Roper: Life will go on after Domestic Partnership Law

| 27/08/2020 | 114 Comments
Cayman News Service
Governor Martyn Roper discusses the DPB on CIGTV

(CNS): Governor Martyn Roper has said that the Domestic Partnership Law will not impact the life of the average person in Cayman “in any way”, and that when it is passed, life will be just the same as it was the day before. “What it will do… is address the discrimination felt by some members of the community,” he said and explained that the law would allow same-sex couples to enjoy the same rights to family life as everyone else.

Speaking to CIGTV’s Donna Bush, the governor said the law would not “change the vast majority of people’s lives”. He urged people to recognise that this was about ending discrimination against “people in our own society”.

Roper has announced that after a 21 day consultation period, which ends on Monday, as directed by the UK’s overseas territories minister, he will use his reserved powers, provided in the Constitution, to pass the Domestic Partnership Bill into law.

The governor pointed out that the Domestic Partnership Law is the outcome of the case brought by Caymanian lawyer Chantelle Day and her partner, Vickie Bodden-Bush, whose rights were violated when they were refused a marriage licence. With no other means in the Cayman Islands to formalise their relationship, they have been unable to access the family rights that should be afforded to everyone, as set out in the Constitution.

But Roper also indicated that this bill had a wider purpose. He spoke about the mental anguish suffered by many people, especially young people in Cayman, where rates of suicide and self-harm are higher than in other parts of the region. Roper said this was based on research by the Alex Panton Foundation, and he believed this was because “people feel they can’t express themselves and are hiding their true identity”.

Roper described the law as a “difficult compromise” because, despite not giving the LGBT+ community marriage equality, it ends the harmful discrimination while protecting the institution of marriage.

“It will simply put right a wrong,” he said.

Roper is expected to give assent to the bill late next week, along with a number of amendments to laws to make provisions for the new partnerships. However, it is not clear when the first same-sex couple will be able to register for, and take part in, a lawful domestic partnership ceremony.

There is also some indication that when the legislation is passed, those who oppose the bill and the use of the governor’s reserved powers to pass it will be seeking a judicial review of its assent.

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Category: Laws, Politics

Comments (114)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Everybody must be missing Anwar Bakht Choudhury. This bull in a china shop approach to diplomacy is not a good fit for the Cayman Islands.

    • Anonymous says:

      Bull in a China shop diplomacy would be the Governor telling all of you ignorant belligerent religious zealots who insist that you have the right to deny and deprive your FELLOW CAYMANIANS of any rights you dissaprove of to Foxtrot Oscar!

      On the contrary though, the man is exhibiting the patience of JOB and the kindness of JESUS in responding to your questions and comments even when some of you sound like truly pathetic Foxtrot Idigo’s. Those of you to whom that applies are an embarrassment to Cayman, you do a disservice to Christianity and you are definitely near the bottom of the barrel of humanity!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Heartbreaking to see so called “Christians” who try, once again, to control all others by their non Christ like actions. Surely, there are enough intelligent people in the Cayman Islands to overcome this prejudice against any adult who loves another person and hurts nobody. You insult Christ!

  3. Anonymous says:

    When the shit hits the fan, Governor Roper will be long gone.

  4. Anonymous says:

    This is no better example to show that Cayman needs to have a democratic mechanism for impeachment added to the constitution to fire governors. The UK could still appoint a replacement, however this would give us some level of autonomy to not having tyrannical measures shoved down our throats. This could be an interim measure to full independence.

    What is the point of a VOTE, if you are prevented of representative your constituents and forced to vote according to foreign interests and worldviews? That’s NOT A VOTE, that’s atheistic theocracy shoved down your throat.

    • Anonymous says:

      I’m so pleased about this legislation. Knowing it triggers people like you so much, makes me all warm and fuzzy.

    • Anonymous says:

      Umm the Governor did this on behalf of the UK. What you propose would accomplish nothing.

    • Anonymous says:

      So you want to follow some laws but not the ones Caymanians don’t want to follow? While your in Cayman. Because your Caymanian? Checking for a friend.

