Cayman economy inching open

| 29/05/2020 | 197 Comments
Cayman News Service
Premier Alden McLaughlin at Friday’s press briefing

(CNS): The Cayman Islands Government has drawn up the next set of curfew orders to replace those that expire this weekend, offering a glimmer of hope that almost all of the lockdown measures put in place to control the spread of COVID-19 could be gone before the end of June. All retail stores and the entire construction sector will open Monday, and a week later restaurants can open outdoor dining. Premier Alden McLaughlin said Friday that the country was moving into the rebuilding stage.

“Our testing results continue to indicate that whilst the virus is still amongst us, because of your efforts and sacrifices we have so far been winning the fight against it,” he said at Friday’s COVID-19 update. These efforts meant that people could “slowly emerge from our homes and to move about and feel a bit safer in doing so”.

Nevertheless, the first easing of restrictions, which will be implemented Monday, is confined to the opening of shops that do not involve close contact, real estate agents and construction, along with the relevant supporting trades.

Public gatherings are still restricted but from Monday everyone will be able to exercise anywhere, including on government walking tracks, any day for up to two hours. The public will also be able to play open air non-contact sports, such as golf and singles tennis, but not doubles.

The hard nighttime curfew will remain in place with just an additional 30 minutes of freedom, starting at 8pm and ending at 4:30am instead of 5am.

But things will change more on 7 June, when outside dining will also be allowed and up to six people from different households will be able to meet and share a table under strict criteria.

The hard curfew will be eased completely during the day on Sundays from 7 June, with the Sunday trading anomaly addressed by allowing everyone to use gas stations and mini-marts on Sundays, regardless of their name. The start time will also be extended in the evenings to 10pm, with food deliveries allowed an additional hour. Outside restaurants will be permitted to open until 9pm, giving people time to get home by 10pm.

However, families and friends will not be allowed to visit each other’s homes, as government moves to allow people to begin gathering in very small groups but only outside. “Our private homes have been, and should continue to be, the safest place for us to be and so gatherings in, or visits to, other households are not permitted,” the premier said.

In relation to exercise- a person will be able on and after 7th June to exercise with five (5) other
persons who are not members of the person’s household up for no more than 2 hours per day,
between the hours of 4:45 am and 9 p.m. This includes engaging in open air non-contact sports,
subject to any conditions which may be imposed by the Competent Authority.

Also from 7 June people will be able to exercise on a beach, swim in the sea and fish from the shoreline on any day.

Many other current restrictions will remain in place over the next three weeks, as well as the daily limited attendance at banks, supermarkets and all shops by name. The premier said all office-based businesses will remain on lockdown, as he encouraged employers, especially in financial services, to keep allowing staff to work from home.

The latest orders remain in place until 21 June, when Cayman can finally expect to drop to level two suppression, which will ease many more restrictions.

However, this will depend on the success of the next three weeks and the continued testing programme to monitor any surge in cases and stop the spread. Government is hoping to test a quarter of the population by the middle of June. Physical distancing, face and hygiene measures, as well as masks will be required to keep people safe, as more and more people interact, McLaughlin said.

“People must remain on their guard,” the premier said, adding that they should carefully consider when to leave home.

“If we continue to have the success we are having to suppress the virus then the plan is for us to move to Level 2 – Low Suppression on 21 June, which will then see a further easing of restrictions and continued expanded provisions under the guidance of the Level 3 mission and, of course, the advice of our medical experts,” McLaughlin stated.

At Level 2, the government expects the risk of the virus will be low enough that there will be an unlocking of high-interaction and high-touch businesses and services, a gradual increase in public gatherings and the return of external childcare in the home.

“I am sure this will come to the relief of many parents and guardians who have been working at home while home-schooling,” he said.

In an effort to support the domestic tourism market, the government may also open up hotels and condos for staycations.

“Over the next few weeks, these and other activities will be reviewed to ensure that when the public health situation permits, we will be ready and able to move forward,” the premier added.

See Friday’s press briefing on CIGTV below and the new regulations on the government’s gazette pages when they are available.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    And hair product, makeup, coffee. My CUC bill was +$100 but I have made adjustments since.
    And speaking of CUC.. They need to step up and give us a break.

  2. Anonymous says:

    They are ALL accessible by email.
    Why would you think they would want to miss an opportunity for income?? Anyone for that matter!

  3. Elvis says:

    All i know is i wont be going anywhere this year.

