Cement mixer crushes car in collision

| 21/09/2020 | 39 Comments
Accident involving a cement mixer and a Honda Accord

(CNS): Two people had to be cut free from a silver Honda Accord on Monday at around 9:30 after the car was hit by a cement mixer truck and crushed. One of the two occupants was taken to hospital once she was freed by the Cayman Islands Fire Service and is now being treated in hospital for non-life-threatening injuries. The other person in the car and the cement truck driver both escaped unscathed.

The crash happened by the entrance to a construction site as the Honda was driving onto South Sound Road from Shamrock Road and the cement truck was pulling out of the site.

Video footage posted on social media earlier today showed the crumpled Honda and the efforts of the fire service and medics to rescue the two people inside.

The incident is currently under investigation.


Category: Local News

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Why do we even comment anymore. No one does anything. Car accidents and bad traffic are daily. Cops showed up for 2 days at red bay round about to stop the cheaters who cut through to the other entrance and keep people in line. Worked but now they are gone.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Having driven in dozens of countries all over the world I’m confident the problem in Cayman isn’t the roads, or even the speeding; the roads here are genuinely among the best in the world! The bypass from Westbay down to ALT roundabout is better quality than some derestricted German autobahns! The problem without any doubt is absolutely idiotic driving that’s a dangerous combination of aggressive and unskilled.

    • Anonymous says:

      You can repeat it 100 more times and nothing will change until they build idiot-proofed roads.

      Just like an iron automatic shutoff prevents fires and birth control pills prevent unwanted pregnancy, Idiot-proofed roads including roundabouts would prevent or significantly reduce traffic accidents.
      Or you can continue writing or saying 1000 more times how stupid Caymanian drivers are. Yes, they are, now what? No laws or police would change that.

      • Anonymous says:

        Where to start? Every single day I see someone turning right on a roundabout going all the way round in the left hand lane, often after indicating left to join the roundabout. If I see it so do the police; fine them for driving without due care or better yet make them take a driving course at their expense to get their license back. Seriously it’s not hard to pick the correct lane to make it round a roundabout safely.

  3. Anonymous says:

    I was visiting DR, adults only resort once and had a chance to take 2 hr ride from Sant Domingo to Punta Cana. Nobody could fly through newly built roundabouts, everyone was forced to slowdown on approach by a clever road design. . I bet they hired road designers to design safe roads, not just road engineers and contractors.
    Everyone who blames drivers only is an ignoramus.

    • Anonymous says:

      The whole point of a roundabout is to keep traffic flowing. If you aren’t capable of using a roundabout safely without traffic calming measures to slow you down then you shouldn’t be allowed to drive.

  4. Anonymous says:

    How much dem want fi de car?

  5. Read my lips says:

    Not shocked about the accident itself. Shocked that there are not more of these types of MVA’s on our roads. Truck drivers on this Island are maniacs. I wonder if they realize that vehicles of A certain tonnage are by law not allowed to be driven in excess of prescribed speeds.

    • Anonymous says:

      I’m not an accident reconstruction expert, but from the picture the cement truck was pulling out onto the road and therefore couldn’t possibly be going faster than 5mph.

      • Anonymous says:

        Did you at least stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night?

      • Anonymous says:

        Pulling out onto a tiny strip of road where cars going onto South Sound Road are meant to drive straight through unless they have to yield to the right. There is no expectation that a driver looking to the right to see if they should yield when they have only a few feet to stop if they need to yield should also look left into a construction site. The obligation is always on the vehicle pulling onto the main road to do so safely, not the other way around. The cement truck is firmly in the wrong. The driver of the cement truck should not have moved an inch without being certain it was safe to exit the construction site. The speed involved was the speed of the car that was struck. Most drivers speed up a little bit at that spot to make sure they don’t get t-boned from the right by a car coming from the roundabout. You had a relatively light, small, low-profile, fast-moving object struck by a very heavy, large, high-profile, slow-moving object. That’s why the car didn’t move very far, but was totally destroyed. As I said, the cement truck was in the wrong.

    • Fed up says:

      These left drive truck should be banned as it is very difficult to see. I did have couple near miss trucks due they didn’t see me on right side. It is about time to start import trucks from UK or Japan not from US.

  6. Anonymous says:

    i was on the roundabout on Friday when a young girl was knocked off her bike. I’m not sure it’s the roads that is the issue. It’s the idiot drivers that don’t know what they’re doing – like indicating, driving with full beams on, and spending their entire trip in the outside lane whilst not passing traffic and wondering why people are up your a**

  7. Anonymous says:

    Hope the injured individuals fully recover and sue CIG for poorly designed roads.

