Losing MPs to get pay-off in new package

(CNS): To go with the new names and rules at the Cayman Islands House of Parliament, MPs are also getting a new, even more generous salary and benefits package that includes a three-month pay-off should they lose their seats in the election in May. MPs who fail to retain their seats will now get a lump sum in the region of CI$30,000 to help ease the transition from the world of politics.
MPs agreed to give themselves the new ‘severance’ package when they were making committee stage amendments to the Legislative Assembly Management Law, which was passed in December as part of the parliament’s transition to independence
In addition to giving those MPs who lose and those who chose not to stand for re-election three months salary, the new package provides MPs with more money for constituency and executive allowances.
All MPs will receive $5,000 per month for their offices and constituency expense and the MPs representing Cayman Brac and Little Cayman will get an additional accommodation and travel allowance of $5,000. The premier will also get an executive allowance of $5,000 per month in addition to his constituency allowance, while the opposition leader will pocket an additional $3,500 per month.
The new law sets out a pay scale schedule of MPs’ earnings and the pay given to the senior posts but it still does not reveal exactly how much each member gets, depending on their office, on pay and benefits.
The law also give the premier discretionary powers over pay, which Ezzard Miller, the independent MP for North Side, pointed out will enable the next leader to add more pay and allowances for members where he sees fit. Miller said he had objected to the discretionary nature of the additional pay and had unsuccessfully lobbied for a more transparent and clear pay schedule, which would allow the public to see exactly what MPs were getting and for what.
Miller warned that the door was open for the next premier to use that power in the horse-trading over the next government, which most pundits expect will happen in May 2021.
The bill also deals with the new management structure of parliament and the creation of the Legislative Commission and its council, as well as pay structures for parliamentary staff, who are no longer civil servants.
Check back with CNS later this week for more on potential post election bribery.
Category: Politics
A mad scramble to load up coffers pockets, bank accounts before the transition through independence becomes real.
As long as it looks right on paper and agreed by all, it is a licence to plunder.
More to come.
Glad they did it, now ill make my MP collect it.
Extra extra looking for new people to stand for George Town,North, South and West. Pay is fantastic. Must be of exemplary character with no skeletons in closet, understand, write and speak the Queens English, understand grammar and have more than a high school diploma. Experience in a business environment would be helpful.i candidates shall declare by February 1st 2021.
Shame does not even describe this action. Everyone one of them that have a word to say about Mac should hang their heads in penance, you are worse than him. Oh I will not forget this in May. What a sick bunch of greedy politicians.
Legislative Assembly Management Law, which was passed in December as part of the parliament’s”TRANSITION TO INDEPENDENCE” ????
are they crazy…
Why is everyone surprised at Alden’s latest move? Its call rewarding his faithful followers who he knows will be punished in May. There is no way, Tara, Joey, JJ, Barbara, Brian and Captain E can be voted back in. Mac will of course get back in, he knows too much to be let loose!
We Caymanians have a very low standard when it comes to the people that we elect to run our country. Most of those in office now, see a political career as a fall back. Failed in a private sector job? Run for office. Failed in business? Run for office. It is the thing to do to retain high regard amongst Caymanians, while earning a fat salary at the same time. There is very little desire among those who run for office to SERVE.
I hope my fellow Caymanians will finally wake up to the fact that the people that we elect are supposed to serve the people. And I don’t mean that in the give-me-handout sense. I mean to do what is necessary and right for the betterment of all Caymanians in the long-run. Please Caymanians, the next time that you cast a ballot, cast it for someone with a proven record of public service, mentoring our youth, and passion for the betterment of all Caymanians. Please stop electing self-serving failed businessmen or radio talk show hosts, simply because they are popular. Your vote is far to valuable to waste on wannabe leaders, rather than those willing to SERVE.
These so call representatives have absolutely no shame and I have absolutely no words….. but we the voters continue to get what we vote in .. I dont know who is the BIGGER complete idiots in this hot mess of a scenario……..
Would like to send a message to our representative from WEST BAY NORTH. We took a chance on you in 2013…you were a complete failure and waste of time. Please don’t come down in Powery Rd anymore. This election, we are looking someone to, not only represent us, but to contribute to the welfare of the entire island. We can chip-up and pay you your $30,000.00, and save the people that is suffering, the overhead. Should have left you baking breads.
So you want to replace him with Mac’s puppet, Rollie the womanizing alcho. Another idiot.
12:36. You are so right. He has done nothing. I hope curvel runs.
If my wife’s family didn’t live here we would be out of this embarrassing cesspit of a banana republic territory tomorrow.
I can’t believe none of these disgusting wretches have spoken up against Bush (besides Miller), never mind this self-aggrandizing pay raise and bonus system that rewards failure.
Not just you.
For goodness sake. I am sure no one is holding a gun to your head to stay. You definitely are benefitting from your stay in this Cesspit of a banana republic territory.
It is becoming real tiresome listening to people complaining about the Cayman Islands. If you don’t want to be here, leave. We’ll be sorry to see the back of you.
If you can’t find a ride to the airport please feel free to say so. Lots of Caymanians would surely take you there.
