600 more COVID-19 negative tests reported

| 04/05/2020 | 77 Comments
Cayman News Service
CMO Dr John Lee at Monday’s press briefing

(CNS): Cayman recorded just one positive COVID-19 case among Monday’s test results from the latest batch of samples taken from across the community. That positive sample came from a contact of another positive person, while 600 other results were all negative. But Chief Medical Officer Dr Lee urged people to wear masks and continue frequent hand washing and social distancing because the virus is still among us and the odd case keeps popping up.

The CMO said it was vitally important to keep paying attention to social distancing and asked everyone to wear a mask in a public place. While government has not yet mandated that in law, he said that as the chief medical officer he was now directing people to do so.

Dr Lee also said it is now much easier to get a COVID-19 test, as he urged anyone with possible symptoms to immediately self-isolated and then call the flu hotline to arrange a test.

Cayman has now tested over 2,528 people, which places the jurisdiction among the world’s top testers per capita. There have been 75 positive cases here since the outbreak began and 14 people have now recovered.

Just two people with the virus are currently in hospital but they are both at Health City suffering from other health conditions and showing no ill-effects from the coronavirus. Another 31 patients are still battling the virus at home or in government quarantine, while another 27 remain asymptomatic.

To date, the only person to die of the virus was ‘patient zero’, a cruise ship passenger who was was taken to Health City after suffering two heart attacks aboard the ship and later proved to also have the virus.

Dr Lee confirmed that leaked data about the virus spread, which was circulated on social media on Monday, comprised internal government documents and was part of a whole batch of information that was being collated for a planned public presentation.

However, the CMO said that the map was not something he felt should be in the public domain. Although people from all districts have tested positive, he believed that the small numbers in some placed patients at risk of identification and potential stigma. Dr Lee said their privacy overrode the public interest.

The map gives only a snapshot of where those who had tested positive by 25 April lived and shows no unexpected numbers regarding the spread, as it largely reflects the population density of the districts, with the bulk of the cases being in West Bay and George Town.

The CMO did share some of the demographics of those who have tested positive and the most common symptoms (primarily a cough which was present in 73% of patients in the Cayman Islands) and the comorbidity conditions of those who have become sick, which was topped by people with hypertension.

As public health officials ramp up testing, a bigger picture will emerge about the spread of the virus on Grand Cayman in the next two weeks. However, a major clue that Cayman is not suffering from significant community transmission is the lack of very sick people presenting at the hospital and the very limited number of hospital admissions.

Meanwhile, with no reported cases at all on Little Cayman and just one on Cayman Brac, the Sister Islands are soon going to be released from lockdown.

Dr Lee said that 92% of the population on Little Cayman has now been tested and all of the samples have been negative. Around one fifth of the population of Cayman Brac has also been tested and another 200 or so samples are in process. If there are no new positive results, the curfew restrictions on both islands, starting with Little Cayman, are expected to be lifted in the next few days.

See the full briefing on CIGTV below. Dr Lee presents the latest statistics near the beginning of the briefing but reveals additional numbers towards the end.

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Comments (77)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    3 things gonna happen.
    Lock down for eternity (Virus isn’t going away, we have a few trillion viruses inside of us all the time). *When you think this one is over 10 new ones will pop up.
    Humans all gonna die
    People gonna realize this has been a manipulation of governments for hundreds of years and a new way of tyrant governments has started WW3 aganist the people.

    Enjoy your rum and turtle

    This shit is just the start

    • Anonymous says:

      Can you please go back to the dark recesses of the Internet and your New World Order conspiracy theories and leave us rational people alone? Please?

    • Anonymous says:

      three more today wait till next week amd the week after we have openee

  2. Anonymous says:

    Ok. Let us go to the beach then.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Ohio deaths per million: 91 population 11.6 million
    Michigan deaths per million: 415 population 10.9 million

    States with similar demographics and a shared border. Both with large industrial cities.

    Both locked down a day apart.

    difference between states: Nearly 500%

    You can do this all day long with state comparisons, or country comparisons.

    • Anonymous says:

      Ah, but why? Is there a difference in the adherence to social distancing guidelines? Is it because DeWine’s leadership is respected more than Whitmer’s? Is it because of Trump’s attacks undermining Witmer, a Democrat and possible Biden VP choice? Is it because Americans, especially in states with high numbers of industrial workers, still don’t trust women leaders? Is it because there’s a higher susceptibility in Michigan due to race or genetics or education? Is it because of the difference in spring weather? Is it because there is better health care in Ohio? Comparisons are great, but they don’t mean much unless you ask the question “why?”

