208 negative COVID-19 samples fuel hope

| 27/04/2020 | 196 Comments
Premier Alden McLaughlin holds up government’s plan (a work in progress) to reopen the Cayman Islands in phases

(CNS): Premier Alden McLaughlin has indicated that when the current shelter-in-place order ends on Friday, the next one will see some of the current restrictions lifted. After Chief Medical Officer John Lee revealed that 208 samples had been tested over the last few days without a single positive result, the premier said that while we should not get carried away, this was really good news and he was increasingly optimistic about easing restrictions.

At Monday’s COVID-19 briefing Monday, Dr Lee said that ten people had officially recovered from the virus and just five people were in hospital, none of whom were on ventilation. Meanwhile, 22 people who had tested positive in previous weeks are asymptomatic, and 32 people are dealing with milder symptoms at home in self isolation or at the government’s quarantine facilities.

Cayman has now tested 1,148 people and 70 of them tested positive. Among those who tested negative, some were front-line workers with no symptoms of the virus but who are now being screened as part of the ramped up testing programme.

Dr Lee explained that testing on Little Cayman will begin and be completed this week with a view to impose different restrictions on the Sister Islands, given that there have been no more positive tests there since the one case more than three weeks ago on Cayman Brac and because the two islands are geographically isolated.

But although the goal is to increase testing far beyond the current rate, Dr Lee said the test numbers were restricted by the capacity of the labs.

Despite the importance of test results to the government’s future strategy for easing Cayman from the restrictions, the CMO said he was not able to give a target number for the amount of tests he hoped to get to, explaining that they were limited by the capacity and speed with which the healthcare professionals can work.

But he said he wanted the technicians to test as many people as they can, adding that Cayman was still well placed to do a lot of testing, which would be around 1,000 per week.

The premier once again pointed to testing and the subsequent results being at the forefront of the decisions that will be made on easing the shelter-in-place order. With 500 to 600 test samples in the pipeline and more to come, McLaughlin said by the end of this week the government will have a better idea of how well the transmission of the virus has been suppressed.

He said it would be incredible if these screening test all proved to be negative, though he was expecting there to be positive samples among them. However, it is the positives that will inform the future strategy.

If things go as well as the premier hopes, then some restrictions will be eased when the current orders expire on Friday, he indicated. McLaughlin pointed to New Zealand as a model that Cayman wants to follow and he stressed the need to learn lessons from places around the world and do things slowly and carefully.

Meanwhile, even before this current order expires, a decision has been made to resume mail service this week and open one post office branch on each island for two days per week. People will be able to access the counter services (following soft curfew restrictions) and collect from any external post box at any branch. (See details here.)

The premier also indicated that the pool services will be resuming soon but said further details of what restrictions may be eased at the end of this week will be revealed later.

However, he confirmed that the beaches will not be opened. Aware of how disappointing this will be, McLaughlin explained that decisions are being made based on the risks relating to the level of people gathering together to access an activity or service.

Given the difficulties the police had enforcing social distancing guidelines at the beach in general, he said that beach access restrictions would not be eased until it is safe for larger groups of people to gather in one place. He said he worried that lifting this restrictions would lead to everyone having a great time at the beach one weekend only to be followed by a surge of patients at the hospital with COVID-19 symptoms a few days later.

As the government now looks towards the next phase, the premier explained that the easing of restrictions and the phased re-opening of the economy would all be done based on risk assessments and the level of community transmission reflected over the coming weeks through the test results.

“We do have a plan,” he said, noting that this was subject to adjustment. “It is contingent upon how well the results pan out… There are points when we will be able to trigger various phases of it… It is based on assessed risk. So the more test results that we get the better impression we have about where the virus is in the community… and the prevalence of it… But principally, we go slowly, we re-open areas where there is minimal risk of person to person contact.”

Governor Martyn Roper who has supported the government strategy to contain the coronavirus also welcomed the test results, which he said showed that the strategy is working, as he urged people to keep cooperating with the curfews as it would be worth it.

See the full press briefing on CIGTV below, set to start at Dr Lee’s prepared remarks:

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Category: Health, Local News, Medical Health

Comments (196)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    I just lost any and all respect for Alden with that speech he gave chastising Wendy.

    Waiting to see what MOH has to say.

    This Government is a joke!

    • Anonymous says:

      Actually, 2:50 pm, I thought the Premier was right in addressing the issue, and that he did a good job. He also touched on, I thought quite appropriately, the argument that the MoH should not be held accountable for a family member’s behaviour. Some suggestions of guilt by association was implied in both the question and the so-called “fire storm” that followed.

      I don’t think, however, that the Premier should be telling the press what to ask or what not to ask, even though I could see his point about what the goals of the press conference are.

      It is up to the Government to respond appropriately. In that regard, it was the MoH’s inappropriate, even distasteful, reaction that caused the fire storm.

      If the MoH cannot stand the heat, he should get out of the kitchen.

      • Anonymous says:

        I agree, 3:34 pm, we must be careful not to give the impression that we are censoring the press. The best position for any government to take is to allow questions and to deal with them professionally.

    • Dexter says:

      Herd immunity is the best way to defeat virus – and is going to happen ANYWAY, regardless of people who denounce it – it is inevitable. Without vectors of transmission, rates of death must decrease. It is irresponsible of the WHO and media to keep fear-mongering – especially, now that we are more than 6-8 months out from the initial outbreak of this virus. STOP REPEATING THAT “WE JUST DON’T KNOW” – when it is very clear that at this point, we know A LOT. Everything we do know about the virus proves that Sweden took correct course of action: protect the vulnerable (isolate them), but otherwise get through it as quickly as possible. In NYC, 25% of population already HAD the virus before being tested in mid-April. This doesn’t even take into consideration typical healthy people who were exposed/infected, but defeated the virus before their immune system could develop an antibody response. The field hospitals they set up?? EMPTY. Furthermore, there is absolutely NO EVIDENCE of re-infection – since this started in September 2019. NONE – there hasn’t been one reported case of a person re-infected. Instead, WHO is telling people that low-levels or non-detectable anti-bodies means re-infection – WHEN IT DOESN’T. If a person with a good immune response defeats the virus – either with existing antibodies, T-Cells, general strong immunity – then that person will continue to beat the virus the same way they currently are.

      • Anonymous says:

        Herd immunity has a price, 4:02 pm. Are you willing to be sacrificed?

        The fact is that the “vulnerable” cuts across all population sectors.

        • Anonymous says:

          As 4:02 said, it will happen anyway eventually unless the plan is to close the island entirely to the outside world as long as the virus is out there. If that’s the case it could take years. Maybe never…. Do you really think that’s an option?

      • Anonymous says:

        4:02 pm: How many times must the health authorities say “No one is immune.” And whether you believe it or not, it is absolutely true that there is still a lot unknown about the virus.

        Good thing that the Premier is not listening to people like you, because what you are not taking account of is the price demanded by herd immunity.

        And that includes what it could do to our health care system, our doctors and nurses and other health care professionals.

        If they are unable to cope, physically and emotionally, the whole health care delivery system would fall apart and then everyone would suffer.

        While we all would prefer for the lockdown to end tomorrow, I think the Premier is making the right decisions.

