20 samples test negative for COVID-19

(CNS): Chief Medical Officer Dr John Lee has said that 20 preliminary samples from patients tested locally for COVID-19 have all come back negative. While these test results have still to be verified by the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA), they were welcomed by government officials. An additional 16 suspected cases have now been added to the local testing queue, which means Cayman is now waiting for 40 results.
Nineteen of these preliminary negative samples were taken from staff at Health City Cayman Islands (HCCI) who had worked with ‘patient zero’, the first person to test positive for the virus in Cayman who died at the weekend. One sample was from a patient at the HSA, who was one of the first to be tested locally.
There are now 24 samples that were taken yesterday plus 16 additional samples awaiting results.
Dr John Lee explained at a press briefing Tuesday that while the local testing system is solid, because the test for coronavirus is still new and normal public health protocols require that new tests are verified by a second lab, they are passing the samples on to CARPHA, which is expected to confirm those results within the next two days.
However, as more tests are conducted, not all of them will need to be verified and Cayman will soon have a much better idea of the current COVID-19 levels, Dr Lee said.
The negative results were welcomed by Premier Alden McLaughlin and Governor Martyn Roper, but both warned the community against celebrating, as it is still inevitable, given the global situation, that there will be people in the community who have the virus.
“We ought not to get overly excited until we get the confirmation from CARPHA,” McLaughlin warned.
But the goal still remains to contain it as much as possible and slow down the potential spread throughout the community.
Medical Officer of Health Dr Samuel Williams-Rodriguez said that Cayman is prepared for any sick patients who test positive. There is an isolation unit ready at the George Town hospital with seven ventilator beds and specialist staff, he said, noting that four more ventilators are expected to arrive on island in the coming days.
And in time, if Cayman faces growing numbers of very sick patients, there are around 20 more ventilators available at private healthcare facilities on the islands, including Health City, which is expected to reopen next month.
Following the briefing, HCCI confirmed the negative staff results in a press release and Clinical Director Dr Binoy Chattuparambil welcomed the results.
“These were the first samples sent for testing and were taken from those staff members who were in direct contact with the patient, and some of whom also exhibited flu-like symptoms,” he said.
The hospital quarantined and tested all staff members and their families who were considered to be at direct risk for exposure to the COVID-19 virus. The level of contact with the patient determined the risk level.
“As we await the remaining test results, we are secure in the knowledge that we at Health City have taken rigorous measures to contain any possible spread of the virus, and have also been advised, instructed and reassured by Public Health England officials in this effort that we are taking all of the necessary and correct steps,” Dr Chattuparambil added.
He urged members of the public to remain vigilant in protecting themselves from infection.
“Please rest assured that we are abiding by the highest standards of infection control and have also taken expert advice on the containment of COVID-19. I would like to continue to urge everyone to follow standard precautionary measures against contracting the virus, including regular hand-washing and practicing good respiratory hygiene,” he said.
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Category: Health, Medical Health
Police please have a presence by the fish market at waterfront! Today Sunday morning, big crowd standing cheek by jowl there, buying fish. Everybody buying fish may have got a side order of coronacirus and are spreading it within their families .. way to go, people!
Ever since it became apparent that the initial public advice on the 2 cruise ship passengers was what can at best be described as economical with the truth, I am not entirely sure I trust any pronouncement on the public health situation. We went from the 2 passengers not having or being suspected of having the virus and simply being in transit to the airport for a medivac – albeit with Covid test samples in tow (the inference being it was the 2 crew members on the ship that there were the problem), to then being told that one of them went to Shetty instead – again purely because of his other health issues – to then finding out on the Compass today that the other guy didn’t make it to the airport either, but was also sent to Shetty and immediately isolated on suspicion of possibly having the virus. Any chance the messages are being massaged so we don’t panic?
That other guy’s story is rather murky. Didn’t really say what was wrong with him. Pumped with antibiotics? Useless for viruses and simply dangerous. No TV in the room? Good grief.
Nasal swabs must be properly collected and kept frozen at -20C by the way.
A point was made during the conference about keeping tissues etc from infected people until the infection was over, then sealing in trash bag and disposing. Please can we have this point emphasised!
If we new who was infected by testing….
