‘No more excuses’ for law firms

| 14/01/2021 | 106 Comments
Cayman News Service
David Collins

(CNS): David Collins, the president of the Cayman Islands Legal Practitioners Association (CILPA), warned local law firms that there could be “no more excuses” for not advancing the careers of Caymanian attorneys with the passage of the long-awaited Legal Services Bill. Speaking at the opening of the Grand Court on Wednesday, Collins said the historic legislation provided much needed regulatory reforms and a platform for the profession to flourish

He said that for the first time there were regulations that provide a framework for the training and advancement of Caymanian attorneys within law firms. “I call on all law firms to embrace the spirit of these Regulations,” he said. “These regulations envision a future in which Caymanian attorneys have a more prominent role within law firms.”

He added that they “envision that the development and progression of Caymanian attorneys will be central to the strategy of every law firm, resulting in a more sustainable legal sector — a legal sector that includes more Caymanians in senior roles as equity partners and managing partners of law firms in these Islands. My Lord, to every law firm I say clearly, there are no more excuses.”

He pointed out that CILPA had made an “immense contribution” in shaping the bill and ensuring its passage, with the support of the profession. Although the law has still come in for some criticism, it has been accepted by the majority of stakeholders.

Collins also reflected on the work that CILPA has done redeveloping the Professional Practice Course at the Truman Bodden Law School and the role members of the association had in drafting the legislation necessary to protect the economy during the COVID-19 crisis.

See Collins’ full address in the CNS Library.

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Category: Business, Law

Comments (106)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Ironic considering that these big firms that make up cilpa are the ones circumventing the immigration laws and who have hundreds of overseas practitioners holding themselves out as cayman attorneys without practicing certificates. Now they get to get away with all of that. Let’s see where you at d in history in due course

  2. Anonymous says:

    Why get into those positions based on MERIT, when you can have gommint’ put people into those position BY FORCE based on nationality?

    Why not also add gender, race or sexual preference to that entitlement list as well?

    We know from experience this has always been a winning strategy, look at the Bahamian legal system for example. They certainly flourished in the last 20-30 years…

    • Anonymous says:

      Merit = sharing the same taste in wine, whisky and blow

      Merit = coming from the same jurisdiction as other partners

      Merit = being part of the good ole boys club

      Merit = just being the right fit, either you have it or you don’t

      Too often this is the great system of merit on which our industry relies.

      Yet real globally successful businesses actively seek and hire diversity, differently abled, seek out young fresh thinkers at the strategic leadership level because they know it’s needed.

      So keep sticking to your system of merit which is a big white sheet to obscure sexism and racism.

      • Anonymous says:

        Ah right of course, so create an entitlement system based on race and gender to fix the issue.

        Got it!

        • Anonymous says:

          Entitlement. Seems all the entitlement went to expat Attorneys for years. Keep crying wolf, it will show up and eat you.

      • Anonymous says:

        Merit is precisely NOT what your equating it to. So the rational is since some companies don’t base awarding jobs based on Merit, let’s create another system NOT based on Merit, rather base it on other non-merit based classifications, using race, gender and other identity politica so we can further properly divide people.


      • Anonymous says:

        Merit can also mean “none of the above” if there is enough financial production….

    • Anonymous says:

      I agree, it should be based on merit, but the problem is that any excuse made is good enough when they are looking for one.

      Not qualified, overqualified, don’t have this certification, but you need this additional certification as well. Goalpost agility at its finest. Not to mention CV tailoring for their friends to make a “perfect fit” for the role, while “No questions will be taken at this time”. Not a luxury afforded to everybody.

      Last I checked, locals and indigenous people anywhere are due first pick on anything in their own country.

      Imagine the fits, protests, marches, civil wars, demonstrations and resignations if the local Americans and local British got the scraps of anything in America and England. Tourists and non-residents are always told to wait their turn, right?

      Do you welcome visitors into your home, let them dictate to you what you can and cannot do in your own house while they take full liberty to your belongings as they please? Not knowingly or willing, I suppose.

