Gov’t preps to deal with ‘lean times’

(CNS): Premier Alden McLaughlin said government is discussing a range of measures to protect the Cayman Islands, not just from the health crisis presented by the COVID-19 pandemic but the economic one as well and the “very lean times ahead”. Warning of tough times and a significant downturn in business, the premier said talks this week on how government will grapple with the economic issues will include the opposition as well as Cabinet and caucus.
“Even… if this epidemic were to come to a screeching halt in a month’s time, what’s happening more broadly to the global economy will take much longer to come back to anywhere near where it is now. We all have to plan and make provision for how we survive what are going to be very lean times, I believe, through to the end of the year at the very least,” McLaughlin warned at Friday’s COVID-19 press briefing.
“These are issues that deserve and warrant national discussion and so we want to involve the opposition in those talks,” he added.
McLaughlin also said he will be holding a special meeting to look at the public finances as well and how government will get through these difficult times.
“Government is very well placed… but with the tourism industry completely in tatters and virtually no revenue coming in from that end, and with what’s happening in the financial markets, there is no question whatsoever that financial services are also going to be very seriously hit,” the premier said.
He explained that government had to plan not just for the short term but for much longer so that it would not just be able to pay bills and civil servants but support the domestic business community during these difficult times.
Government is also considering an increase in borrowing, McLaughlin told the press. With interest rates now very low, he said that this was one of many considerations on the table and would be discussed intently. Government could not be allowed to get cash strapped so that it can’t support people in times of need, the premier said, adding that he would be calling on the UK to relax ratios over public debt.
The Cayman Islands, like most overseas territories, under the direction of the UK, have strict guidelines regarding borrowing. And while Cayman’s debt is now very low compared to most major western economies, as it stands the Public Finance Management Law would have to be amended to allow the government to increase the current debt.
The debt ratios would have to be lifted for government to borrow enough to cover the amount of money that might be required to inject into the local economy to prevent a serious depression.
However, Governor Martyn Roper, who was also at the briefing, said that the UK was looking at this and was sympathetic about the situation that the territories are likely to face, and he did not think this would be a problem.
In the short term, government has already given a stipend to some of Cayman’s most economically vulnerable, including the elderly on permanent financial assistance, the indigent and licensed local tour operators. But there have been no major plans announced so far about how others will be supported financially.
While the Department of Commerce and Investment is hoping to help some small businesses to transition and adapt their services, for example, moving taxi drivers and couriers into food delivery, there is no money on the table yet for the Cayman’s small and medium sized businesses.
All of the local banks have offered ‘loan holidays’ to customers as a way of preventing anyone losing their homes and to help them through the immediate crisis, if they call to speak to their loan officers. But with most commercial institutions turning to phone and online service, CNS had received a number of complaints from readers that they simply cannot get through to the banks, with phones regularly ringing out.
Meanwhile, both Cayman Water Company and the Water Authority have said they will not cut off customers’ supply over the next 90 days regardless of their current credit situation.
However CUC has made a commitment only until the end of this month not to cut power and requires its customers to call to arrange a possible 90 day credit facility. But the power company has warned that not everyone will qualify, which means that despite the coronavirus shutdown, customers could still be disconnected.
Rubis has offered to cut its price per gallon by 40 cents on the fuel it sells to retailers but it is not clear when this will be posted at the pumps.
But given the immediate difficulties faced by thousands of people, in the short term many will be turning to the Needs Assessment Unit for support. Government has increased the money available for financial assistance via the NAU and to boost staffing levels, as the unit switches to online and phone service to process new applications.
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Category: Economy, Government Finance, Politics
I heard yesterday that CIG only has reserves to cover 4-5 months. The Chinese have $billions tucked away in offshore accounts here – they started this, maybe they’d like to bail us out. The accounts apparently involve not just large companies but also senior members of the country’s leadership including the big boss, Xi Jinping.
Ah, the good old “there are billions banked here so we are somehow entitled to it” line. It varies from the the “lets have a small transit tax of 1 or 2% because they are really rich people/companies and can afford it” through to “lets just confiscate it because they are bad people”.
