Beach-walkers stumble over cocaine

(CNS): Members of the public who were walking on the beach in South Sound on Monday evening called the police after they stumbled across a package of what looked like cocaine that had washed ashore. The suspected drug bundle appeared to have been in the sea for some time, police said in a statement. It is now being forensically examined to confirm its contents before it is destroyed. Officers conducted more searches in the area but no additional packages were found.
Prefer herb strictly. No nasty drugs or experiments to my body ya me is not a whitemon.
Should of Been Me Dat Found It.
Oh Lawd….A White Summer…
The Legal Criminals Will Have it Back On The Road….
As Always….
The white square grouper is so much better than the brown square grouper.
There’s something make me feel good,
and it’s gonna change my life.
I gotta have some of that Brown Sugar,
Gotta try it before I die
ZZ Top reference.
BS reference. No suggestions its either MDMA or a hot lady.
Hand it over to the legal criminals and get no finders fee
Gonnna be a lot of beach walkers.
Finders keepers?
Cures Covid.