2 HCCI staff positive for COVID, 38 tests negative

(CNS): Two staff members at Health City Cayman Islands have tested positive for COVID-19 but another nine staff samples were negative. Meanwhile, 29 samples from members of the wider community were also negative, Chief Medical Officer Dr John Lee said Thursday. While there is no evidence that COVID-19 has taken hold in the wider community at this time, the number of samples being tested here remains very low, disguising the reality of the transmission rate.
Speaking at the daily press briefing on Thursday, Dr Lee said that the two HCCI staff members who were positive were not badly impacted and had suffered very little from the virus. HCCI also confirmed in a press release today that the two positive patients were experiencing only very mild symptoms. These cases are still considered to be connected to the cruise passenger who died and therefore not local transmission.
Given that these two HCCI employees, as well as all of their colleagues who were negative, have been and remain in isolation, the hospital appears to have contained the spread from this one patient. However, the limited amount of testing may be giving a false picture of how many cases are already here.
Premier Alden McLaughlin said at the press briefing that, with the “virus raging all around us”, even if Cayman is able to contain COVID-19, opening our borders again would change that very quickly.
Cayman currently has around seven tests outstanding and is only testing those who are sick or have a travel history to a country with confirmed cases, even though many people here could well have come into contact with infected cruise or stay-over visitors, or with residents who have returned from jurisdictions with outbreaks of COVID-19.
Medical Officer of Health Dr Samuel Williams-Rodriguez said that there was no need to test the 300+ people who went to the HSA last month with respiratory symptoms because they had no relevant travel history, even though they, too, could have come into contact with visitors.
Despite an apparent reluctance to test and a possible shortage of some elements required for the testing, Dr Lee said that when new supplies arrive and when Cayman is also cleared to use instant testing, then the numbers of samples tested will increase.
But even though there is no evidence yet of local transmission, the premier said people in the community will inevitably be infected and the goal was to curb the transmission rate as much as possible by having everyone follow the recommended as well as mandated protocols regarding public gathering and self-isolation.
“There is still no evidence of community transmission… but here is the harsh reality: last year Cayman welcomed 2.5 million visitors and Caymanians love to travel… It is almost inevitable that there will be other people in this community who test positive for COVID-19. That is why the protocols and advice we continually give about how to change your behaviour in light of this global health threat are so important,” he said.
McLaughlin said that Cayman could avoid the meltdown that has happened in other countries but only if we change our behaviour. Returning residents are now being given plenty of help to self-isolate but he was concerned that many others who had arrived over the last two weeks have not been observing protocols and they are presenting a serious public health risk.
He urged people not to treat those arriving from the UK this week as pariahs, as many other people were not taking protocols seriously who should be.
He urged everyone to protect themselves as it appears as though the Cayman Islands can continue to contain the spread of the virus, but urged those not doing so to change their behaviour immediately and think of others.
See the government’s daily press briefing below on CIGTV and see the HCCI press release in CNS Library.
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Category: Health, Medical Health
230 deaths in 60 days in USA? Shouldn’t it be 23,000 already according to all experts? Can someone please explain it to me, because I am an idiot and all other derogatory names you call people like me, where is the exponential growth? Still coming?
What about hundreds thousands who lost jobs, hundreds thousands who can’t see doctors and get urgent, but not emergency medical care unless they have respiratory acute symptoms; how about, god forbid food shortages? What are they supposed to do? How they are supposed to feed their families?
Gun shops in the USA selling inventory fast. I hope police is ready because social unrest is coming. But wait, it would probably take marshal law to restore civility should unrest erupt. Do you want to live in such a period? Because I don’t.
By the way they can vaccinate themselves to death, I’ll stick to my natural home remedies for which there’s already “ witch-hunt “. Who and why spends time on that today?