    • Anonymous says:

      AMEN … AMEN 7:46am … I said NO but the UK REP says that my NO was to be YES?
      What the heck? Just shove it done in me then but please don’t tell me I have an option?
      What two adults do in the privacy of their rooms is none of my business!
      Never was and never will be however there are consequences for every action right? Just as any other action carries consequences! You can shout all day long; you can bring your supporters too but you cannot change the fact that here is NO Human Right to marriage!
      No one stops them from being employed! My fav hairdresser owned his business (RIP) They can also open bank accounts and have co-signatories added and they drive and enjoy other entertainment too! No one says Boo! I see em at movies, at dinner and sporting events and not a soul bothers as they go about! In regards to and who they designate or leave their property & assets to as anyone can pay for a DURABLE Power of Attorney (can go onto effect immediately too) as well as anyone can leave a WILL … That covers HEALTH. FINANCIAL & PROPERTY & ASSETS … The DPB is not the one issue there are ELEVEN amendments to be attached!

      • Anonymous says:

        Yes and we know you knew who the tree Quares were growing up in WB too! Stop being so pathetic and learn to be a decent human being!

    • Anonymous says:

      You used the words atheistic and theocracy right next to each other. I’m not sure you know what either of them means.

  5. Mick says:

    I have to ask this question as a libertarian:

    Why does to government need to recognise human relationships anyway? What adults do is there business only and no business of the government, so long no one is hurt or harmed! For goodness sake this nosence has to stop in 2020.

    • Anonymous says:

      The reasons for the legal recognition of households are too numerous and grown up for your child brain to understand.

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s about the rights and benefits that can be gained from those relationships. Most governments extend certain rights and benefits that are typically reserved for their citizens to the spouses of their citizens. One of those benefits is the ability of the non citizen to become a citizen and to get access to all of the rights and benefits given to citizens.

    • Anonymous says:

      As a libertarian, why are you using the Internet? It was originally invented and developed with those yucky tax dollars you despise. And please tell me you would never drive on a government road or call the fire department of your house catches on fire.


  6. Anonymous says:


    The UK owns the bed, the UK makes the bed upon which we have to sleep.

    The Cayman Islands is and always been a Colony under the the full control of the Administering Power, the UK.

    Now the UK does effectively try to fool the world that we have some sort of self-governance, that is a lie.

    Evidently they fooled you too!

    Read the Constitution Order, section 125, they have “full power”, and they do not hesitate to use it to get what they want, when they want.

    That is not democracy, it is government by decree = DICTATORSHIP.

    • Anonymous says:

      To 5:15 pm: Trust me, you do not know what a dictatorship is. 🙄 Like it or not, we have to comply with the law.

    • Anonymous says:

      Suggest you move to Jamaica where they gained independence…from prosperity.

      • Anonymous says:

        Go study and stop repeating historical marl road garbage. Jamaica’s lack of “prosperity” has nothing with independence. Political posturing is the problem. The Cayman Islands is following right behind in this regard.

        • Anonymous says:

          OK 5.42…”Political posturing” corruption etc made possible , by independence, without the oversight that the UK and FCO have over Cayman.

    • Anonymous says:

      That is too funny!

    • Anonymous says:

      We do have a high degree of internal self governance but I am very happy that we have do not have full self governance because people like you are a perfect example of why the Caymanian minority needs to be protected from the tyrrany of the Caymanian majority!

  7. Anon says:

    How can the church try and exercise any moral right or be respected when worldwide, it’s a fact that the vast majority of sex abuse scandals are from churches (just see films like Spotlight, the Golden Globe in Boston expose, which proved that in America alone pretty much every priest or someone linked to them sexually abuses children).