      No different, my friend.

      TL;DR: Excuses to craft their fantasy world, and auditors and fact checkers are always made out to be demons from hell. Curse them behind their backs and smile in their faces.

      • Anonymous says:

        You don’t get it. The offshore finance business is not Caymanian. With few exceptions, the money is not in Cayman, the clients are not in Cayman, the business is not in Cayman, not really. Cayman is a convenient domicile for entities that are used in the tax structures of people/entities living or controlled somewhere else. It is their lawyers and accountants in the UK, NYC, LA, HK etc. who decide who gets the legal and accounting work in Cayman. Being able to attract and hold that business is the number one “merit” requirement. So in addition to being qualified and highly competent after going to a good school, you need to work on that accent, learn something about wine and whisky, join some clubs, and cultivate shared interests with the overseas people who are the sources of the work. This is hard to do but the world is not going to change just to suit you. Without the people you are sneering at, the business will cease to exist. No one is stealing the fruit from your trees.

  3. Anonymous says:

    How does Mr. Collins and the entire Cayman Islands Legal Practitioners Association (CILPA) feel about the confessed and guilty woman beater occupying the Speaker position?

    • Anonymous says:

      Great question, let’s not hold our breath for a response from Mr. Collins.

    • Anonymous says:

      I wonder how the entire United States Congress feels about the insurrection of Capitol Hill; attempted coup e’tat; and failed assassination attempts on the Vice President, Speaker of the House, and other Members of the House and the Senate over a bitter presidential incumbent loss, twice impeached?

      Stay in your lane.

      • Anonymous says:

        Oversimplified view on the events. Trump is the bulb that has burned out. Start fixing the wiring. Can’t arrest all 75mil. who voted for him.

        • Anonymous says:

          You want an epistle?! That is exactly what happened!!! Five people lost their lives due to cult nonsense, and that cannot be taken lightly.

          Frankly, it was a long time coming, if you ask me. They finally went too far and it still wasn’t enough for them.

  4. Anonymous says:

    “no more excuses”

  5. Anonymous says:

    What I don’t get is why aspiring Caymanian lawyers deserve their own law? If the immigration and labour laws don’t provide adequate protection for Caymanians in any profession then the laws need to change.

    No one seems to be proposing that we should only hire 5 year PQE accountants, nurses or engineers. Why are lawyers and aspiring lawyers a special class?

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s like they are admitting they immigration law and regulations aren’t effectively being applied…work permit fees trump Caymanian employment thanks significantly to Alden the Destroyer.

      • Anonymous says:

        They don’t even care anymore. Now they are bragging. They have come to conquer the land at all costs like pirates and we all are going to like it!!

        Where is EU regulation and sactions for these law breakers? Only then, you will see them scatter and fall over themselves to get out of the way like the vermin roaches they are. Frankly, disgusting.

  6. anon says:

    “Development and progression of Caymanian attorneys will be central to the strategy of every law firm”. If this paramount strategy is followed, no doubt every law firm will have Caymanian Managing and Equity partners and maybe the same should be said of accounting,insurance, and fund management firms.This process will no doubt be “encouraged” by the strict control of work permits.The question is, given our relatively small population do we have enough Caymanians who are truly able to fill these demanding positions.The offshore financial industry is very competitive and dependent on the highest standards of expertise, we should be careful these standards are not diluted.

    • Anonymous says:

      If they did, Cayman would have the highest number of law firm partners per head of population anywhere on the planet.

      The reality is that if you are competent and hard working enough to be a law firm partner you will succeed no matter what you do. And if you’re not you have no place being given the role.

      So the law is completely pointless except to mark one more nativist slip down the slope towards becoming Bermuda, economically stagnant, and mired in debt and racial tension.

      • Anonymous says:

        Only because there are more positions…you can be the % of partners that are citizens to partners that are not is way more in other countries.

      • Dr. Duright says:

        Well said, 1:03 pm.