Before you say I am spreading panic, think again. These are logical consequences of the actions taken today to stop virus spreading which affected, so far, 0.0% of the USA population. Even if 1 mil. infected and 100,00 die, it is still a drop in barrel. Yet economies nearly destroyed, “invisible” thousands dying from other medical causes, suicides or slip into depression, pension money evaporates. What for?
Why I can see that but you can’t? If you can convince me nicely using civil language arguments, please do. “What it were your parents who die if exposed” is not a valid argument. My parent living alone thousands miles away just had stroke and hospitalized. I am unable to do anything about it because all transportation is paralyzed. How do we prioritize here? Who do we protect? Who do we take care of and who should die because of other priorities?
CNS: Here’s the graph you requested showing exponential growth of Covid-19 in various countries. Note how all are still on a steep upward trajectory except for South Korea. Your maths in the first sentence is nonsense. We haven’t got there yet.
Your second sentence is just bizarre. The extreme measure being taken by all countries is to reduce the sudden increase in Covid-19 cases, which will undoubtedly overwhelm hospitals, as it has in Italy and is an increasing problem in other countries. When that happens, yes, the hospitals then have extreme problem in treating other people with other illness.
You sound as though Covid is nothing – “the sniffles” you or someone like you called it in one comment. For some it is a very serious, horrible horrible illness that causes severe respiratory problems – people cannot breathe. For others, it is nothing, but those people need to understand that they can carry it to people who may get very sick and die.
You’re also very cavalier about 100,000 people dying. However, the worst case scenario is 2 million in the US alone dying. Stop playing this down and take it seriously. The quicker they can get a hold on this thing the sooner the economy can start to bounce back.
“230 deaths in 60 days in USA? Shouldn’t it be 23,000 already according to all experts? Can someone please explain it to me, because I am an idiot and all other derogatory names you call people like me, where is the exponential growth?”
> You have to be tested to be logged and tracked.
There are millions in the US who are infected but will not get tested or show enough symptoms to even know they have it. The major problem is people transmitting the virus while unaware they are infected. This puts people at great risk who have underlying medical conditions. It has gotten so bad in NYC, that they are now saying, just forget about testing, because it is pointless. The Virus is out of control.
> The major concern is the overwhelming of the health system. When doctors are working long hours under great stress, it put their bodies at risk. When they get infected by the virus, their body cannot defend against it, and they get very sick or die.
> The virus will come in waves over the next 18 months all around the world. As it looks to get under control, a new hot spot will form and start spreading again. All we are trying to do is slow it down to buy time to formulate a proper vaccination and treatment plan, produce more PPE gear for medical staff and soften the economic blow.
> Take your Vitamin D & Zinc because now is not a good time to be deficient. Get plenty of rest and eat quality foods. Try to remove stress from your life.
“You’re also very cavalier about 100,000 people dying. However, the worst case scenario is 2 million in the US alone dying.”
I didn’t write the previous post, but what a bunch of socially woke brow beating garbage from these “journalists”.
2 Million deaths in the USA alone.. WTF are you talking about????
CNS: This paper from Imperial College, London, was reportedly the one that finally convinced Trump that this was actually not a Democratic hoax. Impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) to reduce COVID-19 mortality and healthcare demand
The figure is actually 2.2M but that is without any controls at all. Sadly, there are still many people in the US (and apparently here) who still believe Trump’s initial BS and still think it’s a hoax. So although that worst case scenario probably won’t happen, the death rate may still be high in some areas.
Here is some more actual information. Look at this chart here from the World Economic Forum on how countries are faring with COVID-19 cases. See how South Korea flattened the curve because they took it very seriously right from the beginning, and how the US is on the same trajectory as Italy, which reported almost 800 deaths in a single day yesterday. Luckily, many leaders, especially state governors, are listening to facts and taking action, so hopefully they will stem the tide.
OK, back to your rant…
Anything can be the f*ing “worse case”! If we ran the world on ever damn worse case there is, civilization would cease to exist! You morons ARE the devastation.
