Grand Cayman gone clear as TS Eta heads north
(CNS): Deputy Governor Franz Manderson, who is the chairman of the National Hazard Management Council, gave the all-clear from Tropical Storm Eta on Grand Cayman at 4pm on Saturday, as the storm headed north. A warning remained in effect for the Sister Islands, however, given that Eta had strengthened even more. The storm had arrived and passed over Grand Cayman much quicker than expected but it was packing stronger winds than had been forecast and brought a deluge of rain.
Despite lifting the warning for Grand Cayman, officials urged people to remain off the roads to help authorities and utilities to complete their damage assessment and get started on repairs and road clearing. With a significant amount of downed trees and power poles as well as extensive flooding, road closures can be expected over the next few hours.
CUC was also out working to repair lines and restore lost power. While the other utilities largely weathered the storm, in some locations there were incidences of water outages and some challenges to Flow’s mobile network east of George Town.
Marine conditions are expected to remain severe and residents on all three islands are strongly urged to stay away from the coastal areas and refrain from getting into the water. A small craft advisory remains in effect. Coastal conditions will be monitored to see when the all clear can be given.
Manderson urged people to remain cautious, regardless of the improving weather conditions on Grand Cayman.
“It looks the worst from Tropical Storm Eta is over for Grand Cayman but the threat of severe weather continues for the Sister Islands, especially since the storm strengthened after it passed by Grand Cayman and has moved further north,” he said.
He asked people to be mindful of road closures and continue to remain off the roads as authorities check for any damage, downed power lines for the next several hours. “Also please keep away from all coastal areas as dangerous waves will continue.”
According to the NHC 4pm bulletin, Eta was 85 miles NNE of Grand Cayman headed for Cuba at around 16mph. The storm had intensified with winds in excess of 60mph. On the forecast track, the centre of Eta will cross central Cuba tonight, approach south Florida and the Florida Keys on Sunday. Some strengthening is possible and Eta could be near hurricane strength as it approaches Florida.
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Category: Science & Nature, Weather
Where’s the regiment to help with the flooding??!! Or were they out there but we just couldn’t see them because of the camo they were wearing?
Places should be shut down. Does anybody believe a 45 mph wind blew down electricity poles and took off part of Wendy’s roof? I have never heard of cement flying that has steel rebar and blocks that are filled with cement. All of our damage in storms in the Caribbean and the world for the matter is “wood”. A tree falls on a house or vehicle. The cement dock in town hasn’t sent any cement into Capt Eldon’s building. So yes development can secure this island more than the swampland.
Hurricane Mitch is the second-deadliest Atlantic hurricane on record, causing over 11,000 fatalities in Central America in 1998, including approximately 7,000 in Honduras and 3,800 in Nicaragua due to catastrophic flooding from the slow motion of the storm. 24 hours of a hurricane that didn’t move, just sat there and blew down every tree.
Tornadoes hit Grand Cayman and that is a lot stronger than a TS 45 mph wind. I was sitting on the porch and was shocked to hear a strong wind suddenly shift into high gear and sound like a jet engine going into full throttle. So no one should be outside a building in a TS cause you don’t know when the wind will turn into a tornado.
No one seems to be mentioning that we have lost another large chunk of SMB because mindless people are allowed to build too close to the sea.
Royal Palms now has it’s own private beach because it cannot be accessed from the north or the south.
Perfect scenario for Dart to charge more and got it for peppercorns. When will financial tyranny stop in Cayman?!!
Why is the fact we have lost a large chunk of Seven Mile Beach not reported?
Why do people keep referring to the NHC as if it was in the Cayman Islands? Surely they should be saying the United States National Hurricane Centre.
Well we have the Cayman Islands National Weather Service but people running that down too…..
NHC has some of the best resources available in the region to investigate tropical systems, hence, most follow their guidance and recommendations. Can’t believe I have to explain that!