Compass reports that McKeeva Bush is assembled a snuggly ironic Covid meeting at his house with “community business leaders”, is unilaterally forming a district committee, and has crony Rolston Anglin (not even an MLA, or gov’t worker) speaking for the HSA. What is going on here?!?
Coup 2.0
Compass is not publishing any comments that mention McKeeva Bush. Why is that?
Frankly I did not expect to see his face or hear from him until police investigation is completed.
Disgusting and shameless, that goes for his hangers on too.
To all the parents needlessly bringing their ADULT children home from UK and USA at this point we thank you for exposing the country to this significant extra risk of virus infection. And those returning who go to the supermarket and gas station after leaving the airport before going home to isolate, we applaud your recklessness.
Selfish is as selfish does and Cayman knows all about that!
What about underage children who’s boarding schools have closed and they have nowhere else to go? I will be self-quarantining with them for 14 days because I understand that they could bring the virus here, but I can’t leave them up there homeless!
I understand that you are concerned about the virus coming here, but what you have said has to be one of the most selfish/heartless things I have seen commented yet. This is a worldwide issue and people who can be with their families should be.
What you should be complaining about is Immigration not putting the emphasis on people arriving that they must go straight home and self isolate themselves. Immigration have not been doing this.
Don’t think for a second that we will not get this virus here in Cayman, it is not going away ever. The main issue right now is how fast it spreads with no vaccination/treatment for it. Once that is available, this will become more manageable. Because of how fast this is growing, medical facilities do not have enough resources to deal with it.
According to the WHO and CDC. Virtually NO ONE is dying from this flu other than people over 60 who’s health are compromised or very young children with health issues.
Why are we not taking measure to protect THOSE PEOPLE instead of wasting resources on a global scale?
But No. We have to push this fake panicdemic. There are many physicians coming out stating that the media coverage is completely overblown on this fake panicdemic.
So because of you, and weak, politically correct people like you, people are losing their jobs and will continue to lose their jobs. Those who are losing their jobs, are the ones that need their jobs the most.
Because of you, and weak, politically correct people like you, people will lose their homes to foreclosure. Those who will lose their home will be the most prone to financial problems.
Because of you, and weak, politically correct people like you, people who need medical care the most, will not get it.
Because of you, and weak, politically correct people like you, people who need food and supplies the most, will have to do without.
Because of you, and weak, politically correct people like you, people will lose their businesses. And those losing their businesses will be the ones that people rely on those most to keep their jobs. And many of those business owners are racked up with debt and need their income those most, which you have destroyed.
Because of you, and weak, politically correct people like you, you let this fake panicdemic take cover-your-ass measures at cost of the welfare of the people.
But hey, at least you get to congratulate yourselves when this fake panicdemic ends up being one of the biggest nothing burger in history and claim:
Because of you, and weak, politically correct people like you, will claim the world was saved by you.
And yet I’ve heard of many under 60 who have also died. Glad you’re in good health, what happens when you’re not. I’m sure your tune will change. selfish prick.
I’m sure you will be coming to the financial aid of those financially wrecked because of this hysteria.
Let’s see what this like like in 3 months and come back here and run you mouth again.
Okay, anonymous.
A 45 year old died yesterday from the virus. We don’t know how much stronger this thing is getting, by next week it could be strong enough to kill 20 year olds, but you can go ahead and act like this is just a ‘flu’. What kind of flu targets a certain age group?
you forget to mention that the 45 year old already had a life ending disease
you need to have your keyboard removed and go for a long, 18 month walk. The fear is health services being over run, and not just for the over-60’s..for everyone…any agegroup can get it, but unlike regular flu, as long as we don’t have a vaccine or treatments, many who would normally survive simply will not becuase of health infrastructure limitations…why so many cannot understand this is exactly why you write your stuff and others too. Sometimes, just try to accept that you may be wrong. once we get a handle on this, communities will try to sort economic hardships and so forth. Priority right now is life over wallet. Please, go for a walk
You must be devastated the Fox News is now claiming the pandemic is no longer fake. Why don’t you move to China or Italy and see how fake it is.
An amazing sudden reversal by FOX. The Murdoch family probably is seeing what the virus is doing to their diversified stock profit portfolio.
or France, Spain Tennerife – any other place with high death numbers and on complete lock-down – see what they are singing then
You gave me a headache just reading that!