      • Anonymous says:

        Basically none of the above.
        Here are some far more likely explanations:
        1. Chance
        2. Whether it got into any long term care homes.
        3. Differences in how deaths are classified – obviously the statistics can be skewed either way – particularly deaths where the person was in significantly bad health but covid was just the final nail in the coffin. Also people will die for all the usual reasons they die – cardiovascular disease, strokes, cancer etc – some of these people could have asymptomatic cases of covid which may not have caused their deaths but they can be counted as covid deaths.

        • Anonymous says:

          While options 2 & 3 probably play a role, those kinds of differences in the virus outcome are not a result of “chance.” And ignoring the effects of social distancing with the different outcomes is not based in science or mathematics.

      • Anonymous says:

        The answer to why is the total lack of federal leadership from the stable genius in Washington. The Governor of Michigan applies the law on social distancing and Trump encourages an insurrection by saying “LIBERATE MICHIGAN”. That’s really helpful to the Governor he calls “that woman”.

        Of course, he says nothing about Ohio because the Governor is Republican.

        George Bush said it correctly on the weekend, “the partisanship on the coronavirus issue should end”. He was immediately attacked for saying that by Trump. The why is called TRUMP. A total lack of leadership at the highest level.

        • Anonymous says:

          Considering the numbers and the trend that predated anything Trump may have said, clearly no.

          Besides, Ohio is having it’s own insurrection as many states are without any help from Trump.


          I don’t think your TDS answer is very scientific. Predictable from the TDS crowd, but not scientific.

          • Anonymous says:

            And your response isn’t very scientific at all either because the large majority of science is at odds with what you’re hearing on Fox News. And global warming is a hoax, right?

            • Anonymous says:

              My answer doesn’t have to be scientific, it doesn’t take a scientist to see that you have stage 4 TDS. Your response doesn’t say anything about the disparities in Michigan or Ohio, it’s just another boo hoo Trump pout. How old are you? 12?

              • Anonymous says:

                Ah… my response about the “disparities” (which is an interesting word to use for “differences” because they way it is used, it often carries a negative connotation) between Michigan and Ohio was posted at 10:25 above. And I’m “boo-hoo” about anyone who disregards science for any reason, including religion, political alignment or just plain stupidity. I’m guessing that you fall in the second category – a blinded follower of Donald Trump, Fox News and Republican dogma in general. But you failed to answer the question: You’re a global warming denier, aren’t you? Are you afraid of answering a simple question?

                • Anonymous says:

                  I honestly did not think you really expected an answer to the global warming question, since we aren’t talking about global warming and it’s a stupid question. Sorry, TDS deflection denied. There is no scientific answer required to your question because you don’t really have a question nor an answer to the state to state comparison. You seem more interested in feeding your TDS obsession. Donald Trump has gone along with all of the scientists that have rejected the Sweden and Asian models that contradict strict lockdowns. You see, all reasonable and common sense inferences are possible when you don’t view everything through an idiotic political purity lens. Keep hiding under your bed.

                  • Anonymous says:

                    Just as I thought. You won’t answer a simple question that will let everyone who reads your drivel understand exactly who you are and what your about. But we both know the answer. None are so blind as those who won’t see – or who are blinded by political propaganda as you are. I have voted Republican and I have voted Democrat. I’ve worked on two campaigns in my life: both Republican. I get my news from multiple sources, almost all from reading – including several non-American sources. What I know is that Donald Trump is a sick man – it’s beyond his being immoral, which he most certainly is. For him, the presidency is about feeding his insatiable narcissism. For those who make excuses for him, it’s about power and greed. He has made American the laughing stock of the world. In the end, I have no doubt that America will suffer more cases and more deaths per capita than all civilized countries while he continues to politicize a pandemic. He is the exact opposite of what the leadership America needs right now. And you are complicit. Really, try reading something other than right wing propaganda.

              • Anonymous says:

                2:43, Your man Trump is a total buffoon. 12 year olds are smarter. Today he visits a Honeywell mask factory in Arizona and what does he and his entourage wear? Trump wears goggles NOT / NOT a mask and the rest of his group wears nothing on their face while all Honeywell people in the plant wear masks.

                I think you are 5. Oh maybe you are 6. Your President is simply a buffoon with the leadership skills of your little toe.
                Time to get a brain 2:43.

              • Anonymous says:

                It does not take a scientist to now see that Trump’s policies in regards to testing and contact tracing is leading America into suicidal stupidity.

                Testing has finally worked in Italy, France, Spain, Germany and Canada and now Trump is opening up and abandoning testing and tracing. He thinks we are exceptional as Americans. WE ARE NO LONGER EXCEPTIONAL.

                As an American, I must say we are being screwed by the suicidal maniac leading us with the coronavirus crisis.

                Mourning in America has arrived.

          • Anonymous says:

            So Trump supporter here is a fact.

            There are currently an average of 1,750 deaths a day from coronavirus. Today the Centre For Disease Control said that by this time next month the average will be 3,000 as the spreaders are free in so many states now.

