One positive added to COVID-19 cases

(CNS): One more positive case was added to Cayman’s COVID-19 tally on Tuesday, but there are now just seven active cases here and all of the patients are asymptomatic. Chief Medial Officer Dr John Lee reported that 319 tests had been processed over the last 24 hours, but only one sample was positive for the coronavirus, which was picked up through the screening programme, and contact tracing had begun.
Public Health Officials have recorded 201 positive cases since testing began back in March. However, 24,069 tests have now been conducted in Cayman, demonstrating that the prevalence of the virus and local transmission here appears to be very low. This is supported by the antibody testing now underway at Health City and the HSA, which so far is showing very low levels of antibodies here in those who have been tested.
And with the active case tally falling significantly and only 60 people now in isolation or quarantine, the government has almost achieved the goal of elimination of the virus.
Government has now reopened the economy and allowed people to socialise again, with some notable exceptions at local bars, but on the whole people are wearing face-masks in public and adhering to social distancing rules and broader hygiene protocols, which is helping to curb the spread of the virus throughout the community.
Meanwhile, news about the virus spread in the United States continues to be very bad. Today was another record breaking day for new cases, the fourth day in a row to break the previous record for a daily high.
More than 48,000 coronavirus cases were reported and eight states — Alaska, Arizona, California, Georgia, Idaho, Oklahoma, South Carolina and Texas — announced single-day highs.
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Category: Health, Medical Health
CNS,not sure if you’re aware that when replying to comments after clicking POST COMMENT button it takes you back to the top of the article and then you have to scroll all the way down to continue reading comments. Is there a way you could please fix this? Thanks!
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We need more ”corona” articles like this one
Good laugh is the best medicine!
Open the borders (but keep out the USA) so we can get off this rock!
Catch a repatriation flight and you’re good.
They are reserved for Caymanians who need a shopping trip
Nope, you can leave too!
Why are we doing about 1/2 the PCR tests that we were doing a couple of weeks ago. We should be doing more not less.
11:12 am:While front line workers will need to be re-tested, with the declining numbers of COVID in Cayman, there is declining demand from among frontline workers and businesses.
Testing is now available for the general population, who should now take advantage of it. Tests continue to be readily available and free.
Relying on self-selection is not a terribly reliable method of gaining information relating to the distribution of the virus in the entire community. Why not invite/organise for church congregations to be tested. I suspect that many churches would like to make that kind of contribution.
People were only willing to do it when they thought it would aid in getting them back to work. Let that sink in.
Biggest financially devastating nothing burger in Cayman history.
People in Cayman devastated as a result of contracting Covid-19? ZERO.
People Cayman devastated as a result of the measures to Covid-19, THOUSANDS!
You can stop waring your tinfoil hats (masks) people, it doesn’t do jackshit except to coerce you into political correctness conformity. Masks are the new PC, science and facts be damned.
CNS: You’re lagging on the right wing talking points. Sean Hannity, Fox & Friends, Republican leaders, including Mitch McConnell, and even Donald Trump are all now urging people to wear masks after months of mocking people for doing so. Of course, if you are still using Rush Limbaugh as your prime source instead of health experts (who use actual science) it would explain your position.
And the earth is flat, and JFK is alive and living with Elvis in the Himalayas, and the climate is at its coldest temperatures in a thousand years, and all the other drivel that is out there.
Nothing to see here: Just another self-absorbed, know-it-all, covidiot. Yawn.
You forgot to mention him being a Trumphole conspiracy theorist.
I am more interested to know why 350 elephants in Botswana have suddenly died after exhibiting what it looks like neurological symptoms. They walked in circles before falling on their faces. Something interfered with their vestibular system.
Poison, by local farmers most likely.
They checked for poisons. It happened in a national park.
Then poachers.
350 dead elephants, tusks left intact as well as bodies.
They died of boredom from being locked down too long.
Appears, however impossible to confirm, no cell towers of any kind in the National park. 5G antennas are placed on light poles, roofs, trees, so it is not the case in Botswana national park.
That’s a lot of meat
Why are we not testing parts of the population that have not been tested yet like lawyers and accountants, people on Needs Assistance, church memberships, and many others. If we want to understand the spread of this disease in the community re-testing the same people over and over is not going to do it.
9:29 am: Are tests not freely available to all? It is now up to the population to request testing, which is available free of cost.
As of today, Cayman, at approx 367,000 tests per million pop., is ranked third among countries with the highest number of tests, behind Gibraltor, in number 2 position, with approx 406,000 and Monaco, number 1, with 413,000 tests. Even the UAE has dropped to 4th place.