You moronic sniveling cowardly anonymous asswipe! Thousands who are much younger than 60 have died from this very real health crisis. There wont be any justice in the world until that list includes you and any other moron that gives you a thumbs up.
Seriously, follow the news. Hordes of young adults are getting it too!
I thought blood is tested. Nasal swab would only effective if the virus is present in one’s nose at the moment of testing. If he or she regularly, and many people do, rinse nose passages, then I would not rely on such a test.
Pinnacle biolabs (do it at home and mail back) tests blood. Doctors also can do it in their office if they order the tests. https://www.pblabs.com/products/pinnacle-biolabs-covid-19-novel-coronavirus-dual-igg-igm-rapid-test
Why did they spent time going into details why 6th test was not taken(compass today). Rather weird unless they’re are hiding something.
correction: You don’t need to mail back the test
The Pinnacle BioLabs COVID-19 Novel Coronavirus Dual IgG/IgM Rapid Test® 2 Pack contains two complete test kits and finger-stick device to collect the sample (2 drops of blood), gauze, bandages, buffer solution, package insert and Quick Reference Guide for sample collection and results interpretation. The entire test takes 15 minutes and results are available immediately. Ships 3/21/2020
The Pinnacle BioLabs COVID-19 Novel Coronavirus Dual IgG/IgM Rapid Test® is for immediate release in the European Union and Great Britain, receiving a CE mark on February 20, 2020. In the United States of America, the test is for sale for Investigational Use Only. All positive results are deemed “presumptive” and follow-up testing is needed prior to official diagnosis, as the FDA has not yet evaluated clinical sensitivity and specificity claims. Pinnacle BioLabs is currently preparing a PMA which will be filed by March 31, 2020 in which it will seek a CLIA waiver.
I am not sure why would anyone, especially those screaming about lack of testing would thumb down the comment?
It is a legit test, a legit biolab.
Pinnacle BioLabs is a CLIA certified laboratory and a US Food and Drug Administration certified manufacturer of in vitro diagnostic test kits. Pinnacle BioLabs in a federally licensed manufacturer of in vitro diagnostics testing, US FDA registration number: 3010982075. Pinnacle BioLabs is a CLIA licensed lab, CLIA license number: 44D2125377. Our National Provider Identification (NPI number) is 1497269120.
In case you didn’t know, they are #1 for home screening for colon cancer. Non-invasive, affordable and easy.
Errrmmm…post office is closed. No way of ordering them now for personal use.
private carriers
So potentially with the closure of the airport in a few days, the Island could be Corona free in a couple of weeks.
Incubation period is about 14 days for the virus to get hold, no overseas visitors for 3 weeks – so strategy could work and then some parts of Island life could get back to normal. However you will still need to keep airport closed for weeks to come depending on what happens in the outside world
However the Tourism side, this means of course devastation. The Financial side therefore has to pick up the baton and plough more money into the local economy to hel everyone survive this crisis. We all know that the Financial side always wins as it bets both ways.
“Financial side” is the pillar, “invisible giant” of Cayman economy. Already! And you should know that!
Tourist accommodation fees are 3% of core government total revenue.
Financial services industry: Cayman’s ‘invisible’ giant https://www.caymancompass.com/2018/01/25/financial-services-industry-caymans-invisible-giant/
I don’t like them but Government is handling this situation like it should now and I have to give them credit for isolating and quarantine protocols to minimize the spread of the pneumonia.
Maybe the banks can support the poor expat workers who lost their jobs, as Govt won’t. It seems the CIG discriminate.
It’s not that easy. We could be virus free in 3 weeks and open back up everything. Then a cruise ship passenger comes with it and we’re in this situation again. As long as this virus is raging on we can’t let our guard down.