    The premier and team have done a great job. economy needs to be working or it will get worse and worse. we just have to be very mindful when restrictions are lifted and keep our masks, social distancing and party moods to a home gathering for a while longer.
    kiss goodbye to 2020 folks is all im saying if it saves your life.

    • Anonymous says:

      I won’t be going anywhere either – unless they open up the Sister Islands to Grand Cayman.
      The overall economic situation is screwed and most of it is out of CIG’s control. Cayman is dependent on the U.S. the large majority of its tourism and the numbers won’t be there this year for sure. It will probably take years for the U.S. economy to recover sufficiently enough to bring stayover tourism numbers back to where they were last year. And that’s assuming the current divisive crisis in the United States doesn’t escalate, which I’m afraid is no guarantee. Lines have been drawn, people are digging in an the culture war is threatening to become violent for the long term. You have armed rightwing “boogaloos” threatening to incite a second civil war in the US. It could get very ugly there and that won’t be good for tourism. However, the rich will want to flee that kind of upheaval, so Cayman would be well advised to pivot toward attracting the wealthy because that may be our best bet for tourism in the near to medium term.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Have they ever discussed offering a break on stamp duty rates to support the real estate market? Sorry if they have and I’ve missed it. I was in the middle of purchasing a home when this happened and I’m not sure if I want to proceed as I do not know how prices will be affected but a stamp duty waiver incentive would certainly sway me and I would think the same for other buyers.

    • Anonymous says:

      CIG still has to generate revenues having no personal income tax, so better to have the stamp duty remain than have income tax. The property market will come back in 3 or 4 years unless we get hit with another Ivan.

      Don’t drop the stamp duty.

    • Anonymous says:

      The real estate market will come back in a few years. If one was negotiating the acquisition of a property earlier this year, one should certainly seek a much lower price than the asking price last year.

    • Anonymous says:

      The government has lost many of its revenue sources. They aren’t going to give up another one.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yet they were happy to give up 13% tourist accomodation tax to wealthy foreigners sitting out this pandemic in our beach front condos. It would be nice if they cut stamp duties that actually helped Caymanians and not foreigners! Just for this special occassion…

        • Anonymous says:

          If wealthy foreigners are sitting in “our” beachfront condos, they own them and don’t have to pay tourist accommodation tax. Such small-minded, entitled pettiness …

  5. Anonymous says:

    all ok with your personal economy Adart…you’re disgusting eh?

  6. Anonynomus says:

    Soon another crisis is on the way n that is economic crisis which is for sure going to harm more people than covid , sorry to say but the gov is too scared with COVID-19 n forcing the people of this island to live under the fear.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Exactly. Let 1 nanny watch 5 kids from different households. Ridiculous rules by the premier.

  8. Anonymous says:

    I understand people calling for Premier and MLAs to take a pay cut. Even just to show solidarity with ‘their’ people as they keep calling us. I guess it’s up to them at the end of the day and they can decide to show how much they really care with their actions. However can someone straighten this out for me? Has McKeeva Bush really been on full pay throughout this whole period of time since he allegedly but definitely beat on that poor lady? I’m no political whizzkid but the fact he still directs parliamentary agendas despite this being unlawful and also that his court case keeps being delayed yet nobody seems to be calling him out on this speaks volumes about the true level of compassion from the premier and all MLAs. Please tell me I’m mistaken. I find this greedy and downright evil and cannot comprehend how people of God can let this be. If found guilty when this eventually goes to court it would go a long way if Mr Bush gave back to the community the monies he has received since being accused. I do apologise if I have my facts wrong. I still feel this cannot really be true.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Folks you realize that this is complete political theater at this point right?

    The “highly contagious” virus that doesn’t even get people sick WAS NOT flattened by these clowns.

    If you think a “deadly” virus is controlled by only allowing a certain amount of people with masks with gaping holes on each side of their faces, by the alphabet letter of their last names, then slowly growing gathering to a max of 4 people, and only allowing 6 people in liquor stores, and wearing designer masks made of cloth, and opening certain restaurants…. ….. YOU SERIOUSLY need to think AGAIN. Now is the time for critical thinking. PLEASE!

    This is absolute buffoonery! This is not science, this is complete crackpottery. Listen to the press briefings, these guys don’t know their heads from their ass.

    It’s the Alden and JonJon comedy is what you’re seeing, except it’s really not funny, and much MORE suffering is underway because of these FOOLS!