  8. Anonymous says:

    Only in Cayman will people argue about getting MORE rights and freedom…

  9. Anonymous says:

    Life might go on, but the question is, will I catch gay? Should I wear a face mask to prevent me from catching gay? Should I take zinc supplements or eat lots of oysters to keep my libido up? Will there be a gay vaccine soon? If I have heterosexual sex, do I get antibodies that ward off gay? Sure, all these questions are ridiculous, but then the opposition to the issue is ridiculous.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Governor please zzzzzzzzzzzz

  11. Where perhaps does exist says:

    Perhaps Mr Roper if we Had Caymanians making these decisions for Cayman perhaps Caymanians would own this inequality situation perhaps we need to address the inequality and discrimination that now exist against Cayman and its people by those very people now drafting laws and issuing judgements in Cayman.Their many wrongs that have never been righted in this island and perhaps you should look into them instead of prioritizing those of the very few.

    • Anon says:

      10.35am You cannot have it both ways, if you don’t like the current situation, I won’t say “leave then” the standard Caymanian response to expat complaints, as it does not apply to you. What does, is by all means seek independence.

    • Anonymous says:

      We did. Our Caymanian MLA’s. They messed it up. If they cannot uphold a legal directive then what do we expect?

    • Anonymous says:

      10.35 Now hold on there a cotton picking minute. It WAS Caymanians that had the power to make decisions and they decided not to implement the rule of law and continue to discriminate against a section of society that they abhor (including some of their own people).

      The Motherland had no option but to comply with ECHR and haul this place into the 21st century. There is no way that ex-pats can take ANY blame for this. Caymanians made their bed and the UK has decided they now have to lie in it. So deal with it.

  12. Anonymous says:

    So, after next week can the fools finally put their time and energy towards things that matter and not religious dogma?
    Proverbs 13:20 “Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.” (You find the darnedest things on Google.)
    LGBTQ people, thank you for fighting one of the opening Constitutional battles. There will be many more to come in many different areas but being one of the first is usually the hardest. Hopefully one day Cayman will see, and walk in, the light.

  13. Anonymous says:

    i am acutely disappointed to learn that FCO/Roper did not sincerely want to ensure truthful equality or protection (of rights at stake) via penal code as the court instructed. It is particularly disheartening to learn that he appeals for us to sympathize with the hate stoked bias and values of fringe far-right zealots and their exceptionally out of tune version of Bible interpretation – contrary to his public statements related to the unacceptability of homophobia. Pick a lane Mr Roper. Both cannot coexist and only one corrects the long-standing legal injustice at hand. Further, the CMA (or any similar hate organization) cannot be allowed to operate in the Cayman Islands contrary to Non Profits Law if it’s solely as an anti-gay hate/lobby group. Let’s not confuse beliefs with purposes.

  14. Sunshine says:

    It was when they killed Jesus they realized they kill the son of God…

    • Anonymous says:

      As real-world gay clergy are keen to point out: Jesus tenderly washed the feet of his same-sex apostles and gingerly dried them with his own hair. Quite erotic and certainly not the work of a homophobe.

      • sunshine says:

        Luke 23 v 34

      • Anonymous says:

        I believe the drying with his own hair is an embellishment of those who like to think of Jesus as having long flowing hair instead of the tight kinky locks typical of Jews in his place and time.

        • Anonymous says:

          It was an act of humility as both servant and redeemer. Servants washed the dusty feet of noble travelers back then. Importantly: nobody had any “Caribbean” hang ups over the gender of those administering the ritual cleaning.

          • Anonymous says:

            I agree with you. I was merely pointing out that drying their feet with his hair is an embellishment not recorded anywhere in the bible.

      • Anonymous says:

        Sounds like a super gay hippie.

  15. Anonymous says:

    FCO please stop apartheid in Cayman. No other commonwealth country has 2 classes of citizens. All Caymanians need right to run for elected office.

  16. David Shibli says:

    It is a sorry day when ignorant people raise their fist in defiance at the very God who has given them life.
    You will have your wish and all that comes with it.
    Good luck. You are going to need it.
    Eternity is a very, very, very long time.
    Your violent horde mentality will evaporate into remorse when you stand as an individual before a holy and just God.
    There is nothing new under the sun.
    This assault on truth has occurred before and ended in disaster. The same result will occur this time.
    Darkness is upon the world for now, but I can assure everyone, it is only a temporary condition.
    Unless repentance occurs and salvation is sought in Jesus Christ, there can be no happy ending.