      • Anonymous says:

        Since you are probably too white to notice, most people you work with are saddled with death and racial tension is here and very real. Not as openly hostile as Bermuda but will reach their faster Than the rise in house prices in Cayman.

  7. Anonymous says:

    The word ‘professional’ makes me laugh! Nothing professional more professed!

  8. The Truth sucks. So says:

    Same shit, different country. Cayman is a colony. The legal profession in Cayman is run by colonizers. The colonizers are doing the same crap that they do back in the UK. Persons of color? They are lazy. They lack experience. They lack education. They’re not sophisticated enough. They lack social skills. They’re too “ethnic”. They’re too tall. They’re too short. They’re too Caymanian. They’re not Caymanian enough. ANY excuse to keep THEM out of the upper echelons of power.

    It’s the same twisted mentality of those Trumpers who stormed the US Capitol last week. We don’t want THEM amongst US because if THEY are amongst US, WTF does that say about US?

    • Say it like it is says:

      11.58pm You are so right, we need Caymanians in control of every law firm and then our legal service providers will be “world class” exactly like our Civil Service.

      • Anonymous says:


      • Anonymous says:

        But of course. There isn’t a single
        Caymanian capable of doing your job right?

        The thought of working under a Caymanian scares many of you because inherently you believe they are all less competent or capable.

        And you refuse to accept any measure of objectivity, reason, fairness or now law which seeks to remedy this atrocious failure on your part.

        • Concerned says:

          You do know law firms can relocate, right? If the bysiness eco-system suggests time is up here they will simply move to another low tax system elsewhere. Keep going Cayman, rather than support your population you will capitulate it.

          • Anonymous says:

            Always causing tyranny in their wake everywhere they go, pushback attempts always meet threats to leave but they never do, and bullying instead of actually doing better to avoid problems in the first place.

            There is a reason you did so much research to come here. I doubt you will leave that easily, and if you do, you will be back shortly after.

            I will believe it when I see it.

            Good luck finding a better low tax system country with 300 cases or less of COVID with 2 fatalities. 😴👋

    • Anonymous says:

      True, any excuse to keep the peasants out. Racism, slavery and segregation 2.0.

      Now, you don’t have to say “no colored people allowed” anymore, you just make everything too expensive for them to afford it and tell them to “work harder”.

      Here is the game plan:
      – Million-dollar houses and apartments
      – Inflate the cost of rentals
      – Inflate the cost of education
      – Private well-funded schools to cherry pick their kin to succeed them
      – Cherry pick their business empire employees with decent salaries and call it even
      – Give the outsiders 5x the work for 1x salary
      – Gated communities with 24 hour security and speed dial police service
      – Private country club meetings and events
      – Government handouts via personal connections when they bite off more than they can chew.

      Half-cut and self-righteous.

      If none of that works, then they just throw money at it and “hope it [he or she] goes away”.

      Trump tyranny and attitudes supreme are over. He lost, get used to it. Bravado Boris is next. I hear Christmas lockdown didn’t go over so well.

      • anon says:

        11.13am Your fellow citizens are not all peasants, please don’t insult them. By the way, are you referring to Civil Servants?.

        • Anonymous says:

          OP: My apologies for not clarifying that my use of the word “peasants” was meant to be ironic. It is one of many diminutive terms colloquially and wrongfully being used against locals to oppress them, and not intended as a qualifier or descriptor of any kind.

          Second, if you have lived in Cayman for any period of time, you would know the Civil Servants you vilify are mostly comprised your fellow citizens!

          The point I intended to make is that the majority of Caymanians and other assimilated locals have been treated as “peasants”, while others are receiving unfair shares of the pie.

          Locals and civil servants are always vilified and blamed when complaints are made that everyone is not benefitting from all the “development and progress” made in Cayman in recent years.

          Development and progress should always include everyone in the Cayman Islands equally, not just for the astute few and their chosen ones. However, everyday a stronger case is always made for the hoarding of benefits and resources by the ever-pruned small group of hush-hush, distant individuals and their politicial cohorts.

