Eta becomes hurricane 300 miles south of Cayman

(CNS): Hurricane Eta was packing winds of more than 90mph on Monday morning as it moved westward over 300 miles south of Grand Cayman. Eta is forecast to become a major hurricane before making landfall in Nicaragua. Hazard Management Cayman Islands said Eta does not pose a threat to Cayman, but as the system interacts with an area of high pressure to the north, we can expect strong, gusty winds, rough seas and possibly heavy rainfall over the next couple of days. A small craft warning is in effect.
According to the US National Hurricane Center, Eta is moving west at around 10mph this morning, but by this afternoon the hurricane is expected to slow down and head west-southwest. On the forecast track, the centre of Eta is expected to approach the northeastern coast of Nicaragua Monday afternoon.
Continued strengthening, possibly rapid, is expected through early Tuesday, and Eta could be a major hurricane when landfall occurs by early Tuesday. Weakening will begin after the system moves inland. Hurricane-force winds extend outward up to 25 miles from the centre and tropical-storm-force winds extend outward up to 125 miles.
Category: Science & Nature, Weather
Don’t forget Hazard Management are the same clowns who sent us a tsunami warning after the earthquake. By the time they’d issued the warning we’d have all been dead anyway if there was a dangerous tsunami.
“The 5G revolution: Trading accurate hurricane forecasting for a faster Instagram”
SEP 12, 2019 AT 5:30 AM
“5G wireless signals could reduce accuracy of hurricane forecasting, scientists warn”
JUN 06, 2019 AT 12:24 PM
Evaluation Engineering
“Mike’s Blog: Meteorologists warn that 5G could be major setback to hurricane forecasting” Sep 3rd, 2019
“5G could mean less time to flee a deadly hurricane, heads of NASA and NOAA warn“
“ As reported by The Washington Post and CNET, the heads of NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) warn the issue could set back the world’s weather forecasting abilities by 40 years — reducing our ability to predict the path of deadly hurricanes and the amount of time available to evacuate.
It’s because one of the key wireless frequencies earmarked for speedy 5G millimeter wave networks — the 24 GHz band — happens to be very close to the frequencies used by microwave satellites to observe water vapor and detect those changes in the weather. They have the potential to interfere. And according to NASA and NOAA testimony, they could interfere to the point that it delays preparation for extreme weather events.”
You people talking about the first season in the Caymans blah blah – Whatever – You all are lucky enough to be able to afford to live there – get over it and be mucking prepared – ohh the brochure didn’t tell us this! !!! – Really? Do some plucking research – The brochure you elitist! hahahahaha – With that being said – All please prepare as best you all can and be safe!
Cayman kind my friends….insulting and offers little of anything.
Anti-Caymanian sentiment my friends … insulting and offers little of anything.
Paloma, November 5-14, 2008
Highest winds: 145 mph
Category: Category 4 Hurricane
Hit the Cayman Islands on November 8,2008
Like or not, this is what did happen in 2008.
Let’s hope for the GFS model and not the ECMWF when this comes back on us next Mon, Tues, Wed.
Agree. Let’s not turn our back on this one until it’s gone clear.
A dozen or more models show it heading back towards Cayman as it exits Honduras. How the jokers at Hazard Management can say it poses no threat to Cayman is therefore quite unbelievable and at best highlights their incompetence.
That’s a bit harsh. I think they are doing their best not to cause mass hysteria. Let’s see what happens when it hits the mountains and go from there.
Giving people a week to organize/prepare/leave would be prudent and orderly, leaving it to Saturday is more like negligence with a large heap of hysteria and distrust. Let’s not forget we are paying these guys to do a job.
Why aren’t you prepared at the beginning of the season?
Obviously they mean the preparedness one can only do just before a hurricane, not 5 months before. Stock up on more perishable foods, fill prescriptions, gas the cars etc.
A week to do that???
