Two front-liners positive for COVID-19

(CNS): Two people in public facing jobs have tested positive for COVID-19, as well as a third sample from a contact of a previous positive patient. The three positives were from the batch of 224 tests results reported by Chief Medical Officer Dr John Lee on Tuesday. Giving his usual daily update on testing, the CMO confirmed the two positive screening samples were not healthcare workers but in other front-line jobs and had acquired the virus in the community.
Dr Lee said the continued presence of the virus in the wider community was why any re-opening on Grand Cayman must be phased so the authorities can measure any significant resurfacing. But increased testing would inform further decisions.
The CMO explained that these latest community acquired cases of coronavirus would not necessarily derail the phased re-opening. He said that would depend on the number of positives that turn up over the coming weeks in relation to the number of tests that are negative. He said the screening tests allows for the removal of those who are positive from the front-line into isolation and for their contacts to be traced.
But given their public facing roles, that could prove more difficult.
While the results were, as Governor Martyn Roper said, of concern, they were not unexpected as the test numbers continue to ramp up. Cayman has now tested over 2,750 people, with 78 positive cases. Dr Lee also revealed a significant increase in those who have now formally recovered from the virus, which was up from ten yesterday to 30 today.
There are now 45 active cases of the virus but 35 are asymptomatic and just eight people in isolation or quarantine who still have symptoms. The two positive patients in hospital at Heath City Cayman Islands are both suffering from other health problems but not with the virus.
Dr Lee said that a decision had been made to release some of the ‘long stayers’ from the government’s quarantine facilities despite problems achieving a fully negative test. He said that following discussions with officials from Public Health England, and weighing concerns about their mental health and being over cautious when it is unlikely that they are still infectious, they were released.
Dr Lee said in each case the patient’s viral load was exceptionally low and they had been quarantined for weeks, well over the recommended 14 day isolation period.
Hazard Management Cayman Islands Director Danielle Coleman confirmed that 365 people have passed through the five government quarantine facilities since they opened and they are currently housing 125 people, including the 12 military personnel from the UK.
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Category: Health, Medical Health
Wonder if our Agriculture Show may have been a source of covid19 spread without us realizing it? Note that Mardi Gras was held in New Orleans the same week and was attributed for the outbreak in that city and neighbouring areas.
Just musing.
Seriously doubt patient zero is actually patient zero. We’ve probably been infected since early January if not earlier and were well on our way to herd immunity before we locked down. How many thousands of visitors did we have during that time?
A lot of people were sick in Jan, Feb and March.
How many people died here over the past 4 months and were never tested? I can think of a very famous local that died in early March from respiratory complications…
Doubt we will ever know…
The simple fact of the matter is that the entire world is headed towards war.
This viral “outbreak” was merely a catalyst that has exposed the fundamental differences between the Communist regimes and traditional democracy.
Unfortunately, the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) has infiltrated practically every government, educational institution, industry and western pursuit with their aggressive, unregulated hegemony and no shortage of politicians, scientists and regulators that can easily be controlled.
The police states that have spawned as a result of this virus-related event shows us that there is collusion between the red dragon and its communist sympathisers in our governments.
Cayman is not immune, nor Jamaica and certainly not the UK. The only significant force in the world currently capable of resisting this communist vacuum is the patriotic faction of North America who refuse to abandon the freedom conferred on them by their constitution.
There are pockets of resistance in Europe such as Hungary and Poland, but the main nations have already been compromised
China will continue to bait Trump until they can draw him to Taiwan.
If you get your pension funds, it will be a waste of time putting it in the bank because it will be worthless soon. Put your money into security, safety and provision for yourselves and your families. One thing this “pandemic” has taught us is that we cannot rely on the government to look out for us.
Conspiracy theorist who has been spending too much time in the dark recesses of the Internet ALERT!
No hes/she is right.
BOBO’s Listen up, yall thinking conspiracy are fake news.
Go into your bathroom and look all the products you use and research each chemical on the package. EACH ONE, then realize you absorb that through your skin.
Now if you won’t drink it, why do you think it’s ok to put it on your skin?
At least if you drink it your liver can process it.