      • Anonymous says:


      • Anonymous says:

        You don’t get it Dexter. There is absolutely no proof with this virus if you get it once you can’t get it again. Please cite your scientific source that herd immunity works?

        Sweden did not take the correct course of action as cases and deaths are still going up.

        New Zealand took the correct course based on solid science.

        • Anonymous says:

          Japan and S. Korea took nearly polar opposite approaches than NZ, have similar or fewer deaths per capita and many times the population and density. Covid-19 should be absolutely raging in Japan, but it isn’t.

          Where’s you’re scientific correlation? There isn’t one. In short, NZ may have used the S. Korean approach and achieved the same result without devasting their economy.

      • Anonymous says:

        Today Sweden has a 4% increase in coronavirus cases. The highest percentage in the European Union. For the last 5 days Sweden has had the highest percentage increase every day in the EU.

        Do not understand how you can say Sweden took the correct course of action?

      • Anonymous says:

        Sweden now has a massive increase in cases. Did not work out as first thought.

        • Anonymous says:

          Sweden isn’t postponing the virus like we and many others are. They are managing it. Why doesn’t Sweden have rates similar to the UK, Italy, Germany and others who are in strict lockdown?

      • Robert Mugabe IV says:

        Dexter should replace Triple J (Jon Jon Jackass) immediately, for three simple reasons.
        1. We understand what he is ‘saying’ even though we don’t have to agree with it.
        2. He doesn’t quote from the greatest selling work of fiction ever printed to make a point that doesn’t make a point.
        3. He claims he knows more than the WHO, which may or may not be true.

        What worries me about Dexter is he never gave the WHO any credit for being one of the greatest rock bands ever, which seems a bit odd to me.

  2. Anonymous says:

    AL Thompson’s parking lot was full this afternoon. Prepping for a reopening?

  3. Anonymous says:

    @cns- not sure if you would know but on youtube people were able to submit questions directly to donna during the live streaming meetings but noticed yesterday and today there is no way to add a comment during live streaning. Has it been turned off?

    CNS: Apparently. I just noticed that, too.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Picture this. Health Minister attends an overseas conference of state/county/city/province Health Officials to share their observations and experiences associated with Covid-19.

    Nearly all in attendance have an assortment of college/university degrees dealing with Health Care Administration/Health Care Policy/Health Care Management. Indeed the majority have Masters and Doctorates. Seemingly most everyone has a strong background in the Health Care industry.

    And then it is his turn to speak, it is his turn to captivate the audience. It is the Minister of Health from the Cayman Islands. No mention about post-secondary health care degree, no mention of extensive health care experience. But, then he speaks – – – naming out each individual state/county/city/province that is represented. A verse from the Holy Bible is relayed. Then in a number of languages he states the latest catchy phrase associated with the virus.

    The audience looks dumb-founded. . . thinking to themselves Is this what the leaders of the Cayman Islands are like?

    In our small island nation, the Minister of Health, gets criticized by people like me and cries at a news conference. He is asked a sensitive question and just makes it worse by his convoluted non-answer. He knows that he was put in his position based on the Unity Government of the day needing the numbers so the independents didn’t take over in 2017.

    Minister Seymour we live in a freely democrat society with people for all walks of life. As a publicly elected official you need to learn to deal better with this fact. Your physical size and political position may lead you to believe that it is okay to bully people around. But as some in your district will note, he showing his true colours when he face questions and criticism.

    In the “outworld”,as some of Caymanians would call it, they would be perplexed by Minister Seymour. I do hope that when he is in this future overseas conference setting amongst his “peers” that Minister Seymour will exchange pleasantries and leave it at that.

  5. Anonymous says:

    I’ve heard alot and seen numerous videos concerning the part 5G is or has played in the Covid 19 saga. I wonder if someone would be brave enough to ask about that?

    • Anonymous says:

      Oh shut up

    • Anonymous says:

      Not sure, but I have invested in some 5G testing gear. Apparently the LED street lights are disguised 5G units. I cannot substantiate this rumour at the moment.
      I will be doing a GPS-enabled test soon down West Bay Road and onto Walkers Road with signal strength readings. I will publish my findings.

  6. Anonymous says:

    PRIVATE POOL OWNERS BEWARE OF INVISIBLE HEALTH ISSUES which DEH have been negligent of advising to public:

    Why is pool design, equipment and maintenance required to be regulated by Dept of Environmental Health?

    How is the threat of these sicknesses to pool owners without getting proper maintenance using correct equipment and chemicals considered a luxury vs essential by our Gov’t?

    Why hasnt the Minister of Health who advises us daily never brought these dangers up?

    Most of these issues cannot be seen by owners so they will continue to use their pools until they get sick.

    ▪Build up of chloromines due to incorrect levels of pH, chlorine overdosing, lack of algaecides etc which contribute to respiratory problems, such as asthma as well as eye irritation/infections (result of dumping copious amounts of chlorine/bleach into pool as suggested by many).

    ▪ Cryptosporidium, fecal matter, causes diarrhea

    ▪ General bacterial growth – swimmers ear – outer ear infections

    ▪ Pseudomonas aeruginosa – skin infections caused by bacteria

    ▪ E- coli, fecal contamination

    ▪ Bacteria called Legionella causes Legionnaires’ disease, a severe type of pneumonia, as well as Pontiac fever, a milder respiratory infection. PNEUMONIA!!! RESPIRATORY INFECTIONS!!!

    ▪ The hepatitis A virus, which causes liver disease, can live in water and food contaminated by feces

    “AS LONG AS the pH and chlorine levels in the pool are being MAINTAINED, the disinfectants will kill off most germs that could make you ill,” says Dan DeSimone, MD, infectious disease consultant at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota.

    You know whats a luxury vs essential? Ordering expensive, restaurant prepared food to be delivered because you cant cook a pot of rice. But everybodys doing it so they must be RICH like the pool owners!

    • Anonymous says:

      I don’t understand why no one has asked our ever so knowledgeable minister of health this!

    • Anonymous says:

      I don’t really care about your pool, I care more about the pool workers who aren’t getting paid right now if you really want to know the truth…We need to get back to work.

      • Anonymous says:

        Cool. So you care more about money than people getting sick. Thanks for the honesty.

        • Anonymous says:

          So you can read but you can’t comprehend? I understand.

        • Anonymous says:

          Cool. So you care more about pretending like you care about people than actually being realistic. The people you are trying not to get sick, who is that? Is that the people who go paycheck to paycheck, or is it those fortunate enough to work remotely and maintain employment earning a salary? Because I’m sure if you asked around, people not making money now who have bills to pay and food to buy will love to work.

          But don’t worry, satisfy your narcissism and feel like you’re doing some justice in the world by trying to guilt trip people with this “oh you want people to die and get sick for money”.

          Miss me with this childish thinking.

      • Anonymous says:

        You understand the general concept of supply and demand as it pertains to needed labour right? In other words, if I dont have this pool you dont care about then the pool workers dont have jobs….

        • Anonymous says:

          I’m sorry you missed the larger point. For you, I hope pool workers are working to keep your pool clean, and landscapers are working to keep your yard clean and car detailers are working to keep your car clean. All of which I care about more than your pool, your lawn or your car.

      • Anonymous says:

        If the pool companies applications to be deemed essential was based on earning money (which everyone needs to do) instead of the safety and health of pool owners then I guess we can all now see why they failed in being exempted by the government.