Few understand that
i understand what the Govt is doing and why but I also question if its for the greater good. Surely the question has to be asked shouldn’t some of the population be contracting the virus to create an immunity against it. COVID-19 will not be eradicated anytime soon in the foreseeable future and we cant keep borders closed forever. What happens when a strain makes it’s way here say in 9-12 months when the pandemic is over, will we not be in a position of being put in turmoil once again ? I guess once time has passed and we’re able to educate ourselves and learn from hindsight of the different approaches taken we’ll be better prepared to come up with a qualitative answer
This is ignorance beyond belief! Shut up, socially distance yourself, follow the advice being given by medical professionals and pray yo God you do not get infected.
i don’t have a problem being called ignorant, or being told to shut up and certainly not claiming to be correct. The argument is certainly validated though when the study/modeling being conducted by the Imperial College of London and seemingly being adhered to by Govt’s around the world (UK, US and Cayman certainly) acknowledges this themselves. The ‘submission’ model of the virus points to being the only way to go at this juncture avoiding overburdening of health care facilities and potential death toll, but ‘as fewer people would be infected there would be little immunity in the population and cases would soar soon after measures were lifted again.’ All the measures right now appear to be short term, stop gap and we’ll figure the rest as we go with no definitive end strategy in place, – a very difficult conundrum to be sure.
6.45am I will bet $100 you are a local, you all need to learn to disagree without hurling personal insults.
Another google genius posts from their armchair of knowledge…..the reason your idea isn’t good is because we don’t have the health infrastructure to cope should your experiment go wrong…that is why the world is shutting down, trying to contain the spread and seek to manage victims…nowhere can cope if everyone gets sick at once…thats why Lord Boris of Idiocy has changed his plan from yours to the same as everyone elses….stay home, give us a chance.
alright ‘genius’, if you read and comprehended the opening sentence you may have realized there was no need for your post. The purpose for initiating a discussion is for open thinking acknowledging the current Govt protocol (inclusive of global Govts) but is it sustainable, how long can it be endured, and what happens when the alarm goes off again with concerns of another spread of the virus. If you want to engage using google or not, I genuinely look forward to digesting and pondering your thoughts.
You first.
Thank you Mr. Premier and team
What for?
Nobody here has Corona Virus ! All the panic shopping and fears didn’t help our economy.
That is good news, but i am still worried about how caymanians and jamaicans still hug and touch.and engage in heated conversations exchanging moisture.
Seriously: Keep your distance from others.
Our biggest threats are uninformed people and followers of anthony eden.
Keep your distance and wash your hands frequently.
…Or over-informed people.. our biggest threat
Keep distance. Jamaicans love to stand in personal space. STOP.
Folks, maximum 31 ventilators for a population of apox 60,000 heads. Are they serious of it was a Joke? 300 cases of “Common Flu” so HSA labelled, by today it is climbing, let say 400 in the last 3 weeks (an epidemic of Acute Respiratory Infectious Disease), this epidemiologically speaking is the tip of the iceberg, under the line it is equal to 10 (hidden) cases infected for each 1 on the surface = 4000 potential cases, of these 10% could well develop severe disease, let estimate that 200 patients could fall in critical condition needing assisted or controlled ventilation -advanced life support- in ICU protocol setting. How the Public Health Officer and CMO, the leaders of this Health Crisis will fill the gap? Remember the Border are closed all over, where to look, where to go?(statistic are published in other countries with SARS-CoVID2).
WHO HAS mess up and mismanaged the whole crisis?
By lack of proper training and incompetence for the position he holds- is not the Hon elected Minister Seymour (who is not an MD, nor a Health Professional and has not idea about Medicine as a Science) but the Public Health Officer Dr. Samuel Williams Rodriguez, a mere GP with only experience in primary care Clinincs at HSA in Grand Cayman for over 10 years now.
Not having working practicing experience in Cuba where he graduated as General Physician in 1996 then migrated to Cayman right away, much less experience as Epidemiologist (he is not one), far less much less as a Public Health Administrator , MORE IMPORTANT, no previous experience in Management and Control of any Epidemic in his whole life, he was hand picked by Dr. Kumar when Kumar retired from Public Health, strongly recommended and supported by the Medical Director at HSA (Dr. D. Jefferson, his best friend); and still Dr. Rodriguez was allowed and entrusted to lead the situation in the most severe, overewhelming and wide spread epidemic affecting the Cayman Islands in its whole history, a Pandemic affecting the World.
I was astonished when I listened and saw Liset Yearwood (advised by him) and himself last week Tuesday at Mary Miller Hall saying : “dont panic, let appart hysteria, this is a mild flu presentation, cases must have high fever and cough, we do not need to tests unless the person has travelled to risk places…bla bla bla etc”. The same he repeated in the improvised press conference last Thursday even denying that there are apparently healthy carriers among humans who have not symptons at all but spread the virus. What a lack of knowledge, gross misinformation and more.