No wonder people in Cayman are so anti conspiracy, nerve damage from the food and chemicals making everyone no more intelligent than the masses of iguanas we killed.
Wake up kiddies(as unconscious adults) the revolution is here and the first soldiers are the new generation.
Does this mean Oswald didn’t really shoot Kennedy after all? And 9/11 was really a US attack on its own soil so that they could get Iraqi oil? And Bill Gates is really trying to implant mind control devices in all of us? And that the coronavirus is really caused by 5G? And that the US has really built concentration camps in the US to put ordinary folk? And that global climate is really a hoax so that scientists get funding? And that the US knew the Japanese were going to bomb Pearl Harbor but didn’t let the military know so that the US would have reason to enter the war? Oh my God! I’ve had it all wrong for so long! Tell me: Where do you get this news?
911 was staged. 5G is a weapon. Bill Gates is an evil. Don’t know about Kennedy. Oh, yeah, Americans never stepped on the MOON.
Believe in what suits you, I believe in what I believe.
Flat earther? Anti-vaxxer?
Probably just not a sheep. Free speech is still alive…until it is quenched. Truth, however, will remain forever.
Free speech by those who think that carrying AR-15’s into the streets and the state legislature is a smart form of protest.
Yea, we really trust freedom fighters when they hide behind 250 year old edicts that were meant to protect against the lawlessness of the day.
We will also trust lunatics that think Lysol and bleach can be injected or swallowed to kill Covid-19.
Face it, the US, or rather it’s President and his dumb followers are not the ones to trust. I’ll go with education and common sense thank you.
Red China is calling.
Common sense is calling
OK, boomer.
Truth seeker? Not sheeper?
Alden is free to state this view isn’t true.
CNS: I changed the link to the Reuters article that your link was largely based on because it’s a more reliable source.
Another 3 positives making a total of 78. It would be interesting to know how many of these positives were transmitted by the initial cruise ship passenger, how many are returning residents, how many via contact with these two groups and how many where the source of the transmission from the community is unknown?
Tell us where the front-liners work or contact tracing does not work!!
They won’t. They even were pissed that stupid very vague map was leaked. They want us locked up.
At least the could say… a shopping center or a fast food joint. Easy to keep it vague but still let us know how many more we will see. If it was a grocery store, we are F K U E C D
This is what I asked for weeks ago but received thumbs down!!!
It’s just you.
If they said that it was a police person, what good would that do you?
If they said that it was a fireman, what good would that do you?
If they said that it was a supermarket cashier, what good would that do you?
Contact tracing is about the infected person saying who they had extended, close interaction with in the past several days.
Not that you walked pass the RCIPS office in the street. Not that you waved hello to that fireman when you passed in the supermarket parking lot. Not that you spent a few minutes getting checked out by that cashier.
Seems to me that some persons just want to know to simply be nosey and have something to gossip about.
Trust the infected persons recover fully.
Um, if it was kirks or hurleys it would mean a hell of a lot to me.
Why? What would you do? Be even more scared than you already are?
not shop there
Did Alden declare a State of Emergency?
Not sure where you’ve been…back in March, the Governor exercised the Health crisis powers conferred by section 34 of the Public Health Law (2002 Revision), and Cabinet created Public Health (Prevention, Control and Suppression of Covid-19) Regulations, 2020, in response.
34. The Governor may make regulations for-
(a) the closing of schools, cinemas and other places of public entertainment;
(b) prohibiting the holding of any public meeting, procession, or festive ceremony;
(c) the medical examination of all persons residing in or entering any infected area and for the disinfection, inoculation, vaccination, surveillance or observation of persons suffering from an infectious disease;
(d) preventing any person from leaving any infected area without undergoing all or any of the following: medical examination, disinfection, inoculation, vaccination, surveillance or observance;
(e) the removal and accommodation of persons who are suffering from an infectious disease, and persons who have been in contact with such persons;
(f) regulating the entry or departure by aircraft, boats or ships to or from places in the Islands and the landing and disinfection of passengers or cargoes thereon;
(g) the administration of quarantine;
(h) the vaccination or inoculation of persons residing in or entering the Islands not already vaccinated or inoculated and the supply and quality of vaccine matter and serum; and
(i) any other purpose, having for its object the prevention, control or suppression of infectious disease, and may, by Order, declare all or any of the Regulations so made to be force within the whole or any part of the Islands.
on what scientific basis?????