    • Anonymous says:

      One would think that as the Minister of Health where public safety and health as it pertains to pools (which are regulated by DEH), he should have addressed these risks to private pool owners weeks ago since he had so much time to read sermons and translate a single phrase into umpteen languages.

  7. Anonymous says:

    8:47 am: If you have access to CNS, you have Internet access. No one needs to “scare” anyone. You have all the information possible with a little discerning research.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Very clear guidelines are now becoming blurred. The ministers actions are just one unsettling aspect of this. Not opening the beaches is another example of assumption of the risks and losing public backing. I cannot drive to my place of exercise, or swim in the ocean. I am sure that I am more at risk of heat exhaustion, losing my mind, or getting run over by a crazy driver, than I am of contracting coronavirus. South Sound boulevard is so busy because its one of the only paved areas and nobody wants to be exercising when the sun is too hot. Plus some people are actually working, therefore the evenings are going to be peak exercise times. Yet the commissioner doesn’t seem to think the beach closure has made this impact. How many of the positive tests can be attributed to the people who were using the beaches responsibly or otherwise? Why can’t 60,000+ adults be trusted to exercise wherever they like whilst still keeping 6ft away from others? Governing like a nanny state is only digestible if those in power are setting the right example and the rules make sense. Kudos earned by the government up until now has been lost this week and it seems to me that the reason for this is that they are living in a different world from the rest of us.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Check him holding up his fake plan

    • Anonymous says:

      It is far from a fake plan. Its actually a success plan . It may prove to be the one thing that enables Cayman to emerge from the Covid19 world-wide disaster to continue on in our future quest of recovery, both socially & financially .
      All the people engaged in this joint success deserve recognition for their work both in the public view & behind the scenes. There are many of them .

  10. Anonymous says:

    I think the Minster of Health should be sitting in the center of the table, not the Governor. Its time we started running this show like the alien fearing nation we are. Put Dwayne in the center, let him ramble, have Benny HIll music playing as he speaks, and bring his wife and the masked trainer in to perform routines on the floor in front of him. #FreeDaMinisterFromTheSides

  11. Donkey for Minister? You decide... says:

    Yes, the new results do instil a little hope but the inexcusable behaviour of our Minister of Env. & Health certainly does not.

    What does Minister Seymour expect when his wife is too immature and irresponsible to understand she engaged in illegal activity and broke the law. Judging from her Instagram handle it seems she has an inflated view of her celebrity and likes to boast about her position as the Minister’s wife. Does Mrs. T. Seymour view herself as being not subject to lockdown laws? First Lady she is not, and not by a long shot!

    Minister Seymour’s defensive and vacuous response to Wendy Ledger was a clear insult and indicative of his unsuitably for an elected official. One wonders how many of his constituents still support him. Similarly, how many of his constituents think now that someone such as the previous Minister of this portfolio would have served and handled this question in a professional manner?

    How many people think that Minister Seymour is redundant and irrelevant at these government press conferences? Maybe he was a successful businessman prior to his election but he needs to understand that an elected official cannot rest on his laurels and needs to demonstrate ability, knowledge and commitment commensurate with his position. Rather, his complete lack of tact, ignorance and disinterest portray someone synonymous with “from yard”.

    The silver lining in all this, at least for Minister Seymour, is that at least he seems to have all the necessary prerequisites for the job of minister, minister of faith that is. This being the case, we might forgive him as he’s merely practicing for his next career.

    • Anonymous says:

      To be fair, saying someone must be very brave or stupid to ask a government minister is not a defensive and vacuous response, its more of a threat. And from a man previously charged with physically assaulting someone who he perceived had intruded into his personal life. Didn’t hear anything in the Premiers homily on not asking public officials questions about their family members activities anything about how it was inappropriate to respond to a simple question with a threat.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Not very smart but…exercise is allowed in groups of no more than two. Now if we can prove he is being paid, that’s a whole different ball game. As it stands, it’s no different than two persons, not from the same household, walking down South Sound Rd.
    Make no mistake, the MOH is a jackass and has no business on the panel, if he had considered a response to the inevitable question prior, he’d be in a much better place today.

  13. Anonymous says:

    But wait….didn’t a personal trainer kick the smoke out of the Minister and his entourage a few years ago….

  14. Bye Bye John John says:

    The Minister of Health’s behaviour during today’s press conference was inexcusable. As a Caymanian I am embarrassed that this man was elected to serve our country and given a ministry portfolio.

    His presence fails to add any value to the panel and listening to him makes me hesitant to even turn the press conference on in the first place. Time is a valuable commodity, making the ability to be precise increasingly important – a skill Minister Seymour lacks terribly. While Alden and the Governor provide pertinent information in a timely manner, Minister Seymour rambles on about the Bible, the DEH and his blood bank drive, reading directly off of the script somebody has prepared for him. He spends more time speaking than Dr. Lee, Alden, and the Governor combined, while providing the public with little to no valuable information.

    His incompetence is frequently highlighted when he receives a question from a member of the press that he is unable to answer, often turning to another member of the panel to answer for him or simply saying that he will “look into it”. A prime example of this was today when he failed to understand the simple question asked about an increase in garden waste, appearing visibly perplexed on air, only to say “Yeah yeah, I unnahstand. Something for consideration”.

    His ability to speak proper english as well as the points he makes and his responses to questions (or lack thereof) highlights how uneducated he is and how ill-qualified he is for his current position. With so many well qualified, well educated Caymanians it baffles me that this man was somehow elected to serve our islands.

    His response to Wendy’s question today regarding the news on Cayman Marl Road was extremely rude and out of order. She asked the question in a very professional manner, asking him if he would be able to comment, and did not accuse him or his family member of anything. His hostile response to her question reminded me of the way Donald Trump responds to questions from the media when he too is in denial. Addressing her as stupid not only underscores his lack of professionalism, but also shows that his religious ramble is simply a front, and he is far from the kind Christian man he likes to portray himself as. Although, this should be no surprise to anyone aware of his tasteless Gaypril joke in the Legislative Assembly earlier this year.

    He and/or his family member should admit that they were at fault, and suffer the consequences that any other member of the public would suffer for breaking the soft curfew measures currently in place. If she wants to call herself “First Lady Seymour” on Instagram, she should set an example that any First Lady would expected to set, and be prepared to be scrutinized by the public for occupying such a role.  

    Finally, it appears to me that Minister Seymour’s “stay home Cayman” translations that he prides himself on so dearly seem to have gone to waste, as neither his wife nor her personal trainer seem to get the message yet.

    • Anonymous says:

      On CMR someone from the bodden town said that it is racism and to leave him alone. Every time someone in power does something wrong we quick to bawl racism and not deal with the issue, but when racism really happens, us caymanians quick to say oh no they caan be racist its just you. He should have spoken to his wife and then when the question was asked just say its being dealt with or not answer at all, not be condescending and getting vex because someone doing their job. He is supposed to set the example. Make it had been anyone else, they like to chastise others but think they over the law and unfortunaetly that is very common here in Cayman. (from a born and bred caymanian).

  15. Anonymous says:

    I usually turn off the conference when John John starts talking. Not anymore!