Passing over the fact we are already well rewarded through our offshore financial services industry for facilitating these, and taxing it or confiscating it would kill that industry and the golden eggs it lays that pays for over 60% of our GDP in a heartbeat, there is a more practical problem.
Its not gold sitting in a vault, and Scrooge McDuck pile of cash. Its virtual money – its wire transactions recorded as being banked here, followed by the local bank wiring the money onshore into financial institutions or assets there. Try and impose a transit tax and see how many payments get wired through Cayman. Try and seize onshore assets and funds by government appropriation and see how far you get – the US courts might just have a problem with Alden saying he wants it because its dirty money. If its dirty the US will seize it. If its not dirty no legitimate court will simply allow CIG to help itself to it.
These landlords do not want good tenants to default. Talk to your landlord. I got a reduction, yes I have to pay it back over time. But it gives me liquidity, and room to breathe.
You just happened to luck out with a decent landlord. The rest of us are assed out.
My tenants lost their jobs. I brought them a few cans of paint, brushes, rollers. They’re painting the apartment in lieu of rent. They seemed happy with that. No idea what their painting skills are but it’s better than leaving it empty and it could use a coat of paint anyway.
Good on you! Well done!
Very nice and creative if you.
What about all the people on workpermit that are now without a job. Helpers make 6$ an hour if they are lucky.
Does anybody care ?
Bluntly, the law expects them to return their homelands. Cayman will feed and support them for as long as necessary, but as soon as they can, they will need to go home.
But who is going clean your toilets then? Unemployed Caymanians? Don’t make me laugh. The last people most Caymanians want to see leave this island are expat helpers earning $6 per hour!
People on Workpermit are the backbone of the islands economy. Simply stating “Bluntly,the law expects them to return their homelands”., is disgraseful.
A. they cannot get back home and B They need financal help. Feeding them will not pay the rent and other bills. All other countries have given such people $2000.00 to help get them through. “Workpermit” people have helped boost the island popularity and economy by a huge ammount. The island simply Can Not Do without them. Now in this very grave time you want to forget they exist…….. Shame on you.
The government should realize that it is now impossible to continue paying these high Civil Servants pay….it will definitely drain the budget…..need to enforce a reduction in pay….or we will all pay.
Many expats that work for government and public authorities are very highly paid and if there is any trimming to take place it must start there! But, I would like to see all MLA’s take a cut too. Now is the time to prove their loyalty to the country.
Sigh. So sad to see how laws, policies and politicians have divided our community these last two decades.
the private sector will be run into extinction before they will even consider a reduction to the civil service pay…..
welcome to wonderland
Start with the politicians. Only now are they really working for it.
Please can someone send me a link for the video
FAREWELL TO THE CRUISE BERTHING FACILITY PROJECT ! Seeing these times so unpredictable, I think its not a DIRE need for this generation.
When can we stop paying Mac Pension AND Salary AND Benefits?
I stopped. It is more important to put those dollars into the hands of our employees. Come and get me if you want. I will make good on all payments after this crisis passes. To give that money to the pension whilst my hourly employees are facing dire consequences is unconscionable. I would rather keep them paid during this crisis.
Original poster talking about taxpayers not paying for Mckeevas pension and salary – not a pension holiday.
The gravy train for Mac and the other MLA’s never stops. Once on the train you never get off.
Until the people derail the train exercising their constitutional rights.
Will never happen in Cayman as Caymanians are a totally passive people.
I understand that after this is all said and done, we like many other countries, will desperately need investment into the local economy which will include real estate. But PLEASE can we regulate who is able to purchase property and land here?
The last couple years have been a headache for young Caymanians and the middle class trying to obtain reasonable property. This is first time homeowners, not people buying rental income properties. Now is our chance to control property ownership and set things right moving forward.
If you wanted a scheme to crater property values and bankrupt Butterfield and CNB then limiting resale to Caymanians is a sure fire way to do it. Well done.
You should have regulated the sellers who were all Caymanian.
Certainly do not need a 50 storey building now.
You forget how that person works when countries are in trouble.
Remember 2:06, it was Caymanians who were the big sellers not the expats. You have been effectively screwed by your fellow Caymanians.