What scientific basis? The CI Government like the US and UK almost certainly relied on Mr. Neil “Fraud” Ferguson a British scientist that produced the models in February that now has the world in a Global recession, heading for a depression.
The irony is Mr. Ferguson got caught BREAKING the very social distancing rules (visiting his married side chick), that he recommended for the UK and Cayman by extension and was forced to resign yesterday. Lol
So one can assume our CMO, Dr. Lee, who has a background in “Pain Medicine”, followed Mr. Fraud’s recommendations, he is just a messenger, he and the CI government, like many other countries relied on faulty models, but they will never admit it.
Enjoy the new Technocracy, we are now being run by Medical bureaucrats not the people we elected.
Alden has done nothing.
You have done less
Wendy, can you please ask the Governor if the Cayman Islands can get a copy of the HSA COVID-19 tracing app being rolled out on Isle of Wight? It should be pretty easy to use the cellular data to contact trace and test those that may have been in contact with those frontline staff now presenting as positive. This is how South Korea, New Zealand, and Australia are managing their testing effort.
Not subscribing to that Big Brother shit, not me.
As with the download of any app, it is voluntary.
Hilarious that you believe that.
All these weeks of confinement are taking a toll on my ability to rationalize the necessity of the continuing lockdowns on Sunday, the inability to work, the arrival of UK security and a war ship with additional helicopters patrolling our peaceful shores for law breakers. I am subject to whatever madness the government will throw at me from week to week based on a perceived threat of a virus that has yet to cause any real concern here. Even if we manage to get to Phase 5 (end of June) it seems it might only take a few positive cases of the virus to show up again and the government will shut us all down and I just can’t go through more months of anxiety and uncertainty. I am planning my escape from what has become a most unfortunate and disturbing turn of events where politicians want us to believe they are protecting us but I am made to feel like I have done something wrong and am a prisoner. I do hope I get paroled so I can leave Cayman because I would rather risk catching the virus anywhere else I may end up rather than live my life locked away. At my age life is already too short. A Caymanian.
I couldn’t have said it any better:
“I am planning my escape from what has become a most unfortunate and disturbing turn of events where politicians want us to believe they are protecting us but I am made to feel like I have done something wrong and am a prisoner. “
You would be right. This is all starting to unravel.
Phase 5 end of June? Government deciding on whether to close airport till 1 September.
Are we flattening the curve or eradicating this virus? A vaccine is 6 months to 10 years out. We cannot lockdown indefinitely. Interesting herd immunity will take hold in the US and UK and we will be left vulnerable until a vaccine is found. Great Logic Alden and Doctor.
We could get WORC to issue permits to bring in a herd for 6 months and then we will all be OK.
Oh wise one, please tell them what they should do.
We can, and have, suppressed community transmissions, by closing our border for the foreseeable. If you don’t like it, or can’t abide it, please flee this “tyranny” to North America or Europe and get some of that herd lung perforation/stroke/death you so seek. Some people won’t understand what’s happening in the rest of the planet until they are laid out and fouling themselves on a gurney. Myself, I’ll take my sofa, thanks!
News out today that less than 350 of those who died in the UK are under 45, yet they have killed the economy. Poverty will kill more than this disease.
…even if that stat were true, and I sincerely doubt it, does that mean the lives of people over 45 should just be written-off, to give way to YOUR twisted self-interest?
No it means that under 45s should be voluntarily allowed back to work to kick start the economy. Why do you doubt the stat? – do your own research. The elderly can shelter in place.
9.47 – are you a civil servant sitting at home on your backside getting paid to do nothing?
…when people think they know more than the experts…smh
The experts don’t agree with each other…
@ 8:17 pm; And you KNOW “A vaccine is 6 months to 10 years out.” Gee…… maybe you should take over and run the show for us!
