Howard confirmed as roads boss, three years on

| 18/01/2021 | 33 Comments
Cayman News Service
NRA Director Edward Howard

(CNS): After acting in the job for some three years the National Roads Authority Board has confirmed now confirmed Edward Howard as its new managing director. Howard took the reins in April 2018 after his former boss, Paul Parchment, was suspended and finally sacked later that year over what was believed to be the alleged misuse of NRA resources.

Howard, a qualified engineer, has held the position of deputy MD at the NRA for 17 years and has acted as the director on several occasions, including this latest stint of almost three years. He started his 30-year government career with planning and public works before he moved to the NRA.

NRA Board Chairman John Ebanks said that Howard has already played a pivotal role in the planning, design and construction of nearly all of Grand Cayman’s road-related infrastructure over the past few decades.

“He continues to demonstrate strong organisational and strategic leadership in this field,” Ebanks said, noting Howard’s “impressive work ethic” and “impeccable character”, adding that he had “remained a stalwart supporter of the NRA and its mission”.

Minister of Commerce, Planning and Investment Joey Hew, who has responsibility for roads, said he was pleased with Howard’s appointment, as it will ensure continuity in the roads enhancement programme.

“It is always encouraging to be able to attract and retain Caymanian professionals of this calibre. I look forward to a robust and productive relationship with the NRA and its new leader,” he added.

Since Parchment was fired by the board in November 2018, officials have given no further details about the reasons. Then board chairman Donovan Ebanks said at the time that the board had completed its investigation into possible misuse of NRA resources and as a result of the findings Parchment had been sacked.

It is believed that he had been caught on camera using NRA heavy equipment and other resources for his own private work, but the Anti-Corruption Commission never admitted to conducting an investigation.

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Category: Jobs, Local News

Comments (33)

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    Please put signs that read SLOW TRAFFIC KEEP LEFT on all bypass roads and highways that have two or more lanes going in one direction. The right hand lane of any two lane thoroughfare is a PASSING LANE (this does NOT include 3 lane roads with one lane going in either direction, and a middle TURNING lane).

    If YOU are in the right lane, and you are not overtaking the car in the left lane, then YOU ARE BLOCKING THE FLOW OF TRAFFIC! You can drive at the same speed of the car to your left by simply moving over to the left lane!

  2. Brian Tomlinson says:

    In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.
    -Theodore Roosevelt

  3. Politically Incorrect says:

    Since everyone is requesting work by the NRA, let me add a few:
    1. Extend the E-W Arterial Road to Frank Sound Road.
    2. Reconstruct Water Cay Road.
    3. Build a causeway from Starfish Point to George Town Barcadere.
    4. Move the Equestrian Centre out of town, extend Lindford Pierson Highway to Walkers Road and widen Bobby Thompson Way to four lanes.

    Just a few likkle tings.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Congrats Mr Howard on your new promotion, kindly sir can you please give us couple speed bumps on Elizabeth Street West Bay as that street is now the main road in cayman any time between 5pm onward, and I mean it’s very hard for the people that’s live on that street to get in or out of their yard, they have no care or regards for others and don’t talk about speeding thats the main road, thanks

  5. Taxpayer says:

    Mr Howard,
    Have you ever driven down S Church St and noticed that a large section of the road surface has disappeared in front of the Berlin Wall at that vulgar new condo development?. When are you going to fix it, it’s been like that for 18 months at least.

  6. Anonymous says:

    All well and good to offer congratulations. Show us what you are capable of doing, by actually doing the role and listening to what the general public are telling you in these comments. That will be the true test.

  7. Anonymous says:

    congrats mr. Howard,can we have Powell smith dr. paved over


  8. R.L.A. says:

    A well deserved promotion!
    Good luck and God Bless.

  9. Anonymous says:

    There are numerous manhole covers that have sunk on North Church heading North. It is understood that these were done by Slimline Trenching and are either inadequate or installed incorrectly compared to the old ones done by Westar etc which were correctly done.
    The manhole by Da Fish Shack is particularly bad, and the one on South Church St at Melmac Avenue opposite the new Art Deco building under construction is treacherous and has been that way for a long long time. Who can I send my bill to for my vehicle front end repairs?

  10. Anonymous says:

    Rosemary Street please in Prospect, the drainage and lighting is better in the mangrove trails. Alarming at the number of comments calling out the Prospect district. Is @AustinHarris resident in the Cayman Islands?

  11. Anonymous says:

    “Anti-Corruption Commission never admitted to conducting an investigation”…have they ever?

  12. Anonymous says:

    Congratulations! The roads down Selkirk and beyond are dismal. Can we get those paved too, please?

  13. Anonymous says:

    Congratulations. Now do something about the damn Grand Harbour roundabout before you have a death on your hands.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Congratulations to Mr. Howard. You have been a diligent servant of the people and many of us are very proud of you for the work that you have done. I pray God’s blessings on you and your family and the staff of NRA as you officially take the reigns.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Has alot of work to do.

  16. Anonymous says:


    There are 2 catch basin grates recessed in the Snug Harbour locality heading towards West Bay on highway. Be grateful if you can sort them out as they are hard on suspension and mash up my wheel alignment. May not take much effort to raise them an inch. Thanks

  17. Mitzi Tomlinson says:

    Congrats can Cay Man Kai Road get done now, you told me February 1. I hope to see you next week.

  18. LD says:

    Finally!! Long overdue. Congrats!!!

  19. Wmtell27 says:

    Can any one up until this day say why Paul got fired because a disgruntled employee sent a video of NRA employees using his land in EE to store equipment and materials on his land. Do you think it was a chance happening that the same three board members present in the room for his debriefing were fired several months later from their positions? Any one who knows Paul understands quite carefully that their intentions were already set in stone. Why after 6 months of having his phones, laptops, and IPads didn’t the anti corruption unit take him to town.
    Knowing the guy as most of Cayman does, have you ever wondered why he didn’t sue???

    • Say it like it is says:

      Wmtell – Fortunately the public will see right through your nonsense -he was only using his land to “store” NRA equipment and materials?.
      Regarding the new appointment, I’m not impressed, he has been in charge for 3 years yet the department has shown little if any improvement in performance.

  20. Say it like it is says:

    Same as CINICO the heads of these Govt agencies are dismissed and no reason is given. Only in Cayman.Shameful!.

  21. Anonymous says:

    Hey Howard, can we get the shoulders paved on the roads so poeple can ride their bikes and push their strollers in safety? And please don’t forget about the little folk that live in the wilderness past Hurley’s!

  22. Anonymous says:

    Congrats- please can we have speed bumps up Marina Drive? Been asking for 6 years, 12 smashes on and still nothing. Yet Bamboo St and Prospect Drive recently done. @AustinHarris where are you?

  23. Anonymous says:


  24. Anonymous says:

    Congrats to Mr. Howard, now may I request that Bamboo Street be paved properly once and for all!

  25. Anonymous says:

    Good news. Congrats Howard

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