    All Alden and his gang of highly paid bunch of disconnected elitists living in a bubble did was to decimate the economy and destroy people’s lives, whilst being offended when Wendy dared to ask them the question whether they should take a pay cut so they can at least begin to identify with the lives they destroyed. PERIOD. That’s all they did.

    I’m not blaming Alden for shutting down, as the world around us was shutting down., What I DO blame Emperor Alden for is taking on this nonchalant messianic approach to people’s economic circumstances in doing so…. This all financial considerations are expendable idiotic approach! (Except –>HIS<– economic circumstances of course).

    Every single day, they should have been thinking that someone else's income was destroyed and what measures could be done to REOPEN at least the local economy. But NO! Every day was spent trying to figure out new ways how to eradicate business to it's bare minimum. AND IS CONTINUING TO DO SO even today, and instead of admitting full on that this corona has virtually no impact at all on anyone in Cayman, he and his clan of buffoons continues to pretend that they have been saving all of us. BULLSHIT!!

    What an imbecilic and incredibly moronic approach, and he and his clan of f*ing clowns should be thrown out of government! ALL of them! Hopefully this happens next May!

    The shutdown should have been weighted with extreme consideration to the economy and people's incomes, and only kept until we knew this Corona had a virtually insignificant effect in this country WHICH IS EXACTLY THE CASE!


    • Anonymous says:

      To add insult to injury: Beyond the current economic devastation, no decrease in civil servants or their pay, government fees and taxes will go up for all of us to cover government budget shortfall.

      • Anonymous says:

        And who will be harmed the most out of all of this? The people who needed their income the most….

        Alden would have gain more respect, had he stopped his paycheck on day one, until this shutdown was over.

        Not for punishment, rather to reassure everyone being devastated by their loss of income, would have had at least the reassurance that decisions causing extremely catastrophic financial havoc, were not made by a bunch of out of touch, very financially comfortable and morally supreme bureaucrats, thinking they are singlehandedly saving us from ourselves


      • Anonymous says:

        Alden and the MLA’s can still do the right thing.

        Take the past two months salary, and future salaries going forward, from ALL MLA’s, and donate it to the cause directly until Cayman is fully reopened. I am certain charitable organizations can manage this cause can use the 250K per month. [Very likely much more than this amount]

        That should be an immediate 600,000 CI by end of June and well over 250K per month going forward until the shutdown is over.

        MLA’s have mortgages to and bills to pay? Then why don’t you take some of your own medicine? Call the banks and ask to delay your mortgages payment like you are FORCING other to do…

        That will go A LONG WAY to help everyone who are the worse off because of this.

        The reality is probably they will ask for a raise for compensation for the extra hours they had to work…

        • Anonymous says:

          Come to think of it…. I have NEVER heard of them taking a reduction in the monthly gravy from their trough.

      • Anonymous says:

        The decision will have to be taken next year on whether to decrease civil servants salaries or implement an income tax.

        There will be no other ways to deal with the budget deficit which will become massive as America sinks into a depression in 2021.

    • McCarron McLaughlin says:

      Well said.

    • Anonymous says:

      Spot on! And clearly 10 MLA’s voted this down…

  10. Anonymous says:

    So…. as long as a nanny brings the kids to a bar they don’t have to be 6 ft away. Hahaha. What a load of BS these new restrictions are.

  11. Anonymous says:

    People have to learn how to social distance from training. It is not normal. Theoretically you can do anything that does not allow you to breath in air(and possible virus) from another person. If some one is in a small room for a while and leaves and you go in by yourself you could get it and be social distancing. If you are out on the water paddling by yourself you would not. It is human breath that is the enemy not the human. If people can learn this and act accordingly then we could go back to more normal rules. Please learn people so we can go back to a functional economy.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Hard Curfew – thumbs up,

    Mo$e$ Trump wannabe

  13. Anonymous says:

    I agree it’s time to let those on the island mingle – so many are doing it anyway now – but there shouldn’t be a rush to open the borders. US consumer spending hit a record low last month – a drop that was almost twice the previous record low set only the month before. At the same time, Americans are putting money into savings at a record rate. Those who think Americans – who make up more than 85% of Cayman’s tourists are coming back here in any significant numbers before the end of the year (at the earliest) are delusional. The risk-benefit of letting in the drive and drabs who might come before the end of the year isn’t worth it. But given how well Cayman is doing, I hope we can start getting more freedoms back on island – that is the carrot Alden has been dangling in front of us after all.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Who the hell gave inside out magazine permission to drop garbage on everyone’s doorstep today? So stupid! If the delivery guy is sick we all sick!!