    To those of my brothers and sisters in Christ who have built their houses upon the Rock, I salute you.
    Do not be afraid of the purveyors of darkness who make laws to nullify the Word of God.
    Remember, love one another as He has loved us and given Himself as the perfect offering to God.

    • Anonymous says:

      “I want you to know, when it comes to believing in God – I really tried. I really really tried. I tried to believe that there is a god who created each one of us in his own image and likeness, loves us very much and keeps a close eye on things. I really tried to believe that, but I gotta tell you, the longer you live, the more you look around, the more you realize…something is F–KED UP. Something is WRONG here. War, disease, death, destruction, hunger, filth, poverty, torture, crime, corruption and the Ice Capades. Something is definitely wrong. This is NOT good work. If this is the best god can do, I am NOT impressed. Results like these do not belong on the resume of a supreme being. This is the kind of shit you’d expect from an office temp with a bad attitude. And just between you and me, in any decently run universe, this guy would have been out on his all-powerful-ass a long time ago.” [George Carlin, from “You Are All Diseased”.]

      • Anonymous says:

        Don’t you worry your little atheist head, just like everything here on earth you too have an expiry date.

      • David Shibli says:

        Hi Anonymous,
        I understand that you would feel that way. So did I. In fact, I hated God and blamed him for all the pain in my life and the mess in the world.
        I used to mock Christians.
        Well, it turns out that I was wrong. The origin of all the misery in this world is not from God.
        There is indeed an Adversary, some call him Satan, Lucifer, The Destroyer etc.

        Jesus explained that the Adversary has come to steal, kill and destroy, but His (Jesus’) mission was to help us overcome the darkness and have better lives in spite of evil.
        This will not last much longer and evil will be judged and eliminated once and for all.
        Surely we long for that day?
        Many of our world leaders including governments and organized religion actually worship Lucifer believing that he will triumph. They and their covert tactics will be exposed.

        In the meantime, let us apportion blame to where it belongs lest we be found in error.
        All the best to you.

      • Anonymous says:

        You gotta trust Him give Him your life
        accept Him as your personal Savior in your heart Repent from your sins.
        pray a sincere prayer from your heart.

        • Anonymous says:

          You gotta trust L. Ron Hubbard, accept him into your heart. Pray sincerely for him to speak to you. Repent and join Scientology.

          (See, it’s a dumb way to approach things isn’t it?)

          • Anonymous says:

            Yes the same way there are 5 glasses before you. 4 poisonous and 1 benign.
            By your logic anything goes.
            Deep down in your heart, you know Jesus is the way, but your head gets in the way.
            Be blessed and may God grant you his truth.

      • Anonymous says:

        God gave us the freedom to be loving or hateful.

        Some people, possibly like you, choose to spew hate on anyone who is not following your LGBTQI PLUS lifestyle.

        You can direct you hate to God but he will always love you unconditionally.

        His love is true perfect love.

        • Anonymous says:

          Can you explain what is LGBTQI Lifestyle exactly as you mentioned it? Just curious. And how can one follow it?

    • Anonymous says:

      Do you fear the wrath of Zeus? Destruction by Shiva? We fear one less fairytale out of thousands than you.

      Boy we all going look fool when we die and see Buddha or some other deity instead. How do you know your belief system is the right one? Because a human wrote or said so?

      “who make laws to nullify the Word of God.”

      It’s already been nullified when we voted for our Constitution, which provided me with the right to live an Atheist life. Get over it.

      • David Shibli says:

        You have taken the time to comment, so I will do my best to explain my take.
        I went through years of looking for God if He was in fact real. I did the UFO’s, the unexplained phenomena, the OOPARTS, other religions, organized and not and my conclusion was this:-
        The general consensus seems to be that if we live decent lives and if there is a God, then nothing to worry about.
        However, I was intrigued by the uniqueness of the man, Jesus Christ, who laid down His life for me.
        No one has ever done anything like that for me.
        Eventually, I prayed to God and received Jesus Christ as my Saviour.