A few ideas for Alden:
1. Quit this whole port appeal debacle and use the money helping your nation. It’s blatantly clear where priorities should lie right now on this. Do the right thing.
2. Reduce or exempt small and micro business work permit fees as the DCI did for T&B licenses. It’s not fair that they should pay the same as large concerns if they need to hire an expat for a certain position. When they can’t find anyone locally they can’t afford to recruit from abroad either and just have to make do without. Not ideal for the bottom line.
3. We are taxed heavily by CIG and the banks for EVERY transaction we make. Its diabolical. The banks make enough money from interest and fees. They should pay the Gov fee from their profits and ATM and others banking transactions should be FREE. I spend literally hundreds of dollars annually just to get back my own money. Right now when most of us have no income, this could be a huge help.
4. It’s time for regulated price capping. Triple and quadruple mark-ups by wholesalers and retailers have to stop. And why do we still pay so dearly for items that attract no import duty to the wholesalers and retailers?
5. Nobody can leave right now. Please let those poor folks working in the immigration dept go home. Use zoom or something else to interview and take screen shots of documents and produce electronic visa extensions for the time being. I accompanied someone there for an extension on Friday. Customers are being placed at risk with the seating arrangements. Chairs are still joined together and everyone sits with an empty chair between them. But then as each customer is served everyone has to move along and sit in the chair just occupied by the person in front of them. Meaning everyone is being exposed successively. And they make you sit there even if you would rather stand at a distance and wait. Pretty scary. I waited outside in the car.
Port? Are you kidding me? That project is dead and buried. Google CCL share price. Cruise industry won’t recover for at least a decade. Every cloud and all that
I’d expect Carnival Legal to be busy in the months ahead with lawsuit claims filed by every “kidnapped” passenger, the estates of all the deceased, that were and are still stuck aboard the continuing nightmare voyage and chartered escape flights from MS Costa Luminosa, only now finally ending in Marseilles.
It’s a good thing for them that the Verdant Isle consortium was opaquely channelled through the disposable Cayman Islands shell company. Now all parties can just walk away, having posted no performance bond, and having made no promises.
Yeah…have you heard CIG press release that they have dropped the appeal? Me neither
Re-read #1. Slowwwwwly.
Trump is looking at a billion dollar bailout for the cruise industry. They are his big supporters in Florida and contributed millions to his 2016 campaign. They will get whatever they want just like the American hotel industry. Billions coming their way from Washington next month.
A short while ago I wrote on here specific for the Premier when he was going fast forward with the port and the Smith’s Cove asking him to take a break so that Cayman could do a reset. I would not try to take credit for the cancellations but I do believe he might have listened to me and the rest of the wider Cayman. Now I will publicly thank you Mr. Premier for the way you are handling this latest challenge. My message to you is that we will get through this miraculously much better than any of us can see right now. This is also a reset for us to really reflect on who and what is really special, important and necessary at this time. I pray that each of us will look every day for the extra-ordinary in the mundane. That we will not dispair because “greater is who is with us than who is against us. We can have hope in the face of heaviness. Mr. Premier Christians all over the Islands are praying for you as you shoulder this massive responsibility along the the government the Opposition, the medical teams the Governor and all of us here and afar. Blessings.
You’re a real propitiator aren’t you? Propitiation often involves a god or gods, traditional or not.
He is not a tzar or an emperor or Almighty. He doesn’t owe the territory, its revenues, its people, its resources. He isn’t some sort of genius either.
He is a public SERVANT. He
Better ask him what happened to the promise he made on March 9 to start the Dump capping “ next week”. It has been 2 weeks already. Or waiting for another fire?
Start by withdrawing your appeal and ending the scare tactic social media campagne…..stop wasting our money NOW. The whole cruise industry has an uncertain future.
Can you imagine what we would be saying right now if the cruise berthing contract had been signed last fall?
“(CNS[March 10]): The remediation of the George Town landfill is scheduled to begin next week, which may still happen if the massive fire at the dump that started this weekend is brought under control, according to the premier.”
Today is March 23. Has it started?
Yes. Just take a look. All that fill on top of the dump didn’t come from government.
