One COVID-19 positive added as active cases fall

| 24/06/2020 | 22 Comments

(CNS): Just one positive case of COVID-19 turned up in Wednesday’s batch of 451 screen test samples, Chief Medical Officer Dr John Lee reported, bringing the tally to 196 confirmed cases in Cayman of the coronavirus. Meanwhile, another 15 people who had previously tested positive were given the all clear, leaving just 26 active cases here now, all of which are asymptomatic.

In the last three days public health officials have processed 1,363 tests and found just one positive sample, and that patient’s contacts are now being traced. To date 21,733 samples have been tested.

Government remains confident that the strategies it has adopted, including the strict lockdown, the mass testing programme, contact tracing, isolation of all positives and the quarantining of returning residents, have largely run the virus down. With the gradual opening of the economy and the community, so far there has been no spike in cases and the hospital remains empty of COVID patients.

Restrictions on gatherings relaxed this weekend, allowing up to 25 people to meet, which meant that churches were able to welcome back their congregations for the first time since Cayman locked down in March.

Monday was also the first day when salons, spas and dentists were allowed to open and when caregivers and domestic workers were permitted back into people’s homes.

The Public Health Department will therefore be watching closely over the coming days for any signs of individuals becoming sick with COVID-like symptoms as more vulnerable people emerge back into society.

While other countries, particularly the United States, have seen significant spikes after many states began lifting restrictions, government officials here are confident that Cayman has been sufficiently cautious.

The government not only waited until very few positive cases were being reported and there was confidence that community spread had been curtailed, but it appears that the country was shut down early enough in the first place to prevent the virus from getting a major grip and did not open up until more than a third of the population had been tested.

As a result the government is hoping that the drop to minimum Suppression Level 2 and the end of the curfews will not cause any new infection surges and even more restrictions can be lifted next month.

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Category: Health, Medical Health

Comments (22)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Well, why wear it just to the grocery store? Your attitude is not completely pure either if you are not wearing the damn thing everywhere. I get looked at like a criminal if I’m seen by the roadside dumping my garbage without a mask but, I’m waiting for anyone that is stupid enough to approach me on my property. Quite sure you’ll walk or drive past there with your head straight after that encounter. As a previous poster said, it’s their body so leave them alone and stop going on like the world is coming to an end because of a virus that is not going anywhere right now. Learn to to live with it and take care of yourselves. Geez!

    • Anonymous says:

      Rule to live by: never assume!

      Answer: Because this is the ONLY place I go, capable of going to, at this time, being on short term disability…

    • Anonymous says:

      Anonymous at 3:04: take a chill pill! Firstly, you must not honestly think that you are required to wear your mask in your yard. No one has ever suggested that. In fact Cayman is WAY less strict than other places for regulating where to wear masks. You should wear masks in an indoor area where the chance of spreading the virus is much, much higher. And people who have the “it’s my body” philosophy should consider living somewhere other than a COMMUNITY with that selfish attitude. If you live in the woods on your own – do what you want. If you’re planning on shopping in the same store as others, wear your mask! Every part of your comment portrays a selfish, arrogant and ignorant view so I genuinely hope you are actually just being sarcastic, or that you’re a troll just fishing for a response like mine!

  2. Neverwannabeacivilservant says:

    Third request – when is George Town central Post office going to open?. Did the staff exhaust themselves licking stamps?.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Ok Kim, fair enough, but if you look at the number of thumbs down to your post, and the reply of the “trump wannabe” stating basically that they can’t make you wear a mask, you must admit that it did seem like you were against the safety measures put into place by the stores. I’m glad that this is not the case, and hope you agree that it is very little to ask of people for the sake of keeping this virus under control.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Kim -if those very important safety measures are such a problem to you, then please just DON’T GO. Have someone else go for you or get your shopping delivered. These basic measures are being adopted around the world for good reason. Please don’t put the staff in a position of choosing between the safety of everyone in the store, or avoiding a confrontation with a customer refusing to wear a mask. Think of what people throughout history have “endured” for the sake of others, and compare that with wearing an uncomfortable mask for a short while. It is simply not a big ask!

    • Kim says:

      I was simply asking a question. Is there a date in mind or will it come with Level !? You read too much negativity into a simple post.

  5. Anonymous says:

    So guess what happened when one of the Brazilian politicians got suspicious and demanded entry to a facility that was supposed to be housing the many victims of Brazil’s “outbreak”?

