Driver 4x over limit stopped in wrong lane

| 11/11/2020 | 52 Comments
Cayman News Service

(CNS): Police are once again urging drivers not to get behind the wheel when they have been drinking, after averting what could have been another tragic road smash this week. At 6:00 on Tuesday evening officers pulled over a driver who was driving in the wrong lane. Given his slurred speech and the strong smell of alcohol, they undertook a roadside breathe-test, which gave a reading of 400%, or four times the legal limit.

The 49-year-old Bodden Town man was arrested on suspicion of DUI but his list of traffic offences grew when officers also determined that he was driving without insurance and did not have permission to drive the car he was in.

While this driver was taken off the road and warned for intended prosecution before he was involved in an accident, the number of DUI cases is again causing concern for the RCIPS. Acting Superintendent Brad Ebanks said that if his officers had not spotted and stopped this individual the result could have been tragic.

“Over the month of October, officers made 19 arrests for DUI,” he said. “The RCIPS is taking this opportunity to urge the public not to drink and drive, but instead to make a plan for transportation if you decide to drink. If arrested and convicted for DUI, you will lose your licence for a minimum of 12 months, in addition to paying a fine,” the senior officer warned.

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Category: Crime, Police

Comments (52)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Now is the time with all the rental cars sat collecting rust to get Uber here (Let’s Eat have probably kept a couple of the rental firms in business by using the rental fleet). Or at least an app supported by all the local taxi companies with proper pricing, gps tracking etc etc.

    • Anonymous says:

      Flex wants to but they will still do the same high priced fare. It’s ridiculous that these taxi services can’t reduce prices.

  2. Ray LaFleur says:

    Some people can drink and drive some can’t. What is drunk? Is drunk driving all over the road?

  3. Anonymous says:

    Sorry officer. I accidentally grabbed the white rum instead of Listerine.

  4. Ediston says:

    The community safety officers were the ones who initially stopped the individual from hitting several vehicles head on. The community safety officers waiting in the pouring rain to ensure the individual was dealt with accordingly by the Bodden Town Police Officers.

  5. Concerned says:

    The police are useless. The small town I lived in abroad had four times the population and is about 10 times the size with more roads. Similar rush hour with a motorway on the border. Yet they have a quarter of the road deaths that this island does. And this place has a third more cops per head of population. RCIPS are appalling and need a British led professional review to ‘drag’ the standards up to UK level. This isn’t said in an Ex-pat v Caymanian view but the people of these islands deserve a police service that actually does its job to protect the community.

    • Anonymous says:

      The UK police have become a politicised laughing stock like everything else.

    • Anonymous says:

      So we have More expat cops than ever. Fewer Caymanians in the force than ever. And our policing quality is worse.

      And you want more from outside?

      Not following your logic especially as you posited what is a widely accepted fact- that the public is generally fed up with policing in many areas.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Urging people AGAIN. Just do your forking jobs and patrol. Pull over anyone that breaks the traffic law and quash this for real. Every morning I drive my kids to school from orange dr in prospect and I see aggressive behaviour towards not letting cars merge to over taking before red bay primary to the roundabout. No one respects road etiquette or other drivers. One lady who was obviously late for Worc (she had her lanyard hanging from her mirror) cut back into traffics so she could skip a few cars who were ahead of her. I still ended up passing her after all of her crazy driving by just going as I always do in the order at hand.

    We need more traffic cops doing their damn job.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes, there is a need for cops doing their job…………. and we also need judges doing theirs!

      • Anonymous says:

        Evidence mishandling/tampering, and DPP ineptitude/favoritism/political meddling sees dozens of slam-dunk prosecutions get tossed every quarter, before it goes before the judge.

    • TED GANYARD says:

      I live in Aurora CO. Everyone drives like you described there every day here. Making the matter worse, we have legalized marijuana here in CO.

      I miss not being able to come down to the Caymans, waiting as patient as I can.

      • Anonymous says:

        Come down to the Cayman Islands or Cayman. Don’t say caymans. Also, your state has a better handle on 21st century ways. If you don’t like it I suggest Wyoming.
        You’ll still have to Rockies but you won’t have the liberal ideas that make CO a wonderful place to visit or live.

        • Anonymous says:

          Colorado will end up broke like EVERY lib city. Most are coming from CA where being broke originated.

          • Anonymous says:

            No it won’t. Stop being a sheep and look at republicans trickle down in KY or the ever so popular (until it bit them in the ass) economics in AL…. they kicked out the immigrants and no one worked on farms and the farmers suffered. Hilarious how instead of trying liberal ideals you bash them. Your party isn’t working for you unless you’re a selfish billionaire. Deal with it.

      • Anonymous says:

        Legislation has nothing to do with it – illegal or not people WILL always find a way to get it and if they’re going to DUI, they’ll do it with weed or no weed as alcohol is much, much worse to drive under the influence with. Hell, even a judge here ran off the road because of legal OTC sleeping tablets.

        Not saying it’s right to do but I can smoke a spliff and still maintain 99.99% of my motor control. In fact, I’m more prone to driving slower after my spliff.

        Two beers in and I can easily feel the impairment but I’m more likely to speed / not give a sh!t about others.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Drunk driving is never funny, but I do recall way back when Hercules was the judge, police brought one of the Guinep Tree gang before him for riding a bicycle with blood alcohol over 400%, to which Hercules pointed out that he deserved a medal for being able to ride a bicycle in that condition.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Dismantle the taxi/bus cartels and peg prices at a reasonable level then more people will use them. $25 for 3 miles from Luca to John Greer Blvd!!! Ridiculous rip-off. The cartels need a complete overhaul and some critical thinking thrown at them.