  15. Anonymous says:

    Does anyone know why it is essential that someone go door to door on a Saturday delivering “Inside Out” magazine and touching everybody’s door handles?

  16. Anonymous says:

    The Minister of Health’s role is to make the Premier look competent. In this light, the Minister has done an excellent job. Indeed, most have been fooled into thinking the Premier actually knows what he’s doing.

  17. Anonymous says:

    “from Monday everyone will be able to exercise anywhere, including on government walking tracks and the beach, any day for up to two hours.” CNS, could you please double check this? My understanding is that beach for exercise on any day does not begin until June 7.

    CNS: Yes, you are correct.

  18. Anonymous says:

    We will open up when Alden realizes he’s the fool of the Caribbean. So basically, never.

  19. Anonymous says:

    You are not missing anything. The regulations clearly state that in Grand Cayman you can only use a boat if fishing (and from 7th June such fishing boats can congregate, with limits). In Cayman Brac you can use a boat for pleasure. Whether that is what the regulations meant to say is another question. More generally, the regulations are poorly drafted and become more and more internally inconsistent and incoherent each time they are amended. Some might say that CIG could not draft its way out of paper bag….

  20. Anonymous says:

    Is a game of golf subject to the two hour exercise time limit? If so, I guess people won’t be playing 18 holes……

  21. Frustrated says:

    Get a lawyer. Oops, sorry, all their offices are closed!

  22. Anonymous says:

    So what if I want to have 3 people over for a swim? How is that different than forcing me to go and buy booze from a bar just to see friends?

    • Anonymous says:

      Boycott the Liquor they are suppressing natural remedies (cannabis) that provide similar/same darnicle high!!

  23. Anonymous says:

    We are at Level 3 now. What is next week and the week after? Level 2 1/2 and Level 2 1/4?

  24. Anonymous says:

    I read the regulations and it looks like I am still not permitted to use a boat for leisure on my own in Grand Cayman, but fishing boats can congregate in groups. WTF? Am I missing something?

    CNS – could you confirm this at the next press briefing and, if it is correct, ask why?

    • Anonymous says:

      They actually used the term leisure in the press conference so I will be out on the boat this weekend just not at the closed locations and with my family of 4.

      • Anonymous says:

        Commissioner corrected his mistake. You cannot take a boat out for leisure in GCM. Take a fishing line with you.

    • Anonymous says:

      Just have a handline on the boat, problem solved

    • Anonymous says:

      I also see that it says for leisure- so we will be out on our boat on the 7th.

  25. Anonymous says:

    If only the significant number of those who are illegally on the roads, beaches and who have avoided social distancing had actually complied with these orders in the first place.
    We may never know if we were incredibly lucky with the infection load or if these orders worked. But if we had suffered a major lethal outbreak, the Cayman Islands would be a different place today thanks to those who never had any intention of complying with the law.

  26. A. says:

    Dear CNS, I have a question, is there anywhere I can get advice other than labour board regarding work related issues, my place off work want me to return full time even though I have no one to look after my child and they basically gave me an ultimatum to find a nanny by next week or lose my job. I desperately need advice on my options

    CNS: This is the email for Labour Department Director Bennard Ebanks
    If I were you I would send him an email explaining your dilemma and copy it to the Department of Commerce Director Ryan Rajkumarsingh
    because your employer is asking you to do something that is currently illegal, i.e. get a nanny
    and also copy to the premier because making people go back to work but not allowing them access to childcare is something that I’m guessing is affecting many people right now.
    If anyone has any other suggestions, please jump in.

    • Anonymous says:

      What a horrible situation you’ve been put in! I feel for mothers as we have taken on more duties only to be shown this much disrespect from an employer?! Sad. Thank you CNS for the advice.

    • Caymanite says:

      I also know of a young man working for an offshore bank for past 5 months who although still on his probation period & working from home since lockdown was terminated this week. He has no recourse as he had no permanent contract but expected to at least get compensated for time worked. However he was not paid for last 42 days he worked. Govt still giving these types of bosses status just because of their position so they can boast that their company is headed by a Caymanian. You wait until the good young men like this one get enough and join forces with the bad ones. Anarchy.

  27. Kim says:

    Yep. We ain’t seen nuthin yet. With the continued lockdown on offices under the ignorant and idiotic assumption that all workers can successfully operate from home, combined with the governments failure to extend the furlough period, there will shortly be a further huge increase in the number of redundancies as another 3 weeks will finally kill of all those businesses that are struggling to survive now.