    Where are our politicians? Feeding at the trough.

  6. Anonymous says:

    I was injured for 2 weeks and had no choice but to wrap my hands in gauze and I had no trouble at any business whatsoever. Common sense prevailed everywhere.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Open up the three islands. Get Mo$e$ and his cronies off of their backsides – put Cayman Airways staff and pilots back to work.

    You also need to put in some plexiglass protection for your Cayman Airways staff in Little Cayman, as well as your air cargo staff in Cayman Brac.

    Very disappointed with the lack of proactive leadership and the poor implementation of safety measures by the Minister of Tourism, Mo$e$.

    Thank you CNS for your continued publishing of my common sense, straight forward views that many on the Sister Islands are afraid to express.

    Mo$e$, as Minister for District Administration, should in his position be able to direct PWD to procure plexiglass and associated supplies to be used by PWD staff (ie carpenters/carpenters helpers) – to make appropriate barriers for the various Government offices that are in the Sister Islands.

    Really don’t need to hear any bs excuses about all the different entities/departments/sections/etc – just get the damn stuff done – eliminate all the bureaucratic bs.

    I remain,

    Mo$e$ – Trump Wannabe

    • Anonymous says:

      Hear hear…..This 3 quotes rubbish for Government organisations is a piece of nonsense. Just hire someone that knows how procurement works and get on with it. Timewasting garbage.

  8. Kim says:

    When will the requirements of face masks and hand sanitizer before entering a store be discontinued?

    • Anonymous says:

      I read Legislation Gazette 45, Supplement 1 pages 8 and 9 (Wearing of masks in the islands).

      Seems like the implied loophole is that I can claim to have a medical condition, not wear the mask and the law specifies that I do not have to provide documentation for my medical condition – hence absolutely no reason to get an exemption from the Medical Officer of Health.

      I remain,

      M0$e$ – Trump Wannabe

      Note: CI Government is slack with what they are saying in public and publishing in gazettes.

      • Anonymous says:

        You pray you don’t get medical condition that would cause respiratory problems.

        Questioning validity of people’s statements that they can’t wear masks for they become light headed and near fainting is all time low.

        And you don’t have to be 79 years old with emphysema or heart problems to have difficulties breathing through a mask.

        Not everyone runs to a doctor every time they sneeze. Today, Many young and in their prime have chronic health issues they don’t go to doctor for, because modern allopathic medicine treats acute conditions with pills or surgeries, but absolutely useless when it comes to chronic conditions.

        • Anonymous says:

          I don’t know about the Trump Wannabe, but it seems like a good portion of Caymanians have chronic health issues that prevent them from wearing a mask inside public places. That’s fine, but the fact that they are putting my health at risk isn’t fine. Perhaps they should have proxies do their shopping or have their hair coloured and nails done in a place other than where they could infect others.

          • Anonymous says:

            My body, my choice. I have the right to choose to go out if I choose to expose myself. It’s my body!
            People value their freedom. They may become distressed or indignant or morally outraged when people are trying to encroach on their freedom. Be concerned about yourself, keep your distance or stay home. It’s very simple.

          • Anonymous says:

            Aren’t you a smart a$$!?

            So they shouldn’t put your health at risk, but it is OK to put their health at risk? Aren’t ALL lives matter?

            As someone who does have issues with wearing a mask, I still wear it while grocery shopping.

            Your attitude toward people is shameful.

            • Say it like it is says:

              1.17pm Yes, all lives matter, except in the U.S.

            • Anonymous says:

              A lot of the people who are saying they have a medical condition that precludes them from wearing a mask are people who just don’t want to. Their attitude toward people is shameful.
              As far as you saying All lives matter, that puts you in a dangerous demographic, starting with the fact that you’re most likely white and don’t believe that systematic racism exists. And if you’re Caymanian, I’m sure you’re not counting expats in your “ALL”.

    • Anonymous says:

      Probably not for a long time yet. Between asymptomatic local spread and COVID ‘sneaking in’ when international travel reopens (which has to happen some time) there is going to be a risk of COVID at least into 2021. Which means that ‘hand/airway sanitation’ is going to remain good/recommended/required hygiene for the immediate future. Don’t make any plans that don’t involve face masks and hand sanitiser and physical distancing. These things are now our normal.

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