Evacuation flight starts with Miami

| 15/04/2020 | 22 Comments

(CNS): The first flights taking expats here to their home countries around the region will begin with two Miami flights on Friday, Governor Martyn Roper said on Wednesday. An inbound flight from Miami, chartered by World Atlantic Airlines, will bring 85 Caymanians and residents home and will return to Miami with a full load of passengers from here. Then, a Cayman Airways flight will carry passengers on an outbound flight to Miami but will come back empty to protect the CAL crew from the risk of COVID-19.

Speaking at the press briefing on Wednesday, Roper said that those returning on Friday will all be placed in the government quarantine facility for 14 days, which is part of the conditions of return.

Then on Saturday, 18 April,‬ two Cayman Airways flights will go to Nicaragua with around 160 people, but the flight will not be bringing anyone to Cayman from that country and will return empty.

There will very likely be two flights to Canada next week, the governor said, noting that the details are still being worked out but would be revealed as soon as possible. He said discussions were underway about potential flights to Honduras and Jamaica, “both of which remain challenging”, but the public would be updated as soon as there is more news.

“If there is more demand we can arrange more flights. Many people are calling the helpline and at times it’s been difficult to get through because of demand. Please continue to try,” the governor urged.

The premier confirmed that government will allow people to leave on private planes. It is not clear if this has already been happening as the premier said he was unaware of any aircraft activity at Owen Roberts International Airport. However, CNS readers have sent tracking details for several flights in and around the region, including to and from Belize and Mexico, even though the airport is closed.

Anyone who wants to go to Miami or Nicaragua should call Cayman Airways directly on ‪949-2311‬ or ‪1 (800) 422-9626‬ from the US.

Those wanting to get on another flight should still call the travel hotline on ‪244-3333‬. More flights will be arranged if there is the demand.

More details about the flights this weekend, including ticket prices, baggage allowance, pets and social distancing are available on the CAL website here.

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Comments (22)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Same tail numbers both ways?

  2. Anonymous says:

    It was a Maintenece flight

  3. Anonymous says:

    I’m an expat and really think all other expats who have lost their jobs need to get on a plane and go home to their home country as did as possible. You’ll be very sorry if you missed this opportunity. And to those who think their friends will hello them out. I’m sure that will happen for about about a week.
    Everyone needs to help themselves at this point.
    If you stay and we remain closed for months, which will likely be the case you’ll only have yourself to blame for the situation you find yourself in.
    Those that can’t get to their home countries. I feel for you.

  4. Elvis says:

    if flights come in from Miami I have two questions.
    have the people returning been tested and will they ensure they still go into quarantine once here?

    I love my life and suckers aint taking it from me.

  5. Anonymous says:

    See what the Premier said on this at 1:37:40 of the youtube video.

  6. Anonymous says:

    “the premier said he was unaware of any aircraft activity at Owen Roberts International Airport.” Sorry CNS but this is not true. The Premier stated that he had no knowledge of flights to Belize or Mexico but was aware of some air ambulance flights to other destination/s.

    • Anonymous says:

      Someone I know mysteriously got in and out of Cayman while there were “no aircraft activity” in ORIA.

      • Anonymous says:

        @ Anonymous 16/04/2020 at 12:46 pm – do tell instead of feeding the rumour mill even more than it already has been.

    • Anonymous says:

      This is not true..Cayman Airways had one aircraft sitting in Mexico City after having undergone its maintenance check. The aircraft that you saw leave here had two KX pilots on board who took another of the aircraft here to Mexico City and left that one there for its maintenance check and flew the one there back to Cayman.. No sinister plot here..Look at the aircraft registration of these two flights and you will see that there are two different aircraft..

      By the way, just in case you think the two pilots will infect you, they are in quarantine for two weeks…


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