It’s a thought provoking dilemma putting a lot of previously assumed impervious institutions in peril and shattering an illusion of global stability together with an infrastructure we’ve been programmed to turn to. In it’s basic essence a microscopic virus has become the jenga block that has brought most of what we’ve come to accept as ‘established’ to have come crashing down and it appears we as species may very well be to blame. Although studies show the pathogen may come from bats it’s not the bats themselves which are the problem, the theory is we are destroying and encroaching on animals habitats stressing any one particular species and their immune system which in any other normal circumstance would be able to cope. A recent article cites’ zoonotic spillover’ within differing species and then ultimately to us due to their shrinking habitats. In their words there are ‘tens of thousands of viruses waiting to be discovered’ and therefore the same thing potentially waiting to happen again., – from that perspective ‘we’ have to make the change. From a very simplistic perspective apex species have been studied and shown to be self regulating, – we as a morally and empathetic constructed species have to concede that will never happen. Even with a vaccine, quarantine, and all the other measures put in place we haven’t really ‘fixed’ any problem, – only put a band-aid on until the next pandemic arrives and we end up scurrying again additionally interrupting evolution and natural selection which are part and parcel of our ultimate survival. Following this path path we are destined to fail and have to acknowledge there’s very much more to be addressed beyond getting an economy on track, yes it has to be put back on the rails, but we have to ensure that we act at the same time to provide the youth of the world a sound carriage and that they are still going to be able to enjoy the view from a seat on the train. As a first step it’s reassuring to read that any airline ‘bailouts’ will likely be subject to conditions addressing climate change.
Brilliant comment that will be overlooked. Reading comprehension is poor here.
Rubbish! The bats are eaten by these people and hence causing this horrific problem. Be sensible and not a DEMOCRAT! This doesn’t have anything to do with climate change. This is China flexing its muscles to impose a one world organization govern by China! Nothing to do with climate change.
Sean Hannity is on the phone for you. He asking for your last remaining brain cells.
caged seated geese’s gone home ages! – Honey! end these story’s!
Wow, 8:06 that comment was a bit of a puzzler, a bit of a loss with what what to do with it. Still stumped, I childishly resorted to taking the last letter of each word and that’s the best I could come up with, – took the liberty of stealing the exclamation marks as well ; )
As much as I hate the democratic talking points we see on the news, why can’t you learn to read in between the lines? It’s responses like yours that make way for the Sean Hannity response you received. You don’t speak on the points that someone has stated, instead you just charge forward with your own beliefs just like the very people you don’t like. God damn the IQ level of this island infuriates me.
I don’t agree with everything the person said, but he/she has a point. The disease likely came from bats, china is eating bats yes, but he/she speaks to a bigger issue. Humans are encroaching on other species, destroying their habitat and putting an unusual amount of stress on them. Just like when humans are stressed, our immune system is compromised and weakened. The same thing happens to animals. Its the way we are living and treating our planet that they are speaking about and this will become more frequent if we don’t take good look at the way we do things.
They threw in some stuff on climate change, sure I’m sick of that talking point but you don’t see me throwing my opinion in the ring with no finesse. Learn to debate, learn to articulate your thoughts and most importantly learn how to comprehend. No one will ever take you seriously if you just respond how you did. You are no different that the other side you claim to be sick of.
Stop watching FOX NEWS. Messing up your head.
Mr Premier, you and your group must be commended for the quick steps to curb/prevent the spread of the coronavirus!
I’d like to make a few observations:
1. When you are thinking on rescuing small to medium size businesses make certain there are local native people being effected first and the money gets to them so they can continue to live in Cayman. The funds to be distributed must be completed through one of CIG agencies who can tract the delivery and spending.
2. Realizing that the economy will bounce back, because Caymanians are a resilient people, Think of bringing back/continue the mom & pop businesses. These businesses must be given the help up that they need to carry on. Businesses like restaurants can start a drive through service in addition to deliveries. The fast food restaurants will thrive in thee times.
3. Mobilize Civil Servants that have special skills in needed areas to take up the slack from our overworked public health workers. Examples, Nurses, pharmacists, therapists, etc, etc, etc
4. Delay borrowing, but use your overdraft after you have depleted your reserves. This situation will be over in 2 to 3 months.
