‘We can get better’ says senior cop

| 13/07/2020 | 34 Comments
Cayman News Service
Acting Superintendent Brad Ebanks

(CNS): Acting Superintendent Brad Ebanks, who has taken over the entire RCIPS Uniform Operations, has said the service is good but it can get better. “I believe that the RCIPS is a very professional police service, but we can get even better,” Ebanks said, as he outlined his goals for his challenging new appointment. Following the departure of Superintendent Robert Graham last month, Ebanks took over as commander of Uniform Operations as well as retaining his role as commander of Special Operations.

“The Cayman Islands is entitled to the best that we can offer and working with our communities we can accomplish this,” the senior cop said in a press release from the RCIPS on Monday.

“I intend to work on various areas of policing that are dear to the community as well as the RCIPS,” he said, noting that this would include, traffic management, enforcement and education, as well as assisting with the safety and efficiency of Cayman’s roads.

Ebanks said he would increase community meetings in the various beats, including Cayman Brac and Little Cayman, “to ensure that the needs and expectations of the members of the public are managed and an open line of communication between the public and the police is maintained and nurtured”.

He is also aiming to increase “efficiency in service delivery and customer satisfaction provided by our uniformed services throughout the Cayman Islands”, he said.

Ebanks said he had “good support” from both the officers under his management and the Senior Command Team. “This position brings with it great responsibility and will undoubtedly have its challenges. However, being the acting superintendent in charge of other smaller departments within the RCIPS over the last three years has helped prepare me for this amalgamated role,” he said.

Maintaining that he was looking forward to the challenge ahead, he stated that he intended “to someday hand this position over as I strive to move up the ranks within the Royal Cayman Islands Police Service”.

He will now oversee the Firearm Response Unit, K-9 Unit, Operational Support Unit, Air Operations Unit, Traffic and Roads Policing, Community Policing Department and Uniform Operations across the Cayman Islands.

Ebanks who has been in the service for 33 years, is clearly eyeing the top job at the RCIPS, which has been striving to get succession planning back on track, as it has been more than 15 years since a local officer was in charge.

However, Police Commission Derek Byrne will continue in his job until September 2023 as his contract was renewed in October for another three years. But with three Caymanians now holding the next three senior posts below him, it appears likely that the Cayman Islands will have a local commissioner when Byrne leaves.

In the release, Byrne said that throughout his years of service Ebanks has been dedicated to playing a major part in making Cayman safer.

“With his new appointment to include our full Uniform Service under his remit, allows us to continue building on our relationship with the communities within the Cayman Islands,” the commissioner said. “The decision to amalgamate the roles was made with careful consideration and is a testament to the Senior Command Team’s confidence in him. I know he will do the service and the Cayman Islands proud by excelling in this role.”

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Category: Crime, Police

Comments (34)

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  1. Sunburst Lane! says:

    Keeping Cayman safer Byrne pleeease spare us! Our island is now taking a steady road it will pass to destruction,to wit by the consolidation of power first and then corruption,its necessary consequence!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Congrats Brad! Proud of you, my friend!

    Don’t let the naysayers and distractors on here get you down. Instead use their unkind words and insults to give you the resolve and strength to prove them wrong..

  3. Anonymous says:

    Tell your traffic police they have no business trying to enforce the traffic law on my private property.

    I specifically let my boys ride their dirt bikes on my cleared parcel so they won’t go on the road!

  4. Words to remember says:

    A person who climbs up on the backs of others hard work and forgets those who helped that person climb often finds themselves falling with no help to stop the fall. Sometimes it’s a rigged game and it is setup and planned to fail from the get go.

    • Anonymous says:

      Totally agree. That’s how many big mouthed media spotlight loving locals who get positions get sacked real quick.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Hey Brad. Congratulations. Any chance your officers could arrest known violent offenders within a week of them beating up women in front of witnesses? Come to think of it, could you please also stop letting them on airplanes out of the jurisdiction. It is the kind of behavior that makes some law abiding citizens think you are a bunch of corrupt imbeciles.

