688 people to get extra NiCE work

(CNS): Over the last week and a half 688 people have been out in the community cleaning up Cayman ahead of the Christmas holidays as part of the National Community Enhancement (NiCE) Project. Over 430 new recruits joined more than 250 former NiCE workers for this year’s beautification project, who all began work last week. But they will now get an additional two weeks work in January, the ministry has confirmed.
The teams are clearing beach accesses, cleaning beaches and cemeteries, improving road markings and helping the elderly clear up their yards.
Some are also working with solid wast teams from the Department of Environmental Health, or with other government departments, such as the Department of Agriculture, the Mosquito Research and Control Unit, the National Roads Authority and Public Works.
Infrastructure Minister Joey Hew said that because of the continued economic challenges due to the pandemic, participants will be offered a second two weeks of work in early January after this first phase.
“NiCE was developed to offer temporary employment to persons in a way that participants and community members could see and feel the benefits of their contributions,” Hew said. “Given the economic challenges faced by the Cayman Islands in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the additional financial strains that the holiday season can pose, Cabinet felt it was absolutely essential to provide this programme before the end of the year.”
In the first week 20 workers who joined the bulk waste campaign helped to clear 40 tonnes of vegetation, 79 of scrap metal and 214 tons of mixed household items.
“This is a lot of waste taken from our streets and our communities. We are just about half way through this campaign and the work completed so far by our teams has been impressive,” said DEH Assistant Director, Solid Waste Michael Haworth on Friday. “The additional hands on deck through the NiCE programme is always welcomed by our staff and they have been doing an excellent job jumping in and getting the work done.”
The bulk waste campaign ends next week on Saturday, 19 December.
Category: Jobs, Local News
Free government money. Yes sah.
This program has been working for many years and the simple fact is we the people of these Islands only need to clean up after ourselves. Put the trash in the bins, hire Dave Removal or one of the other removal companies like I do if you don’t have a truck. Hell what about the prisoners, make it mandatory for them to do it along with the NICE Crew to pick it up during November and December of each year. CI Government you simply can’t please all the people of thee Islands.
We need more of this, Keep Cayman Tidy
You missed my pile on a side street off Prospect Drive! It’s been out for about 2 weeks now.
You missed my side street off Prospect drive folks. I actually saw one of your vans down there looking but no one ever came to pick up.
Would be nice if it happened soon!
can some of them tidy up the fish market. It looks horrible.
Infrastructure Minister Joey Hew said that because of the continued economic challenges due to the pandemic, participants will be offered a second two weeks of work in early January after this first phase.
I know of people (1st time applying to the program) who were offered 1 week in December and 1 week in January and then of others who were offered the last clean up week in January. I’m wondering if the ones that already got the two weeks promised will get an additional week since they were in the first phase and then perhaps the persons who will not work until January will still get only the 1 week as offered ?
How do they determine who gets 1,2, or 3 weeks? Is it decided by which district you reside in ? (but then again people in George Town are carried to Bodden Town to work). It’s not decided by your experience as some people with lots of experience got 1 week and people with little experience got 2 weeks.
If this could be clarified it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
It’s decided by where you vote
JJFV (Joey’s Jobs For Votes) would be more accurate
The NICE project is no longer a benefit to Cayman citizens because we are effectively paying people to pick other people’s bad habits. I am ok with other world citizens, aka diversity in the Cayman Islands, but if you are here, people pick up your trash. I also realise that our own citizens have fallen into the bad habit of littering. The point though is we can train up some of the Nice workers to become litter Police. that means to train them to investigate where the trash originated and the authority to trace back the receipts. Have a NO tolerance policy for litter. Think about training people up rather than holding them down. What will that achieve? it will help to increase confidence which will increase their citizenship and perhaps building a better and stronger community. Thereby helping to breakdown some of the social barriers we continue to have if not for this generation for those to come when their children see their parent’s consistency showing up for work and performing at a higher level. This program could have far-reaching effects within the Community – stronger relationships with the police. Children being treated better, people coming off of welfare. So NICE is really not so NICE if you think about it because it is JUST and another handout.
No one wants to be the litter police, that’s your job.
Could do to send a few to the house of parliament, plenty trash in there needs to be removed. Probably best to just send males though, wouldn’t want to see a female come to any harm.
I haven’t seen any of them working anywhere.
Oh I’ve seen plenty of them around, but as usual, year after year, the amount of actual working being done appears to be none by most of them. Unbelievable that our government continues to waste money on this just to give a Christmas bonus to certain people. It’s not exactly good value for our tax dollars is it?
It’s called buying wotes
When are they coming to Prospect, still neglected and run down. #doesaustinharrisknowwhereprospectis
Those workers/loafers need proper supervision. One set arrives one day and another arrives at the same location a few days later. Some pulling their weight, while others dodging work. Stop wasting taxpayers money. Alden promised employment for all and relegated them to 2 weeks NICE work, while approving permits for overseas workers to fill vacancies here.
I hope is remembered for his twisted tongue against his own people, come 2021.
Don’t worry. “Dr” Frank soon come to your rescue