5. Take advantage of the financial institutions delaying loan payments for all people with loans and mortgages. By that I mean making a staggered reduction of up to 50% salaries to Public Servants making over $48,000 for the next 2 to 3 months and give them a lump sum at year end!
6. Allow nonessential PSs to take all their vacation, (current and brought forward) and sick leave to eliminate the social gatherings in public places such as work places!
7. An economic stimulus must not be a bailout for foreign owned companies, that are milking the cow and shipping off the profits, but a hand up for employees. Let the Chamber of Commerce with its wealth of members do their job at this time. This is the time that all their members must step up to the plate and pool resources to lessen the blow of this recession so that the island don’t slump into a depression. Time for the CofC members to use their resources and stabilize the economy.
God Bless the Cayman Islands and let us make Cayman great again!!!!
Some nice ideas but a couple of other observations:
No CIG agency has ever traced delivery and spending. Massive efforts in oversight will be necessary if Govt dishes out cash, but don’t hold your breath. Corruption will overcome.
This isn’t going to be over in 2 to 3 months . Covid-19 will still be rampant in six months’ time. Tourism won’t start to rebound for at least a year, as no vaccine will be available before that.
Sending a large proportion of Govt workers home,on half pay (but subject to a minimum living wage for the lower paid) would be sensible, but forget the lump sum! And frankly Govt would function much the same anyway!
As a small business owner, I am not willing to fill in all the forms and go through all the red tape bullshit that will inevitably arise.
I will just have to run thin until the situation rectifies.
I remember defaulting on a piece of land years ago because of hard times. There was no one to help.
This government does not ooze integrity or credibility, that is for sure.
The Chambers and its members and others have all stepped up to help. Have you not heard or watched the press briefings?
Poor old Alden can’t catch a break boy! XXXXX Well done Alden even your biggest dessenter thinks you not doing too bad under the current circumstances I am proud yeh and so is my Dad and his life long friend Mr Macnee!!! RIP
Retrain and hire those in the tour industry to widen the roads or work elsewhere during this time.
exactly, instead of paying people to stay at home, use the extra borrowing to work on infrastructure projects and use this local workforce.
Roads, runways extension, new solar arrays, etc
Retraining for Caymanians should have been a government policy period! Too many people have been comfortable with life and have taken our economic situation for granted, believing it would not end. Waste not want not, we were told growing up, and save for a rainy day.
Many of our indigenous people need to take a page out of the many nationalities that come here and retrain themselves by taking advantage of the opportunities at night schools which they often have no chances with in their country.
Great idea I can drive a dump truck, I only need $3000 per month. We can start building the road going to East End. I’m 66 yo drove a tour bus for 30 years. More qualified and experienced than most work permit holders. My wife and I would prefer that then $600 per month. Instead of a pension we’ve been planting pumpkins, cassava and fruits. By the way we fish too. She’s 60 maybe she can get a job fishing on a commercial boat catching snappers? I can captain the boat, I’ve had that experience too. If you all have any other higher cash making ideas be sure and posted it with phone numbers or email addresses. Otherwise we going to need a shotgun to keep people from stealing my pumpkin, cassava etc. I wonder who they will be?
1:00 am, That is the spirit!
The Government needs to step in and stipulate a waiver of rent as well. They can’t seriously expect that landlords will just pass on the benefit to their tenant because their mortgage is waived. Most see it as a means of extra money. It’s not fair for some ppl to get a break and others still have to find the money to pay.
a. you assume everyone has a mortgage;
b. rental income is the only source of income some people have to support themselves during retirement;
c. the bank isn’t “forgiving” the loan payments, they are just delaying them for 3 months. Apartment owners will eventually have to pay the banks the missed payments, long after the tenant who benefited left;
d. many apartments have ongoing cost besides mortgage, in some cases, the strata fees are nearly as high as the mortgage. The building still has to be insured, common areas still have to be lit, garbage collected, grounds maintained etc.
e. landlords could consider using the security deposit to cover a month’s rent, the problem is, some tenants are likely to bolt when rental prices start falling, and will leave the landlord high and dry with outstanding utilities and or damages.