There is no credible indication that this flu will or is likely cause these kinds of death rates. What they are saying is that is more contagious as such can affect more people as such can statistically get to more, vulnerable people that could get badly ill.
Every real expert is saying that thus far, just about all healthy persons without preexisting illnesses that could make them prone to getting very ill, are VERY unlikely to die from this, just like you are unlikely to die from the regular flu. The experts are saying that they expect the death rates to go DOWN significantly as they begin testing more people, which is what is happening. There people walking around with the Corona Flu perfectly fine, they just haven’t been tested.
Unless you are listening to sensationalists, or have new updated information, this is sensational horseshit.
Where are those figures? Please provide those from an authoritative valid source like the CDC, not to damn New York times.
CNS: So, I’m still not sure what you’re rant was about but the message is, take this seriously. It’s not just about the death rate, this is a nasty illness and while the elderly and people with underlying illness are always more susceptible, it’s now becoming clear that young healthy people can also get it. Yes, lots of people, about 80% is the current estimate, are asymptomatic but can spread the disease. Absolutely no one is debating this. But no one in the US is expecting the rate of illness or death to go down yet, except possibly on Fox and Friends; the efforts are to keep it as low as possible – flatten the curve.
So, there were 300 cases of respiratory problems that may have come into contact with infected visitors. We are a small population and our priority should be testing everyone, then we will truly know where we stand and be able to beat it.
We are, so far, quite fortunate. Spare a thought for those Italian hospitals where they no longer have spare capacity to properly count their dead. Germany and France all sleep-walking into the same scenario. UK, USA and Canada all in denial during key transmission weeks are heading in the same direction of Europe. India has tested a splash – just over 14,000 privileged – and isn’t even keeping track in wider community. Hopefully we can keep our numbers under some kind of control by isolating and watch with horror from a distance.
Tell me how fortunate you are in a month. Not talking about the virus.
Meantime elsewhere in the word:
-all attention is on COVID
-millions of people in need of medical care other than dying from the virus, not getting it anymore. As if dying from other causes due to lack of medical care is irrelevant
– nurses are reusing masks due to shortages
– COVID wards nurses not given full body protective gear.
– not only hospitality industry is affected. From barbers to dermatologists and ophthalmologist, from small retail shops to Amazon deliveries, all are either already or almost out of business.
– supermarkets still manage to restock shelved, but for how much longer?
If you didn’t believe in astrology you should now. It was predicted many years before that 2020 would leave a mark in history: life before 2020 and after.
With all that is going on in the world right now the lack of true leadership is the most tragic. All we see is knee jerk reactions. Nearsighted decisions are made. No one has a vision what is going to happen after the self inflicted Armageddon. No one put control on panic spreading, which should have been #1 order.
Panic sells.
Creating an isolationist community has its function but is only realistic short term. Pulling all the mangos from the mango tree doesn’t stop it flowering in the future.
Your comment is well understood across the board in all countries that have shut their borders.
yep great, – they also understand it can’t be a long term strategy as well. Straying from an onerous narrative with lateral thinking is acceptable, – at what point do you really want a way out
But what is the purpose of your comment? Constructive? Positive? Spirit lifting?
Interestingly, because Cayman is three small islands, we could possibly do something that none of the continents could – shut coronavirus down. We’d first have figure out who’s got it, isolate them and then keep others out for as long as possible. It could work, but we
Closing borders is well understood by all countries, states, provinces, etc in the world that have done this.
