Cop car involved in another smash

| 15/02/2021 | 9 Comments

(CNS): Police have reported yet another collision involving an RCIPS vehicle. This time a “service vehicle” was said to have been involved in a collision at the junction of Watercourse Road and Hell Road in West Bay with a gold Honda Civic at around 8:30pm Friday evening. While the RCIPS has not said what type of vehicle was involved in the smash, it is the fifth police vehicle to be damaged in matter of just 10 days.

The two vehicles collided and then the police vehicle crashed into and damaged a nearby fence. The RCIPS vehicle received minor damage, while the Honda was heavily damaged, police said. Both drivers were breath tested, and the driver of the Accord, a 46-year-old man from West Bay, was subsequently arrested on suspicion of DUI and later bailed.

Emergency Services attended the scene and the officer driving the service vehicle was taken to the Cayman Islands Hospital for treatment for minor injuries and later discharged. The driver of the Accord was uninjured.

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Category: Crime, Police

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  1. Anonymous says:

    A drunk driver ran a stop sign and crashed into a police vehicle.

    Yet somehow, people are still finding a way to allow their bias to take the lead and blame the police.


  2. Anonymous says:

    Do they ever face the courts with charges of dangerous driving? I know several people who lost their licences for a year after being in a one only car accident!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Quick to ticket people doing 53 mph on a triple lane highway, but can’t ever seem to use their own indicators on roundabouts – Cayman’s worst accident causers.

  4. Anonymous says:

    “the fifth police vehicle to be damaged in matter of just 10 days…” Guinness World Records 2021!

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