You have to look at the situation beyond the headline and consider everyone’s perspective.
We are not even a month into this crisis, and people are already crying that they can’t pay their rent. What will happen in September when you still can’t pay your rent, the owner has to resume payments to the bank, and neither of you can help each other.
The lack of savings and planning is not the landlord’s or the Government’s sole responsibility. Some sacrifices will be necessary, but you cannot simply seek to put your personal circumstance on everyone else without considering how that decision would also impact them.
I agree with the writer of the post above yours, “if” the landlord has a mortgage that is now being waived for 3 months. If they have a good tenant that they’d like to retain, then they should extend some benefit to the tenant. Even if its a 50% reduction. With the recession looming, people would once again have options, as rent prices will have to drop. Maybe the Gov’t could bail out the folks who rely on rental income as a salary??
And what if the landlord has a mortgage but doesn’t want/need to take advantage of the three-month holiday? Free rent? This slippery slope is fraught with inequity. Best to have to apply to the NAU and see if they can help.
You can always speak with your landlord about it. Instead of paying $500 as usual this month, you can offer to pay $1000 next month, plus interest on the $500 from the previous month. That’s pretty much the same as what the banks have offered your landlord.
So let me see if I have this straight: You want the government to stipulate that landlords have to waive the obligation of renters to pay rent. Boy, you need to step away from the ganja!
To be fair, many don’t get mortgage holidays over here.
And what if you own your property outright? Renter still gets to stay for free?
So what was the need for people with mortgages to have waivers then? They’ll still have tenants paying them much more than their actual mortgage payment, so why can’t they just continue to service the debt? People with mortgages as well as renters are losing jobs etc.
Are the banks “forgetting” about the mortguage payment or are they “deferring” it and raising interested rates on top of that on the back end?
Then rent should be “deferred” in the same way.
Mortgage payments are not being waived, just delayed. The Owners still need to pay them at some point.
You are assuming that everyone has a mortgage, and that rent is only used to pay a mortgage with your statement. Rent can be retirement income etc for some people.
Generally a mortgage holiday does not mean any saving in money terms by the borrower, interest is still accrued on the mortgage, and by not paying instalments the amount of interest is more in the long term. A mortgage holiday is a cash flow measure, not a money saving measure, the banks are the winners in the end, each person who takes a mortgage holiday will pay more in interest over the term of the mortgage.
mortgage is not waived. it is is delayed. mortgage holders still have to pay.
I didn’t think mortgage payments were waived (as in written off). I thought it was a payment holiday which in reality means mortgage extended for three months so landlord can catch up later.
“But there have been no major plans announced so far about how others will be supported financially.” Result will be – higher crime, lower economy. Real estate is going to drop to all time lows, the development projects will stand empty like ivan hit them and there will be chaos because everyone has bills to pay but can’t work. Seriously, what are you guys thinking? Look at what other countries are doing with their stimulus plans.
“Even… if this epidemic were to come to a screeching halt in a month’s time” the fact that this was even spoken scares me, as we all know how long this will last, and the effects will last for a long time.
I hope they help us Air B&B landlords too. I am worried i this will have long term impact to my revenues and this could cause the value of my property to go down – wiping out all my gains
10.31am Are you for real or is this sarcasm?.
Yeah, it’s all about you and your precious gains.
In the long line of the deserving, you are at the very very end, parasite.
Real estate is a gamble bro
And we are about to see a major real estate market correction here. Will come back in 5 years or so. We needed a real estate cool down.
So happy the 50 storey building will not be built in my lifetime here.
Let’s keep to just 10 storeys and nothing higher.
Welcome to the world of being in business
Dang it, not good 10:31 – ‘loss of earnings’ not even covered under Host Protection Insurance programme either…

Our poor environment will take another devastating hit making those greedy rass realestate idiots who will sell their Rump H@!& to get a commission on a sale! Close all restate offices and make government the biggest property agent and charge CIREBA members 89.9% for each transaction Oooooh Yeah now yeh here dem Bawling!!!!