Vaccines or sufficient exposure to create herd immunity. Do you have any other ideas?
why does this island not go on full lockdown for the same 3 weeks that airport is closing
person are clearly not abiding by staying home
jobs are still having workers come in and work when they can work from home why only higher management and supervisors are being allowed to go home but yet lower staff still have to go into work
we all have a children and family we do not wish to expose to this
have a curfew from7pm to 5-6am no cars allowed on the road and those who found will be fined.
this is serious and not much people are treating it as such
Getting so tired of the fake-news-brainwashed proclaiming that young people are not or lesser affected, or incapable of being virus carriers, or that ours is some kind of “milder version”:
“Nearly 40 percent of people seriously sickened and hospitalized for coronavirus in the US are between the ages of 20 and 54, according to new CDC findings. And nearly half admitted to intensive care units were adults under 65. “Everyone should be paying attention to this,” an epidemiology prof at Columbia said”.
The entire island should lockdown for 2 weeks from now. No new cases after 2 weeks, great, we go back to regular life and keep the borders shut. Dragging this out will only make it worse.
You have to wait until all the students are back and the airport closes. I would be willing to be that some of these students have it, especially after travelling by air (not to mention that many refuse to practice social distancing because they’re too worried about missing out on their party time – the scenes and quotes from the kids on Florida beaches is a disgusting display of irresponsible selfishness).
Ultimately, before calling a local transmission all-clear, we will have to wait until all known and unknown existent cases fully resolve, which can be 5-6 weeks. The other problem is that every time the UK dispatches us to go on one of their imperial neighbourhood safaris, we need to reset that timer. We need to fully lock down our border, which means keeping the water-borne inter-island human traffic out too. That’s what JMU and ASU need to focus on for the people of these islands. This is not a drill.
Yep, the first students back are already out socialising. Do parents not realise they could get sick and DIE if the kids bring this back to the house, not to mention infecting others???
Bars should have closed sooner. Happy hour is going to be rammed tonight
49 people or less isn’t rammed and should allow for adequate spacing. However, I do agree that it’s irresponsible!
wait and see if mango tree will only have 49 people highly doubt it
See you there later
Sandbar and Crudo will be heaving. Best leave work early!
How does 64 – 38 = 7 remaining test results? How did we get to such a weird number when they are processed in batches of 20?
20 negative tests were announced earlier in the week… Tuesday I think???
So 40 tests remained to be checked.
Out of those, it was announced yesterday that 38 were negative and 2 were positive.
All 60 of those are being sent to CARPHA for further confirmation.
Then Dr. Lee announced that there were a further 7 tests now being ordered.
So the Math works!
The reason they are doing them in batches of 20 is because Dr. Lee said that was a workable number for the staff in the lab.
Is there no law that can force these people to be isolated?
Politicians are too worried about calling a session of the LA as there is no speaker or deputy speaker. What If another crosses over to the opposition?
A friend of mine sent me this link, and frankly, I have not seen a better summary on the virus. Everything is relative to something. Talking about a subject in isolation distort the picture. You have to compare.
See for yourself, literally see, not read, the colorful charts. Whoever created it deserves a medal for their work against panic. Yes, I use word “work”, not “fight”, because the word fight is so overused and it looks like all we do is fight against something or someone, never ending battle on hundreds fronts: fight against crime, hunger, war, teenage pregnancy, violence, disorders, corruption, injustice, drunk drivers, alcoholism, drugs, etc. And not a single battle was ever won.
Information is beautiful. Coronavirus Data Pack.
Share with as many people as you can.
How many Covid-19 related mortalities do you believe would have been caused without the virus?
That was a trick question. The answer is zero, or near enough to it. Doesn’t this tell you anything? We have a geometrically-growing infection and you choose to try to minimise it. I am being compromised by being in stay-home status, just like everyone else. I am losing money. It is the right thing to do.
There is emerging data (well, emerging since late January) that as much as 15% of those tested as positive, then weeks later tested as negative, were again tested and found to be positive for Covid-19. What is the outcome?? Yeah, I don’t know either.
This is a terrible thing for which we yet don’t know the consequences. Oh, I know, you like the pretty graph-of-the-moment, but the whole curve won’t be apparent for at least six months (if we are VERY lucky).
