Paroled inmate returned to jail

| 25/02/2021 | 19 Comments
Henry York Carter

(CNS): Updated: Police have tracked down a missing inmate who had been released early from HMP Northward and taken him back to jail after he breached the conditions of his parole. Henry York Carter was living in Bodden Town when he was released, but was found in George Town yesterday after breaking the rules surrounding his early release.

Police did not say why Carter was in jail, but according to court listings he last appeared on trial a year ago for a number of summary charges, from taking marine life to breaching probation conditions.

However, Carter has been to jail in the past for a more serious offence. In 2009 he was sentenced to three years for causing the death of Glen “Papa Sleepy” through dangerous driving.

The judge who sentenced Carter also banned him from driving for life because of what was described as his appalling driving record. At that time Carter had already been banned from driving five times in seven years.

This, though, was largely due to the fact that Carter, who is now 41, lost the sight in his left eye when he was just ten years old, a fact that emerged during an appeal when the life-time driving ban was reduced to fifteen years. As a result Carter remains under that driving ban.

Meanwhile, Otis Melbourne Myles (34) from George Town, who was also wanted for breaching his conditional release, was located Thursday and has been taken back to prison. He is serving a seven-year term for serial burglary.

Anyone with information can call 949-4222.

Anonymous tips can be provided to the RCIPS Confidential Tip Line at 949-7777 or the police website. Tips can also be submitted anonymously via the Miami-based call centre of Crime Stoppers at 800-8477(TIPS), or online.

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Category: Crime, Police, Prison

Comments (19)

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  1. Henry Carter says:

    What a bunch of crap. From the news story to the comments.
    1. My mother has never called the police on me in my entire life

    2. I was wrongfully convicted on Glen Seymore death case.(4 guilty/3 not guilty is supposed to be a hung jury)

    3.My lic has not been revoked for life.

    4.When I was released I was released on unrelated conditions that have nothing to do with my convictions so I purposely reneged on the terms of the parole. I wish some of these anonymous heros would identify themselves instead of being all high and mighty behind there anonymity.

    Best of all I have served my debt to society and I’m back. 😉

  2. Anonymous says:

    Our prisons lack so much supervision it’s unbelievable ! Crime is increasing so we must increase our national security.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Now, triple his sentence and keep him there until he serves every last second of it!

  4. Anonymous says:

    How did someone with one eye (and thus no stereoscopic depth perception) qualify for a driver’s license?

    • T tibbs says:

      No joke. The guy who filmed my dad and his wife’s wedding is registered as blind… furthermore he drove himself

  5. Anonymous says:

    Loser. Why don’t these guys have to finish ALL their sentences after all these parole violations? The public deserves to be protected from them as long as possible.

  6. Anonymous says:

    And his parents are where?

    • Anonymous says:

      Right here in Cayman, 8:57. His father is a Bodden Towner born and bred. Mother Central American.

    • Anonymous says:

      They are here, his mother calls the police on him all the time and they never come to get him.
      If he goes to her house she’ll call them again, go check his GF and friends in BT, North side.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Do not let them out before they serve their full prison term

  8. Anonymous says:

    What a sad example of an academically naturally gifted young boy failing completely to succeed in life because of his background.

    • Anonymous says:

      True. I was at school with him and he was very smart but he couldn’t settle down and behave.

      • Anonymous says:

        Anonymous 25/2@ 8:34pm – Yes indeed, quite sad! Why? Because the piss-ass Cayman public school system did not have, and still DOES NOT have any appropriate avenues for children who may find academic learning unchallenging/boring, the curriculum beyond (or beneath) them or are not able to focus (for reasons such as ADHD). VERY few teachers in the public system are qualified to recognize these issues with a child, so the student is “branded” as a trouble maker and ignored. They wallow in the system until they “graduate” into the world and can’t function successfully. Instead, the system should re-direct such students to avenues which will capture their attention and challenge their abilities, including vocational or art-related programs. The options available here deal only with children with diagnosed or documented “issues”. What about children who haven’t been diagnosed for whatever reason, or who may not display “typical symptoms”? What about the normal child who, as one poster said about Carter, can’t “settle down and behave”? I know, because that was me when I was at John Gray HS!

        I know, because I was branded the trouble maker in my class! I would finish my work before anyone else then begin to disrupt! No one recognized that my abilities surpassed the level of my schoolwork and my “acting-up” in class was boredom being manifested because the work was unchallenging to me. Luckily, before it was too late for me – on the advice of a former JGHS Principal – at the beginning of my 5th form year my parents sent me to a Grammar school in the UK where the curriculum was harder and I was more adequately challenged. In one year, in a new school, a new curriculum, in a new culture, I was able to pass 8 ‘O’ Levels, went on to a “snooty” UK boarding school and acquired 3 ‘A’ Levels, all which led to a successful career!

        DON’T blame the students!!

        • Anonymous says:

          Sounds like you are too cool for school.

        • Anonymous says:

          Ok, now we see, 3:19, all these “piss ass” feral kids and adults we have around here are because of our “piss ass Cayman public school system” not recognizing their true qualities and thereby failing them. If only they had all gone to a UK grammar school and snooty UK boarding school!!

  9. Anonymous says:

    I’ll keep an eye out for him.

    Before people stick up for him, I can tell you without doubt he’s really not deserving to have even been out of prison for a second.

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