    • Anonymous says:

      For those who are hiding their heads in the sand about how shockingly deadly the coronavirus is, please take a look at these statistics from the “Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases map” developed by the Johns Hopkins Center for Systems Science and Engineering. Note that the *data shown below for Covid-19 is year-to-date, while the figures for the flu are for the entire year:


      COVID-19: Approximately 2,994,640 (nearly 3 billion) cases worldwide; 965,933 cases in the U.S. as of Apr. 27, 2020.*

      Flu: Estimated 1 billion cases worldwide; 9.3 million to 45 million cases in the U.S. per year.


      COVID-19: Approximately 206,811 deaths reported worldwide; 54,877 deaths in the U.S., as of Apr. 27, 2020.*

      Flu: 291,000 to 646,000 deaths worldwide; 12,000 to 61,000 deaths in the U.S. per year.

      The Johns Hopkins report ended with the comment: “The COVID-19 situation is changing rapidly. Since this disease is caused by a new virus, people do not have immunity to it, and a vaccine may be many months away. Doctors and scientists are working on estimating the mortality rate of COVID-19, but at present, it is thought to be higher than that of most strains of the flu.”

      See this link for further information: https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/coronavirus/coronavirus-disease-2019-vs-the-flu

      Last night CNN reported on an emerging phenomenon noticed by doctors—strokes in young people due to blood clots caused by the coronavirus.

      • Anonymous says:

        Sanity is also important. You CAN take this stuff a tad too far.

        I suppose we could all hide in the closet, pee into a bucket, wear a vacuum cleaner bag on our heads, bathe in Formula 409 exclusively, and give ourselves bleach enemas, but it might be gilding the lily, don’t you think?

        You can’t get to zero risk. You are arguably at higher risk of injury from a fall from your bike while dodging the unpredictable wind.

        • Anonymous says:

          if you hide in the closet long enough, you’ll eventually starve. Starvation has a 100% mortality rate.

        • Anonymous says:

          If you hide in the closet long enough, you will starve. The mortality rate of starvation is quite high.

        • Anonymous says:

          What if we run out of money while we are all hiding and we starve to death?

          • Anonymous says:

            Ah hah! You have stumbled on the answer. We have finally defeated the virus.
            All hail our omniscient leaders!

      • Anonymous says:

        2,994,640 is almost 3 million, not 3 billion.

      • Anonymous says:

        Beyond me why there would be 6 thumb downs. What 8:54 is outlining are just basic facts. This is not fake news, however, when Trump supporters don’t like facts it is immediately fake news.

        Follow the science. New Zealand did.

      • Anonymous says:

        And this is a reflection of infection rates WITH quarantines!!!

      • Anonymous says:

        Actually 2,994,640 is nearly 3 million not 3 billion.

        However, the rest of the points you are making are valid. When the various form of Flu first appeared the death toll was high and it is still higher than Covid19. As stated by the UN estimates over 250 million people will die of starvation because of the economic lock down. Not on Cayman of course where we can still order restaurant prepared food to be delivered.
        Is the cure going to be worse than the illness? How much of what is happening is being driven by Media frenzy? Unlike CNS the majority of the American media are spouting all sorts of nonsense purely for the “WOW” factor.

        • Anonymous says:

          Get ready, the meat imports will stop next week. Serious meat shortages starting now in America. Better start making some deals with Jamaican chicken exports fast.

      • Anonymous says:

        You cannot take CNN seriously…it is agenda based. The agenda is fear! And fear brings in more watchers!

    • Anonymous says:

      8:34 am: Me, too.

  16. Anonymous says:

    New York City has a coronavirus death rate that is evidentially 200 times higher than any other city in the world even with a massive lock down. You’ve got to ask why are they an outlier?

    Possible causes:
    A. non-native EMF infrastructure that interferes with our biology and chemistry?
    B. NY used the most ventilators
    C. the horror that is really happening in some NYC hospitals? Youtube an Facebook have blocked the video.
    D. Lack of sunshine?
    E. Influenza vaccine virus interference?
    F. All the above?

    CNS: YouTube and Facebook are blocking fake news about COVID-19 because its spread is dangerous during a pandemic.

    • Anonymous says:

      Check your facts and stop trying to scare people.

    • Anonymous says:

      8:34 am: cities are petri dishes for viruses and bacteria—you obviously have little insights into life in the city. People are jam-packed in every way, in housing, working, transportation, recreation, etc. etc.

      You have not look no further than that to explain why New York’s figures are so much higher.

      • Anonymous says:

        How does that explain Tokyo? Metro population 37 million. Population density 16000 per sq mile. “Voluntary “lockdown” to this day… 100 deaths.

        NYC metro population 21 million. Population density 5571 per square mile.
        Extreme lockdown…12200 deaths.

        God forbid doctors and experts question other doctors and experts, much less the filthy masses questioning…

        • Anonymous says:

          10:21 am: I have news for you, Japan has declared a state of emergency on April 7, and which has since been extended nationwide.

          In anticipation of that, note press reports as at 8 April:

          “With Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s government stuck on the brink of declaring a state of emergency that might lead to a lockdown, Japan’s restaurant, bar and chain stores are taking matters into their own hands by voluntarily shuttering hundreds of stores to help curb the spread of the coronavirus.

          Across Tokyo this weekend and into next week, karaoke parlors, amusement centers and izakaya bars will be among the retailers closing, in many cases shutting their entire chains nationwide for more than 10 days. The closures join those of cinemas and department stores that didn’t operate last weekend in response to Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike’s call for people to stay indoors.”

          The reason that Japan has maintained this “voluntary” lockdown posture is that its laws forbid it. These laws were put in place post World War II following the rise and fall of authoritarian rulers, with dictatorial powers and suppression of opposition.

          Because of this background, even the state of emergency is basically toothless—still “voluntary”.

          This is similar to what is happening with Sweden, although Sweden has enacted some rescrictions.

          It seems both countries are basically adopting a “herd” immunity direction, although the little information that is coming out day by day suggests that no one is quite sure how much immunity and how long it will last among people who have had Covid-19.

          Sorry if this scares you, but I am not willing to take the risk.

          • Anonymous says:

            Putting aside the self contradictions in your comment…Well, there’s nothing left to say.

        • Anonymous says:

          You can start by simply comparing Tokyo’s subway system with NYC’s.
          One is modern, clean, well ventilated while the other is the exact opposite with many, many poorer people riding the subway every day.

      • anon says:

        So then how would you explain the relatively low numbers in Tokyo, Delhi, Shanghai, Sao Paolo, Mexico City, Cairo, Mumbai, Beijing, Dhaka, Osaka…I could go on.

        Did you know that US hospitals get more money for patients listed as COVID? Here’s the source: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/04/24/fact-check-medicare-hospitals-paid-more-covid-19-patients-coronavirus/3000638001/

    • anon says:

      CNS, to be more specific Youtube is blocking “anything that goes against the WHO” according to their CEO. see here in her own words: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsLKs8kye7k

      Does this mean that the WHO is inerrant? Is there even a possibility that they may be wrong sometimes?

      • Anonymous says:

        In which case, they should be blocking videos of all the idiots wearing masks.

        • Anonymous says:

          Seriously, 10:04, am, wearing masks makes you an “idiot” ?