I’m against racism, but yeah, I see what you mean. It’s a losing battle, so I’ll just go ahead and stop objecting. In fact, I’ll just forget about speaking up when LGBT are being treated unfairly.. Not my problem. You see how ridiculous that sounds?
Battles aren’t WON, son, they are fought. Victories are won, and they happen piece by struggling piece. Don’t give up. Without all our individual efforts, we are lost.
In the words of the late, great George Carlin: “It’s gonna be hard on us, but we can’t lick it by being SOFT!”
Wishing those infected a speedy recovery. Also want to urge all and sundry to adhere to the measures outlined to minimize the impact of this pandemic.
its way more good news than bad news…. good news sells but who’s buying?
I’ll open the bidding at $5!
I still don’t understand… why take in the Italian cruise ship after Jamaica refused it?
The UK is not practising safe measures despite a high rate of cases. I just read about a concert that took place with thousands of people (Stereophonics). Now we have a huge plane of students coming from the UK….What’s next…just have all the world’s victims isolate on the island? Because that’s pretty much what is happening already.
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).
Read it.
Then read, International Convention on Safety of Life at Sea.
Our forefathers relied on these to stay alive.
That concert was in Wales and if you’ve met a Welshman or woman, you’d understand.
At the end of the day, when people can’t pay their rent, or mortgage or CUC/Water bills, they will at least able to say:
Thank God the government saved me from the sniffles!
I mean you also can’t pay your bills if you’re dead. This whole situation is a lot more serious than you may think.
It’s really embarrassing to see a moron like Seymour there as our Minister of Health. He knows nothing about anything other than Jamaican music and supposedly providing security services, using of course Jamaican workers. He is clueless about his job. Is this really the best we can do? He can’t even read a prepared script properly. So embarrassing.
We don’t get any better than Seymour. The best and brightest we can offer. SAD.
Totally in over his head like Donald Trump.
Miss seeing you at Press Conferences Wendy, hope you are Ok!
After the last plane lands and then takes off, government should lock us down for 14-21 days – shelter in place. In that time we will be able to figure out who has it and who doesn’t. Isolate those who have until they no longer test positive. Those who don’t can then go about their business – restaurants can open, people can gather, gyms can open. Keep the airports and ports closed and don’t open them until the imminent danger has passed – even if it is for a long time. Allow people to leave the island, but not return unless they and their entire household go through mandatory quarantine for 14 days. Maybe the hotels can be used for this. Yes, tourism is down the drain, but there is not going to be much of that until this virus passes anyway. In the meantime, the financial services industry could get back to work (and maybe more functional than places like New York and London) and building can continue, keeping people employed. If people are going stir crazy not being off the island, do staycation deals on all thre island and allow inter-island travel. Yes, it’s not going to be fun for 14-21 days, but after that Cayman will better than most places in the world and we can feel at least a sense of safety.
Dr Lee. You are not just a star, absolute professional and your kind, understanding, calmness, down to earth stature and personality resonates. Thank you for being here. Wow!!
No kidding. Dr Lee for Premier.
Frankly I am disappointed with his responses which always seems that he cannot speak for this hospital or that. What is the role of the Chief Medical Officer if not to do just that …
Then makes a comment that he saw people elbow pumping and thought oh they listening. Well he better start acting himself in accordance with the guidance. UGH!
Perhaps Alden McLaughlin should follow the rules too!! Coughing and spluttering on TV briefing today, didn’t even cover his moutuabd not a tissue in sight! Disgusting! And Governor sat next to him and they both laughing about it. The guy that gave him the glass of water had been in previous press conference wiping his nose with his fingers and him and Lewis wiping their mouths with their hands! Should be ashamed of themselves! Go isolate yourselves!
Much afraid that the doctors here are out of their league never having dealt with a pandemic before. ALL persons regardless of travel history who are experiencing ANY respiratory illness signs should be tested.
7.03pm Perhaps you can help us by locating a team of doctors who have experienced a previous pandemic, but that might be difficult as it was in 1920.