        All I can say is that He has not disappointed and has been faithful to me even when I let Him down. If anyone needs salvation, I do.

    • Anonymous says:

      Mr. Shilbi,

      When I started reading your comment, I thought at first that you were against the LGBT+ community and threatening them with fire and brimstone brought forth by an angry and hateful God.

      But then I read your last sentence and understood that you are actually strongly reminding the religious community that they should love one another, and realised that you actually SUPPORT equal rights for all, including the LGBT+ community! Your first paragraph was therefore directed at the homophobes!

      Be careful though, others may have misunderstood your message…..

      And yes, everyone, I am being tongue in cheek.

    • Anonymous says:

      (Doesn’t realize first computer created by gay man)

    • Anonymous says:

      Anyone that judges, obstructs, or meddles in their fellow humans lives don’t preside over any kind of rocky pious moral high-ground. So says your Book. Often. It also instructs you to follow your local and municipal laws, as they are basically from people appointed by God to govern you. So your long-term Salvation planning is being undermined by your own clinic of hypocrisy, by picking the verses you like.

    • Anonymous says:

      David Shibil, there are no gods. Your delusions are robbing you of a full life. No one with any sense fears divine judgement after death. It’s all nonsense. Pull out friend. Get help. Do real research. Rethink your beliefs. What you think is some magical personal experience with a real god is all in your head. It doesn’t mean you’re crazy, of course. It’s just something that happens to people given the right stimulation and social environment. Many Muslims, Hindus, Scientologists and animists feel it too. Doesn’t make any if it real.

      Good luck

      • Anonymous says:

        And what is your source of information on this? Speak when you can prove God doesn’t exist. I will wait.

        • Anonymous says:

          Thinking 101: You can’t conclusively disprove the existence of imaginary things. Ghosts, goblins, bigfoot and your god might possibly exist. But there is no scientific evidence for any of them so it’s logically unjustified to believe they are real. It’s incredibly stupid to go further and declare with absolute certainty that they are real.

      • David Shibli says:

        Actually it is Shibli.
        If I were to embrace your fear and confusion, I would be just as lost as you.
        That is not a chance I am willing to take.
        I wish you all the best.

    • Anonymous says:

      BREAKING NEWS! God isn’t real and the Bible is a terrible source for morals.

  17. Anonymous says:

    The governor simply doesn’t get it. He rushed to force his will on the citizens of the Cayman Islands and create unnecessary unrest instead of showing leadership in a time of crisis. With the DPB being defeated by only one vote a true leader would have brought all of the parties together in an effort to see what would be required to get to a majority yes vote. Instead, the governor decided that the way forward was to suspend democracy and rule by fiat. His actions to date are regrettable but it is not too late for him to do the right things.

    • Anonymous says:

      Rushed? It was supposed to be done years ago. Do you even know what exactly has been going on? The law is years overdue. What else is here to wait for? If a simple thing called ‘equality’ keeps some of you awake at night then deal with it. Unless you are LGBTQ it really should not be any of your concern. What are you afraid of so much? No, you can’t become gay just same way as you can’t pray it away either.
      The Governor did an incredibly important and much needed step. Pray God neither you or your loved ones ever have to struggle for equal rights, RIGHTS, not privileges. Why can’t some of you see something that simple? One answer comes to mind : homophobia. Not even mentioning the rule of law. But that is a whole other conversation, not sure it’s time for you to understand that.

    • They had long enough says:

      To 8:52pm Wait for what? The Constitution itself proves that we were kicking this ball around since before 2009! Nope, there was nothing to wait for.