    • Anonymous says:

      Lockdown orders at this point are a complete government overreach. Consequential economic destruction and destruction of personal wellbeing. It is time for the population to disregard government’s iff-advised rules and regulations.The government measures are not proportional to the threat and in many cases are incoherent, ineffective or irrelevant in light of the fact that there is only 1 symptomatic case, nobody in the hospital and not a single COVID death.

      • Anonymous says:

        I agree with you and if we really had a virus here it would be a lot of dead people.

      • Anonymous says:

        will you pay my fine? SMH

      • Anonymous says:

        Did you ever stop to consider there are such a low number of cases because the actions taken reduced the number?

        • Anonymous says:

          We rank 20 out of 35 in the Caribbean for deaths per population. So NO!

          • Anonymous says:

            So you want the play the “Trot out the Ridiculous Statistic” game. OK… Cayman didn’t haven’t had a single resident die. That means we did better than every other country in the world when it comes to per capita deaths of residents – 0%!

        • Anonymous says:

          How do you explain the low number of deaths throughout the Caribbean? Ten countries have no deaths at all. You think that’s Alden’d doing?

        • Anonymous says:

          Yeah. Banning sunbathing is totally stopping the spread of the virus.

    • Anonymous says:

      Don’t knock working from home too much, in many cases it works better than being at an office and more efficient. Many companies worldwide have made it permanent, this has contributed to reduced commuting, less traffic and less use of public transport. Quite the win win.

      • Anonymous says:

        I have used less than $20 worth of gasoline in the last 10 weeks. I have undoubtedly walked more miles than I have driven in that time.

      • Anonymous says:

        And your office displacing some utilities on you.

        • Anonymous says:

          It is offset by the money saved on gas for most people.

          • Anonymous says:

            Not to mention the life expectancy is longer because they aren’t risking their lives driving on these roads everyday!

            • Anonymous says:

              And all the exercise people are getting. I never saw so many people walking, running or cycling here EVER!

  28. Anonymous says:

    Health minister excelled himself again when asked about the government Covid adverts appearing on bus stops
    ,’hmmmmm aghhhh don’t know about them’

  29. Anon says:

    Why can’t at least 25 family members attend a funeral when church can hold 250 comfortably?

    • Anonymous says:

      Because everyone hugs each other, there are tears, runny noses, followed with loud/wet scotch talking, and touching.

    • Anonymous says:

      Because 24 of them could get infected right there. Then they go home and bamm! The whole family and friends get it. Could be up to a hundred in no time and one of them might even feel sick.

  30. Jake Spellings says:

    Alden the fool. He likes to tell everyone in the private sector that they can’t make money, but he has bills to pay, so big Mr Alden keeps his $17,000 per month salary (which us peasants pay for). Alden has cemented his legacy as an authoritarian fool. Not the best legacy to have on a tiny island. Vulnerable people can self isolate. This virus has a death rate of less than 0.2%, which is basically the same as the regular flu. We shut down everything and took away everyones rights for the flu. It’s easier to fool someone than to convince someone that they have been fooled (someone is all the morons in cayman who support these lockdowns).

  31. Anonymous says:

    When will helpers go back to work ?

    • Anonymous says:

      June 22, if all continues well.

    • Self reliance says:

      Why don’t you try taking care of yourself.

      • Anonymous says:

        Why don’t you try to think of something else besides just yourself? The question is for you as everyone else knows the answer. If you are taken out by the virus no one else would even care. Seems sad but it not is it?

      • Anonymous says:

        I’m going to assume you’re a man. Who has no children. If you do, your poor baby mama has no help.

      • Anonymous says:

        i have a disabled child, need a helper as looking after her is a 24 hour a day job…..

        • Anonymous says:

          I thought caregivers had been allowed since the beginning, you just needed to request the exemption. Hopefully you get some assistance soon.

    • Anonymous says:

      They’ve been working this whole time.

  32. Anonymous says:

    You are all sheep being punished for your ignorance. If they can simply quarantine the world, why can’t they simply quarantine the infected? Wake Up! There is a globalist motive behind all of this and it’s not to protect you!

  33. Anonymous says:

    Firstly I think the government has done a preety good job especially is you compare us to other countries (not that we are a country and we are alot smaller community).

    As we move forward, I’m a bit confused about restaurants and bars opening with a limit of 6 people at a table and 8ft apart but we aren’t allowed to our friends or families homes with restricted numbers, you can go into any retail store but not a restaurant and sit 8 ft apart, doesn’t make much sense.