No one is prepared for this. Prevention through isolation seems to be the best and only way at beating it.
So pissed off that our government isn’t doing more to insure returning students are quarantined! My god, the honor system with uni kids, it will not work. They are already out in the community. Parents are telling me that their returning students visit friends, go to the grocery store, go to house parties, are at the beach etc. Everything we have done to date was a flipping waste of time and money. There need to be some type of tracking, and serious fines for violating.
These kids are partying and socializing like crazy. Have seen with my own eyes. I was young once too and I was an idiot. These uni kids are also idiots and you are correct the government should have special rules for them given the special provisions made to bring them back. If more of this spreads from these kids I don’t want to hear anyone blaming foreigners anymore. They’re our kids…acting like fools
I would like to hear anthony eden repeat his message about the gay people and this virus.
He does not have the guts.
What incoherence is this? Please explain.
If you think their is a god doing all these miserable things to the world, then why bother to do something about it.
Religious fundamentalists like eden are taking the motivation away to act.
God is going to get his will done anyway, so why would I isolate myself ?
That is the mindset of his voters. In the end they will kill us with their stupidity.
There is no need for this right now..there will be a time..for now let’s try to look out for each other and set these things aside..strife never helped anyone..
Were they in direct contact with the Heart Attack patient on Life Support from the Cruise ship who was infected whilst at Health City and died? More details, please.
Uhhhh duhhh
I think most people are assuming that it exists undiagnosed in our community, similar to the rest of the world.
Eventually this is likely going to go through 20 to 60% of the population globally. “Flattening the curve” will only work is extensive suppression/isolation continues until a vaccine is developed. Once we are released from isolation/confinement/distancing, infection incidences will surge.
Not necessarily.
But if we lockdown for a couple of weeks we can stamp it out here and be safe.
Until you open your borders
Until next wave.
Sorry but what help is being given to residents returning? Just returned from Miami for medical appointments and given a piece of paper and told I have to self isolate along with anyone else in my household. How do I pay bills do grocery shopping get medication.? I don’t want to risk getting the virus myself as my immune system is compromised or passing it on t o anyone else but I don’t see any help at all unless you are a returning student. And I am glad to see the govt helping some people financially but there are a lot of Caymanians in the watersports industry including small business owners who now find themselves with no income during what should be the busiest time of the year. This will impact them for the whole year. Where is the financial help for them?
Sorry but I really don’t see where it’s governments job to bail anyone out. Ok maybe not everyone but hey, if you run and have been running a business for years do you really have no money saved? Of course not in cayman. I say make the people figure it out themselves for once. Year round people can’t follow the law with regards to this and that, squander their money, then when all of a sudden there is a emergency it’s the government’s job to bail you out? No. I say no. Go catch a chicken or iguana and eat that. Wash it down with some sea water. Maybe you’ll lose some weight. Look at the benefits.
That person is seriously sick. There’s a saying: Never count money in someone else’s pocket.
If a government (any government) limits my liberty and freedom they have obligations to feed and house me.
About savings. A close friend of mine, late 30s, had 100k in savings when he had to quit job due to health reasons. He used up his sick leave, vacation, LWP, but still wasn’t properly diagnosed and couldn’t work. His employer was generous, they kept him on company’ insurance at no cost to him for 3 more months. He returned to his home country hoping he would get better, but in 2 years decided to apply for disability benefits for his health didn’t improve. It took another 3 years of jumping through many denials and waiting for the trial. It took 90 days for a judge to make a decision. He was awarded disability benefits 3 months before he completely run out of money. He literally run out of money 10 days before he got his back pay. Because living in a foreign country and paying no SS taxes (not required), his monthly disability payments are not enough to cover rent. He is receiving food assistance from the state.
There’s a saying: no one is spared from poverty and a jail. Today you are on a white horse, tomorrow life could dramatically change. Express gratitude daily if you are healthy, for it is the most valuable thing.