  18. FAO Mr Governor says:

    They have spent so much time on this garbage and made utter mess of Caymans economy and urs people tying to get home. After having no room at the inn I was forced to stay in excess of a month longer in the UK after taking up my child now to get back it’s almost 2,000. Yes Mr. Governor you added to this mess with this senseless air bridge that benefits no one really. Why don’t you put the same amount of energy in sorting out opening the borders with other places like Canada? Extremely pissed off and no I’m not making this up try finding a ticket on your so call air bridge for Sept 17, but then again there’s always space for some. So much energy and time on this one piece of bill whilst everything else falls apart. Who exactly are all these people coming for a phased re-opening? All lies!

    • Anonymous says:

      And that relates to the bill exactly how? Shall we put other world problems here in same box? So typical.

    • Anonymous says:

      So you left the country and did not realize that returning would be a fluid situation and someone else is to blame?
      I hope your “child” gets a great education and returns to explain things to you.

  19. Annie says:

    Um, what year is this? 1720? In is astounding that any sane person would oppose this measure. This is basic human rights. The wing-nut religious extremists are not going to succeed. At least not as long as I draw a breath.

  20. Anonymous says:

    Governor Martyn Roper is spitting in the wind. If his intention is to convince anybody that is against the DPB to support it he is wasting his time. The governor needs to just do what he has indicated that he will do and accept that he will forever be persona non grata by a significant segment of the society.

    • Anonymous says:

      But it’s really not a significant portion of anything is it? When only 120 can be rallied for a coordinated show of hate convictions, we can deduce that it’s pretty thin and extreme field, not shared by any majority. 120 might be impressive for a bake sale, but it’s pretty lame show for a DPB last stand. There are almost certainly more than 10,000 gay people living in the Cayman Islands, and even more supporters and allies – legions more than any if the remaining 1662 zealots.

      • Anonymous says:

        Many people are afraid of your group and opted not to become targets of the hate speech and actions.

      • Anonymous says:

        Not everyone who wanted to go was able to do so. Some of us felt our jobs would be threatened if we went (and yes that was a position I was put in). So it is not a fair assessment that only 120 people were against it.

        Given your figures, you are saying that every person in the Cayman Islands (and then some) are gay, and that does not begin to count their supporters and allies. I am assuming that you are trying to overestimate the number of gays here, but then why focus on an actual figure of those against the DPB to compare this overestimated figure with – compare apples with apples, not apples with watermelons.

      • Anonymous says:

        There are not more than 10,000 gay people living in the Cayman Islands. It has been estimated for many years that 10% of the human population is ‘gay’, meaning ‘not heterosexual’. We do not have 100,000 people here. Also, I would expect the proportion of expats here who are gay to be lower than this standard estimate, because Cayman is not gay-friendly. Similarly, Caymanians would be undercounted as homosexuality may be latent due to cultural suppression. I would estimate that fewer than 10% of the population here are gay; somewhere between 5-8% seems more right. XXXX

        • Anonymous says:

          CNS, may I ask what was unpublishable about my last sentence? I appreciate that it doesn’t tow the CNS line where one can’t even make fun if social justice is the topic, but it was an ancedotal expression of opinion that added flavour to what was otherwise a boring statistical comment. It wasn’t vulgar or profane or abusive or hateful. I was talking about my life experience. What was wrong?

          CNS: I understand that it might have been an attempt at humour and I’m sorry if it was based on an experience you had, but it was offensive to a group of people who are already open to abuse.

  21. Anonymous says:

    Thank you very much indeed, Governor. We have suffered enough.

  22. Anonymous says:

    And Governor roper knows this how???

    • Anonymous says:

      You’re right. Because by making it a domestic partnership instead of across the board full equal marriage there is a list created for homophobic predators to target. And also, because no one else has been affected in any other first world country where same sex marriage is equal.

  23. common sense says:

    what about ending discrimination against caymanians for our culture and traditions, jobs, promotions, training, mortgages, business loans and opportunities?? Why does every other “special group” get to demand rights above those of the indigenous people?? Lets prioritise our issues and deal with those which affect the majority first!!!

    CNS: The DPB is for Caymanians – what you call the “indigenous” people. They are not demanding any rights above anyone, they are asking for the same rights; that’s why it’s called equality. This change costs nothing except for the legal challenges against it and will affect no one except same-sex couples who want to join legally. You are free to go to your MLA with all your other grievances, but stop moaning; this doesn’t affect you.