A quick look at pictures says it all Cayman!We have dodge yet another proverbial hurricane like bullet. Yet we keep stripping away natural barriers and protection from storm surge and rainfall and strong winds 42MPH wind nearly brought us to our knees.Stop this government from this population growth and construction nightmarish greedy scheme.We need to protect our environment now at all cost!
I hope these brilliant clowns chasing money learn what mangroves for now!!!
A Warning shot 942am for this govt idiotic polices about expanding this population to 100K which is absolutely insane and the height of absurdity. If we continue to strip this island of the natural barriers that protect our coastline and inland resources from flooding and sea level rise. The construction debris in front of Hurleys are a prelude for what is to come.Setting up concrete structures to block water and wind along our Southcoast is our government’s asinine solution for their economic woes.NHC ultimatums to the 60K population were amusing to say the least!100K would be downright Hilarious! Vote these destroyers of environment out Cayman, before we are all force to leave our beautiful little Island.
This wasn’t on the website! I’m going to a particular four-letter development company to get a full explanation for all of this!!!
This should be a wait up call to all global warming’ deniers and those piling in to Cayman for absolutely no reason.Had this storm organized and become stronger what would have happen to us here ? We could not even cope with a few light poles and trees down on the road and the amount of idiots roaming around the roads and shoreline doing foolishness putting lives at risk. Not one person obeyed the NHC rules to stay off road saw some even lurking around just waiting to loot had we suffered any damage. good job CUC & Water Authority for getting power and water back up and going.Excellent Work Guys!
9.42am Your points are correct and thank you for your service. We did survive Ivan and storms before. Hope you are ok and not panicked too much.
We at WAC always ga your back! Drink more tap and send less plastic into the landfill. 1 gallon of tap is 3c versus $2 at the store.
Thank you for doing your jobs for which you are compensated.
We did just fine after Ivan with the loss of hundreds of light poles , last time I recall.
So right. We have often been teased of going home to prepare when nothing happens. Nothing wrong in being cautious. Ivan should have taught us a lesson but it seems not. This too should be a lesson was stronger than was predicted.
Sick and tired of these people saying “they just want to shutdown for a free half day, wahh our children will suffer if we let them stay home one day from school, wahhhh I’m a private sector worker who doesn’t get to go home and prepare (blame ya boss)”.
If you went through Ivan and Paloma you wouldn’t be saying that!
Thank you 4:48. I hope those negative complainers woke up and experienced first hand how unpredictable and ferocious the weather can be. I think most of those posters are used to snow storms.
Wake up folks you are in the Caribbean. Leave the handling of Hurricanes and Storm to the experts.
I wish to thank CIG and everyone involved for another world class performance.
I received an update from my MLA almost every hour.
Thank God for once again sparing the Cayman Islands, but if Delta was as close to us as Eta, all of these brilliant snowstorm veterans would REALLY understand what we talking about and retire their keyboard warrior professions!!!!!!!
Any poster used to a snowstorm would not be out on the road as if it was snowing heavy you can’t really see in it and most cars can’t be driving in it. Just a fact. Snowstorms usually stop traffic whether we want to stay in or not.
I’m shocked at how many places thought it would be okay to be open this morning, we were under a TS warning with the storm passing at its closest this morning…madness putting their employees at risk like that
7:33 I know, it was really disappointing honestly. Just goes to show how greedy so many business owners are. Only thinking about monetary gain over the safety of their employees. There were many areas where flooding happened, trees were down, poles were down and bosses cared not. Wanted their businesses opened while they are home cozy without a worry. Disgusting. Honestly, all of that just gave me a map of the places NOT to shop at.
8:42 same! Funky monkey won’t be getting a dime from me anymore.
They were closed – Troll
8:22 Actually they opened in the afternoon at 1:30 – b**ch. Its all over their social media, so get your facts straight. As did Bedside Mannor, Cake Studio, Tillies, etc. instead of abiding by the emergency service regulations asking the public to please limit travel as they needed to assess damage.