“His employer was generous, they kept him on company’ insurance at no cost to him for 3 more months”
That’s not generous, that’s the law.
Law does not put onus to pay on the employer.
Pay your bills online, get a friend to shop for you for the the next few weeks. Do your part for the community. Follow what the piece of paper says!
Have you been in a cave? We are all Financially screwed!
Not me bobo. I live within my means.
Stop whining and put on your big-boy pants.
You like to brag about your ‘tax free’ status and your lack of income tax at source. Now you will understand that paying into the pot helps far more people than just taking from it.
The failure of these islands to recognise the hardship that will befall the population because of a lack of social funding from central taxation will be stark and brutal, mostly against those who need support due to illness, unemployment and old age.
We pay taxes Bobo.
Given our governments live of spending money do you honestly think that if we had all been paying income tax any of it would still be there or invested in the health system or even in reducing our debt? Would have been frittered away – lots more trips, a few more government departments for doing things to employ friends of Alden, some very expensive buildings – hell, probably even a cruise ship pier or 2.
As of 6 p.m. Thursday there are 432 positive cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) in Florida. 393 of the cases are Florida residents, 39 of them are non-Florida residents. There are nine total deaths in Florida, up from eight Thursday morning.
Statewide numbers:
Total number of cases: 432 (up from 390)
Number of Florida residents: 393 (up from 360)
Number of non-Florida residents: 39 (up from 30)
Southwest Florida numbers
Total number of cases: 30
Lee County: 11 (unchanged)
Collier County: 18 (unchanged)
Charlotte County: 1 (unchanged)
Glades County: 0
Hendry County: 0
There have been 2,942 total tests administered in the state of Florida, with 390 positive tests. 1,533 tests have come back negative, and the remainder are pending as of Thursday morning
Yet people returning wednesday from Florida were not told to isolate. Those returning Thursday were. Huh?
Copy and paster!
For you information.
SWFL case breakdown:
COLLIER county – 18 cases:
30-year-old woman, traveled to Spain
66-year-old man, traveled to France, Italy, Spain
33-year-old man, traveled to Spain
26-year-old man, traveled to France, Italy, Spain
47-year-old man, traveled to France, Italy, Spain
82-year-old man, no travel
31-year-old woman, traveled to Egypt
59-year-old man, traveled to Japan
77-year-old man, no travel – no contact
49-year-old woman, no travel – no contact
76-year-old man, traveled to NY – contact with known case
28-year-old man, traveled to Italy
73-year-old man, traveled to Egypt
68-year-old woman, traveled to Egypt
64-year-old woman, traveled to Egypt
64-year-old man, traveled to FL/HI – non-FL resident
79-year-old woman, traveled to CT – non-FL resident
LEE county – 11 cases:
80-year-old man, no travel – unknown if contact
69-year-old man, no travel – unknown if contact
79-year-old man, no travel – contact with known case
67-year-old man, no travel – no contact
66-year-old man, traveled to Colombia and Ecuador
72-year-old woman, travel unknown
77-year-old man (deceased), no travel. Visited the Immokalee casino 10 days before his death. Had Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD )
77-year-old woman (deceased), traveled to Dominican Republic
77-year-old man, traveled to Dominican Republic
65-year-old woman, unknown travel, non-FL resident
57-year-old man, traveled to FL, France, UK – non-FL resident
CHARLOTTE county – 1 case:
54-year-old woman, traveled to Egypt and Israel
That gives me a better perspective on the virus.
Wishing the two staff a very speedy recovery. Glad they have been in isolation throughout and glad that their symptoms were mild. Kudos on HCCI on being proactive about this as soon as they knew that the original patient was positive for COVID-19.
Kudos to HCCI who didn’t treat a sick Italian off a cruise ship that had already been refused entry to Jamaica as a potential CV case and had to shut their hospital down? If you say so.