Stock up on perishable food – Not a good storm plan. Have your non-perishables stocked throughout the year (its more affordable to buy bit at a time).
Fill Prescriptions & Gas Tank – Again, hurricane season, particularly late hurricane season, keep them half-full at all times. (3/4 if you’re risk averse, 1/4 if you’re not too worried.) Even at the start of the season we can get a storm make up on 24hrs notice. (Or, more realistically, go from a Tropical Storm to a Cat3+.)
Thanks for proving that we should all be prepared AHEAD of the warnings.
Here’s your warning. Its hurricane season. Be prepared.
For the few people who are here for their first season, this late in the hurricane season storms make up South of Cayman and strengthen fast. Sometimes. As we’ve seen happen already this year. So you have to be prepared for the 48hr warning. If you’re not ready, take this as one more warning that you should be. Regardless of what happens with this storm. (You can always eat the spam and crackers in December.)
A week to organize ??? We have had the busiest hurricane season ever and you still need a week to prepare. How about you take responsibility for your personal preparedness, that would be prudent and orderly.
This is the part that all of the real estate companies don’t tell you about. This is the real island life. Don’t fall for the brochures!
It’s not all about the money, most remember September 2004 and never wish that on anyone. May God protect us once again!
Trump didn’t want to cause mass hysteria either and look how well that worked out.
All is fine in the US. Protocols are established and people go back with their lives in less than 5 days. Those who do get hospitalized. My cousin works in a hospital.
Hardly anyone dies, usually those who were already very ill and very old.
However the number of suicides committed by young and in their prime people is growing dramatically.
Mentally damaged generation who only knows how to “communicate” with screens frightens me A LOT!
Trump does though. That’s all he has done. He is a sociopath
He is. And so are democrats. American Cuckoo Nest.
Because no formal entity is going to predict a hurricane more than a couple of days out. Private people can track a tropical wave coming off of Africa if we want but formal warnings are only for a few days in advance. Knowing the inaccuracy of future weather predicting for anyone to do otherwise formally would be the actual incompetence. All the spaghetti models show is a reminder to be prepared at all times throughout hurricane season. (And that hurricane season really does run into November.)
Will be in a dangerous spot for a November storm on reentering the western Caribbean. Haphazard Management showing reckless disregard bordering on gross negligence.
NOAA is the only agency anyone should be following during the hurricane season. And model loops can be monitored on the Weathernerds site.
I love how you go from NOAA as the ‘only agency to trust’ (despite them appropriately not showing any warnings for the Cayman Islands this far in the future, which is what you are slaking off HMCI / Cayman Weather Services for not doing) and then point everyone to a ‘weather nerds’ site where the responsibility for wrong information is Zero. – Next time engage brain before engaging fingers.
NOAA is a group of scientists that study the skies and the oceans. How do you compare them to Hazard Management which is the government agency that coordinates national disaster operations, response and recovery.
NOAA has stated that the long range forecast for Eta is not predictable. Hazard Management are guided by these forecasts and therefore cannot issue warnings when there is so much uncertainty. If it is advice you are seeking, I would suggest you follow the advice on the Cayman Prepared Website so if the storm does come our way you are already prepared.
anon 10:03 pm: you dont compare HMCI to NOAA thats silly. one is a set of meteorologist and the other is disaster managers. but while you are kicking HMCI you have proven that you have no idea about what you are talking. HMCI relys on the Cayman Islands own Meteorologist at Cayman Weather Service to advise the country on hurricanes. its not NHC that issues hurricane warnings for Cayman its the Hazard Management Council under the guidance of the Cayman Weather Service.
The latest update as of 4 pm, Monday.
“After Eta makes landfall in Central America, the storm is expected to weaken. Later this week, however, there’s the potential this disturbance could reemerge into the Caribbean Sea and head northward.”
Potential ***
This the second hurricane in history that went from a tropical disturbance at 40miles to category 4 hurricane at 130 miles in 36 hours.