Note that the supposedly amazing US, with all sorts of resources we can only dream about, has so far accomplished only 106,184 tests per mil pop. I heard recently that the US is so overwhelmed that it is just about given up on contact tracing.
So Cayman is doing very well in testing.
Further, what has now started that will give an indication of the penetration of the virus is the antibody testing.
So far, the antibody tests are corroborating the state of Cayman based on low test results.
While we should not become complacent, the high number of tests combined with the continuing trend of one or two local positive reports and the outcome of the antibody testing, we really don’t need to be alarmed.
If everyone does his or her part in following the basic rules — wear masks, wash hands frequently, social distancing, staying away from crowds, we should come out of this ok.
Agreed. During the lockdown Public Health asked business owners to arrange for employees to be tested. Now Public Health have stopped doing that and are just allowing the public to book their own. Testing based on self-selection is not a particularly good way to do testing if you want to understand the distribution of the virus in the entire community.
From CNN this moroning,
A Southern California man who tested positive for coronavirus after attending a party expressed his fear and regret a day before he died.
Thomas Macias, 51, went to a barbecue last month near his community in Lake Elsinore, about 70 miles from Los Angeles.
Shortly after the party, he started feeling sick. On June 20, he posted a poignant message on Facebook to warn his loved ones about the risks of the virus, his family said.
“I went out a couple of weeks ago … because of my stupidity I put my mom and sisters and my family’s health in jeopardy,” he wrote. “This has been a very painful experience. This is no joke. If you have to go out, wear a mask, and practice social distancing. … Hopefully with God’s help, I’ll be able to survive this.”
He never made it. He died a day after that post.
9:24 am: Same for a man who went to India for his wedding. He was not feeling well but decided to go through with the wedding. He died a little after the wedding ceremony.
I never cease to be amazed how many stupid Americans exist in my country. Floriduh, Texas, Alabama and Arizona seem to have an extraordinary number of stupid people. How can wearing a mask and practicing social distancing be so difficult.
Hell. It has worked in the European Community and Canada but there is something missing in the American brain. I have never been so frustrated being an American.
For the first time in my life, I will be voting Democrat on November 3 as I can’t take the Trump insanity any longer.
Why can’t we know what district this person is from? If all these positives are from the same then lock down them.
We don’t have just 7 active cases, we have 7 detected cases and hundreds of undetected cases. That is why a few more are found every week.
And no one feeling ill and no deaths. Clearly not as dangerous as being portrayed by the media.
Tell that to the half million who are dead.
Drop in the bucket compared to cancer.
1) Cancer isn’t contagious.
2) Many forms of cancer are caused by lifestyle choices of the individual.
3) Cancer generally doesn’t kill you in a matter of days or weeks.
4) You’re a selfish idiot.
But cancer undetected because no one will go for routine checks because of covid…
not anymore, was just in to see my doc
Please study global population and global causes of death. Then comment.
I did. 500,000+ are still dead.
In a half-year, on pace for 1M+
You are right. The world should have locked down on 1 January and we’d still have those 500,000 people with us.
A fraction compared to malaria, suicide, HIV, tuberculosis, road accidents, liver disease, diabetes, diarrheal, neonatal disorders, digestive, dementia, respiratory, cancer and cardiovascular. These combine for 50 million plus persons per year. When one realizes the 500,000 have died from covid linked to x, y or z and the paranoia will go. What will happen is that in 2020 other causes of death will decline so that they can be attributed to covid. We should know, our one death had two heart attacks. We’ve had others die in Cayman, but not of covid. We’ve had people with covid, who not only have not died, they didn’t even feel ill. The virus is real, but must be kept in perspective. Wear masks, social distance.
“Appears to be low” is the relevant phrase. The current re-screening of people previously screened and the addition of a few new people is producing a rate of infection within the community at a bit less than 1%. That probably means that there are several hundred infectious people in our midst. That is not significantly different than the percentage found on screening in April and May. Please do not contribute to the false sense of security that encourages people to stop the complying with the required health measures. We are far from achieving the goal of local eradication and having the bars open is likely to take us farther from that goal.
It all started with just 1 infected person in China. Just 1 infected person caused it to be a global pandemic, so let’s not take it lightly because it’s in just 1 asymptomatic result.
You have put it so eloquently. Simple and yet strikes the nail right on the head.
I think we need another field hospital. Just in case.
Your sarcastic comments are always…reliably boring.
ACCURATE! Reliably boring!
Anyone want to buy some ventilators, or a field hospital? Going cheap.
Nottin cheap in Cayman Bobo.
Would you consider throwing in an Ebola tent?
The field hospital should be used for quarantine arrivals
Why is there no curfew? Lock it down Alden!
Your comments are also boring, you must be related to the above comment.