That this insane post gets 13 upvotes is scary
Lean times means austerity measures Its time for johnny come lately to hit the road and lessen the strain on our infrastructure! I won’t hold my breath though because our leadership has a real bad habit of taking care on themselves and then their backers whomever they maybe!
This is so true… they need to go home now!!
CNS: The airports are closed to international flights. How would you like them to leave?
10.34am With these attitudes they should all go home and never return. See what happens then, it will make Corona look like a vacation.
Do you crabs not realize that it would take about 2 months before this place goes back in time 50 years?! Idiots.
Many of us would have no problem with that.
You do realize going back 50 years doesn’t just mean getting rid of all the expats? It’s means collapsing the economy from one with a GDP per capital higher than the US to a subsistence model, and with it all those nice things that came with the economic growth. No huge government revenue to spend on a huge civil service earning high salaries. No nice SUV and latest cell phone. No mosquito control. A cottage hospital at best. Basic groceries at best. No free education. Really – back 50 !years? I don’t think so.
Sure, some of you old timers wouldn’t mind a bit. But the young people… well, let’s just say, if put in the situation of going back 50 years in conveniences and fun, the young people would not bring you back to old time Cayman. What they would bring is something that looks a lot like Jamaica. You don’t want that. The genie is long out of the bottle and he’s not going back in, so you had better hope we have the leadership to keep us from sinking. I for one am very glad Dart is in the Cayman Islands right now.
Makeshift raft!
We are all sailing back to Jamaica where nearly all of us came from.
One Love.
You better practise social distancing on that raft!
Cayman Airways can easily run charters to help people get out. There is no restriction on that.
Actually there is.
Good grief, did you really write that? Whilst taking a hit, the financial sector is still working and providing work permit fees, cash in to CIG coffers in terms of import tax whenever they spend anything etc etc. Tourism is not generating a single dollar for CIG now, and the strain on the infrastructure is already much less as there are no tourists and many tourist sector workers left already. So tell me oh wise one, just how is CIG going to pay all the bills supporting those Caymanians who need it, if you send those that are earning the majority of CIG funds (it was nearly 60%, now more like 90%) home? But no you carry on your unthinking, ignorant xenophobic tirade…
Aldart..abandon the port and use some of that surplus you got by selling jobs and PR to whomever could pay. You are tied for most nefarious leader this country has ever had…you are #1 in amount of damage you have done and continue to do.
Definitely #1 in terms of environmental destruction
Do you ever watch the news? Seems to be a bit of a pandemic going on, and world economies coming to a grinding halt. Do you think the premier is responsible for that? Compared to some (Trump/Boris/Putin), he has actually handled it pretty well so far.
Lol. What did he do that is different from what all other clueless world’s leader did and keep doing? Built a Noah’s Ark? Oops, Alden’s Ark?
Biggest damage was giving away the security and entitlements of our citizens…at the behest of his benefactor.
Handled what exactly? Why bring Putin in it? Do you even remotely have an idea whatPutin is doing? Well, for starters he sent 8 teams of qualified doctors, equipment and supplies to Italy.
The Cayman Islands seems suffocating in self and others hatred based on the comments. When is it going to stop, kind people? Putin, Trump, expats, work permits holders, infected foreigners, infected Caymanians, returning kids, your neighbors buying extra cat food, there’s seem no ending to your hatred. Wake your Christian souls up and unite among themselves, among others.
I do know that the Mayor of Moscow told Putin today that there are 500 cases of coronavirus in Moscow and he appealed for Putin’s assistance in hospitals and medical supplies.
Somewhat bizarre that Putin is assisting Italy.
Google Moscow Times if you don’t believe me.
OfReg allows our retail pump stations (many owned by MLA family/cronies) to bank colossal margins even with a 10% gas cut, colluding to keep prices high and unresponsive. Meanwhile, there are retail US stations pumping refined super unleaded for less than usd$2/gal.
The pump stations are still making windfall profits even with a 40 cent a gallon cut.
Just look at how much a gallon has dropped in a year in the U.S. A year ago it was around $3.00 a gallon in the U.S. and now it ranges between $1.95 to $2.25 a gallon.