Better if all you haters leave Cayman. We will wait.
9:00, You just don’t get it that this place has become a Cesspit of a banana republic territory. No doubt, you are feeding at the trough and have a vested interest in all the nonsense while laughing a your bank account gets bigger.
YOU are a major part of the problem Bobo.
I wonder if new persons become MPs they will seek out to undo all the farce laws and benefits bestowed on these positions. That will be the real test. Just remember that Unity, opposition and independents all had a hand in approving these benefits to themselves. They are all as bad as each other.
Hopefully a NEW group of representatives will reverse this as first order of business after the election.
You are assuming that we can elect honest people to correct the theft and mismanagement of this ship of fools. Can we? Are there any honest people out there?
The lies, the deception, the arrogancy, the corruption, the no shame, the greediness the poor leadership and above the worst bunch of elected officials we’ve ever had.
The people of Cayman and most in particular those from West Bay make sure to vote them all out and let them have their $30K but no pensions or insurance. Mr.Manderson should offer his resignation asap as how he can approve this payout tells you so much about his mindset and loyalty to his fellow Caymanians and civil servants, like Mac, Alden and Juju its time to get out. #voteforchange2021cayman
Kman are you in the mental health unit?
Politicians are not civil servants.
Exactly when did Manderson approve the payout?
Where are you getting your misinformation from.
Are you talking to Curvel?
No wonder they are so desperate to keep their seats. where in the world would these idiots be able to make this kind of salary. Duh-wayne, Mcbeater, Arrrrden can barely read and the rest are educated idiots. Lord help us!!!
Ahh you must be one of the “mischievous” CNS people that his piety speaks of!
Imagine applying for job and after you’re the successful candidate you get to set your own salary and benefits, that’s one hell of a gig.
How many times do I have to say it!
The problem with politics in these islands is my fellow Caymanians who make up the electorate.
Unfortunately the lack of education for a large portion of them, combined with the astounding ignorance of many who have had a decent education is the underlying cancer that we have to eliminate.
And one way of doing that is having a good education system…and look who’s in charge, bible thumping Juju. Accordingly, the education system is a shambles. We are in a very sad state of affairs.
The issue is ethics and integrity…these are taught by example.
Hey you using somebody else’s name why don’t you iput your wisdom and energy to work. Stand for seat will ya and oh use your real name or is it that youre ashamed of a your own. The problem is you and the rest of caymanians.
8.32 Unfortunately these days most so called Caymanians are actually semi-literate Jaymanians. So good luck with changing their mindset from “wha me can get”
They are the perfect representation of the Caymanian culture. Modern day Pirates living on the last tiny, little speck of land left to them. Why just have Pirate week when you can have Pirate life until the money runs out?
The fools voters will vote them back in in May for that Ham or Turkey and some will even get a washing machine or microwave depending of the size family that can vote. Then weeks after election complain about them again. Thats the cycle of the voters here, don’thave the common sense to do different. Sad. very sad indeed
or in the case of the Prospect MP, you get 2 best dress chicken. Ahh, garrison politricks at its finest.
I didn’t get one! Maybe cause I can’t vote…. yet.
Jajaja it is so blatantly obvious. The Progressives are setting themselves up for the kick in the arse they are going to get in May 2021. What a nice send off package. The Leadership has truly been sucked in by Macs cool aid. Ezzard surprised at you too you know this is farking wrong.
PPMRs its time to switch you not getting any of this gravy and if you did for the past 4 years. Dog gonna definitely eat ya supper.
Come on righteous men and women of Cayman extract come forward and lead us out of this third world political mentality.
This is a new level of disgusting. No shame, whatsoever. Poor MP’s can’t catch a break from fake news.
How can I get into politics? I’d work hard for my money that’s for sure!
Lie, lie, lie. Your soul is worth more than that. Don’t bother.
The entire house need to be swept clean. Dipping, double dipping and giving themselves a raise while other people are suffering is a downright shame and disgrace. The Premier is a national disgrace because of the way he dealt with the speaker’s horrible behavior. This is the same individual who was ranting and raving about rule of law yet he does not see anything inappropriate about the speaker’s behavior. I wish the election was tomorrow so we can drain the swamp.
Interesting, – so besides empowering convicted assault criminals, port & airport development bandits, homophobic & discriminatory evangelicals, Jesus and Mary ass raconteurs, audit interview denier’s, and as well as but not limited to self congratulatory ‘broad thinkers’ – these chaps & chapesses have conceded they’re pretty much useless at anything else, – give them the money
any other limited poor achievements, by all means add below
Little surprises me any more.
At least we don’t have to pay for it…..
oh wait…
‘Miller wants to end corrupt politics in 2021’
It’s Mr Miller’s fault, has got them all panicking & scrambling, – if it’s a short term expense for a long term gain however, I’m all for it, get them out
Just in case you don’t know, he going too
7.16am And look who u going to replace him with. Lord help us.
what a lovely group of representative the cayman islands have right now…oink oink Alden
Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Allowing people to give themselves benefits that cannot be challenged is immoral, wrong and downright selfish.