          Meanwhile, locals are left to suffer and be blamed for situations they have little to no ability to change themselves, mostly caused by the actions, lack of remorse or conscience of those same self-righteous groups. Ironically.

          Excuses and promises are always made for inadequacies, nothing changes, until the problems snowball into monstrous entanglements. Then the people creating them jump ship with their “winnings” and find somewhere else to do the same.

          TL;DR – If someone is making enormous amounts of wealth in Cayman, every last local person here should be as well. Sharing is a core traditional Caymanian value.

          • anon says:

            2.56pm I was just quoting a single example of all the nonsensical comments you produced (Irony!).
            Your second paragraph is mystifying, I have lived here since 1969, possibly longer than you, but you have lost me when you say the Civil Service comprises mostly my fellow citizens.
            Here is another irony, judging from your comments , if you are not one already,you would make even a civil servant wince with your bias.

    • Anonymous says:

      Our Windrush, caused by Driftwood.

  9. Anonymous says:

    A realtor here once told me that when he deals with American clients, he always sends them to British attorneys. He said that’s what they want. They don’t want a Caymanian who they have trouble understanding and who are a shade darker than they’re comfortable with. However, a proper, white attorney with a British accent makes them feel comfortable in investing here. I’m not saying I agree or condone this blatant racism, but I telling you what this realtor said to me. So, the problem appears to also be with the clients and what they want. I’m not sure that’s a problem fixable by legislation.

    • Gentle Reminder says:

      The problem is quite fixable remove realtor put a moratorium on real estate license immigration must stop issuing work permits and PR to real estate companies owners and their staff .why because it is now out of total control now both the outrageous prices and these person owning and buying up Cayman. I know one person that would appreciate it. The environment! your recent article CNS on how we are gambling with out lives by destroying our own environment is quite applicable here too and should resonate with those that believe and operate like they going to live forever and constantly profit from the destruction and misery they create on the planet . The positive side of this pandemic, it has cause some to rethink or understand that if we don’t stop damaging our environment nature will do it for us. 2020 has been very potent reminder of its range of options. We won’t need a single lawyer in those negotiations either another positive!

      • Anonymous says:

        Sorry, but the “you’ll use a Caymanian lawyer and like it!” approach isn’t going to work. Clients will just go elsewhere in many cases.

    • Anonymous says:

      Don’t much care about the shade, but the ability to communicate is very important.

    • Anonymous says:

      A lot of people are uncomfortable with the truth.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Mr. Collins’ optimism is unfortunate. The Legal Services Act just allowed those, who have been engaged in unlicensed-unlawful practice of Cayman law, a free “get out of jail” card. This is an unfortunate time for the rule of law, which is not being upheld.

    The Cayman Attorneys Regulation Association (“CARA”), which has be operating ultra vires and unlawfully as well as breaching and threatening human rights and fundamental freedoms, is now to be a subcommittee of the new Council act as Supervisory Authority for lawyers. This does not fix anything. Putting lipstick on a pig does not transform it into something else than what it is.

    CARA is a subcommittee of the Cayman Islands Legal Practitioners Association (“CILPA”), which is hell bent on regulatory control of the legal profession.

    To translate, CILPA and CARA are controlled in voting of membership by non-Caymanians. There is still the same distrust of CARA more now than ever.

    How is it that this solves anything? It just adds fuel to an ever blazing fire.

    This is another example of how out-of-touch the PPM Unity government is with the people, as well as another example of the Attorney General failing to do their job in upholding the rule of law.

    This government just keeps digging its hole deeper, when it should be trying to get out of the mess it made.

    Hopefully the next government will see the need to right the wrongs of this current government. We need change for the better, not for the worse.

    Congratulations, Mr. Premier and Mr. Attorney General. You have solidified your legacies as “Alden the Terrible” and “Bulgin the Bad Attorney”.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Mr Collins, count the number of spots that are dedicated, annually, to Caymanians to enable them to complete their articles in the law firms. Caymanians can’t even get their foot in the door much less get promoted. If you have to appeal to the law firms to stop making excuses, then what teeth does this law have? I have little faith that you or your CILPA Board will hold law forms accountable and look out for Caymanians.

