Suppliers to CIG need payment too

I will not criticize the government for all they are doing to assist those they perceive as impacted and most vulnerable by this pandemic. I would however ask if they could look into another area where they have not announced any consideration. Civil servants received their paychecks early, bonus payments are being processed and now bus drivers have been guaranteed a stipend within 11 days. My question is, what about the businesses who have legitimately provided services to the government, has not yet been paid, and need the liquidity to be able to keep things going in this downturn?
Is there any consideration to expedite payments to suppliers who provided goods to the government, especially small businesses? Liquidity is the name of the game right now; the longer government sits on the invoices and keeps the money from circulating in the economy, the more likely businesses are to make layoff decisions or miss critical payments.
I would therefore ask the government to issue a directive that all suppliers be paid by the end of the month (preferably electronically to promote social distancing) for any goods or services they’ve supplied to CIG.
Thank you!
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Category: Viewpoint
Cinico needs to stop stalling and pay up too!!!
Absolutely! Having experience with the Gov paying vendors. They sit on them for months! Worst offenders.
good point. also – any projects that were being considered should NOT be put on hold wherever possible so that those suppliers still have some work to do and some income…,
This is a valid point as some of us out here still trying to fend for ourselves by providing goods and services to the Government, and trying to prevent becoming dependent on the State. However, what you’ll probably hear is that the accounts people have self isolated or are working from home and so no payments.
Let’s hope the Government gives us some positive news on this today at the press briefing.
While we are sharing ideas and concerns, another suggestion to the banks is to allow customers the option of taking the 3 month loan moratorium at any time over the next 12 months.
I can pay my loan this month and probably next, but I am not sure how my circumstances will look in 5 or 6 months. I would like to continue paying while I can, but I also fear that I may lose the opportunity for the moratorium when times get hard if I don’t take it now.
If they gave me some assurance that I will still get the help if/when I need it, I am happy to continue paying this month and next, knowing that I have the loan moratorium as a fall back position in the future when things get harder.
Then simply save the funds you would have used to pay over the next 3 months and then have them to pay later months. Same difference. Just takes will power.
Except the bank will charge more interest on the larger loan balance
I’d say this was a great question but we all know the answer “NO”!
Why would the government care about these businesses, who has the largest votes civil servants, tax drivers and of course the church to of which have received extra cash and the other to remain open and collect their 15% from there congregation.
On another note, why is Mac out and about I thought he was in rehab, wait why hasn’t he been arrested yet, up dte please.
Oh dear, name appropriate!