            You will never hear this from Trump as it does not fit in with his happy talk that started in January, continued in February and continues today in Arizona with Trump.

            Trump says widespread testing is not necessary. What a fool. Testing gives us information and without that information we are screwed. No doctor will deny that.

            What is the big deal to wear a mask? Believe the science, the proof is there.

            Do you really believe that what George Bush said was wrong?

            Believe you are so blinded by your stable genius that you can’t see reality and will not believe the science no matter what the science says.

            • Anonymous says:

              The only relevant testing is antibody testing (there are a number of accurate tests available), swab testing doesn’t actually test for COVID-19 infection, it’s tests for RNA, you know that right?!

              Masks breed bacteria and induce viral and bacterial activation.

              The sun and heat kill COVIS-19

              You have more chance of dying from most all other illnesses/accidents than actually COVID-19 (have you done the maths?)

              You’re still naive enough to believe the CDC figures…. you know they just reduced them by 30,000 right…..??

              You talk about science, but it doesn’t appear you’ve actually studied it.

              Critical thinking would be a benefit to all…..

              • Anonymous says:

                Another ill-informed Trumper: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/cdc-death-figures/
                As a matter of fact, the White House UPPED its total of 60K because they had to when it went to 65K. Now it’s double that. You can’t do any critical thinking if you’re getting your news form wherever the heck you’re getting your news.

                • Anonymous says:

                  Now America is at 75K deaths and growing by nearly 2,000 deaths a day. In a month it will be 3K deaths.

                  America is lost.

                  • Anonymous says:

                    If it’s growing, that would actually demonstrate that the lockdowns didn’t work…Any deaths would have been people infected during strict lockdowns that ultimately died. But by all means, stay locked down indefinitely, you are probably a drag during ordinary times anyway…

                    • Anonymous says:

                      It’s growing because American didn’t stay locked down and instead had automatic-weapon-toting idiots in tactical gear protesting the “hoax.”

                    • Anonymous says:

                      The 2 states where the lockdown was put in place first were New York State and New Jersey. Over the past week, one can clearly see a drop in new cases in those 2 states.

                      However, in Florida and Georgia where they loosened the lockdown rules 10 days ago the numbers of new cases are going up every day.

              • Anonymous says:

                Stop watching Fox News. Disinformation.

              • Anonymous says:

                Stop watching Fox News 4:12. They messing with your head.

              • Anonymous says:

                Everything Trump touches dies.

          • Anonymous says:

            11:54, So what you are saying is all the Doctors and scientists at the Center For Disease Control have TDS because they do not agree with what Trump is saying?

          • Anonymous says:

            The public health statistics for coronavirus in America are about to get totally out of bounds. Trump will soon have irreversible political damage as the statistics don’t lie. Simply calling it fake news is not going to wash with the American public.

            How has Trump learned nothing politically over the past 4 months?

  4. Anonymous says:

    Was reading junk news this morning and realized that humans did not learn any lessons.

    Amount of junk, disposal junk, plastic junk they’re coming up with to “protect” themselves from touching “dirty” things is unbelievable. Hand washing timer? Door opening hook?🤬🤯🤬

    We do deserve annihilation. Nothing appears will change our habits of littering planet Earth.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Dr Lee also said it is now much easier to get a COVID-19 test, as he urged anyone with possible symptoms to immediately self-isolated and then call the flu hotline to arrange a test.
    No shit Sherlock! I’ve been at home for five weeks. What do yuh think I’m going to do if I don’t feel well?

  6. Anonymous says:

    Alden is all ego and zero humanity.

    • Anonymous says:

      That tends to be the case with people who pontificate outside of a church.

    • Anonymous says:

      Actually, the government’s response to COVID-19 is 100% about humanity.

      • Anonymous says:

        Learn some basic math.

        • Anonymous says:

          Learn some basic semantics. The state of being human starts with being alive. It doesn’t start with your bank account, your beach time or your ability to go get drunk at the bar. Do not confuse quality of life with being alive.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Mr. Lee as CMO why aren’t you addressing the need for the public to get healthy as the real cure for this virus. We can’t live in a bubble forever.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Florida dodges ‘huge’ COVID-19 outbreak predicted after March spring break crowds.

    Six weeks later, on May 1, Gov. Ron DeSantis said, “Has there been a major transmission? No, in fact, a decline, they weren’t that high to begin with.”

    “University of Oxford researcher, Dr. Tom Jefferson, is with the Nordic Cochrane Centre and says, some scientific observations find warm, wet, and sunny environments like Florida’s make it more difficult for the virus to spread.

    LINK: The effect of latitude on COVID-19 https://www.cebm.net/covid-19/effect-of-latitude-on-covid-19/

    Jefferson explained, “…The best conditions for transmission seem to be from freezing to around about 10 to 12 degrees centigrade (50-54F), with low humidity, and not a lot of ultraviolet light.”

