Five travellers test positive for COVID-19

| 07/11/2020 | 39 Comments

(CNS): As the number of people in isolation increased to 721 on Friday, with the arrival of the British Airways flight, the number of travellers testing positive also grew, with five new cases of COVID-19. Public health officials are not stating where the travellers arrived from or whether the individuals tested positive at the beginning or the end of their 14-day mandatory isolation period, but said all five were asymptomatic and still in quarantine.

Chief Medical Officer Dr John Lee said the five cases were among a batch of 261 test results processed over the last day, with all the rest being negative.

The new cases bring the number of active COVID-19 patients to 13, with just one person, who remains in hospital in critical care, showing symptoms. It also means that the overall tally of positive cases is now 250 since testing began.

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Category: Health, Medical Health

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  1. Protecting the realm at all cost $$$ says:

    Sadly we all know they arrive on as some have pointed out the Corona Express what is even more sad is officials know this and are refusing to acknowledge this fact an are intentionally endangering Cayman to satisfy their very own kind by keeping up this charade, The real travesty is its at both Cayman’s expense and to its detriment .

    • Anonymous says:

      Endangering? Seriously, do you scare yourself when you burp? There is no danger from this virus to Cayman worse than the cure. Cayman has managed to terrify itself into a corner. If elderly people take extra care, if persons of weight (!) and also those already sick..if they all take care, you’d be amazed at how little this virus will do to us here in Cayman. There isn’t even a second wave, more of a second ripple. Positive tests are not cases by any normal definition. The number of dying is collapsing as all the vulnerable got it already before they could do anything. But in Cayman? We’re stuck in a bubble waiting for the vulnerable to eventually get it and die. It will happen. Why are we waiting and at the same time killing all the rest of us economically? Insanity.

      • C Anon says:

        Go home Star! folks been dying here on covid related illness for sometime because of people just like you with your mumbo jumbo theory on this pandemic.

        • Anonymous says:

          Mumbo jumbo theory – as compared to your scientific argument fully supported by facts lol. People have been dying of Covid related illness for some time – really. Can you name one. Even one.

      • Anonymous says:


        Did you know that flights are outgoing?

  2. Anonymous says:

    Bermuda is far more honest with its residents telling them who is Covid positive and where they arrived from. Why is our government so secretive?

    • Anonymous says:

      Apparently dollar bills tell very convincing bedtime stories!!

    • Anonymous says:

      The key Bermuda stats is

      the total deceased remains 9.

    • Anonymous says:

      Who cares what flight they came on.

      All I care about is that they are being isolated.

      We have ramped up travel since mid september and during that time we have had zero local transmission

      Kudos to all. Spend time on keeping us safe not developing useless stats.

  3. Raffaelle says:

    LAmP test my A$$ Boy Caymanians are fool no Ras anything these white people tell dem they believe? The Crown has to be paid no matter the cost eh Governor Roper? Where are all these people going Cayman ? More for Government to pay to keep here.?

  4. Anonymous says:

    BA flight picked up on arrival

  5. Anonymous says:

    I thought covid would go away after Biden and Harris won?

    • Anonymous says:

      The Democrats are certainly partying in the streets as if there is no virus.

      • Anonymous says:

        With masks on.

        • Anonymous says:

          Masks complement distancing, not substitute for.

        • Anonymous says:

          LOL masks which dont work for smoke particles which are larger than Covid ones if you read the many ambiguous scientific articles but ok yeah, they will save us…

          CNS: Masks stop the wearer from spreading the virus by containing droplets that are usually sprayed when a person talks, sneezes or coughs. In a person infected, the coronavirus particles are in those droplets. No scientist is saying that the virus particles wander out on their own. By wearing a mask, you protect other people. Other people wear a mask to protect you. Here in Cayman, we are currently doing much better than in most parts of the world, as the virus is contained to the extent that we no longer have to wear masks in normal settings.

          • Anonymous says:

            In response to the CNS statement following – Your statement about “no scientist is saying that the virus particles wander out on their own” is not factual. There have been numerous studies that indicate that the virus is spread both via droplets (which masks can help to reduce the spread) and directly via aerosolized travel (aka – they are expelled in air all on their own). These virus particles ARE smaller than masks can prevent. Additionally, there is now a LOT of data from countries all over the world and if you evaluate the data you will see that the spread of the virus in countries where hard lockdowns and mandatory mask wearing were instituted had NO EFFECT on the spread. Compared with countries without – same rate of spread normally, and in some cases the lockdown/mask areas were worse. Masks can help reduce the spread if worn and used correctly. The majority of the population, however, doesn’t understand or use them correctly and they have a net negative effect instead because people “think they are safe” for having a mask on – even though they are using it incorrectly (take your pick of ways – but most common is worn below nose or on chin). This creates a less aware population that is more likely to spread the virus because of their false sense of security.

      • D. Trump says:

        Well, you have to remember….. Democrats aren’t known for their intelligence.

      • Anonymous says:

        Somebody sound mad that their favorite dictator lost.

    • Anonymous says:

      Biden isn’t sure what covid is.

    • Anonymous says:

      Sarcastic fool

  6. Anonymous says:

    I came in on the Friday Miami flight. We weren’t tested until the afternoon and got results today – So the positives were not from that flight. Which leaves either the BA flight or people already in quarantine and having been there for 14 days.

  7. Anonymous says:

    I am getting very tired of incomplete data that makes understanding of our situation impossible.

    With the large number of travelers there are no privacy or other relevant issues involved in telling us where the persons testing positive are coming from. Neither is there any reason to not tell us whether the positives are being detected on arrival or after 14 days.

    • Say it like it is says:

      12.23pm I agree, can Dr Lee give us a reason for this excessive secrecy. It would also be useful to know how many senior citizens have tested positive and how many were asymptomatic. If you are connected this info is freely available but Jo Public is kept in complete ignorance.

      • Anonymous says:

        Can you imagine the panic in the rest of the people on the flight (not to mention the airport employees and quarantine employees) if they told us that travellers had tested positive on arrival? People were freaking out when the likelihood that they had been in contact with a positive person was near zero, it would be mayhem!

        • anon says:

          7.43pm Don’t be ridiculous, you must be neurotic. All the people you refer to are knowingly taking the risk of Covid – maybe you should isolate at home indefinitely.

          • Anonymous says:

            I’m not neurotic but I’ve seen the widespread panic that goes through our community for the smallest things that have no bearing on the lives of most people.

      • Anonymous says:

        Every originating international port has coronavirus. There are about 6 known Covid-19 strains (and a 7th of you’re a mink). Chances are the Miami coronavirus is exactly the same as London coronavirus or Mumbai coronavirus. Screening, treatment and clearance procedure is the same. That’s why the answer to the bias-preloaded question doesn’t matter.

    • Anonymous says:

      What difference does it make to you what flight someone was on? Everyone else on that flight has been tested and is in quarantine or had a second all clear and been released.

    • Anonymous says:

      Why ever wound it matter? Coronavirus is a global pandemic in a second wave and it’s widespread from anywhere our inbound flights and connecting passengers embarked from. The USA daily case numbers are 3x the tallies from a month ago. All have been properly discovered via our screening system that works. All of them are in quarantine and they aren’t released until they are negative. Our oasis is safe! That’s all the public needs to know.

  8. Anonymous says:

    I just love it

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