When the Clinical data from Wuhan and other highly developed and well prepared countries like Taiwan and S. Korea are documenting that most of the cases 90% presented with clinical manifestation of Stuffy nose, runny nose, sore throat and cough in some cases, Fever is not phatognomonic, it appears only in 10% (Severe cases).
Misinforming the CIG and the population, downplaying the most severe and serious deadly Pandemic of modern history.
Come on Caymanians, until when you will allow the same “mistake” , non expertise to advise and lead important decisions? This one is about life and death.
We have discussed the seriousness of the situation (the crisis) since 28 Feb with local elected members, and detailed the importance of testing everyone with acute flu like respiratory symptons as a way of clasification, isolation and containtment, the importance of Epidemiological Questionare, Isolation, Control and Borders surveilance and shut down, we went the extra-mile and explained to elected members on 2nd March the lack of experience and training of the HSA Public Health Officer to understand and manage a Pandemic of this magnitude, one promised, as others we have approached and called, to bring it to the attention of the Gov and the Opposition. What happened, nothing. We have discussed it with at least two doctors at HSA, they agree with me but said: ..We follow intructions from the Public Health Officer.
Here we are, in the middle of a serious mess of far reaching consequences.
I wrote a comment yesterday in CNS where i gave Epidemiological, Statistical facts, and remarked the importance of TEST and TEST and TEST everyone with Accute Respiratore Infection (Syndrome), specially in our small community setting, in order to identify and isolate all the infected as the most viable way, having our closed environment, to really containt and control this deadly SARS-CoVID2 Epidemic.
We will only need about 6000 tests in total, right now aprox 1000 to test all registered patients with Acute Respiratory Infectious Syndrome in the last 3 weeks, then we will see the reality, not make up and not well founded statements.
Once again, yesterday, at 2pm in an urgent press conference with the Premier, wrongly i should say, Dr. Lee the Chief Medical Officer is downplaying the importance of testing saying that as soon as we have community transmission he will order to stop tests (PCR), gross medical mistake, i dont know if he is Epidemiologist, but the only way to know where we are, and how to act to control the epidemic and break the chain of transmission, and treat patients early, is TESTING and ISOLATION, more testing, MORE ISOLATION, borders closed, treatment on ICU of severe and critical cases, to do different will be a fiasco that will cost many but many lives.
I know about epidemics and have helped to manage and control those in other latitudes.
I have said,
Brown Freeman (MD)
Thank you Dr.Feeman. I agree with you. Your assessment is accurate.
Dr Freeman,
A very learned dissertation, but you need to be aware that most readers on this news service have a very short attention span, and would go to other comments before getting half way through yours.
Agree. I would like to be tested as I’ve travelled recently but I do not qualify because I’m not sick enough for them to care.
premier and ppm doing an excellent job…keep it up…and yes i am an indigenous caymanian that lives in red bay
Did we ask?
No such thing as an indigenous Caymanian.
The Caribs were the original indigenous people here. But we wiped them out.
Caymanians are not indigenous.
Sigh. No they weren’t, and no we didn’t. There were NO indigenous people here. Depressing how few know their own history. Hell, any PR applicant learns that as part of their test.
Just wondering where those fossil remains are?
We need to be much more concerned with persons returning from the U.K.containment policies there have extremely lax.
During the past few press briefings I must compliment Dr. Lee on the manner in which he has conducted himself.
Obviously a very knowledgeable and professional man. Let’s hope he stays with us for a long time.
5.51pm I could say the same about the Minister of Health – if I was drunk!.
Were any Doctors tested?
They travel to India from time to time is a thought.
India has very low exposure. They took action quickly to contain the virus.
There are no direct flights to India. What countries have been for their connecting flights?
Anyone know if these are blood samples or throat swabs? The only reason I post this is that evidence from the UK suggests the throat swabs are producing a high rate of false positives.
False positives are not a problem. Rather err on that side of a test.
5:40 But do you know the answer to the original question?
The issue with inaccurate testing results is they tie up resources.
Watch the press conferences. It’s a nasal swab basically.