    Lifting all restrictions in Grand Cayman is overdue!!!!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      There are 3 counties in Florida where the ban has not been lifted as the case numbers are so high.

      • Anonymous says:

        Define high!

        • Anonymous says:

          Jah know.

        • Anonymous says:

          Snoop dog

        • Anonymous says:

          From a google search as of May 4: Miami- Dade county: 13,092 cases, Broward county 4,794 and Palm Beach county 3,311.

          My own county in northern US had 9,542 cases as of May 4 per same google search.

          Imo, those numbers are pretty high.

        • Anonymous says:

          Well, just to answer your question 8:55, you just

          1. Put a ganja seed in the ground
          2. Water daily for 8 weeks
          3. Chop it down from the root and trim sun leaves off
          4. Hang it to dry for 10 days
          5. Put it in a jar
          6. Dispose of this forbidden medical herb by boiling it into a tea with a little whole fat milk and drink it.
          7. Make everyone wonder why you’re no longer miserable and depressed.

          • Anonymous says:

            Thanks will try. Would it grow in a pot and where do I get a seed.

          • Anonymous says:

            I’d be in a nuthouse already before this drink is ready for consumption. Premier should offer it for free on every corner

          • Anonymous says:

            Home made coconut milk is better option, get the the grated coconut at the farmers market.

        • Anonymous says:

          High is 1,400 deaths and a daily increase in new cases of 2% every day last week including yesterday.

          Floriduh is now # 8 in America in cases and moving up the table fast.

          Oh the wonders of having a Trumpster Governor who thinks he is brilliant and rejects Centre For Disease Control advice.

          • Anonymous says:

            As of 11:00 AM today in Floriduh deaths from coronavirus are now 1,470 and new coronavirus cases are up 4% in last 24 hours.

            Will be a long time before Caymanians visit there again.

            The spreaders are spreading.

        • Anonymous says:

          What is the sqaure root of a square grouper?

    • Anonymous says:

      Guess the Governor in Floriduh does not consider 1,400 deaths, 8th highest state in terms of number of coronavirus cases in the U.S., and a daily increase of between 2% and 4% every day last week of new cases.

      What can one expect from a follower of the “stable brilliant genius” in Washington.

      Floriduh is in for some very hard times later this month with the virus. The spreaders are spreading now.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Yet still no plan

    • Anonymous says:

      FFS. There is a plan. Just because they haven’t called you for your input doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

      We realize you are all knowing and brilliant but maybe your phone was busy when they tired to call!

    • Anonymous says:

      The plan is stay at home until we make a plan.

    • Anonymous says:

      You won’t be happy until the plan says you can go back to your good life, the way it was. Not going to happen. The world has fundamentally changed. Be glad you lived in the good ole days because the new normal will not be as good in your lifetime. The sooner you understand that, the happier you will be. Life can still be good, even if it is simpler. Seek help if you’re having a hard time with the transition because not accepting the new normal is very dangerous to mental health. Seriously.

  10. Anonymous says:

    What is happening with those that are asymptomatic? Are they being quarantined like the others?

    • Anonymous says:

      600 are negative, that means they carry no virus. Asymptomatic would have tested positive.

      • Anonymous says:

        The trouble is your facts don’t help our cause of creating hysteria and locking us down.

        • Anonymous says:

          We know that viruses would normally kill the human cells they invade, but COVID-19 hijacks them and they stay healthy and viable, replicating the virus at a phenomenal 600,000:1 ratio. That’s why asymptomatic infected present no symptoms, even though they are unwittingly shedding their raging disease everywhere they go. How many months will it take skeptics to Google about the clinically unique problem we are facing? This isn’t a typical flu virus, and that’s not an opinion, it’s a clinical fact.

      • Anonymous says:

        Some have been quarantined many weeks after ‘recovery’ because they are still testing positive. Can our tests differentiate between active Covid 19 & dead lung cells being shed?

        • Anonymous says:

          Maybe they’re just playing dead.

        • Anonymous says:

          some live with HIV, tuberculosis, STD, all contagious, so what?

          • Anonymous says:

            You can’t give someone HIV or and STD to someone by sitting at the table next to them at a restaurant. Are you stupid? And if you have active TB, you are quarantined.

        • Anonymous says:

          The test can’t even differentiate between RNA and actual infection, they’re not testing for infection, you know that right?!

          • M McLaughlin says:

            I’ve brought this up and I’m called a conspiracy theorist. The RT PCR TEST is only for the presence of genetic material, which may already be present in your body if you’ve caught a cold or virus. Finally the inventor of this test stated that test should NEVER be used for diagnosing infectious diseases.

  11. Anonymous says:



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