          Why do you think that the Commissioner of Police has instructed police officers to wear masks?

          Masks, providing they are worn according to guidelines, give an assurance to other people that they have a level of protection.

          If you wear masks, you get some protection from other people as well.

          We all may be required to wear masks in the future. Right now, I would not venture into the supermarket without a mask.

      • Anonymous says:

        Exactly, the two California doctors that gave their opinions about herd immunity and lockdowns were blocked by youtube. No outlandish claims or conspiracies, just medical opinion from experienced doctors and they are far from alone in disagreeing with the WHO and CDC. Many many millions already saw the video.

        CNS: The two doctors have not been blocked on YouTube. You can find the entire hour long video plus numerous snippets in about 30 seconds.

      • Anonymous says:

        They have already proven they aren’t infallible. Tedros went on TV in January and stated the virus couldn’t spread from human to human. He didn’t say they were unsure about it. He said emphatically it couldn’t. He also stated that China was being open and transparent and heaped praise on them. Really! China locked up the two doctors who discovered it. Kicked out WSJ, NYT and Wash. Post reporters for commenting on it. And banned all domestic flight from Wuhan but allowed international ones to depart all over the world. And now China is blocking any 3rd party review of how WHO has handled the pandemic.

        Gee sound like a cover up. And no this isn’t Fox News conspiracy shit. It’s all publicly verifiable. And now Facebook and YouTube are censoring any postings that aren’t in line with WHO policies. Great. Zuckerburgh is now the sole arbiter of news and WHO as a China puppet tells them what to do.

        • Anonymous says:

          Fox News conspiracies? No one watching Fox news was stupid enough to believe in the Russia Rachel Maddow conspiracy theory or any of crazy CNNs theories either, fake tears and all! A bunch of emotional theories with vitriolic Trump hatred at its core! Fox news is at least willing to discuss both sides of an issue! I wonder at the cultist view of the world CNN/MSNBC have! If you are not like me, I cannot cope with or even discuss your views openly.

        • Anonymous says:

          Here’s the kicker about WHO 11:48. There are a dozen senior American scientists, doctors and researchers at the highest management levels in WHO. Would like to hear their perspective, however, Washington has applied a gag order on them giving interviews. Unless they retire or quit WHO we will not be able to find out what really happened in China from a non Chinese perspective.

    • Anonymous says:

      The biggest reason death rates are much higher is that the coroners are advised to attribute ALL deaths to Covid for want of a better explanation. When no autopsy is performed, cause of death is considered to be COVID! That is reality…not fake news so why aren’t they telling us this!

    • Anonymous says:

      It is true that NYC has the highest per capita death rate from coronavirus for any major city in the world, however, NYC particularly Manhattan, has one of the highest people densities in the world. Furthermore, the subway in NYC is a Petri dish for the virus. Really impossible to practice social distancing on the subway there.]

  17. Anonymous says:

    Alden wha ya say? Come on now Alden make us proud of you. We dare you too.

  18. Anonymous says:

    Here is the plain truth. If nothing comes out of the Minister’s wife ‘in your face’ blunt disregard to the current rules, relating to COVID-19 restrictions, then none of those persons who have been previously issued with tickets should be made to pay their fines.


    • Anonymous says:

      We will see……….. perhaps there IS one.

    • Bushwacker says:

      8.28am The only way the Speaker will be out is if he is found guilty and if he receives a jail sentence of longer than 12 months, two very big IF’s, my bet is he will elect a jury trial so the first if will fail and we won’t get to the second one.

      • Anonymous says:

        Particularly since common assault carries a maximum sentence of 12 months. So impossible to breach the electoral qualification provision, even if he is found guilty and even if he receives a maximum sentence.

    • Anonymous says:

      Donald Trump is ABOVE THE LAW and don’t ever forget that.

  19. Anonymous says:

    Why don’t they just “bite the bullet” and relieve the Premier and the Minister of Health from their duties. The governor must feel as though he is surrounded by” Mutt and Jeff”.

    • Anonymous says:

      8:15 am: you better thank your lucky stars that you have a Premier who is trying his best to keep us alive. And the Governor has repeatedly spoken in complimentary tones about the Premier.

  20. Anonymous says:

    So here we have photographic proof of laws being broken and don’t believe we will see anything come of it in the next few days BUT when the government was asked to show proof that laws where being broken at the beaches they never showed a thing and we where all banned from using them within days.

    • Anonymous says:

      Very encouraging news.

      We, the public tune in to the press briefings mainly to hear

      1. Dr. Lee talk about the medical related issues
      2. The Premier talk about non medical related issues affecting our country.
      3. The Governor talk about various flights & procurement of medical goods.

      We the public want mainly want to hear about us here in the Cayman Islands. I am glad that the Premier no longer wastes our time going thru the long list of countries, tallying up the cases/casualties on a daily basis. These numbers are constantly bombarding viewers on television and on the internet – so those interested should not have a hard time finding it.

      Also glad that the police commissioner is not boring us with numbers about how many people were stopped, how many breached curfew, etc. He can simply provide the numbers to Compass, CNS, Times, etc and they can report it. His time is better spent ensuring that daily briefing are provided to his officers on the street so they are aware of any changes.

      Now let us talk about Minister Seymour. While I do believe that his intentions may be good and genuine, the press briefings do not require his input. Prayer is done at the start of the briefing – and it is great that our government recognizes prayer. No need for Minister Seymour to gone on praying, citing Bible verses and rambling on and on.
      Not sure what benefit that we the public get out of knowing a phrase in different languages. And if the public wants to hear a sermon, there are plenty of recorded Church services on you tube.

      Minister Seymour lacks the credibility of expertise within the health industry for people to look up to him for leadership in that area. Many, many people I know simply turn off the press briefing when he starts to speak – as there is very limited value to what he is attempting to convey.

      Any sensible thing that Minister Seymour has to say at the press briefing can be said by the Premier. The Premier does not mince words and gets to the point. Minister Seymours’ lack of presence at the press briefing will allow for even more
      “social distancing” and shorter press briefing.

      All in attendance at the press briefing and the listening public would be better served if Minister Seymour was allowed to concentrate on his Ministerial duties and not make himself sound like a person who was out of place just filling in time.

      I personally think that the Premier is making a mistake by having Minister Seymour at the press briefing. While I think it was not appropriate for CNS to ask Minister Seymour a personal question in front of a national audience – the point has been made and some sort of accountability needs to be made. Minister Seymour could have simply replied to the question “this is not the time and place for this matter”

      My suggestion is to allow Minister Seymour to utilize his press briefing time on issues like the dump, bulk collection, second chance, etc.o

      • nauticalone345 says:

        I agree with you almost completely – the only area where I differ is calling the question by CNS “a personal question”.
        First off he is a Public Figure, he is the Minister of Health. Everyday he (and the rest of the panel / medical professionals) remind us all of the importance of social distancing and the penalties for not following these laws. We are encouraged by the same persons (and the Commissioner of Police) to report those suspected of breaking the curfew laws, so it’s not really personal after she apparently breaks the law and then posts it to social media.
        And asking him if he could comment on his wife apparently breaking these laws by bringing her personal trainer into their home (and potentially put him and others at risk) is completely reasonable. His response was totally uncalled for!