    As a industry owner I think we could have waited a couple more weeks and allowed home visits first, let home visits and all water sports.

    Another one is that are fitness instructor still aren’t allow to operate, I understand not indoors yet but surely government could waive certain restrictions allowing them to operate in small numbers of course social distancing on the beach of public open areas.

    Let’s see how people behave now.

    • Anonymous says:

      My understanding about home visits, is that your home is and should be your sanctuary and safest spot for you. Your germs and those of your family are the only ones there. Once you introduce someone new in, their germs have no invaded your sanctuary. I’m happy to meet someone outside 6 ft apart, but no one’s coming into my house unless there’s an emergency, so don’t even ask.

    • Anonymous says:

      Actually it has not even done a good job compared to other Caribbean islands. Alden has had two chances to lead this country. Both times he’s ended his term with arrogant misguided decisions that have lead to economic decline.

    • BeaumontZodecloun says:

      Agree. There are inequalities that will probably not be resolved. Still, I support your primary message which is that — in spite of everything rushing at them without warning — the CIG has done a pretty good job of responding. We are now in a position of reopening gradually without the rush that we previously faced.

      I am looking forward to trying to salvage my business. I think it can be done. We’ll see.

  34. Tired of dumb says:


  35. Anonymous says:

    too much does not make sense. what are curfews achieving btw???

    • Anonymous says:

      The curfew orders make it easier for the police to catch those unable to follow simple rules.

  36. Anonymous says:

    “The premier said all office-based businesses will remain on lock down, as he encouraged employers, especially in financial services, to keep allowing staff to work from home” Keep allowing staff…! So basically because you think we can work remotely, no matter how disruptive it is to our business, we have to keep doing so and running our business sub optimally, whilst hundreds of construction workers can mingle on a site? We cant have people working at desks, but you can have construction guys working in close proximity? people shoulder to shoulder in AL Thompson? And real estate agents – those generators of value added – can go back to their office based work, but not the financial services sector. Real estate another primary generator of GDP, eh?, and something that absolutely has to be done in person, even though there are no overseas buyers? And I guess that will continue even whilst our overseas counterparts are back to office work, so the working from home schtick will go from “well everyone is on the same boat” to “its just those Cayman dudes because they are not as well organised as anyone else”. (I already have BVI competitors appearing on Zoom calls from their offices, whilst the Cayman guys are in their spare rooms .

    Hell, you cant even herd 19 MLAs through the voting lobby to get essential legislation to protect the financial services industry – really like a couple of days work for these fat cats paid for doing jack – but you have zero problem in sending every construction worker back to work and an helpful hint that planning permission is wide open too. Good luck with having construction and local retail pay all the fees that keep you in trips to Monaco and your double dip pensions. We tried to get additional work permits and get some renewed, and were told no way – not a priority. But finishing off an off plan condo for some overseas buyer who may never set foot in it is? .

    Call me a cynic. but it seems your policy choices are driven by a combination of what is easy and what you think you can get away with. and you cant get away from the lobbying o the developers of the real estate moguls. You do realise that if we can work remotely, sooner or later the financial services industry will wake up to the fact that we can work remotely from other jurisdictions as well, and ones that have way lower fees , cost of living and work permit fees?

    • Anonymous says:

      If you asked me to pretend to be a cocky, smug, self important financial-services fat cat, I would have written something exactly like this.

      Just curious, can you actually articulate why it is your business is disadvantaged by you working at home when the BVI guy gets to zoom from hi office and you’re in your spare room (the horror!)

      As someone in your industry I am embarassed on your behalf. As much as I roll my eyes whenever someone responds to a comment with “if you don’t like it get out”, I find myself moved to write it to you. I hope you take your own suggestion and work in another jurisdiction. The tone of your email is petulant and patronising. If you have a convincing case for an inmediate need to open offices why don’t you make it without resorting to petty insults.

    • Anonymous says:

      You’re not only a whiner, you’re a professional whiner!

  37. Anonymous says:

    Okay kids! Stay home.

  38. Anonymous says:

    Well done ! I was counting to pull you up on your number of weeks but you’re ahead of the game 👍

    • Anonymous says:

      Why on Earth is this post getting thumbs up ? It makes absolutely no sense on it’s own, – not that it matters but it should have been tagged to another post (possibly my mistake) to register any coherency. The crux is what are people thinking, if anything whilst at the keyboard, COVID 19, the pandemic of many revelations.

