Over 730 travellers in quarantine

| 21/10/2020 | 23 Comments
IMSafe wristbands

(CNS): Government officials have confirmed that there are now 738 people in isolation, having returned to the Cayman Islands from overseas. The majority are in home-isolation using geofencing wristbands, while some are in government quarantine facilities. Today it was reported that one of them tested positive for COVID-19 and will remain in isolation until they are clear of the virus. Another 292 tests carried out over the last day were all negative.

The new figure for the number of people currently in isolation, which comes ten days since government released the last figure, is the largest ever due to the additional categories of people now able to apply to return home following the first phase of the reopening process three weeks ago.

Today’s positive case brings the tally in Cayman since testing began in March to 236. There are currently 20 active cases, most of which are asymptomatic. However, one person remains in hospital in intensive care while two other individuals are suffering mild symptoms but are recovering in isolation.

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Category: Health, Medical Health

Comments (23)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Wouldn’t the number in isolation include people who live with the returning traveler (at least those who are isolating at home) but who didn’t travel? Can we get a breakdown of how many people are entering Cayman now compared with before?

    • Anonymous says:

      @4:47pm 22/10/20
      we all know the answer would be:

      “we don’t have this number”


  2. Anonymous says:

    Will people participating in the Cayman trials be quarantined?

    • Anonymous says:

      If anyone is stupid enough to get injected with covid then I hope they are in qt.

      • DLF says:

        You do not get injected with Covid in a vaccine trial. I am currently involved in a Covid vaccine trial here in the US. None of the vaccines are made with live virus. There would be no reason for someone involved in the trial to be quarantined as they are not intentionally exposed to Covid. They are followed closely to monitor their response to the vaccine. Typically the studies are double-blind, meaning the volunteer and the doctors supervising the trial do not know if the volunteer received the vaccine or a placebo. Volunteers are tracked by an assigned number and the vaccine manufacture is the only source that knows who received the vaccine or the placebo. Of course, you can get an antibody test and you know if you received the vaccine or if you received a placebo. I am not allowed to post which study I’m part of but it is one of the top studies and there have been no issues with volunteers having a bad response to the vaccine.

        Please know those who decide to be part of the Cayman vaccine study won’t be injected with Covid.

    • Anonymous says:

      Why is Cayman targeted for these trial? and who has approved this? Cayman is a healthy COVID free jurisdiction. Surely there are better targets?

      • anon says:

        4.12pm Why are they not trialling their vaccine in the U.S.?, as it appears a U.S research institution is behind this. Is it because they do not have FDA approval?. If so, why have they been allowed to trial it here?.
        I would not volunteer for this trial if I was offered a million dollars.

    • Anonymous says:

      World class

  3. Anonymous says:

    ‘Close contact’ with a COVID-19 patient now includes 15 consecutive minutes or a series of shorter encounters adding up to the same.
    What us next?

  4. Anonymous says:

    It all started with just one patient.

    Now there are 20 in isolation.

    That’s a ticking time bomb.

  5. Say it like it is says:

    We need to know the breakdown. I am in Govt quarantine which is highly efficient so that it is almost impossible that any spread would incur from here. Self isolation is where the risk lies, not only in detecting visitors to the properties but in properly surveilling all the locations island wide, now that we have such large numbers.

  6. Anonymous says:

    if someone test positive…can they still home quarantine?

  7. Anonymous says:

    Shopping trips in full effect. Might head up to BTs myself this weekend.

  8. Anonymous says:


  9. Anonymous says:

    Folks get ready for a hard lock down

    • Anonymous says:

      Why are you and so many others keep talking about a lockdown? With what evidence do you have to make such a statement? It’s just so damn annoying every time they release the stats someone says get ready for a lockdown. How about you lock yourself down as you seem to like it so much. Or better yet stop making stupid statements with no evidence.

      • Anonymous says:

        9:58 pm, time will tell that you are the stupid one

        • Anonymous says:

          Yes you.

          • Anonymous says:

            Oh wait …. I didn’t know that we were busy selling our souls instead of heeding basic common sense and concern for others…I need money to buy to a house that the banks won’t give loans for anymore!!

        • Say it like it is says:

          9.58pm Please stay inside your property 24/7 and have supplies dropped off at your front door. You should be quite safe unless you let the cat in.

        • Anonymous says:

          Well like the saying goes to never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience. 🙄

    • Anonymous says:

      You will still die some day of something. Only then will your fear of being alive end. I would add that you can get help for that but I know you love living in fear. If it helps there is still a month or so for Cayman to get a big hurricane and get completely destroyed along with your much anticipated lockdown. And then Zika. Happy now?

      • Anonymous says:

        NEWSFLASH: Repatriation flights are back in regular succession.
        Hail me up when you go overseas and let me know how no restrictions are actually doing. Cases at 200 per day or total?

        Pandemics and natural disasters are nothing to scoff at. Unfortunately, our hurricane preparation plan does not include catching the first flight out and claiming a write-off on insurance for anything that breaks!! Despite what Dart, Bovell, and all the other real estate developers and closing companies may tell you, dealing with hurricanes are a part of living in the Caribbean, take it or leave it. (I take your response is leave it)

        Moral of the story: Don’t run down the place you have run to!! Even the sun sets in paradise.

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