    • Facts says:

      This is simply posting without any knowledge of facts. There are no Caymanian students with 2:2 degrees or better who can’t get Articles. Zero. None whatsoever. There have not been for some time. The issues in the profession don’t related to entry into the profession, they are issues of training, developing and supporting Caymanians into senior roles.

      • Anonymous says:

        5:22 is correct. I have a cousin who tried over a number of years to do his articles and no law firm would take him. They told him they didn’t have space available. As a result he now has to resit his exams as the timeframe to get his articles expired. Why does the law only develop and train caymanians already in the firms? What about those who want to get into law and need further development and training?

        There are issues with the profession if caymanians can’t even get an opportunity to do articles.

        • Facts says:

          Tried how many years ago? The position now is that there are no Caymanians with a 2:2 or better who want Articled and don’t. Fact. Please identify the person if she or he exists today. Not your cousin who was looking for Articles in 2009

          • Anonymous says:

            What was wrong in 2009 and do not say economic downturn. Large numbers of Kiwi’s, Australians, and others were being hired to engage in the unlawful practice of Cayman law in Hong Kong and elsewhere, in open breach of law.

            • Anonymous says:

              When Hong Kong firms hire Kiwis to practice Cayman law in Hong Kong that tells you you need to go to HK or NZ to do anything about it. That won’t happen because this is a figment of your imagination.

    • Anonymous says:

      The latest thing is to dump them once they have completed their articles and then they cant get hired as a newly qualified lawyer. Instead they bring in 3 year PQE lawyers rather than invest in the Caymanian newly qualified. But if the firms are all run by expats who will stand up for the Caymanian?

    • Anonymous says:

      Nonsense. You have no idea what you are talking about.

  12. Just Fakts says:

    For too long law firms have been very successful here and have not invested in developing their local lawyers. Well done Collins for saying it as it is. The number in senior positions in the firms here are embarrassing.

    • Anonymous says:

      That is just wrong. Every law firm has a program to take article clerks on and every firm is desperate to find promising young Cayman lawyers to take on. The problem is that good ones are so highly sought after that it is difficult to get them and even more difficult to retain them. They jump from firm to firm all the time and usually end up at one of the big three.

      And the bad ones are a nightmare to have an impossible to get rid of.

  13. Fire on the Hill says:

    Cayman attorneys are KaPut!! overrated article clerks! the most idiotic and inept lawyers from overseas will always be a head of them. So Cry me a river presidente Collins This legal practitioner bill has put head stone on Caymanian lawyers opportunities.

    • Anonymous says:

      Ah not good at managing a firm in another country that has immigration rules? Maybe put on you short pants and go back home and cry to your mama!

  14. Know dadeal says:

    The reason we are here is that firms haven’t done enough to support Caymanians to develop over the years. Plain and simple. There are well over a thousand Lawyers and a very very small number of them are Caymanian partners. It isn’t about promoting people without talent – it’s about accepting that developing talent is a responsibility of firms. Not sure why that is hard to understand.

  15. Anonymous says:

    It never works this way. A brilliant professional is always promoted.

    • Cayman Tiger says:

      Anyone who works as a professional simply knows that this is not true. Training, support and mentorship are required to take young professionals to the top. That is what has been sorely lacking here. It has to be called out.

    • Anonymous says:

      Right up until they point out that practicing Cayman law without a practicing certificate is likely an offense, and make things worse by identifying that failure to disclose Caymanian applicants is an offense.

    • Know Whatsreal says:

      How does one become a “brilliant professional”. It requires a commitment to training, development, mentoring etc. No one is a brilliant professional on day one and no one gets there without support. That is the point.

      • Anonymous says:

        It’s mostly on the individual to develop himself. Nothing new.