  21. Anonymous says:

    It would be great if government could give us a second chance and open up the beaches with visits limited according to your last name. I believe that the majority of us have followed the rules generally over the last 5 weeks and deserve the opportunity to prove that we can use the beach responsibly. Simply impress upon the public that flogging the rules will result in closure again. I will gladly inform the authorities if I see someone breaking the rules. I just think this would go a long way to brightening people’s spirits at a time when everyone is so concerned about the future.

    • Anonymous says:

      Totally agree. I am an adult and can be trusted to swim, exercise, snorkel and sunbathe whilst staying the appropriate distance away from the next person. It would be just me and my personal trainer, which i now believe is acceptable.

      • Anonymous says:

        We tried this, and the opportunity was blown. The infantile public showed once again that it can’t be collectively responsible. Unless you are trying to be facetious, snorkeling, sunbathing, and keg parties were activities expressly forbidden in the weeks that led up to closures, and that’s why they are closed now. Because of naughty scheming child mentalities draining upon police resources.

        • Anonymous says:

          well, less than 500 of a population of 60000+ so i’m not sure how this is fair. its a mental health problem if you cannot drive to your place of exercise or go to the beach. i’m sure the risk of heat exhaustion or getting run over by crazy drivers is now higher than catching the coronavirus.

        • Anonymous says:

          I wasn’t trying to be facetious. I just meant that I can sunbathe and snorkel etc and still manage to distance myself from others which I thought was the whole point, so I just pointing out that I didn’t agree with the rules, as they seemed illogical. I was, however, being facetious about the personal trainer.

        • nauticalone345 says:

          What are your thoughts about the personal trainer?

        • Anonymous says:

          Agree with you 8:38AM – even if it is a small percentage of the population who screw it up for others – we all must pay the price.

          The problem we have with the screwballs who are ruining it is that the police, government and court system are all way too easy on them.

          Quit the lip service of threatening people with prosecution, just do it.

          There is always an element in any society that will take advantage of any loopholes. Restrictions can be legislated but government has to be very specific, otherwise some jailhouse lawyer will pick the law to pieces finding exception and wait, wait for it … lawsuits.

      • Anonymous says:

        Everyone will have forgotten how to swim now, it’s not safe to reopen the beaches.

    • Sun of a Beach says:

      My recollection of the Police Commissioner’s daily beach reports prior to Easter were that there were no real problems and beachgoers were abiding by the guidelines. The problem occurred only over the Easter holiday a traditional time for everyone to flock to the beach. I believe the Premier overreacted to this one off situation and as a result we are all suffering an indeterminate ban.
      My suggestion is if the positive test results remain under control that a “test” week of open beaches be allowed and if successful be continued.

    • Anonymous says:

      My partner and I have names in the opposite group. We live together. We should not be restricted because of our name.
      You cannot blanket everything!

  22. Anonymous says:

    Special privileges for those in power versus the rest of us.
    Earthquake means destruction; dictator means destruction! In the case of earthquake, you need a strong building; in the case of dictator, you need an educated rational mind, because an irrational ignorant mind always serves the dictator!

  23. Anon says:

    In view of all of the new fact data showing that the death rates from the China virus is about the same as a bad flu year, the lockdowns are unnecessary.

    • Anonymous says:

      I wish people would stop saying that Covid19 is no worse than the flu. The death rates of Covid19 is as low as it is because there is a massive world wide lock down. If the disease was allowed to run rampant then the death rate would be much, much worse than the flu. Even with all these measures in place, New York has seen 21 times the number of deaths from Covid19 as they normally see from the flu.


      • Anonymous says:

        But times the cases by 25 to 30 and it works out a lot lower.
        Thats because so many people had it but did not know.
        These people estimated to be 2.7M are not used in the figures.

      • Anonymous says:

        Do not trust the figures you are given unless you look at the ways the number is achieved! DEATHS are all counted as COVID right now since there are no autopsies actually being done! So how many people have really died of COVID? The italian who died on Island had covid, but it was his third and final heart attack! So what did he die of? The death rate for COVID is in reality LOW. not to say not dangerous to older people and children but still low enough to wonder why we have shutdown the economy!

    • Anonymous says:

      Please do not call this the “China virus”. This is invoking lots of racism and attacks Asian communities around the world. I am shocked that CNS allowed this comment

      • Anonymous says:

        9:40 How is it racist!? The world is run by snowflakes and overly sensitive people. It isn’t racist to say that the virus is originated in China it is FACT.. It was linked to a wet market in china and there is allot of evidence that suggested it came from bats which they eat in CHINA. Attacking Chinese nationals and showering them with verbal abuse is horrible and unfair i utterly agree it isn’t right. But denying that the virus came from China is just silly. They had a responsibility to inform the rest of the world about the spread but they covered it up which is why we are in the state we are in. If they had been truthful and open with us this would likely not have escalated to the state it is now. That doesn’t mean we blame Chinese people as a whole. But the virus did come from China.

      • Anonymous says:

        Having spent time in China it is a fact that the Chinese go to the open air markets and buy anything from the wild. Bats, anteaters, groundhogs, ferrets, etc. That is not racist but a simple fact.

        In the same way Caymanians eat turtle which is also a fact and not racist.

        Hopefully, these wild animal markets will be outlawed as many of these animals are endangered, however, many Chinese argue that eating all these wild animals is part of their culture just like some Caymanians argue that eating turtle stew is part of Caymanian culture.

        Whether the Chinese like it or not, the virus came from Wuhan be it the market or the laboratory.

      • Anonymous says:

        More appropriate to call it the Wuhan virus.

      • Anonymous says:

        Stop being so sensitive. What do you think MERS stands for? West Nile? Lyme? Zika?? Get over it!

        The Chinese eat endangered animals and then passion viruses to the world. Fact. The Chinese torture and then eat dogs in an annual festival. Fact. We should name more bad things after them.

  24. Anonymous says:

    Minister of Health must resign now.

  25. Anonymous says:

    Yesterday we witnessed what we knew was happening all along. We are sacrificing our jobs, children’s well being, health, and wellbeing to name a very few so these MLAs can keep us locked up while they still go about their day. Alden better live stream a video of his pool.

  26. Anonymous says:

    Seymour trying to go all Trump on Wendy. How ridiculous. Governor Roper you should be ashamed. Sitting there like nothing happened.

    • Anonymous says:

      Did you see the Governors face after John John had finished speaking, he looked gobsmacked like he couldn’t believe what he just heard. I totally get it. I wouldn’t have known how to respond on the spot either especially since Donna Bush closed the presser very abruptly.

    • K.O. says:

      6.27am The Governor was clearly on the ropes, and the Premier should have thrown in the towel.

  27. Disgraceful leadership says:

    Well to start with good news on the results.

    Now to the really news, CNS reporter asked a question today and was insulted and threatened by the Minister.
    If the ministers wife did in fact hire a personal trainer during this lockdown that is against the law and subject to and fine and imprisonment, she should be investigated and if guilty charged.

    By ignoring the investigation, I do have a question, for all those that have been fined, will lawyers take all these fines to court and plead not guilty siting there being no action against the wife, which to me is pure corruption?

    I’d also like to know, do all politicians wife’s and family mambers have letters from the government saying they have exemption and can travel out of their assigned names?