    How’s that investigation into potentially corrupt status grants coming?

    Any chance of anyone getting arrested for stealing employee pension monies?

    ….you see a pattern here? Open illegality and what do we get from the our illustrious law enforcers? Crickets….

    • Anonymous says:

      Cayman’s low crime level is the envy of the world. Well done Sup Ebanks. I am so proud to see a Caymanian in this Post.

      Don’t be turned off by the negative posters. They are just jealous!

      • Anonymous says:

        How can you suggest we have low crime when you know of hundreds of crimes that do not even get investigated? Is that not like Trump blaming testing for the number of Covid cases?

        I wish Brad the best, but he has a lot of work to do to build the trust of the general populace.

        • Anonymous says:

          11:22 really?? I don’t know of any crimes that are unreported. If you do what are you doing about it other than complaining on this site.

          The main reason no one wants to live anywhere else is this world is the low crime rate.

          • Anonymous says:

            You don’t know hundreds of employees have had their pension monies stolen by their employers and that despite it being well known, the police do nothing?

            You don’t know that many people with no apparent case for special treatment got awarded status, without so much as a background check, and the police appear to have done nothing?

            You don’t know that a prominent person beat someone up in a bar before many witnesses and was not only not arrested, but was allowed to travel outside the jurisdiction?

            You do not believe that any of these things constitute fair grounds for persons to question the quality and consistency of our policing?

            • Anonymous says:

              The pension thing and status grant thing is nothing to do with uniform operations, which is what this article is about.

              As for the common assault you mention, it’s not arrestable. So there’s that too.

              I’m not saying your first two points aren’t valid, but just the wrong forum.

              • Anonymous says:

                So you are suggesting theft and possible corruption are not police matters, and that beating people up in public places is not grounds for arrest?

                OK then…..

                • Anonymous says:

                  Common assault is not arrestable.

                  • Anonymous says:

                    I call bullshit – especially where the assault occasions ABH. If the police claim someone who violently assaults another cannot be arrested for assault I give up. We should just defund them entirely and close them down. Deport all criminals and have a utopia.

              • Anonymous says:

                If these things are not police matters, what is the correct forum?

              • Big Pappa says:

                The pension thing and status grant is nothing to do with uniform operations… Splitting hairs here, are we???

                The common assault is not arrestable? Lol, what kind a thing you smoking there?

      • Anon says:

        9.41am Now we can call the RCIP world class, getting rid of all these foreigners.

    • Anonymous says:

      Today I learned that the police investigate status grants. Lol

  6. Anonymous says:

    my dashcam has recorded 1000’s of incidents of police not obeying basic rules of the road(like indicating). where can i send the footage and what will you do about it?

    CNS: Send your pick to us at info@caymannewsservice.com and I’ll make an amalgamated video.

  7. Anonymous says:

    overstaffed, poorly trained/educated and underworked. end of story.

  8. Anonymous says:

    If Brad honestly thinks the RCIPS “is a very professional police service”, then we should probably lower our expectations accordingly.

  9. Anonymous says:

    How about getting the officers to use their indicators?

    • Anonymous says:

      Please tell your officers on the Brac to dim their car lights when approaching/being approached by other vehicles

  10. Anonymous says:

    Congratulations, Uncle Brad. We’re very proud of you. Hold your head high and give this everything that you have, we know you’ll accomplish the goals that you’ve set. You totally deserve this!

  11. Anonymous says:

    Congrats. Start by hiring from anywhere but Jamaica and that includes Status holders from there. We are tired of the service doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Congrats Brad! You deserve this and you will do well!

  13. Anonymous says:

    I can’t imagine more room for improvement.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Let’s see you do it then Brad, take your shot, impress us

  15. Anonymous says:

    How many good officers have left in last six months? Graham was a disaster, so don’t mean him. Not exactly a promotion when you are the only one left

  16. Anonymous says:



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