        • Anonymous says:

          And… not everyone who wants to be a lawyer has the aptitude/talent/drive to be a good lawyer – just like other professions. Many kids want to be football players when they grow up. Most kids don’t have the talent to do that professionally. No amount of protectionism will change that fact.

          • Anonymous says:

            Well… you can change that fact if you don’t mind having a crappy football team that loses all the time. People might accept that – after all, it’s only sport – but they sure wouldn’t accept lawyers or doctors who lose cases or patients all the time!

        • Anonymous says:

          Agree! I know so many Caymanians that HAVE moved up the ranks in the legal field…..including making partner. They busted their butts and earned their promotions. You can’t just want/expect to advance.

          • Anonymous says:

            Please tell me what Caymanians made partner? I know the three amigos (Reid, Hunter, and Panton, all related and none still practicing) but who else?

            • Know Dadeal says:

              Collins, Bergstrom, Watler, Pierson, Bank…all are or were equity partners in the leading firms

            • Anonymous says:

              Frank Banks, RIP.

            • Anonymous says:

              Sophia Harris.

              • Anonymous says:

                Setting up your own firm does not count.

                • Anonymous says:

                  How so? Getting trained at a big firm and then starting your own is a proven path to success if you have the talent and drive.

                  • Anonymous says:

                    Isn’t the point that she didn’t make partner at the firm she was at and had to set up on her own to get the recognition she deserved?

            • Anonymous says:

              Alden McL, James Bergstrom, David Ritch, Randall Martin, Linda daCosta, Nick Joseph to name a tiny fraction of all…..

              • Anonymous says:

                Wayne Panton was a partner and Andre Ebanks was very successful and well on his way to partner, both at Walkers both chose politics instead. Caroline Barton Caymanian partner at Appleby, Sabrina Foster – former partner at Maples

              • Anonymous says:

                Not true. Alden became a politician. James was a partner in Boxalls which was acquired by Ogier. David formed his own firm.
                Linda may be a partner, or may not be. Nick formed his own firm. Not one of them was able to work up to equity in a substantial firm. Each of them had the ability but not the opportunity. Those names emphasize the problem.

                • Anonymous says:

                  Being an equity partner is a completely different thing than being ‘a partner’.

                  • Anonymous says:

                    Not in law. Partner means equity partner. The problem is that every time a Caymanian becomes a partner they are not an equity partner.

                  • Anonymous says:

                    Just ask any salary partner if it is the same thing as being an equity partner!

            • Anonymous says:

              Having worked at two law firms here, I am compelled to throw in my two cents. Newly arrived expat lawyers = nice enough; Caymanian lawyers = almost universally nice; white, rich, British heads of law firms = rude, racist and arrogant. Oh how I wish I could name and shame them.

              • Anonymous says:

                PS I’m an expat. What’s happening in these top lawfirms is disgusting. Racism is prevalent, just better hidden these days.

      • Anonymous says:

        It means Gifted and has Drive to succeed.

        I am a certified and licensed professional in a different field. While I don’t believe I am gifted, I had a drive to succeed, despite English being my second language, despite having no US experience in the field, despite raising 2 small kids on my own. No one wanted to hire me after I got certified, let alone promote. But I had the drive to succeed. I had to take $12,00 salary reduction, that is how much the firm that hired me was offering. I got my first annual evaluation and was told – we know you couldn’t possibly know/understand everything you were doing, yet you managed to do it right. My first raise was $25,000. My education didn’t stop after I got certified and wasn’t limited to 40 hr annual CPE because I wanted to know and understand more than an average professional in the field knows and understands. I relied on myself only.
        I believe I am gifted in some ways. Despite having no legal education, other than business law course, I successfully sued one landlord in Cayman and one in the US and got settlement with one hospital. All on my own. I had the Drive to win!