    Seymour is a disgrace and should be told by the Premier to step down immediately (of course this won’t happen)

    Seymour insulted the modesty of a woman and clearly threatened the reporter, he should be also investigated for this (of course this won’t happen).

    All the hard work this government has dobe these last few weeks has just gone out the window, by this donkey.

    A few weeks ago, Seymour was on TV crying and complaining that he was been picked on, well recall what he said in the house about the LGB community.

    As far as I’m concerned he is now free game to make as many memes about him as we want, as he can get away with his own personal actions.

    I think today the CNS reporter should ask the Premier for a public appoligy from Seymour and ask about him about the actions of this parliament members (I’ve got money on it Alden would have the same disrespectful reply).

    To CNS, please don’t let this story go away, a majority of the public support you and you deserve a public apology. Keep up the good work.

  28. Anonymous says:

    Good for Wendy! Thank God for my mute button, so I can spare myself his blathering language lessons he can’t even pronounce the language correctly. Praying is one thing, preaching & attempting to teach things (especially not qualified for) are another story. Why is everyone else on the panel able to conduct themselves in a professional manner? Why is he above reproach? What he was able to prove is that he is a narcissistic moron. He’s as embarrassing as the US administration. The panel is there to keep us informed and extend good will & hope to the nation. It’s not his platform to perform hokey uneducated & unqualified performances. Deliver your message about Health & Environmental Health issues. I can’t believe after what we’ve just gone through w/McKeever Bush that he’s allowed to conduct himself in such ways. His wife put it out there, he’s answerable to his constituents & Wendy had every right to ask. I’ve just glad she didn’t let it go!

  29. Anonymous says:

    I’m disappointed that CNS didn’t actually publish a story about the Minister of Health, his wife, her trainer and the Minister’s open threats today when confronted with allegations that they are breaching the curfew. I believe the Commissioner of the RCIP must also be asked squarely, at the first possible opportunity, if he will investigate the serious allegations made and whether he will warn for prosecution. The Minister of Health comes across as an uneducated incompetent man and should be considered an embarrassment for every Caymanian. He must be removed from office as soon as possible. I doubt the Premier has the spine or ethics to do the right thing, but we can only hope. Disgusting man.

    CNS: There will be a story.

  30. Anonymous says:

    WTF, Is this starting to become a take-off of Trump’s daily press briefing?
    It’s bad enough having to listen to Sunday Bible School bull s@#t.
    Don’t want to be questioned… stay away from podium.

  31. Anonymous says:

    jon-jon is what he is…shame on those who put him there and hame on those who sit beside him and say nothing…..

  32. Anonymous says:

    Well if anyone thinks John John was crying about things said about him on CNS the last time he had his little outburst, be prepared tomorrow to buy a case of tissues from Cost U Less to have on hand..

    He should humble himself tomorrow and apologize to the public and to Wendy for his behavior and for using the scripture in vain and most importantly for his wife’s behavior..

  33. Time to go Jon-Jon says:

    I think it’s time for the jackass to stay away from these press briefings. He contributes nothing, and constantly confirms that he is totally out of his depth, and should not be allowed anywhere near a position of authority or influence.

  34. Anonymous says:

    Any easing is still contingent upon the forthcoming test results, and two still-to-be-convened Cabinet huddles, not just today’s somewhat upbeat findings.

    The pool you still can’t use needs a vigorous bristle scrub, full 48hr algae knockdown, and pro mobile vacuum service and rebalance before you can turn your filter pumps back on.

    Don’t get prematurely excited.

  35. Anonymous says:

    We watched it over and over again…. Alden looks at him good and long for like 2 minutes as if to say, If I get lick down with this wirus (slap back of hand), and the Governor eyes stuck to the upper side corner of his head when he heard about Mary, Jesus and a donkey! He’s like oh my God if this mutated I might catch covid-claps 20

    Bet that personal trainer is in for a good old nose swabbing tonight! What a bargain

    Lots of positives though Cayman good bunch of negatives and freedom soon come.

  36. Anonymous says:

    The Minister of Health’s behaviour during today’s press conference was inexcusable. As a Caymanian I am embarrassed that this man was elected to serve our country and given a ministry portfolio.

    His presence fails to add any value to the panel and listening to him makes me hesitant to even turn the press conference on in the first place. Time is a valuable commodity, making the ability to be precise increasingly important – a skill Minister Seymour lacks terribly. While Alden and the Governor provide pertinent information in a timely manner, Minister Seymour rambles on about the Bible, the DEH and his blood bank drive, reading directly off of the script somebody has prepared for him. He spends more time speaking than Dr. Lee, Alden, and the Governor combined, while providing the public with little to no valuable information.

    His incompetence is frequently highlighted when he receives a question from a member of the press that he is unable to answer, often turning to another member of the panel to answer for him or simply saying that he will “look into it”. A prime example of this was today when he failed to understand the simple question asked about an increase in garden waste, appearing visibly perplexed on air, only to say “Yeah yeah, I unnahstand. Something for consideration”.

    His ability to speak proper English, as well as the points he makes and his responses to questions (or lack thereof) highlights how uneducated he is and how ill-qualified he is for his current position. With so many well qualified, well educated Caymanians it baffles me that this man was somehow elected to serve our islands.

    His response to Wendy’s question today regarding the news on Cayman Marl Road was extremely rude and out of order. She asked the question in a very professional manner, asking him if he would be able to comment, and did not accuse him or his family member of anything. His hostile response to her question reminded me of the way Donald Trump responds to questions from the media when he too is in denial. Addressing her as stupid not only underscores his lack of professionalism, but also shows that his religious ramble is simply a front, and he is far from the kind Christian man he likes to portray himself as. Although, this should be no surprise to anyone already aware of his tasteless “Gaypril” joke in the Legislative Assembly earlier this year.

    He and/or his family member should admit that they were at fault, and suffer the consequences that any other member of the public would suffer for breaking the soft curfew measures currently in place. If she wants to call herself “First Lady Seymour” on Instagram, she should set an example that any First Lady would expected to set, and be prepared to be scrutinized by the public for occupying such a role.

    • Anonymous says:

      Alden FIRE Jon Jon and place yourself as Minister of Health. You are ruining your political career

      • Anonymous says:

        Alden doesn’t have a political career. He is a used-to-be!

      • Anonymous says:

        It was a mistake to appoint him, but it will be an even bigger mistake not to replace him. He is clearly out of his depth.

  37. Anon says:

    “You would have to be brave enough to ask that kind of question, I don’t know who would be that stupid” Dwayne Seymour

    That’s a threat, plain and simple.

  38. Anonymous says:

    Pity no one else asked him to clarify his ridiculous answer.

  39. Anonymous says:

    I do not know why we are in lockdown at all now….the death rate for COVID on this island is ZERO! The italian man who arrived had Covid but died from his 3 rd heart attack! Stop the Madness! The numbers do not make sense!

    • Anonymous says:

      Stop assuming everything out of govt mouthpieces is accurate. It is as accurate as they want it to be! Coroners/doctors are complaining that ALL deaths are counted as COVID to make the numbers look right….but this cannot be true. People die from many things…comorbidities…and it may have nothing to do with COVID but we are told it is Covid. Until there are autopsies it is pure speculation as to what someone died from and the coroners are being pressured to attribute ANY death to COVID.