    A personal injury lawsuit for damages from injuries suffered in a car crash because of a defectively designed road.

    Poorly designed and maintained roads are one of the leading factors in serious automobile accidents. An unsafe roadway can be linked to faulty design, faulty construction and/or faulty maintenance.

    If prior accidents have occurred on a particular stretch of road, this history of prior collisions may help establish that the governmental entity knew or should have known the road was unsafe.

    Since everything in Cayman is done after the fact, don’t expect safe roads until the first lawsuit is filed.

    • Anonymous says:

      More like too many drivers that have no idea how to drive.

    • Beach Cleaner says:

      Motorists fly around that roundabout like nobody’s business… on the phone, not paying attention. This is made worse by the newly added inside lane and people not using it properly. If drivers were to learn the rules of the road, stop speeding, keep off the phone and use their indicators, I can pretty much guarantee a drop in accident rates. Where do most fender benders happen? Roundabouts – 99% driver error.

    • Anonymous says:

      9:20 nothing wrong with the roads. The blame falls purely on the plethora of terrible drivers.

      • Anonymous says:

        The roads make it possible to drive “as they pleased”. In Dominican Republic nobody can fly through roundabouts, everyone is forced to slowdown by road design.

  8. Gray Matter says:

    You can thank Joey for overseeing and psssing and sendung to planning to fast track before election.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Once the condos from behind RBC Grand Harbour, those across from Peanuts gas station, and those at Aura by the roundabout get completed, the traffic in Red Bay will be even more horrendous than the misery it is now!

  10. Anonymous says:

    I do not think the NRA has properly thought through that roundabout at Hurleys. It’s a death trap. Drivers coming from the road to Careenage and Periwinkle and/or the western side of that shopping area including the pharmacy have a very dangerous maneuver to make if they want to get into the inside lane to go back into town.

    • Anonymous says:

      I’ve aged several years waiting to enter the roundabout there, as idiots blissfully unaware drive into Grand Harbour without indicating.

      • Anonymous says:

        And I would venture to guess the police have NEVER prosecuted anyone for that. We drive as the police reach us to.

        • Anonymous says:

          25 minutes to write a ticket and put it into the system, only for it to be probably contested in court, and have an officer pulled away from shift or from a rest day. Yeah, I see no reason why rcips don’t ticket that!

  11. Anonymous says:

    The new changes at Hurley’s roundabout is very dangerous!! I sure hope something can be done to fix this!

  12. Onlooker says:

    I was at this accident and I saw first hand the efforts of the fire service as well as the ambulance personnel, very good work guys, 👍👍. Cayman should be proud to have such professionals, the way those firefighters handled their equipment and knew exactly how to cut that car to get that lady out was amazing. Keep up the good work guys.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Truly an accident waiting to happen.

    That particular construction site’s Owners (employees/suppliers/contractors, etc) have consistently displayed a total disregard for the safety of the pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles passing by.

    FFFS I have seen the street In front of the site completely blocked (has to be with CIG approval) for hours on end and furthermore that street has become a parking lot instead of an access to South Sound.

    What’s wrong with parking off road further down and walking a couple hundred metres to the site?

    • Anonymous says:

      Boy, are those buildings ugly too. The soul destroying feeling, inching past those eyesores every morning is just too depressing.

      • Anonymous says:

        A lot of Soviet-era cheap buildings going up all around Cayman these days.

        Contractors must be making a killing😂

        • KSS says:

          @ Anonymous 22/09/2020 at 2:19 pm & 8:50am – both of you are spot on! So ugly, so cheap and idiots will pay an arm & leg for them – just like so many other developments here. CPA is a joke.

  14. Anonymous says:

    The same thing nearly happened to me and my family at that exact same spot. Many of the construction vehicles seem to forget that is still a public road and they need to give way. Thankful no one was seriously injured

  15. Elvis says:

    Idiot drivers on the road thats all, big doesnt mean you have right of way on the road. One truck was driving up the wrong way on south sound road at the same place id submit the video but not one thing will be done unfortunately

  16. Anonymous says:

    That was bound to happen with how they drive right there. I’ve seen construction vehicles and workers drive wrong way up that cut through to enter the site.

    And once it’s built and the many other condos around grand harbour get ready for more accidents. I’m surprised people haven’t collided behind the orange cones on that roundabout since some traffic flowing East thinks that’s their lane to weave in behind the cones.

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