Many many experts globally say it is 12 months at best or 10 year to never at worst. This is fact it sadly an unknown when and if it will come.
So yes HOPE for the best ( a Vaccine by February ) BUT plan for the worst..e.g what is the back up plan to opening up one day with no vaccine??
Governments around the world have been warned by experts not to place all hopes on a quick vaccine!
Caymanians have put their faith in God. While they hide from God. Poor planning I think. Just me.
If you believe that ‘herd immunity’ in the UK is taking hold with 30k deaths and rising, and in the US with 73k deaths and rising exponentially with the lunacy of an uncontrolled opening in some states, then you are delusional.
In the next few weeks the US will witness death on a massive scale, 3000 citizens per DAY and rising rapidly. How much death will be acceptable when it’s your mother, your granny or your child that dies, suffocating alone and terrible pain?
20 million private sector jobs lost on US last month, who on earth will be able to afford a vacation in ‘paradise’ when this is done and who the hell will want to fly anyway?
Of course lock down can’t remain indefinitely, but our borders will stay shut for many months, probably into next year. Because with the US putting pathetic ‘freedoms’ before the lives of their most vulnerable, we won’t be welcoming US tourists any time soon.
Cayman has also been its own worst enemy over many years. Tourism and finance are the most vulnerable of all industries during periods of international crisis, and we have put all of our eggs in one basket.
Even if we manage to rid these islands of Covid-19, as unlikely as that is, why would we then open the gates to 350 million people who could bring sickness and death to our most vulnerable?
These are tough times and my freedom to choose good health and a long life counters your right to earn money or walk a beach.
Man up, suck it up and prepare for the next cluster f**k instead of spending everything or making bad decisions.
Relax, Some run and hide, some don’t. It won’t matter in the long run will it. Taking out the economy to hide will matter in the short run. Looks like the plan is to destroy Caymans economy to maybe save a few unhealthy and obese entitled ones. That plan is working. Cayman will once again be a place where only a few poor Caymanians are living. Then the UK will take it back and it will be a better place for the real owners.
So….. we should now be told where do we know if we were also there? Only logical in contact tracing??????
What the hell kind of English is that?????
It’s English from a person suffering from the stress of being locked down.
Good point. But is still don’t understand it!
They’re just tested positive for “Genetic Material”, which would be present in most people if they’ve recently caught a flu or virus.
The inventor Mr Kary Mullis, of the PCR, Polymerase Chain Reaction test which the government has deployed, said before he died the test SHOULD NOT BE USED TO DIAGNOSE INFECTIONS DISEASE.
People wake up!
Thank you Dr. McLaughlin.
Go back to sleep, people. It’s just another paranoid conspiracy theorist ranting again.
9:15pm ranting, please prove me wrong?
i saw 3 policemen in front glass house..walking in public..less than a foot apart? no masks or gloves? no
social distancing? why not?
Probably Jamaican.
Perhaps they know this is all a farce.
“Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth”, is a law of propaganda often attributed to the Nazi Joseph Goebbels.
Increased testing, soon come.
We have already broken the top 20 internationally on a per capita basis and are in the early days of rollout. I think we’re doing better than you think with what we have.
Well behind Bermuda …
If no people in front line jobs tested positive, we wouldn’t have the virus!
I get it: 1+1= 73.
Why not?
How can they just keep these people in quarantine indefinitely? Why did it take public health England to get the goverment to release these people after they held them locked up for over 24 days? Worried about people’s mental health – you bet! It appears that the goverment here are just afraid to make any decision so easiest way is to just keep everyone on lock-down and that way you can’t go wrong. Once the economy is completely destroyed what happens? Hurricane season less than a month away, how will this be handled?
They don’t know what XXXXX they are doing.
I’ll tell you how we’re going to handle hurricane season: We are going to build a wall to keep hurricanes out and we’re going to get the Mexicans to pay for it.
A wall ? To keep the hurricane out ? What were you considering for a roof ?
Only if Jamaica pays for it.
6 feet please!
Please and thank you!
Arbitrary figure, just like 14 days and face-masks, completely meaningless.
Your uniformed drivel is meaningless.
And 6 feet.