      OP, a concerned citizen for mental well being of humanity, stay well people

  39. Anonymous says:

    So can my nanny meet my kids outside?

    • Anonymous says:

      Seem so

    • Anonymous says:

      In theory if your nanny meets up with one child in a public place for the purpose of exercising and stays 6 feet apart then she can “meet a kid outside” (for up to two hours) in the same way she could “meet” any other person for exercise (but you as a parent couldn’t be there as that would make an exercise group of three people not from the same household). Makes it tricky if the kid is young – how do they, unaccompanied, get to meet the nanny and how does the nanny stay six feet away from the youngster?
      From 7th June (when the number of people exercising together is increased from two to six) she could meet up with more than one of your kids and with you. Obviously still a bit tricky for the nanny to stay 6 feet away at all times if the kids are young and you wish to depart and leave the kid(s) in the care of the nanny for part of the exercise period.
      But if by “outside” you mean in your own yard (or for a period of more than two hours), the answer is no. The default position for everyone remains mandatory house arrest. Although we enjoy some exemptions from mandatory house arrest, a member of one household going to another household (even if just the yard and not indoors) is not a permitted exemption.

  40. Gary Butler says:

    Why from 4:30 am? Why not until 8:30 PM?

  41. Anonymous says:

    Long may the oppression continue. All hail King Alden.

  42. Anonymous says:

    With all that’s happening in the world today, which is overwhelming to say the least, I would be grateful if I could hear from the premier if he still believes he can have 14 clear days with no positive results for Covid-19 because I was led to believe that June 2nd marked the day for the beginning of Stage 2. What is the plan? How depressing if it’s like another 6 weeks or more to the “all clear” especially if hospitals continue to be empty and nobody is sick (which is a good thing don’t get me wrong). Are the actions of government proportional? I am waiting for all the comments concerning the premier’s reasoning behind diving continuing to be banned.

    • Anonymous says:

      Remember that goal is virtually impossible with flights bringing in people from overseas. While they are isolated and out of the population, we have had many returning residents test positive. The most important thing is 14 days of no community transmission results. Those connected to travelers I can live with that.

      • Anonymous says:

        Many? You mean to tell me you can’t state the actual number out of a whopping 140 persons?

    • Anonymous says:

      Because its very “unpleasant..” divers sharing masks, snorkels and saliva! Not sure what kind of diving Alden’s used to!

      • Anonymous says:

        Why is diving different than snorkeling? Mask and mouthpiece present the same issue
        This regulation is stupid. Just rule no rentals and be done with it. All of us wanting to go diving have our own gear and willing to pay to go out which will be helpful to the diving operators (if anyone is still in business) crazy!!!

  43. Anonymous says:

    I thought my home country government is incapable. Just wow.

  44. Anonymous says:

    So what, this way only the strong will survive!

  45. Anonymous says:

    The charade continues…

  46. Anonymous says:

    Why 8pm for one more week! Laughable. In fact that applies to the whole approach now.

    • Anonymous says:

      What are you planning to do from 8-10pm with bugs biting, no gatherings, and nothing open? People will complain about anything.

      • Anonymous says:

        I dunno, go for a run after I have finished work, eaten dinner and put my kids to bed? Why shouldn’t I be able to do this? There’s no legitimate public safety reason why not.

        • Anonymous says:

          I agree! Just stay clear of the roads. The gov only care about this virus that hasn’t killed one resident but they don’t give a crap about the many bad drivers each year that do.

  47. Anonymous says:

    So are we moving to Level 2.75 and then 2.5 or is it Level 2.5 and then 2.25 or is it Level 3 version 2.0 and then Level 3 Version 3.0?

    • Anonymous says:

      We aren’t moving. We are on 3 dude. Just gave us more things to do within they phase

    • Jotnar says:

      Except on days with an “e”in them, in which case people with names in A to L can meet in groups of 8, provided always that the people outside the family group have not met with anyone with an M to Z surname in the last 3 days, unless they were construction workers, but only if they had been tested for Covid.

      The damn rules are ow so complicated there is zero chance of any RCIPs constable being able to remember them -even the Commissioner seemed a bit confused about what happens on June 1st versus June 8th versus June 22.

      Magistrate Valdis may well say that ignorance of the law is no excuse (albeit he then completely ignores the difference between hard and soft curfew penalties in the regulations when sentencing) – but there has to be a limit. Even the Premier cant work them out – remember how he flip flopped when asked of the 6 person limit applied t the people outside the family group or the total size of the group?