    • Anonymous says:

      Thank you CNS!

    • Anonymous says:

      Much respect for you, N. Some label this site as pro-gay and anti-caymanian. I think the demographic that prefers CNS as their choice of media simply has common sense compared to the bigots. It’s quite evident they made the times their hive in comparison.

    • Anonymous says:

      Common sense is obviously not common. Equality for same sex couples doesn’t deny you or anyone with time to scream in writing to do what you think is right and achieve what you want. Find yourself a real purpose and go for it if you please. A training or course, for example.

    • Anonymous says:

      You voted, you suffer. Also, Indigenous Caymanians don’t exist

    • Anonymous says:

      First of all;

      in·dig·e·nous means “originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native”.

      There is no such beings as indigenous Caymanians. We all came here or were brought here from somewhere else.


      Majority is in direct conflict with equality – otherwise minorities wouldnt exist. If you believe that things should only work for the majority, then you directly oppose equality which is exactly why you dont understand what this Bill is for.

      • Anonymous says:

        You realize there are gay Caymanians right? Fool.

      • Anonymous says:

        Some got here before others

        • Anonymous says:

          Caymanians really don’t understand the concept of equality. Everything and everyone has to be ascribed a rank and priority. The extraordinary irony is that none of you will ever qualify for Heavenly Salvation thinking like conniving, obstructing, and scheming pirates! Some of you wonder why expats don’t want to invite you over for BBQs when four sentences into making your acquaintance we learn you actually think this way!

        • Anonymous says:

          So what! I belong to Mother Earth. The real god we should be protecting and loving.

      • common sense says:

        put it to a referendum vote and u will find out who the majority and indigenous people are. If you are so concerned about equality, let the caymanian people exercise their democratic right. Trying to define my words does not take away from the fact that this forced law is not democracy!

      • Anonymous says:

        This is bs. Your quoted definition itself supports the idea of native Caymanians vs new arrivals in the current generation.

      • Anonymous says:

        8:09 pm, yes we all came from some where else, but our great , great, great grand parents came here when it was not much here and stayed through hardship and we from them built this place. The late expats would not have come here when it was nothing much here, they only come to enjoy the good life here now, they parents never came here to help built this place, say 60 or 70 years ago

      • Anonymous says:

        I’m all for gay rights, but you know exactly what people mean they say “indigenous Caymanians”. People who descend from the first settlers and/or slaves (since there was no one here before).
        Native Americans came from Asia. They didn’t spawn out of the soil in the Americas. Does that mean there are no indigenous Americans?
        New Zealand wasn’t populated by humans until the 14th century. Does that mean the Maori aren’t indigenous?
        Why is it that there are no indigenous Caymanians then?

    • Anonymous says:

      Please stop including Caymanians in your bigoted hate speech because it’s people like you that make the rest of us look bad. First of all, our culture and traditions have not been attacked, don’t be dramatic. Second of all, it’s not an expat’s fault why you can’t get a job, or have mortgage troubles etc. Bring those issues up with cig.

      Third of all, ending discrimination against Caymanians LITERALLY includes passing the DP bill, as there are gay Caymanians. You’re contradicting yourself and ended up discriminating WHILE talking about ending discrimination. Period.

  24. Anonymous says:

    Fire and Brimstone, Sodom and Gomorrah, sky will fall in, we’ll all catch the ‘gayness’…..pass the popcorn and enjoy the seethe!

    • Anonymous says:

      I’m a big fan of the gayness. Those community members tend to be creative, create economic value and volunteer in a high percentage.

      It is unfortunate that we are not supportive of their basic rights as a society.

  25. Anonymous says:


    • Anonymous says:


    • Anonymous says:

      De-constitute CMA’s non-profit status for its current and ongoing violations under the law. Revoke its web domain, Twitter, and Facebook pages for violation of ICAAN and OfReg acceptable terms of use. Allies can deny them these resources right now under existing laws.

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