COVID-19 active cases fall to eleven

(CNS): Chief Medical officer Dr John Lee reported Thursday that 533 negative samples for COVID-19 were processed over the last 24 hours and that 184 people have now recovered from the virus. This means there are just 11 active cases in Cayman at present, all of which are asymptomatic individuals. Since Monday health officials have reported results for 1,896 tests and found only one positive case.
Over the last week the number of active cases here has rapidly declined as positive patients get the all clear. And with a downward testing trend, few new cases are being added to the tally.
However, the test screening programme continues and 22,226 tests have now been carried out, leading to a running total of 196 confirmed positive case since the first positive and only one fatal case in Cayman on 13 March.
The antibody testing is also now underway at the George Town hospital and Health City, where they found the first person who had not previously had a PCR test to have the antibodies. However, the results so far are believed to be showing that those who are known to have had the virus are showing relatively low levels of antibodies and very few people in the wider population seemed to have encountered the virus.
Dr Lee is expected to be giving the first batch of IgG test results at Friday’s press briefing. Scientists around the world are still unsure how long the antibodies last or what level of protection they offer to individuals.
While the tests will prove helpful for epidemiological research and some understanding about the impact of the virus, at this point the tests cannot offer an ‘immunity pass’ to allow people to enter the country without posing a risk, nor can the tests yet help in the wider management or control of the spread of the virus.
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Category: Health, Medical Health
Covid has t reached here yet for some reason, no doubt trump will soon send it, beware
Now keep those borders closed! If we open to the US we’re gonna regret it.
No. Open the borders but just keep the yanks out. Forever.
That’s 83% of our stay over tourist dummy.
The CIG leadership, with months to think about this, should have tasked their Ministers to compile the full list of time-deprived fees and licenses impacted unfairly by COVID-19 lockdowns and applied an even extension to all of them. The Cabinet seems to be randomly picking and choosing which things get time extensions/relief and which do not. For example: why aren’t student learner licenses extended another 3 months? It’s not like they could have been taking lessons in a car?
Even the easy decisions seem to be ad-hoc and piece-meal. Why so hard to make the full list and apply an even-hand.
Until we are at 0. All it takes is one undetected positive case to negate all the work and sacrifice we have all made to get this far.
What happens when we get to zero?
Exactly. If anything the argument that we shouldn’t ruin our low virus position gets stronger the lower the number of cases. The problem is that we cannot manage the infection rates outside Cayman or count on the rest of the world getting to zero, but despite that obvious truth, have no plan for dealing with the economic consequences.
At the outset of the lock down we were following UK PHE advice with the objective of flattening the curve – reducing the numbers being hospitalized at any one time to levels we could cope with. Somewhere along the time that objective morphed to eliminating the virus in Cayman, and the lower the numbers of positives the more excited they got about achieving that, but without any real consideration about whether elimination was sustainable at an acceptable economic cost.
And here we are – nearly virus free, and unwilling to move from that bubble position to a curve flattened approach because no zero infection has become the primary goal rather than the management of an undeniable infection rate. If we had maintained the original goal we could slap ourselves on the back and get on with controls to allow conditional re opening whilst accepting that a certain level of infection was not only acceptable but inevitable. Instead of which Alden is holding out for the impossible – open borders, but with zero infection.
Like Caymanian unemployment, it’s never going to happen.
Yet still no plan (aside from an ignorant attempt at one by the Ministry Of Education).
Your mom’s boring.
Dead people usually are.
Not as boring as your comment. Those who fail to plan, plan to fail. Right now Cayman is imploding.
Cliche and boring.
The truth often is
More correctly 11 known active cases. Nobody knows the number in the community that have not been detected.
Simply a world class result!!
We live in the best country in the world.
banon, we are not a country. We are an Overseas territory or a colony. Just a fact.
The education system in the Cayman Islands is very poor. So many people think we live in a country.
Joe spoke for me! Congrats all but let’s not get complacent. The virus can come back as quickly as its resurging in many US states.
If EVERYONE wears masks when they’re out and about That should keep us all safe.
And how long do you want to keep wearing the masks? How many negative tests , amongst front exposures at that, will it take before you think its no longer necessary to have 100% of the population wear masks?
People are supposed to be distancing. It’s not just a buzz word, it’s legally defined as 6 ft.
Everyone? “It is extremely important to note that the CDC specifically states that “cloth face coverings should not be placed on young children under age 2, anyone who has trouble breathing, or is unconscious, incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove the mask without assistance.”
Open the borders then!
no and that’s final
Selfish and ignorant.
That’s right! lock those Caymanians abroad out! To hell with them and their families!
12:51 dramatic much? Caymanians can come home. No one is keeping Caymanians from coming home, some may have to wait a little longer for availability in the government quarantine facility, but even that is a minor set back.
Open the borders? Florida with a population of 21,500,000 has 21,385,000 who have not contracted the virus. 21,497,000 who have not died from the virus. June death peaks are below May’s, which are below April’s. We cannot risk opening up with such terrible odds. One thing we know for sure. Statistics were not taught in Aldens $100,000,000.00 schools.
Yes let’s open the borders so we can get hundreds of new cases and make no progress at all. You could always take a canoe
Now keep the borders closed until the numbers drop in the US.
…and Canada, and UK…still spreading everywhere even as countries that should know better are “opening-up” and relaxing too early.
True. 700 cases in Kingston Ontario all contact traced to a single strip mall barber shop where frontline staff were infected and working – and that’s just since they reopened on June 16.
Canada and U.K. have made substantial public health progress in the past month, however, the U.S. is going the opposite direction especially in states such as Florida, Texas and Arizona. Trumpites there are more preoccupied with their friggin free speech and the right not to wear a mask than the public health of their societies.
As a result, their hospitals are overflowing and death rates will start going up dramatically next month.
We have an American tragedy unfolding before our eyes because of the lack of leadership in Washington.
While I am grateful that we have been able to reopen within our boarders and so many people have recovered…I must admit I am a bit suspicious. For weeks, during our lockdown, period we had positive cases every day (many locally transmitted), when hardly anywhere was open for business. Suddenly, as we reopen we have almost a week of no cases. Just seems to be a convenient coincidence and like there is a hidden agenda at play. Time will tell I guess.
Repel those boarders!
I used to buy books there.
6:30 I agree with your comment. I have also been a tad suspicious with these sudden negatives.
Ignore these spelling nazis, errors happen from time to time. Your comment is valid and many are having similar feelings, myself included.
Allow gyms to reopen ( with distancing etc). Arbitrary to wait ten more days, just to be stubborn…
This is positive news right here! Lockdown worked, people complied, and the Frontline workers really deserve a around of applause!
Excellent work GOV and HSA! Shout out to CIEMS.