        So it is difficult for me to understand when laws are enacted to force businesses to hire and promote “locals”. May be starting with public education is a better idea? May be hiring the world’s best experts in public education to revolutionize cayman education is a better idea? When people who in the real world won’t even get a playground supervisor/teacher helper position hold ministerial positions in Cayman education, what kind of results are expected?
        Granted, some go to private schools overseas, but I believe they are smart enough to know they have to start their careers in law some places other than Cayman to prove themselves of talent and dedication to succeed.

        • Fingers first says:

          I respect you and your experience. I’m afraid though that in order to understand you would have had to have faced or seen first hand the discrimination that has existed in law firms here. Would not expect You to understand otherwise and am not suggesting that you should. Perhaps to help your understanding you should find some of the local lawyers and listen to the details of their experiences? I can share some first that that you would not believe and if those experiences occurred elsewhere the perpetrators would be sacked.

    • Anonymous says:

      How does a professional become brilliant? And promoted how far? Far enough to be a token promotion and then not developed any further? Far enough to say ‘well, you’re doing quite well enough for yourself as an associate considering your background’? I assume you are an expat attorney: how many training sessions did you attend at your previous employer(s)? How many mentoring sessions?
      How many files that didn’t really need you but they found something for you to do anyway so you could learn? How much emphasis was placed on everyone being on the ladder and everyone being able to aim to move up, and be supported and given honest, accurate feedback in that regard about how to achieve it, how to put a business case together for promotion, etc. What about business development? You are involved in business development on some level from the very beginning of your career in the UK. You may not have any sway but you are mixing with clients, potential clients, colleagues, potential colleagues etc. all the time and learning how to position and comport and brand yourself and grow that brand. This experience is brought to Cayman and shared by expats but not passed on to Caymanians. These are the sorts of things that are lacking. Firms here just accept the fact that Caymanians will have deficits in these areas and use those deficits to deny them senior roles, so those roles can continue to be occupied by expats hiring their own. They don’t give to Caymanians what they got from their fellow citizens in their own country and by doing so keep their competitive edge and it lasts throughout the career. Hence, even our very best talent does not get into the equity. That is NOT because the talent is not there. It is because it has not been DEVELOPED. The accounting firms have succeeded at this with Caymanians and law firms have been willfully blinded themselves to how that was done. These changes move in the right direction and are necessary. What ‘never works’ is the status quo – well, it works for the expats.

    • Anonymous says:

      Especially one who can bill a lot. I’m not sure why no one ever mentions this. If your capable and can attract paying clients, you will get promoted no matter where you’re from. Guaranteed.

  16. Big Bobo In West Bay says:

    Legal talent does not matter anymore. All that matters is having a Cayman passport.

    That has become the Cayman way. Sad but true.

    • Anonymous says:

      A Cayman passport doesn’t mean you are Caymanian.

      • Anonymous says:

        Given out akin to tourism flyers and pamphlets. Thanks to our sellout, self-serving, and vote buying politicians.

        When the jig is up, we all can’t move to Monaco w/ 30k severance. Sad but true.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Collins. Crimes have been committed and careers destroyed. Why are you not calling for the arrest and prosecution of miscreants, rather than encouraging them to play nicely (which they will not)?

    • Patriot says:

      Credit to him for calling out what is an obvious problem.

      • Anonymous says:

        Certainly, but it was an obvious problem more than a decade ago and those that called it out then were destroyed by the very people he asks us to hold in high regard. There is no longer any integrity and the law is no longer a profession. It is a business operating in the shadows and should be largely shunned by polite society.

    • Real Talk says:

      maybe careers were destroyed, but the “miscreants” are mainly no longer in law firms and have retired and left Cayman. So who would you be arresting? Deal with things as they are today. Not saying its perfect but you cant punish people today because someone 15 or 20 years ago did not get what they might have deserved.

      • Anonymous says:

        Why not? Some of the firms continue on that sordid foundation, and the criminals continue to enjoy the benefits which sit in Cayman bank accounts.

        • Anonymous says:

          And some of the most apparent law-breakers are still illustrious officers of the court and members of an ancient and illustrious profession. Forever untouchable. The offenses are overt, for anyone bothering to look. Disgusting.

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