Let’s make a list so everybody knows. Profits over people businesses need to be exposed to show how bad they treat their employees. I thought slavery was abolished!!!
Royal Heights/Tillie’s management had employees in ponchos ON TOP BEACH CANOPIES!! No Sunday brunch for them or any pennies that come with it!!
That storm sucked
6:18 It certainly did. I’m grateful it wasn’t worse. The pictures and videos I have seen from Honduras and Nicaragua are heartbreaking!
8:43 for anyone to dislike this comment, you are awful. Have you not seen the horrific imagined coming out of those countries??? They have been severely impacted and we are blessed to not have sustained similar damage.
10:02 the 5 who dislike your comment are just as bad.
I have friends and family in Honduras…things are awful there. Almost everything is lost, the bridge is gone can’t get to purchase more supplies or revive any money. The president is doing little to nothing to help the people and so many lives have been lost already. Please pray for Honduras and Nicaragua because things are not good.
This is precisely why we closed schools and start preparation early. This was just a Tropical storm, imagine the impact of a Hurricane! There are many, like myself, who have been through hurricanes and know you can never be too cautious or too prepared. The next time you ignorant fools start complaining about businesses and schools being closed, take that into consideration.
Don’t be a drama queen
7:24 don’t be a hateful bxxch
I’m shocked at how many places thought out would be okay to be open this morning, we were under a TS warning with the storm passing at its closest this morning…madness putting their employees at risk like that
7:33 just shows us the places that don’t give a damn about their employees. Disappointing but not surprising. Hope those places didn’t make a penny.
Oh shut up. No reason any rational person would have closed schools on Friday.
9:44 Why don’t you shut up? You may not be a rationale person but thankfully many others are. Schools need time to prepare and secure the premises. That cannot be done with students around the institution. So in fact, it makes complete sense why the school would close early. Furthermore, teachers need time to prepare, buy any supplies they many need, and secure their own homes. Stop being so selfish and inconsiderate. Savannah Primary was damaged in ETA and will not be able to open for at least another week… things can happen, just because you were lucky does not mean everyone has been. This year has been difficult enough as is, take a moment to stop and think instead of spewing ridiculous and dunderheaded comments.
Was no reason why Admin. Bldg. On the Brac never opened on Friday, at least they could opened until midday
You realise schools were closed on a different day right?
Teachers have to prepare too, and school buildings have to be secured. You can’t do that with students still in them, and most of the schools in this country (private schools included) are not hurricanes shelters or offices that are “turn-key” and ready for a TS/hurricane by simply shutting the doors.
That is an indication of incompetent planning. Every school should be hurricane ready from the moment it is built.
10:11 goes to show how little you know. Please shut up, your ignorance is showing.
10:11 can you explain exactly how this works.
The schools are built hurricane ready and doubles as a shelter.
If you know away for a school to be covered from a school to a shelter during schools hours. Do let us know.
We don’t teach children while they are lying on cots and we don’t store the food we use for shelters in class rooms or gyms.
My goodness zzzzzzzz
There were 12 hours between school closing and shelter opening. It does not take 12 hours to move desks and chairs. Teams could have worked overnight. They did in the private sector.
10:11 your stupidity is showing.
Please tell these people, I don’t know where they come from but most hurricane shelters are not dedicated centers but multi-purpose facilities that take time, resources, and response teams to convert and prepare before anyone can simply show up.
Why name calling?
4:48 THANK YOU!! My sentiments exactly. There are always so many bumbling idiots on this news site complaining about everything under the sun. Such miserable lives they must lead, only thinking about themselves. The shock and horror of having to be parents for the day or make other arrangements for their kids. I am sure it has never crossed their black hearts and empty minds that teachers and schools also need time to prepare! Savannah Primary took quite a lick in ETA as did the gas station. The whole scene took me back to Ivan honestly.