  48. Anonymous says:

    Can we please today see the precise details of the Level 2 suppression that we will enjoy on 21 June (assuming all goes to schedule). After all, I presume the Government actually has a plan and knows what Level 2 is, rather than just making it up on the Friday before….

    • Anonymous says:

      It would be June 22+ if all goes well, and they talked about some of those ideas in press conference, if you’d bothered to listen.

      • Anonymous says:

        Thank you. I did. There was some outline waffle on a few possible areas of further relaxation. I want to see the detail of exactly what restrictions will and will not remain in force from 22 June (if all goes as planned). I don’t think it is unreasonable for the public to be fully informed about the precise details of the next step well in advance rather than a day or two before changes come into effect. After all, each revision of the Regulations introduces new and different crimes and the public should have longer than a day or two to digest and understand the detail so they don’t run the risk of inadvertent arrest. As demonstrated this weekend, both the Commissioner and the Premier can be confused about what the latest regulations do and do not allow and presumably they have been studying them for weeks…..

  49. Anonymous says:

    Great. So I can meet with another person if I’m playing golf with them. I can meet with 5 other people if I’m the relatively confined space of a boat or a bar/restaurant deck, but I can’t meet anyone in my yard. You couldn’t make this s**t up……

    • Anonymous says:

      And I can meet with another person (soon come 5 other people) as long as we are all standing 6 feet apart on the shoreline with fishing rods in our hands…..

    • Anonymous says:

      Depends on the size of the boat – you can’t have more than 6 people – all distancing 6 ft – on a boat. That’s a big boat.

    • Anonymous says:

      To say nothing of the fact that you can seat 6 people side by side at restaurant, but you cant play doubles tennis or a foursome at golf. Or you will be able to have six people on a boat irrespective of boat size, but cant go diving with a buddy. Or you can raft up with other boats, but not at the Sandbar or Starfish Point, because they are higher risk areas for some unspecified reason. Oh, and you can open your outside terrace as a restaurant, but only if you get your table plan approved first by curfew time, even though its pretty damn obvious what keeping tables 8ft apart and no more than 6 at a table means. There is a real reluctance to let go. God only knows when the masks will go, and as for the airport opening….As it is it look like we will have to prise the hard curfew out of the cold, dead hands of the CoP – did you see the look on his face when he mentioned what MAY happen on June 22nd.

  50. Anonymous says:

    2 more weeks, 2 more weeks, 2 more weeks, 2 more weeks, 3 more weeks, bankrupt

    • Anonymous says:

      2 more weeks, you’re still alive to complain.

      • Say it like it is says:

        7.16pm and exactly how many residents have died to date, in fact how many have had a mild cough?.

        • Anonymous says:

          What planet are these commentators living on?

        • Anonymous says:

          And the guy that died was first hospitalised for a massive heart attack. Was in the hospital for days before they found out he had Covid. Be interesting to see his autopsy result as to the cause of death.

          • Anonymous says:

            How do you know it was “massive?” Considering he lived for a week after being brought to the hospital, it doesn’t sound very massive to me. More like, Covid brought on the heart problem, as it’s been shown to do in many cases.

      • Anonymous says:

        Along with everyone else in Cayman that had / has COVID-19 but didn’t know they had it.

      • Anonymous says:

        So we are all guaranteed life for two more weeks? Thank you Heysus.

    • Anonymous says:

      That was the plan from the beginning

    • Anonymous says:

      Open up, open up, open up, open up everything, massive spike in infections.

    • uglybanana says:

      open now, great money in the bank, 2 weeks later dead

      • Anonymous says:

        Prove it or shut up. If you want to hide from your work responsibilities than please do so. We will be ready, able and needful of going back to work and making a living and a life for ourselves. Your life, your choice our lives, our choice.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yeah, just like all those already tested positive – dropping like flies – oh, wait….

    • Anonymous says:

      Not for Alden…he’ll be doing just fine.

      • Dr. Doolittle says:

        and can can get his hair cut.

        • Anonymous says:

          Im sure he can bring a barber to his house and we wouldn’t know anything about it

          • Anonymous says:

            Exactly. Speaking of home visits…. any news on the MOH investigation?

            • Anonymous says:

              You actually expected something to come out of this? It was a white wash from the beginning, they only went through the motions of an investigation and it will end just like McKeeva’s alleged drunk woman beating…delay….delay…delay….then ’poof’ never happened

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