    • Anonymous says:

      Um, you’ve answered your own question! Our death rate is zero (as you say) BECAUSE we locked down.

  40. NT says:

    Minister of Health, seems to be taking plays from Donald Trumps press play book. Sad to see that kind of bullying allowed to happen in the Cayman Islands. Hopefully the press sticks together and keeps pressing the question until we get an appropriate answer. It would seem that there maybe a possible breach of public trust in the statements made to Wendy at CNS were made as the he was carrying out his official duties as Minister of Health when he made his statements.

    • Anonymous says:

      Your assumption is that Trump bullies…others think the press bullies and Trump is just fighting back! If no matter what you do or say, you get smeared and mischaracterized by bullies, who exactly is the Bully?

      • Anonymous says:

        Yes, Senator John McCain spent 5 years in Hanoi Prison being tortured regularly but Trump called him a loser because he was captured. Then he attacks him again after he died and was buried. Bet you are / were a bully too. Bullies always stick together.

  41. Anonymous says:

    So the current state of play in Cayman politics, in my humble opinion, is that we have the speaker of the house facing assault charges for battering a woman and on an unconstitutional “leave of absence”. The replacement speaker an outright xenophobic anti gay hate monger. And now a completely useless minister of health uttering veiled threats towards the media during a live press conference because they had the nerve to ask a tough question.

    So Roy, Tara, Joey, Moses, Alden what say you. Oh that’s right, hanging on to power trumps everything else.

    Throw them all out. #useless.

  42. Anonymous says:

    When we should be celebrating some good news regarding the negative results, it’s completely forgotten about And ruined when the MoH bullies another human being in live television. Can we get a petition going for his immediate resignation?

  43. Emma says:

    So just so I’m absolutely clear here- the rules of lock down down and social distancing don’t apply to the wife of an MLA, the free press were openly threatened today for daring to hold him to account, the public are not allowed to question the character and integrity of the MLA, nor is anyone allowed to make jokes about him for fear of prosecution, the MLA has historically, on record in the house, encouraged hate speech with his mocking of the LGBTQ community, and because he quotes scripture he’s not held to the same standards as the rest of us? Have I missed anything? Oh, wait- yes- one tiny detail. The Premier and the Governor say by and let this happen. Disgraceful.

    • Anonymous says:

      Don’t forget that he was waiting outside a hotel years ago waiting for his then wife and her trainer from Florida to come outside.

    • Anonymous says:

      As someone in another medium observed, the Minister’s reaction to a question at today’s press conference seemed like the beginning of a joke. I was giggling in my kitchen for a while every time I thought of what he said.

      Unfortunately, however, the lack of sophistication by the Minister is no joking matter:

      1. The photo in question depicts someone said to be a member of his family violating the isolation rules, which is quite a serious matter. The CMO of Scotland was just relieved of her duties for travelling to a second home during the lockdown in that country.

      2. Further he displayed a total lack of finesse in responding to a legitimate press question, seeming to think it was a personal affront to him. Ms Ledger was right to ask that question and she deserved a proper answer.

      The fact that he came unprepared to answer that question shows that he doesn’t quite understand the role of the press.

      3. The Minister should also be aware that attacking the person is one of the most well recognized logical fallacies, and to do it in full view of the whole Cayman Islands just shows how unaware he is of the basics of communication and discourse.

      Unfortunately the Minister of Health has demonstrated once again that he has risen way beyond his level of competence.

    • Anonymous says:

      A self-ascribed “firstlady” wallowing in the privilege of her sense political exemption…how absolutely grotesque. Three guesses who the third person was holding the camera.

    • Anonymous says:

      Previously, he likened his appointment as Minister as a handpicked selection overseen by God, and that anyone who dared challenge that, challenges God Himself…and today he likens himself to Joseph, who we are told, was the best part of story. Doing a bad job means you are doing a good job, that you should keep at that bad effort, and that there is a flood, and you are a fish and he, or we, are ants or something. His fist lady wife’s vanity is above reproach. Does anybody else hear this delusion? Btw, what are the three heavens the ihop minister was cracking on about?!? Times up on all of this politically-endorsed cray. Is there any genuine audience for this numb-nuttedness?

    • Anonymous says:

      The social distancing rules don’t apply to Alden either… unless of course he lives with the other two guys he was out cycling with the other morning.

    • Anonymous says:

      They should have removed him after threatening Wendy. What a disgrace.

  44. nauticalone345 says:

    Great on the results and measures taken by the Premier and medical professionals.

    However, the Minister of Health really is an embarrassment! The non-sense he spewed while bullying Wendy Ledger today is a prime example of the bullying mentality directed at those who dare question those in power. Too many persons in our Cayman Islands are too willing accept this.
    The MoH should be leading by a positive example, and the Premier and Governor (the two most powerful CIG representatives) have a duty to ensure better!

    I’m sickened by this! What an embarrassing example for ourselves and our children….and for anyone!

    • Anonymous says:

      Careful, you might make him cry again…

    • Anonymous says:

      The Minister of Health is an absolute embarrassment to the Cayman Islands. How can someone with his mentality hold this position especially during a worldwide health crisis. The majority of this Government is not capable in their assigned posts. And their disrespect for women on a whole is appalling. What an example for all the young girls watching today. Sadden by this behavior while the Governor and Alden just sit by.

  45. Anonymous says:

    Standing ovation to Wendy today! Shame on our illiterate, bible thumping M of H! Keep up the good work Wendy. Bravo!

    • Anonymous says:

      Wendy you go girl.

    • Anonymous says:

      Seymour is digging his own grave. It is kind of foolish to use the Word of God in a devious way. Satan tried it and it won’t end well for him and neither Seymour.
      Seriously, did he think he could mock God openly. I see pain for these people. Self-inflicted.

  46. Anonymous says:

    Can the police enforce the rules when they have videotaped evidence of breaches? Asking for a friend in Bodden Town.

  47. Anonymous says:

    Wendy, I salute your professionalism to not snap back at the minister. Well done, i know i wouldn’t have been able to do that

  48. Anonymous says:

    Any article regarding the disgraceful behavior of the MoH? 10 days ago sulking like a baby on national TV, now insulting members of the press and pathetic excuses for an answer to a simple question. Would be much more credible if he just confirmed the position.

  49. BeaumontZodecloun says:

    Wonderful! An excellent start. I hope and pray today’s results are a portent of future results.

  50. David Shibli says:

    Wow, did Wendy Ledger really ask Seymour about the personal trainer and his wife? Fantastic question. And did Seymour respond in a threatening way using the Bible as his defence? This man does not deserve to represent any kind of people with his ridiculous, passive aggressive attitude.
    Are these the kind of ignorant people that we have (s)elected to bear rule over us.
    Hopefully these days of unrighteous government will soon come to a close. Seriously, this type of behaviour is bordering on the criminally insane. The fact that he sits next to Alden McLaughlin speaks volumes.
    Yes, integrity will never be broken and if you watched the 1984 movie, you will know that 2 plus 2 is still four and “V” is still for victory.

    • Anonymous says:

      Well spoken Mr. Shibli. If the history of Bodden Town voters repeats itself, then in May 2021 – Mr. Seymour shall be afforded the opportunity return to the private sector.


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