What’s wrong with the price picture here? MLA families and their cronies are being greedy and royally ripping us off.
10.46am Today it $1.49 a gallon in Miami.
Yeah, they should just saddle up the posse and ride over to the stations, commandeer these private businesses and start selling the gas themselves at your desired price.
While they’re at it, DCI should also gather their posse, ride out to all the little side stores, supermarkets and big box stores and take them over so they can ensure you are getting US prices.
If you have no idea how an economy works, perhaps you should work on fixing the error between the chair and your keyboard
Well there is actually 2 things they could do, depending on whether they want to take the socialist approach or the free market one. They could impose price control set at a multiple of the import price. Or they could enter into competition with the private sector – start selling gas directly at a modest mark up until the private operators change their ways.
So smart ass 11:20, tell me how much of a profit the gas stations are making now in Cayman? You know, because you have an interest in them.
Any reasonable person who understands commodity pricing and looking at gas prices in the U.S. can figure out that profit gouging is going on here.
The world must accept that this is New Normal and act accordingly. Coronavirus would not be the last challenge, last virus humanity experiences, but with human, economic and financial resources exhausted on COVID19 only, the future would look very bleak for humanity.
There are worse things than the virus that could threaten human existence.
The first reaction when something unexpected comes from nowhere is usually a knee jerk reaction. Panic. Nobody knows what to do and repeats what others are doing. Understandable. Then some wisdom should come to evaluate the situation on a larger scale. At this time people who see the bigger picture are not given air time and heavily criticized. Human emotions is hard to tame, panic in situations like we are going through now is expected.
We are complex, but simple at the same time. Primal instincts prevail. Instead of uniting, disunity takes place among people in times of crisis: each man for himself.
People want to “annihilate” unfortunate those who just month ago was their neighbor, a colleague if he/she got infected or took an extra can of food at a grocery store.
In some countries there are cases when coughing (not infected) people are dragged out of public buses and beaten. Buses evacuating citizens are burned and stoned. You don’t hear that much, but this is what is happening right now.
It is only when humanity realizes that no one in this on its own, we are all interconnected, especially today, that after you hide for 15 days, consume all your stashed food, we would have no choice but to look at the situation with sober eyes: WE MUST UNITE to continue existence of humanity.
Your Government is sobering up. They’re coming to realization that the cure could be much worse than the disease. Economy, finances and mental state of people must not be overlooked in the nearsighted fight against the virus.
Isolation has profound effects on the human body and brain …. I don’t know what genies ordered strata pools and playgrounds off limits. Fresh air and sun exposure MUST be encouraged, not banned. But we learn as we go..
Banks are in for the money, not to help people.
CUC, same thing. Don’t forget that most politicians have shares.
Don’t be fooled people…..Lack of money is not the issue here.
Practically every politician in Cayman has a good number of shares in CUC. So don’t expect any relief. Not the Cayman way.
10:48 am, why don’t buy shares in C U C, U could pay a extra 25 or 50 dollars on your bill every month and let it over over an help buy shares an when u retire u will.have plenty shares to help you with your pension
I already own a large number of shares in CUC but there are times when one has to think of the greater good of our society on this dinky island, rather than one’s own selfish interests when times are tough for so many on our island.
Mr. Premier, you have made many miss-steps over the last 2 and a half years, however I sincerely applaud you and your team for the effort over the last few weeks in dealing with Covid-19.
Thank you.
Miss steps miss steps !!!! you mean tripped up and fell down and bust he @$$ Maybe we can sell Cayman Brac and Little Cayman to make up the short fall??? and throw in its two MLA to work as maid and butler for the new owners???
10.13am Where would they get a reference?.
I hope they help us caymanians that work in watersports
You do not work in water sports anymore. My hope is that you can find employment in something else, but it won’t be water sports for a while.
If we can get Cayman declared clear, you can at least home to get some local business.
Sadly, it appears you are unlikely to see any tourists this year.
Thank god. Already it was like the wild wild West out there in water sports rentals. The water seems clear and wildlife may be returning after we get rid of most of these fools out there that depend on tourism to destroy our environment.
I wonder how the poor stingrays are being fed these days
And are they practicing responsible social distancing?