    • Anonymous says:

      Living paycheck to paycheck, while playing rich, and then whining about not knowing oneself, having prearranged a designated driver/not reserving the taxi fare back to budget airport development, in some attempt to rationalize binge drinking problems and DUIing. We keep hearing this fallacy of taxi pricing being justification of epidemic spendthrift alcoholism and social irresponsibility. One has nothing to do with the other two. It’s people like this that put all road-user lives (and sidewalk pedestrians) at risk. Both Driving and Drinking are always separate activities, and each is for responsible adults only. We need to raise the stakes of consequences, in proportion to the many lives lost via this deadly cat and mouse “sport”. The LA should amend the criminal code and traffic laws to criminalize DUIs, being fair and observant of all those lives that continue to be cut short.

      • Anonymous says:

        If it’s too expensive people won’t use it. It’s freaking simple maths.

        • Anonymous says:

          Well, I’ve been there and it’s a foregone conclusion/goal that weekend binge drinking results in being blindingly hammered, so start with leaving the car at home. Then, look in your wallet. Maybe the top-shelf champagne bacchanals are unaffordable without a responsible carpool? Per mile Taxi prices here aren’t that far off urban Uber Black rates in most cities where $40-50 rides are routine. Here you get a velour or vinyl-clad 300k km Toyota/Kia bus and a half-blind talkative Caymanian senior or Jamaican instead of leather-clad Yukon, but hey, this is Cayman. I kinda like it. Call a friend going past your direction and carpool. Do it for the environment. Only psychotic logic would conclude that driving drunk is somehow a social protest to stick it to the Taxi/PTU.

        • Anonymous says:

          It’s not that simple. If you don’t have friends willing to be a designated car pool driver for a regular scheduled drinking event, then you need to factor cab or bus fare into your outing’s household budget maths using the app. Why doesn’t the consequential and potentially life-altering/ending “cost” to you or others by impaired driving enter the calculus? Answer: miscalculation

      • Anonymous says:

        11.50 Spoken like a true taxi owner/bus driver.

    • Anonymous says:

      You paid $5 too much. The Govt’s CI Go app says that run is 3.6 miles and $20.

      • Anonymous says:


      • Cigo user says:

        Please down load the taxi app, cigo and stop making things up. The fare is 20.80 kyd, and it is 4 miles. If your life is not worth 20.80kyd stay home and drink. Please stop blaming everyone and act like an adult. Gas is expensive in the cayman islands. Insurance on commercial vehicles are high. Licensing a taxi is more than twice as a regular vehicle. If you drive more often you have to spend more on the vehicle up keep. Not to mention when a drunk pukes all over your taxi and you have to clean it. This does not include loss of service of the vehicle for a day while you wait for the puke smell to leave your vehicle.
        If you only spent 20kyd on alcohol you would not need a taxi.
        Please act responsible. Remember the life you save might just be your own. Happy motoring and stay safe.

      • Anonymous says:

        12.27 And I think that’s what the original poster was getting at. Stung by a rip-off taxi driver who should know what the fare was but effectively stole another $5. Dismantle the cartels!

    • Cigo user says:

      Please down load the taxi app, cigo and stop making things up. The fare is 20.80 kyd, and it is 4 miles. If your life is not worth 20.80kyd stay home and drink. Please stop blaming everyone and act like an adult. Gas is expensive in the cayman islands. Insurance on commercial vehicles are high. Licensing a taxi is more than twice as a regular vehicle. If you drive more often you have to spend more on the vehicle up keep. Not to mention when a drunk pukes all over your taxi and you have to clean it. This does not include loss of service of the vehicle for a day while you wait for the puke smell to leave your vehicle.
      If you only spent 20kyd on alcohol you would not need a taxi.
      Please act responsible. Remember the life you save might just be your own. Happy motoring and stay safe.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Can someone get 4x over the limit by smoking ganja? Which is safer – that or alcohol?

  10. Anonymous says:

    I thought he was in the right lane.

  11. Anonymous says:

    No license, no insurance, not his car and 4x over the limit… that’s impressively stupid.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Great job RCIP. Thanks for keeping us safe!

  13. anon says:

    I’m only surprised that he was also not driving whilst disqualified. The number of disqualified drivers on our roads is ridiculous, our magistrates/judges need to learn the only way to keep them off the road is to put them behind bars.

    • Anonymous says:

      That’s a bit harsh

    • Anonymous says:

      I understand that driving whilst disqualified carries a mandatory jail term. Lawyers am I right?

      • Anonymous says:

        …sadly there’s no felony grand theft auto, and it’s a misdemeanor “misadventure” to crash the stolen car or run over someone without liability insurance. Cant make this stuff up. Despite a colossal policing budget and all the hardware and full time staff imaginable, Cayman’s Mickey Mouse laws don’t seem to be worth the time of having more than a seasonal ad-hoc traffic department, whose primary job it seems, is to again remind the public of how disappointed they are with their own ineffectual deterrence value. Rinse and repeat.

  14. Elvis says:

    Potential murderer simple

  15. Dairy Queen bystander says:

    Well I am truly glad they nabbed this offender because the useless blind Bartimus driving a white Ford police excursion with his flashing blue light along North church street on Friday night fail to see or stop the lady who appeared to be drunk out her mind on either drugs or alcohol driving her Silver BMW 4 series on the wrong side of the road who nearly collided head on with a taxi van a white pick up and his police vehicle with her lights off no less. I guess he will say he was on emergency? RCIPs is totally. Useless

    • Ghost drivers says:

      If u drive a Badly made wehicle BMW you are above the law. You have money and the police don’t trouble BMWs, Range Rovers, Mercedes etc. The police should conduct road blocks at 2pm starting soon. All these long lunches and staff christmas parties coming up now for thanks giving and holiday parties. A lot of people will be driving back to work over the limit.

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