56lbs of ganja found by members of the public

| 30/07/2020 | 24 Comments
Cayman News Service
Cayman Islands Coast Guard

(CNS): Two different members of the public alerted the authorities yesterday to hauls of ganja they had found in local waters in two separate districts, which weighed a total of 56lbs. One person found a package in the water off Andresen Road in West Bay, while another found a package floating in the sea off Rum Point Drive in North Side.

The person who found the package, weighing 26lbs, in West Bay turned it into Harbour Patrol officers around lunchtime.

Then at around 5:30pm the members of the public who had found several packages of ganja in North Side called 911. Police officers went to the location and recovered four parcels, which weighed about 30lbs.

In both cases the officers contacted the Cayman Islands Coast Guard, who took control of the suspected ganja haul.

The RCIPS commended these members of the public for doing the right thing and turning these packages over to the authorities. Officials advised anyone who discovers any package that may contain illegal substances to do the same.

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Category: Coast Guard, Crime, Police

Comments (24)

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  1. Des Swanepoel says:

    Wow, as a kid I done sea cadet training. First thing you do when you leave the dock is clear the deck, all docking lines fenders etc. In a high speed response you will have the fenders bouncing all over the place. Fenders can be set in a matter seconds.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Is it full moon yet?….just asking for a friend.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Don’t worry about it. They will still be there when they dock.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Just legalize it. We could become a leading exporter of marijuana (Like Colorado) and profit HEAVILY off of it. Our economy would boom.

    • Anonymous says:

      Oh how I loved flying out to Colorado. Like how you go to flow and see cell phones under a counter, you saw the highest quality medical cannabis. Served to you by a professional who can provide usage advice ie migraines, sleep problems, depression, anxiety, pain relief, stress, etc. Also to cater to the taste and smell that you prefer.

      Such an industry would revive the Brac and boom the agricultural economy. Charge tourists sales tax.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Turn in??? Listen I would be set for a year! Lol if unna think every single package was turned in you fool.

    When we legalizing?

    • Anonymous says:

      We’ve seen hundreds of pounds show up at our shores weekly since the 80s. Cayman has a very, very large cannabis consumer demographic. Politicians need to be brave enough to campaign with it, but they fear losing out the older voters who have been subjected to the Devil’s lettuce propaganda back in the day. Somehow alcohol and cigs are fine?

      A wise man named Elvis once said, No weed, No vote! 2021

      • Anonymous says:

        20 year old Caymanian here – currently in University abroad with legal access to it. Thank GOD I do because I would’ve offed myself from the stress by now. It pretty much cured my depression.

        I haven’t registered to vote yet but the second a prospective MLA campaigns on recreational use, I coming home and voting.

    • Sladrianna4@gmail.com says:

      When the church minister’s association cracks the nod.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Smh what a waste

  7. Anonymous says:

    I am interested to know why the boat fenders are still deployed on that RIB.

    • Anonymous says:

      You expect any better from them?

    • Anonymous says:

      Hahahaha! Amateurs.
      Good spot 9:03pm!

      I don’t think they even know enough to be embarrassed.

    • Anonymous says:

      Maybe to protect the tubes or do you think the tubes are impervious to damage? They actually make fenders specifically for RIBs, but I guess they’re making do with what they have.

    • Anonymous says:

      Don’t worry about it. They will still be there when they dock.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Legalize it and stop the dealers. Easy.

    • Anonymous says:

      Govt will be monopoly dealer then. Your bright, spark.

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s really not that easy – it is a gift horse to organized crime and complicates the task of law enforcement. Gangs and cartels already own their marketshare and don’t just roll over and cede their industries or territory. Legalizing, legitimizes one of several operating revenue lines, giving them full access to launder funds from consolidated operations across the group, crystalizing their position in the industry and entrenching other illegal operations under the sympathetic banner of fronted weed sales. In every case study where marijuana was legalized, there was a matching uptick in more serious organized crime activity.

      • Anonymous says:

        A rise in cheese sales also saw a perfect correlation with a rise in divorces.

        By you logic 4:12 pm, cheese causes divorces.

        • Anonymous says:

          Maybe it’s illegal because there are powerful administrative actors here that are being paid to keep appearances and don’t want their casino/foundation/retirement supplements switched off by the entrenched donors. Hypothetically, they might stand to score an honorary doctorate or 6-figure consultation fee if they played their cards right. Maybe they’d sit on the Board of a Bank, whose Executives would later go missing. They might sell a plantain cargo ship for $400,000, run corrupt port facilities, or set up airline routes to hub narco country. Again, all hypothetical examples, obviously.

  9. Anonymous says:

    There are some serious issues in the North Side area. The level and type of trash in the area suggests that there must be a significant number of people sleeping rough by the ocean.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Lol I wonder how much they found and how much they turned in was the same


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