Over 500 more COVID tests are negative

| 20/07/2020 | 27 Comments

(CNS): On Monday Chief Medical Officer Dr John Lee reported on 529 COVID-19 tests that had been carried out since Friday, all of which were negative for the coronavirus. This means Cayman has gone another full week with no positive cases and has seen just two positive samples from 3,969 tests carried out this month. Those two are the only active cases in the country at present and both patients are asymptomatic.

Officials have now carried out 28,126 COVID-19 tests with a positive tally of 203 since testing began in May.

Cayman has effectively eliminated the virus internally, though Dr Lee has said that cases do keep popping up and he believes we would need to see a run of at least two weeks after the last active cases are formally recovered before declaring that situation. But the CMO confirmed Friday that he is seeking a downgrade towards ‘none’ for Cayman regarding its virus level on the official WHO global infection chart.

The CMO also revealed Friday just how successful social distancing, wearing masks and the other protocols that have been put in pace to fight COVID-19 had been in cutting respiratory illnesses, such as the flu, here this year.

Statistics show that compared to 2018 and 2019, there has been half the number of cases in April and May during this year and only a quarter of the average cases in June.

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Category: Health, Medical Health

Comments (27)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Dr. Lee is starting to change the narrative to match government plans

  2. Anonymous says:

    Those who the ‘rona was sent to eradicate have been taken care of. Time to move on.

  3. Anonymous says:

    These are not statistically valid samples – hard core of people being retested and incomers. How on earth do you draw conclusions on whether the virus has been extinguished in the general population based on that sample set, when you dont have the assurance that anyone in the wider population would get picked up as all the positives appear to be asymptomatic? Before you go declaring the end of the virus in Cayman, pick a statistically valid sample of people and test them

    • C'Mon Now! says:

      Quiet down, you know we don’t like to do things that way.

      Remember when the Premier was declaring we must have 1,000 “active” cases in the community a while back based on equally poor sampling.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Honestly, I don’t believe these numbers. We open up within our borders and suddenly we have almost no cases?
    Now, they spring the “big plan” of opening our borders September 1st and we have many days of no positives…seems questionable to me. All suited to their agenda of having tourists come back.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Instead of repeatedly testing the same people they need to start testing other sectors! If they keep testing the same people over and over, of course the numbers will remain relatively low to non-existent.

  6. Anonymous says:

    I’ve had 3 tests since the pandemic because of certain circumstances – all negative thankfully. First test in April – results in 4 days (during the week); second test May – result in 24 hours (during the week); third test July as a hospital inpatient for an unrelated matter – result 3 days (over the weekend). I know someone who waited 2 weeks and upon follow-up was told the sample had been lost. They repeated and got results in 3 days.

    I guess it all depends on their workload but excessively delayed test results certainly don’t help the big picture.

  7. Anonymous says:

    There seems to be a discrepancy between what is being reported locally and what Johns Hopkins’s dashboard reports for Cayman. They’ve got 204 total with 3 active. Are they wrong or has the government failed to disclose one case locally?

  8. Anonymous says:

    How many of those were people who had never been tested before and how many are repeats?

    • Anonymous says:

      Unless you are being tested every day it matters not one iota. It’s all just for show.

    • Anonymous says:

      Frontline workers need to be continually retested because of the nature of their work and repeat exposure ON THE FRONTLINE. It shouldn’t be that hard to understand. Nobody said the CIG was going to test everyone.

  9. Anonymous says:

    500 more reasons to ensure that anyone coming to Cayman is properly quarantined for 14 days before being let loose on the community.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Cases keep popping up? I’d say 1 local transmission caught in 10 weeks is definitely not that.

    • Anonymous says:

      Big crowds at the bars in the past week should be worrisome more than some tourists laying on the beach.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Their timing periods and reports are odd. My husband took a covid test last thursday and is STILL waiting for results…tomorrow will be Day 5… as they said there is a “queue”, yet they are reporting here 500+ results of tests done “since” Friday….so what happened to test results before Friday?

    • Anonymous says:

      Very odd. I took a test and had my results within 48 hours as promised. Your husband needs to make some phone call if what you’re saying is accurate.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Yet people are still walking around in their foolish masks.

  13. BeaumontZodecloun says:

    This is REALLY good news. I don’t think we should assume it is all gone. Keep testing. So far, it’s been well handled, especially when you consider the rapidly changing field that the Government had to respond to at such short notice. We are SO blessed and lucky.

  14. Anonymous says:

    We have been SO lucky. I hope people really appreciate that, AND understand that our good luck can change on a dime with just one premature cavalier decision. Let’s keep Moses away from all of this please.

  15. Who does this make sense to? says:

    Excellent, we have just about eradicated the virus with three months of wallet and mental health depleting restrictions. Time to let potentially sick people in so we can go back to lockdown.


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