to be dealt with and Dart will do a good job because it’s also in their best interest. On this particular issue, I don’t care if a single Caymanian gets a job because of it. God – you people will complain about anything!

      • Anonymous says:

        Dart is the best at anything they do. With there team of fantastic professionals it will be world class and the envy of the world! Thank you honorable Alden and Seymour for your leadership.

      • Anonymous says:

        Hate to say it but that don’t care issue is just typical of this PPM government. They will do anything to make themselves look good and that’s how DART gets the upperhand.

        What we don’t realize is that DART doesn’t even have to ask anymore, it is just given to him. We can’t say no to concessions. DART is just as involved as the people of this country. He has more money than God. Why do we need to give him or other developers concessions when they are going to do their projects with ot without the concessions..FIN is a great example.

    • Anonymous says:

      Sorry, Mr. Good, but that is confidential information. The “real deal” will never be known. (Like MANY others).

  44. Anonymous says:

    Excellent news ! It has taken a while to get here but this is a sound plan that is comprehensive and sustainable. Great public-private partnership.

    • Anonymous says:

      Please tell us about the fine print oh Dart employee.

      • Hubert says:

        You don’t really want to see the fine print. It might upset you.

      • Anonymous says:

        The fine print is you don’t have to pay a cent to clean up an environmental disaster created by the incompetence of successive Cayman governments for the last 30 years or more. Thank goodness for Dart in this case!

        • Anonymous says:

          Nothing Dart does is for free. They are not a charity non-profit!

        • Anonymous says:

          With Darts legal team being 10x smarter than government, god knows what loopholes and oversights exist in this hastily made contract.

        • Anonymous says:

          Article: “government will pay an average of CI$163 per ton of waste processed”

          Commenter: “you don’t have to pay a cent … Thank goodness for Dart”

          Nuff Said.

        • Anonymous says:

          Wait till tipping fees are levied in whatever form, direct or indirect, then there will be tears. The bad side is yet to come and that’s how Mr. Dart will make his money back.

          • alaw says:

            All you NEGATIVE thinking PESSIMISTS who enjoy the
            worst possible Scenarios
            Can you give one just one REASONABLE SENSIBLE SOLUTION!

    • Anonymous says:


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