Smoked out residents allowed home

| 10/03/2020 | 33 Comments
Cayman News Service
Chief Fire Officer Paul Walker

(CNS): People who were evacuated from Lakeside Apartments and Watlers Road on Sunday due to the thick plumes of toxic smoke emanating from the George Town dump have been given the okay to return home. The latest official update on the dump fire issued Tuesday evening said that Chief Fire Officer Paul Walker had given his approval to lift the evacuation as the smoke has been significantly reduced as a result of efforts by Cayman Islands Fire Service (CIFS) crews and staff from the Department of Environmental Health (DEH).

CIFS and the DEH continued to excavate, damped down and cap the affected areas all day Tuesday and officials said they had “made good progress in tackling at fire”.

However, as a precaution, residents should keep doors and windows closed and are advised to monitor air conditioning units in case of smoke intake. ​

According to Detective Superintendent Pete Lansdown, these areas were evacuated on Sunday evening because RCIPS officers judged that sparks and embers could have crossed the road from the dump and caused a major hazard to the residents at Lakeside Apartments. The thick, black smoke could have caused respiratory problems to residents there, so the decision was made to evacuate the condos. At around 9.30pm, the wind shifted and smoke began to settle in Watler’s Road, so they decided to evacuate that area as well.

According to the update, Esterley Tibbetts Highway remains open in both directions Tuesday evening, but drivers are urged to remain vigilant while passing the landfill site and reduce speed as signed in the area. ​

CIFS and DEH crews will remain on site this evening, officials said. The next operational meeting will take place at 8am tomorrow, with an update to the public provided soon afterwards.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Class action law suit against CIG needs to happen now!!!

  2. Anonymous says:

    If not for the dump fire/smoke/cancer risks, the ever-present open human waste ponds just east of the mountain.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Smoke picked up last night, couldnt breath in my apt around 10pm. Smoke visiblity 20-40 ft outside, Had to evacuate to the another location.

    Theres particulate in every condo on the walk, black mold is growing in the hall ways and all over the building now.

    I can’t begin to describe the damage that the smoke has done to the island and the people.

    Lake side should sue yes, every damn person in Cayman should get together and sue the CIG for this crap.

    Time to move for now…. Lakeside is the cheapest place on SMB and it’s still 2k to live next to a toxic waste field.

    Chief Officer of FIRE doesn’t know anything about health let alone fire management.

    Who approves this entry with out health inspection.

    • Anonymous says:

      Unfortunately I think everyone knew it was a bad idea to build apartments there but they did.

    • Anonymous says:

      EXACTLY! Who approves this entry with out health inspection!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      ONLY IN CAYMAN! Ignorance, incompetence, and negligence are considered normal here.

      • Anonymous says:

        Who approves it? Hmmmmmmm, who would profit from someone BUILDING a residential facility so close to where discarded PRODUCTS packaging could catch fire. Hmmmmm. (scratches empty head with rolls of hundred dollars bills) I just don’t know.

    • Anonymous says:

      Is it black mold or soot from the fire?

      • Anonymous says:

        Actually from Insects that live on the building and the particulate has become stuck in the webs that make cocoon/nest.
        There is no mold in the area, even though it looks like it.( Assumption need scientific tests)

  4. Anonymous says:

    Pray, is the CIG going to pay for all of our necessary air filter swaps and consequential service calls? Where and to whom do we send these bills?

  5. Anonymous says:

    The air is still toxic. I have had to take a family member in who was living in the area.
    Smoke damage is going to render many possessions worthless.
    A class action needs to happen to reclaim the wealth gained by our politicians during their dictatorial tenure of total ineptitude.

    • Anonymous says:

      You have any idea how much class action suits cost and how long it takes to get a decision? People who live in Lakeside Apartments are not flush with money.

      • Anonymous says:

        Is there such a concept of class action in Cayman?

      • Anonymous says:

        Why, again, you argue for your limitations? YOU CAN DO IT ON YOUR OWN!

        If 4 WestBay ladies could do it, so can you.

        Forget how long it is going to take, take action, stop talking.

      • Anonymous says:

        But the strata has enough funds to kick it off!

        • Anonymous says:

          that’s a joke….strata management at lakeside is amateur hour…and you can thank the original developer for that.

        • Anonymous says:

          BTW Lakeside Strata and Management knew that they would let us back into building.

          Nothing will be done….everything smells like smoke over everything. The smoke came through the bathroom vents because they don;’t use two way flaps it’s open to the building.

      • Anonymous says:

        Often, people may have viable bases for lawsuits but fear that they are not allowed to file their claim without a lawyer. As a result, concerns over paying attorney fees may keep some from following through with their claims, meaning that the legal wrong may go unaddressed and the person who was wronged may go uncompensated. But, it is possible to file a lawsuit without a lawyer.

        How to Start a Class Action

        How to File a Class Action Lawsuit

        Class Action FAQ

        Use it as a guideline! Doesn’t matter that you live in the Cayman Islands and the guideline is for the US.

        • Anonymous says:

          Actually it matters a lot that you are in Cayman and not the US. The class action industry is built around the concept that you can not only create a class of plaintiffs who can then be represented by a single firm or firms, but limits the ability of the plaintiffs to individually instruct the lawyers AND entitles the lawyers to a slice of the recovery. The plaintiff gets a free but silent ride. In Cayman any number of people can hang to together and instruct a lawyer, but there is no provision for success fees or litigation funding, both of which are illegal, and the lawyer is responsible to each and every plaintiff – fine if you are representing 2 or 3 – not fine if you have hundreds all with conflicting ideas on settlement or instructions. On current law just doesn’t work.

      • Anonymous says:

        …and with their new, shortened lifespans…

  6. Anon says:

    Hell no, who will be investigated over the fire at the dump? NOT even Bush is been properly investigated. Mac hiding behind the flames of hell.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Have the RCIP opened an investigation into any criminal negligence which may have given rise to this issue, and endangered the lives, health and livelihoods of many?

    • Anonymous says:

      No. That would imply we have accountability.

      • Anonymous says:

        It also implies that we have a police force that is proactive and effective. Have the found the perpetrator of that assault on SMB a couple of weeks back yet? How’s that investigation going?

        • Anonymous says:

          The case is all wrapped up. Buju did it. Just like he ran over those kids a few years ago and then hopped on his canoe back to Jamaica.


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